
Defines functions `+.ggbrain_images` summary.ggbrain_images

#' @title R6 class for compiling images to render in ggplot
#' @details 
#'   Note that this class is exported only for power users and rarely needs to be called directly
#'     in typical use of the package. Instead, look at images().
#' @importFrom RNifti voxelToWorld readNifti niftiHeader
#' @importFrom rlang flatten
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows group_by group_split distinct mutate select n anti_join
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_character assert_file_exists assert_logical assert_subset test_atomic
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tibble remove_rownames
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom imager as.cimg as.pixset split_connected
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return a `ggbrain_images` R6 class containing fields related to a set of NIfTI images imported into R
#' @export
ggbrain_images <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "ggbrain_images",
  private = list(
    pvt_imgs = list(), # image data
    pvt_img_labels = list(), # list of data.frames containing labels for a label image
    pvt_img_names = NULL, # names of images
    pvt_img_volumes = list(), # list of volumes to be read for each image (for now, should be scalar)
    pvt_dims = NULL, # x, y, z extent
    pvt_zero_tol = 1e-6, # threshold for what constitutes a non-zero voxel
    pvt_nz_range = NULL, # the range of slices in x, y, and z that contain non-zero voxels
    pvt_slices = NULL, # allows caching of slices for + approach
    pvt_contrasts = NULL, # allows caching of contrasts for + approach

    set_images = function(images = NULL, volumes = NULL) {
      if (is.null(images)) return(NULL) # skip out
      if (is.null(volumes)) volumes <- 1L # just read first volume as default

      # for now, enforce that volumes applies to all elements of images
      checkmate::assert_integerish(volumes, len=1L, lower=1L)

      if (checkmate::test_character(images)) {
        if (is.null(names(images))) {
            "The images vector does not contain any names. ",
            "This may lead to weird behaviors downstream if 'underlay' and 'overlay' are requested."
          names(images) <- make.unique(basename(images))
        } else if (any(names(images) == "")) {
          which_empty <- names(images) == ""
          names(images)[which_empty] <- make.unique(basename(images[which_empty]))

        img_list <- sapply(images, function(ff) {
          img <- RNifti::readNifti(ff, volumes = volumes)

          # round very small values to zero
          if (!is.null(private$pvt_zero_tol) && private$pvt_zero_tol > 0) {
            img[img > -1 * private$pvt_zero_tol & img < private$pvt_zero_tol] <- 0

        }, simplify = FALSE)
      } else if (checkmate::test_list(images)) {
        checkmate::assert_named(images, type = "unique") # unique names
        sapply(images, function(x) checkmate::assert_class(x, "niftiImage") ) # enforce RNifti objects
        img_list <- images

      img_dims <- cbind(sapply(img_list, dim), extant=private$pvt_dims) # xyz x images matrix augmented by stored dims
      dim_match <- apply(img_dims, 1, function(row) {
        length(unique(row)) == 1L

      if (!all(dim_match)) {
        stop("Image dimensions do not match one another")
      } else {
        private$pvt_dims <- img_dims[, 1]

