
Defines functions setup_font

Documented in setup_font

#' @title Setup a font to be used in Shiny or Markdown
#' @description This function will download the specified font into a directory of your project
#'  and generate CSS code to use it in a Shiny application or RMarkdown document.
#' @param id Id of the font, correspond to column \code{id} from \code{\link{get_all_fonts}}.
#' @param output_dir Output directory where to save font and CSS files. Must be a directory.
#' @param variants Variant(s) to download, default is to includes all available ones.
#' @param subsets Subsets to download.
#' @param prefer_local_source Generate CSS font-face rules in which user installed fonts are
#'     preferred. Use \code{FALSE} if you want to force the use of the downloaded font.
#' @param browser_support Browser to support, choose \code{"best"} to support
#'     old browser or \code{"modern"} for only recent ones.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{crul::HttpClient$new}.
#' @note Two directories will be created (if they do not exist)
#'  in the \code{output_dir} specified: \strong{fonts/} and \strong{css/}.
#' @return None.
#' @export
#' @importFrom crayon bold green red
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # For example, we use a temporary directory
#' path_to_www <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_to_www)
#' # In a Shiny app, you can use the www/ directory
#' # in Markdown, use a subfolder of your Rmd directory
#' setup_font(
#'   id = "open-sans-condensed",
#'   output_dir = path_to_www
#' )
#' # Clean up
#' unlink(path_to_www, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
setup_font <- function(id,
                       variants = NULL,
                       subsets = NULL,
                       prefer_local_source = TRUE,
                       browser_support = c("best", "modern"),
                       ...) {
  browser_support <- match.arg(browser_support)
  output_dir <- normalizePath(path = output_dir, mustWork = TRUE)
  dir_info <- file.info(output_dir)
  if (isFALSE(dir_info$isdir))
    stop("setup_font: output_dir must be a directory!", call. = FALSE)

  font_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "fonts")
  if (!dir.exists(paths = font_dir))
    dir.create(path = font_dir)
  css_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "css")
  if (!dir.exists(paths = css_dir))
    dir.create(path = css_dir)

  formats <- if (identical(browser_support, "modern")) {
    id = id,
    output_dir = font_dir,
    variants = variants,
    subsets = subsets,
    formats = formats,
    http_options = list(...)
  cat(crayon::bold(crayon::green("\u2713")), "Font files downloaded!\n")

    id = id,
    variants = variants,
    subsets = subsets,
    output = file.path(css_dir, paste0(id, ".css")),
    font_dir = "../fonts/",
    prefer_local_source = prefer_local_source,
    browser_support = browser_support,
  cat(crayon::bold(crayon::green("\u2713")), "CSS file generated!\n")

  path_to_css <- file.path(basename(output_dir), "css", paste0(id, ".css"))
    glue::glue("Please use `use_font(\"{id}\", \"{path_to_css}\")` to import the font in Shiny or Markdown.")

Try the gfonts package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gfonts documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 1:25 a.m.