
if (helper_skip()) {

  context("Test pmx options")

  test_that("can get pmx options", {
    pmxOptions(template_dir = "/home/agstudy")
    default_options <- pmxOptions()
    expect_identical(default_options$template_dir, "/home/agstudy")

  test_that("getPmxOption params result: NULL", {

  test_that("can set option", {
    pmxOptions(myOption = 10L)
    expect_identical(getPmxOption("myOption"), 10L)

  test_that("can set option", {
    pmxOptions(myOption = 1L)
    expect_identical(getPmxOption("myOption"), 1L)

  test_that("getPmxOption params result: options name", {
    get_opt <- getPmxOption("myOpt")

  test_that("getPmxOption params result: options name must be a string", {

  test_that("getPmxOption params: NULL", {

  test_that("pmxOptions result: identical names", {
    expect_true(all(c("template_dir", "myOption") %in% names(pmxOptions())))

  test_that("checkPmxOption params: value, pmxname, default result: identical name", {
    pmxOptions(myOption = 10L)
    expect_identical(checkPmxOption("myOption"), "myOption")

  test_that("pmxOptions result: identical inherits", {
    expect_true(inherits(pmxOptions(), "list"))

  test_that("pmxOptions params: template_dir result:  identical name", {
    pmxO <- pmxOptions(template_dir = "myOption")
    expect_equal(names(pmxO), "template_dir")

  test_that("pmxOptions result: identical inherits", {
    pmxOptions(myOption = 10L)
    expect_true(inherits(getPmxOption("myOption"), "integer"))

  test_that("pmxOptions params:NULL result: error ", {

  test_that("checkPmxOption params: NULL result: error missing arguments", {

  test_that("checkPmxOption params:pmxname, value = NULL result: error set a NULL argument or
          global myOption option", {
            expect_error(checkPmxOption(value = NULL, "myOption"))

  test_that("checkPmxOption params: NULL result: identical inherits", {
    expect_true(inherits(checkPmxOption("myOption"), "character"))

  test_that("checkPmxOption params: pmxname, default result: identical inherits", {
    default_options <- pmxOptions(template_dir = "/home/agstudy")
    expect_true(inherits(checkPmxOption("myOption", default = default_options), "character"))

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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.