      private$pvt_imgs[names(img_list)] <- img_list
      private$pvt_img_volumes[names(img_list)] <- volumes
      private$pvt_img_names <- names(private$pvt_imgs)
      private$pvt_nz_range <- self$get_nz_indices()
  active = list(
    #' @field zero_tol the (positive) numeric value that should be treated as indistinguishable from zero.
    #'   This value is used to set small values in the images to exactly zero for proper masking. Default 1e-6
    zero_tol = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_number(value, lower=0) # force positive number
        private$pvt_zero_tol <- value
    #' @field slices a character vector of cached slice specifications to be used in $get_slices()
    slices = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_character(value) # probably need better validation...
        private$pvt_slices <- value
    #' @field contrasts a character vector of cached contrast specifications to be used in $get_slices()
    contrasts = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_character(value) # probably need better validation...
        private$pvt_contrasts <- value
  public = list(
    #' @description create ggbrain_images object consisting of one or more NIfTI images
    #' @param images a character vector of file names containing NIfTI images to read
    #' @param volumes the volumes to be read from each element of \code{images}. By default, this is 1, in which case the first volume is
    #'   used, which is appropriate for all 3-D images. For 4-D images, \code{volumes} gives you more flexibility over the volume to display.
    #' @param labels A named list of data.frames with labels that map to values in the integer-valued/atlas elements of \code{images}. If
    #'   a single data.frame is passed, it will be accepted if only a single image is passed, too. These are then assumed to correspond
    #' @param filter A named list of filter expressions to be applied to particular images. The names of the list correspond to the names
    #'   of the \code{images} provided. Each element of the list can either be a character vector denoting a filtering expression
    #'   (e.g., \code{'value < 100'}) or a numeric vector denoting values of the image that should be retained (e.g., \code{c(5, 10, 12)}).
    initialize = function(images = NULL, volumes = NULL, labels = NULL, filter = NULL) {
      private$set_images(images, volumes)
      if (!is.null(labels)) {
        # if user provides a data.frame as label input, this works in the case of a single image, which is assumed to correspond
        if (checkmate::test_data_frame(labels) && length(images) == 1L) {
          labels <- list(labels) %>% setNames(self$get_image_names())
        checkmate::assert_list(labels, names = "unique")
        do.call(self$add_labels, labels)

        # retain filter as a named list matching the input image if a single image is provided
        if (!is.null(filter)) {
          if (!is.list(filter) && length(images) == 1L) {
            filter <- list(filter) %>% setNames(names(images))
          } else {
            checkmate::assert_list(filter, names = "unique")
            checkmate::assert_subset(names(filter), names(images))


    #' @description method to add another ggbrain_images object to this one
    #' @param obj the ggbrain_images object to combine with this one
    add = function(obj) {
      checkmate::assert_class(obj, "ggbrain_images")
      # nothing to add
      if (is.null(obj$get_image_names())) {
      } else if (!is.null(self$get_image_names()) && !identical(obj$dim(), self$dim())) {
        stop(glue::glue("Dimensions of existing object ({paste(self$dim(), collapse=',')})",
                  "do not match object to add ({paste(obj$dim(), collapse=',')})"))

      if (!identical(obj$zero_tol, self$zero_tol)) {
        new_tol <- min(obj$zero_tol, self$zero_tol)
        message(glue::glue("Using lesser of zero tolerances ({new_tol}) in combined object"))
        self$zero_tol <- new_tol

      # add any slice specifications from other object

      # get image list (list of Niftis) of object to be added

      # use do.call to build a named ... list of arguments
      do.call(self$add_labels, obj$get_labels())

      # pvt_img_labels = list(), # list of data.frames containing labels for a label image

    #' @description add a labels data.frame that connects an integer-valued image with a set of labels
    #' @param ... named arguments containing data.frame objects for each image to be labeled. The argument name should
    #'   match the image name to be labeled and the value should be a data.frame containing \code{value} and \code{label}.
    #' @details
    #'   As a result of $add_labels, the $get_slices method will always remap the numeric values for label images to the corresponding
    #'   text-based labels in the label data. In addition, a new attribute will be returned called "slice_labels" that contains
    #'   a row for each region represented in each slice.
    add_labels = function(...) {
      label_args <- list(...)

      # return unchanged object if no input labels found
      if (is.null(label_args) || length(label_args) == 0L) return(self)
      label_names <- names(label_args)
      if (is.null(label_names) || any(label_names == "")) {
        stop("All arguments must be named, with the name referring to the image to be labeled.")

