
Defines functions prepare_df_plot

Documented in prepare_df_plot

#' Generic Function to Prepare TB Burden Data for Plotting
#' @description This function is used internally by \code{\link[getTBinR]{plot_tb_burden}}
#' and \code{\link[getTBinR]{plot_tb_burden_overview}} to prepare data for plotting.
#' @param df Dataframe of TB burden data, as sourced by \code{\link[getTBinR]{get_tb_burden}}.
#' If not specified then will source the WHO TB burden data, either locally if available
#' or directly from the WHO (if \code{download_data = TRUE}).
#' @param countries A character string specifying the countries to target.
#' @param years Numeric vector of years. Defaults to \code{NULL} which includes all years in the data.
#' @param metric Character string specifying the metric to plot
#' @param metric_label Character string specifying the metric label to use.
#' @param facet Character string, the name of the variable to facet by.
#' @param annual_change Logical, defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} then the
#' percentage annual change is computed for the specified metric.
#' @param trans A character string specifying the transform to use on the specified metric. Defaults to no
#' transform ("identity"). Other options include log scaling ("log") and log base 10 scaling
#' ("log10"). For a complete list of options see \code{ggplot2::continous_scale}.
#' @param compare_to_region Logical, defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} all
#' countries that share a region with those listed in \code{countries} will be plotted.
#' Note that this will override settings for \code{facet}, unless it is set to "country".
#' @param conf Character vector specifying the name variations to use to specify the upper
#' and lower confidence intervals. Defaults to \code{NULL} for which no confidence intervals
#' are used. Used by \code{annual_change}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[getTBinR]{get_tb_burden}}.
#' @inheritParams get_tb_burden
#' @inheritParams search_data_dict
#' @import magrittr
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange_at mutate mutate_at pull lag group_by ungroup arrange slice
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @seealso plot_tb_burden plot_tb_burden_overview
#' @return A list containing 3 elements, the dataframe to plot, the facet to use and
#' the label to assign to the metric axis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prepare_df_plot(countries = "Guinea")
prepare_df_plot <- function(df = NULL,
                            dict = NULL,
                            metric = "e_inc_100k",
                            conf = NULL,
                            metric_label = NULL,
                            countries = NULL,
                            years = NULL,
                            compare_to_region = FALSE,
                            facet = NULL,
                            annual_change = FALSE,
                            trans = "identity",
                            download_data = TRUE, save = TRUE,
                            verbose = FALSE,
                            ...) {
  country <- NULL
  year <- NULL
  g_whoregion <- NULL

  if (is.null(df)) {
    df <- get_tb_burden(
      download_data = download_data,
      save = save,
      verbose = verbose, ...

  if (is.null(countries)) {
    country_sample <- unique(df$country)

    df_filt <- df
  } else {
    country_sample <- countries

    df_filt <- df %>%
      dplyr::filter(country %in% country_sample)

    if (length(unique(df_filt$country)) != length(countries)) {
      country_matches <- map(countries, ~ grep(., df$country, fixed = FALSE))
      country_matches <- unlist(country_matches)

      df_filt <- df[country_matches, ]

  if (compare_to_region) {
    if (!(facet %in% "country") || is.null(facet)) {
      facet <- "g_whoregion"

    df_filt <- df %>%
      filter(g_whoregion %in% unique(df_filt$g_whoregion))

  ## Override data names with fuzzy matching uers supplied names.
  if (!is.null(countries)) {
    for (i in countries) {
      df_filt$country <- ifelse(grepl(i, df_filt$country, fixed = FALSE), i, df_filt$country)

  if (is.null(metric_label)) {
    metric_label <- search_data_dict(
      var = metric,
      dict = dict,
      download_data = download_data,
      save = save,
      verbose = verbose

    if (is.null(metric_label)) {
      metric_label <- metric
    } else {
      metric_label <- metric_label$definition

  if (annual_change) {
    metrics <- metric

    if (!is.null(conf)) {
      metrics <- c(metrics, paste0(metric, conf))

    . <- NULL

    df_filt <- df_filt %>%
      group_by(country) %>%
      mutate_at(.vars = metrics, .funs = list(~ (. - lag(.)) / lag(.))) %>%
      arrange(year) %>%
      slice(-1) %>%

    metric_label <- paste0("Percentage annual change: ", metric_label)

  if (trans != "identity") {
    metric_label <- paste0(metric_label, " (", trans, ")")

  `:=` <- NULL

  df_filt <- df_filt %>%
    mutate(!!metric_label := df_filt[[metric]]) %>%
    mutate(country = country %>%
      factor(levels = df_filt %>%
        arrange_at(.vars = metric) %>%
        pull(country) %>%
        unique())) %>%
    mutate(Year = year)

  ## Filter for require years
  if (!is.null(years)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Filtering to use only data from: ", paste(years, collapse = ", "))
    df_filt <- filter(df_filt, year %in% years)

  df_prep_list <- list(df_filt, facet, metric_label)
  names(df_prep_list) <- c("df", "facet", "metric_label")


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getTBinR documentation built on July 2, 2020, 12:31 a.m.