      # all label arguments must match an image name
      checkmate::assert_subset(label_names, private$pvt_img_names)
      sapply(label_args, function(x) checkmate::assert_data_frame(x) )
      sapply(label_args, function(x) checkmate::assert_subset("value", names(x)))

      for (x in seq_along(label_args)) {
        cur_vals <- private$pvt_img_labels[[ label_names[x] ]]
        if (!is.null(cur_vals)) {
          message(glue::glue("Image {label_names[x]} has labels, which will replaced"))

        # encode label columns for each input data.frame -- only character and factor/ordered allowed
        col_classes <- sapply(label_args[[x]], function(v) inherits(v, c("character", "ordered", "factor")))
        attr(label_args[[x]], "label_columns") <- names(label_args[[x]][col_classes])

        private$pvt_img_labels[[ label_names[x] ]] <- label_args[[x]]


    #' @description add one or more images to this ggbrain_images object
    #' @param images a character vector of file names containing NIfTI images to read
    #' @param volumes a number indicating the volume within the \code{images} to read. At present, this must
    #'   be a single number -- perhaps in the future, it could be a vector so that many timepoints in a 4-D image could
    #'   be displayed.
    add_images = function(images = NULL, volumes=NULL) {
      private$set_images(images, volumes)

    #' @description filters an image based on an expression such as a subsetting operation
    #' @param filter a character string or numeric vector of the filter to apply
    #' @details if expr is a numeric vector, only values in this set will be retained. If a character
    #'   string expression is used, it should use the variable name \code{'value'} to refer to the numeric
    #'   values to be filtered, such as \code{'value > 10'}.
    filter_images = function(filter = NULL) {
      checkmate::assert_named(filter, type="unique")
      if (checkmate::test_list(filter)) {
        checkmate::assert_subset(names(filter), private$pvt_img_names)
      } else if (checkmate::test_character(filter)) {
        filter <- as.list(filter)

      for (ii in seq_along(filter)) {
        img_name <- names(filter)[ii]

        # image to modify
        value <- private$pvt_imgs[[img_name]]

        # supports a list at the image level, in which case multiple filters are applied to a single image
        if (checkmate::test_atomic(class(filter[[ii]]))) {
          f_ii <- list(filter[[ii]]) # create single element list
        } else {
          f_ii <- filter[[ii]]

        # each image can have multiple filters
        for (jj in seq_along(f_ii)) {
          expr <- f_ii[[jj]]

          if (checkmate::test_character(expr)) {
            value[eval(parse(text = paste("!(", expr, ")")))] <- 0
          } else if (checkmate::test_numeric(expr)) {
            value[!value %in% expr] <- 0

        private$pvt_imgs[[img_name]] <- value


    #' @description return the 3D dimensions of the images contained in this object
    dim = function() {

    #' @description return the names of the images contained in this object
    get_image_names = function() {

    #' @description return the RNifti objects of one or more images contained in this object
    #' @param img_names The names of images to return. Use \code{$get_image_names()} if you're uncertain
    #'   about what is available.
    #' @param drop If TRUE, a single image is returned as an RNifti object, rather than a single-element list
    #'   containing that object.
    get_images = function(img_names = NULL, drop = TRUE) {
      checkmate::assert_logical(drop, len=1L)
      if (is.null(img_names)) {
        ret <- private$pvt_imgs
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_subset(img_names, private$pvt_img_names)
        ret <- private$pvt_imgs[img_names]

      if (length(ret) == 1L && isTRUE(drop)) {
        ret <- ret[[1L]] # unlist


    #' @description return the NIfTI headers for one or more images contained in this object
    #' @param img_names The names of images whose header are returned. Use \code{$get_image_names()} if you're uncertain
    #'   about what is available.
    #' @param drop If TRUE, a single header is returned as an niftiHeader object, rather than a single-element list
    #'   containing that object.
    get_headers = function(img_names = NULL, drop = TRUE) {
      checkmate::assert_logical(drop, len=1L)
      if (is.null(img_names)) {
        ret <- private$pvt_imgs
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_subset(img_names, private$pvt_img_names)
        ret <- private$pvt_imgs[img_names]

      ret <- sapply(ret, RNifti::niftiHeader, simplify=FALSE)

      if (length(ret) == 1L && isTRUE(drop)) {
        ret <- ret[[1L]] # unlist


    #' @description method for removing one or more images from the ggbrain_images object
    #' @param img_names names of images to remove from object
    remove_images = function(img_names) {
      good_imgs <- intersect(private$pvt_img_names, img_names)
      bad_imgs <- setdiff(img_names, private$pvt_img_names)

      if (length(good_imgs) > 0L) {
        message(glue::glue("Removing images: {paste(good_imgs, collapse=', ')}"))
        private$pvt_imgs[good_imgs] <- NULL

      if (length(bad_imgs) > 0L) {
        warning(glue::glue("Could not find these images to remove: {paste(bad_imgs, collapse=', ')}"))


    #' @description winsorize the tails of a set of images to pull in extreme values
    #' @param img_names The names of images in the ggbrain_images object to be winsorized
    #' @param quantiles The lower and upper quantiles used to define the thresholds for winsorizing.
    winsorize_images = function(img_names, quantiles = c(.001, .999)) {
      checkmate::assert_numeric(quantiles, lower = 0, upper = 1, len = 2)
      stopifnot(quantiles[1] < quantiles[2])
      checkmate::assert_subset(img_names, private$pvt_img_names)
      private$pvt_imgs[img_names] <- lapply(private$pvt_imgs[img_names], function(img) {
        if (quantiles[1] > 0) {
          lthresh <- quantile(img[img > 0], quantiles[1])
          img[img < lthresh & img > 0] <- lthresh

        if (quantiles[2] < 1) {
          uthresh <- quantile(img[img > 0], quantiles[2])
          img[img > uthresh] <- uthresh


    #' @description method to set values less than \code{threshold} to NA
    #' @param img_names The names of images in the ggbrain_images object whose values should be set to NA
    #' @param threshold The threshold value whose absolute value used to determine which voxels to set to NA.
    #'   If \code{NULL}, use the pvt_zero_tol field (default 1e-6).
    na_images = function(img_names, threshold = NULL) {
      if (is.null(img_names) || length(img_names) == 0L) return(self) #nothing to do
      if (is.null(threshold)) {
        threshold <- private$pvt_zero_tol

      private$pvt_imgs[img_names] <- lapply(private$pvt_imgs[img_names], function(img) {
        img[abs(img) < threshold] <- NA


    #' @description print a summary of the ggbrain_images object
    summary = function() {
      cat("\nImage dimensions:\n")
      cat("\nImages in object:\n")

    #' @description return the indices of non-zero voxels
    #' @param img_names The names of images in the ggbrain_images object whose non-zero indices should be looked up
    #' @details Note that this function looks for non-zero voxels in any of the images specified by \code{img_names}.
    get_nz_indices = function(img_names = NULL) {
      if (is.null(img_names)) {
        if (!is.null(private$pvt_nz_range)) {
          return(private$pvt_nz_range) # return pre-cached dims (reflects all images), if available
        } else {
          img_names <- private$pvt_img_names
      } else {
        checkmate::assert_subset(img_names, private$pvt_img_names)

      # find voxels in each image that are different from zero
      img_nz <- lapply(private$pvt_imgs[img_names], function(img) {
        abs(img) > private$pvt_zero_tol

      # elementwise logical and of nz voxels in images list
      # img_all <- Reduce("&", img_nz)
      # sum(img_all)

      img_any <- Reduce("|", img_nz)

      nz_pos <- which(img_any == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)

      # get indices in i, j, k that are non-zero across the images of interest
      lapply(1:3, function(j) {
        range(nz_pos[, j])
      }) %>% setNames(c("i", "j", "k"))

    #' @description adds one or more slices to the cached slices that will be retrieved by
    #'   $get_slices() when no \code{slices} argument is passed.
    #' @param slices a character vector containing one or more slices to be extracted by \code{$get_slices}.
    #'   Uses the syntax `"<xyz>=<number>"`. Example: `c("x=10", "y=50%")`
    add_slices = function(slices = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(slices)) {
        private$pvt_slices <- c(private$pvt_slices, slices)

    #' @description adds one or more contrasts to the cached contrasts that will be retrieved by
    #'   $get_slices() when no \code{contrasts} argument is passed.
    #' @param contrasts a character vector containing one or more contrasts to be extracted by \code{$get_slices}.
    #'   Uses the syntax `"<img_name>[subset_expression] + <img_name>"`.
    add_contrasts = function(contrasts = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
        private$pvt_contrasts <- c(private$pvt_contrasts, contrasts)

    #' @description remove all cached slice settings
    reset_slices = function() {
      private$pvt_slices <- NULL

    #' @description get slice data for one or more slices based on their coordinates
    #' @param slices a vector of slice positions
    #' @param img_names a character vector of images contained in the ggbrain_images object to be sliced
    #' @param contrasts a named character vector of contrasts to be calculated for each slice
    #' @param fill_labels if TRUE, the numeric value of the image will be used for any value that does not
    #'   have a corresponding label in the labels data.frame. Default: FALSE
    #' @param make_square If TRUE, make all images square and of the same size
    #' @param remove_null_space If TRUE, remove slices where all values are approximately zero
    #' @details This function always returns a data.frame where each row represents a slice requested
    #'   by the user. The $slice_data element is a list-column where each element is itself a list
    #'   of slice data for a given layer/image (e.g., underlay or overlay) . The $slice_matrix
    #'   is a list-column where each element is a list of 2-D matrices, one per layer/image.
    #'  @return a ggbrain_slices object containing the requested slices and contrasts
    get_slices = function(slices = NULL, img_names = NULL, contrasts = NULL, fill_labels = FALSE,
      make_square = TRUE, remove_null_space = TRUE) {

      if (is.null(slices)) {
        if (!is.null(private$pvt_slices)) {
          slices <- private$pvt_slices # use cached slice settings
        } else {
          stop("No slices have been provided and none are in the $slices field. Cannot determine what to extract.")

      if (is.null(contrasts) && !is.null(private$pvt_contrasts)) {
          contrasts <- private$pvt_contrasts # use cached contrast settings

      slice_df <- self$lookup_slices(slices) # defaults to ignoring null space
      all_img_names <- self$get_image_names()
      if (!is.null(img_names)) {
        checkmate::assert_subset(img_names, all_img_names)
      } else {
        img_names <- all_img_names # all in the set
      checkmate::assert_character(contrasts, names="unique", null.ok = TRUE)
      checkmate::assert_logical(make_square, len=1L)
      checkmate::assert_logical(remove_null_space, len = 1L)

      # which images contain integer-valued data that should be labeled?
      label_imgs <- img_names[img_names %in% names(private$pvt_img_labels)]

      coords <- slice_df %>%
        group_by(slice_index) %>%

      slc <- lapply(coords, function(slc) {
        self$get_slices_inplane(img_names, slc$slice_number, slc$plane, drop = TRUE)

      # remove blank space from matrices if requested (this must come before making the slices square)
      if (isTRUE(remove_null_space)) {
        # find voxels in each image that are different from zero
        slc <- lapply(slc, function(ilist) {
          img_nz <- lapply(rlang::flatten(ilist), function(img) {
            abs(img) > private$pvt_zero_tol

          img_any <- Reduce("|", img_nz)
          good_rows <- rowSums(img_any, na.rm = TRUE) > 0L
          good_cols <- colSums(img_any, na.rm = TRUE) > 0L

          lapply(ilist, function(mat) {
            mat[good_rows, good_cols]

      # whether to make all images have the same square dimensions
      if (isTRUE(make_square)) {
        slc_dims <- sapply(rlang::flatten(slc), dim)
        square_dims <- apply(slc_dims, 1, max)
        # for each slice and image within slice, center the matrix in the target output dims
        slc <- lapply(slc, function(ilist) {
          lapply(ilist, function(mat) {
            center_matrix(square_dims, mat, drop_zeros = FALSE) # at present, drop_zeros = TRUE will lead to offsets across images...

      # look up labels for each slice
      if (any(img_names %in% names(private$pvt_img_labels))) {

        # compute CoM statistics for label images based on unique numeric values
        label_slc <- lapply(slc, "[", label_imgs)
        com_stats <- lapply(seq_along(label_slc), function(dd) {
          lapply(label_slc[[dd]], function(xx) {
            uvals <- unique(as.vector(xx))
            uvals <- uvals[!uvals %in% c(NA, 0)]
            if (length(uvals) == 0L) {
            } # no matching positions on this slice
            sapply(uvals, function(u) {
              match_vox <- which(xx == u, arr.ind = TRUE)
              n <- nrow(match_vox) # number of pixels on this slice
              cm <- colMeans(match_vox)
              c(cm, n)
            }) %>%
              t() %>%
              data.frame() %>%
              setNames(c("dim1", "dim2", "n")) %>%
              dplyr::bind_cols(value = uvals, slice_index = dd) %>%
      } else {
        com_stats <- NULL
        label_imgs <- NULL

      # set values to NA where the image is 0 in order to create correct transparency on plot
      slc <- lapply(slc, function(slc_i) {
        lapply(slc_i, function(lay_i) {
          lay_i[!is.na(lay_i) & abs(lay_i) < private$pvt_zero_tol] <- NA_real_

      # create a list of image data.frames for each slice
      slc_nestlist <- lapply(slc, function(dd) {
        # each element of dd is a square matrix for a given image
        sapply(names(dd), function(lname) {
          #df <- reshape2::melt(dd[[lname]], varnames = c("dim1", "dim2"))
          df <- mat2df(dd[[lname]]) # use internal melt, which is faster
          df$image <- lname
        }, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)

      # generate a labeled copy of the data using the number -> label conversion
      if (!is.null(label_imgs)) {
        for (ii in seq_along(slc_nestlist)) {
          this_slc <- slc_nestlist[[ii]]
          which_lab <- intersect(names(this_slc), label_imgs)

          for (label_name in which_lab) {
            this_img <- this_slc[[label_name]]
            this_com <- com_stats[[ii]][[label_name]]

            # always set 0 to NA in labeled image
            this_img$value[this_img$value == 0] <- NA

            # unique values represented in this image
            all_vals <- sort(unique(this_img$value)) # note that sort drops NA by default

            # get labels data.frame
            lb <- private$pvt_img_labels[[label_name]]

            # which columns in the data.frame are labels
            l_cols <- attr(lb, "label_columns")

            # in the fill_labels == TRUE case, fill in labels that are present in the label data.frame, but
            # add a default label (the value) for any values in the image that lack a label
            if (isTRUE(fill_labels)) {
              # fill in missing labels, keeping the numeric values in string form
              all_df <- data.frame(value = all_vals)
              all_labs <- as.character(all_vals)
              all_df <- data.frame(value = all_vals, label = all_labs)

              # replace numeric value column with labeled character column
              for (ll in l_cols) {
                # keep the non-matching rows from all_df as defaults, then bind the hand-labeled areas
                lb_ll <- lb %>%
                  select(all_of(c("value", ll))) %>%
                  dplyr::rename(label = !!ll)

                comb_df <- all_df %>%
                  dplyr::anti_join(lb_ll, by = "value") %>%
                  dplyr::bind_rows(lb_ll) %>%

                this_img <- this_img %>%
                  dplyr::mutate(!!ll := comb_df$label[match(value, comb_df$value)])

              this_img <- this_img %>%
                dplyr::select(dim1, dim2, value, image, everything())
            } else {
              this_img <- this_img %>% left_join(lb, by = "value") # this will have NA labels for any values that lack a match in lb

            # also label CoM data.frame
            if (!is.null(this_com)) this_com <- this_com %>% left_join(lb, by="value")

            attr(this_img, "label_cols") <- l_cols

            slc_nestlist[[ii]][[label_name]] <- this_img
            com_stats[[ii]][[label_name]] <- this_com # update com stats

      # can use unnest_longer to get a slices and images/layers on the rows
      slice_df$slice_data <- slc_nestlist
      #xx <- slice_df %>% tidyr::unnest_longer(slice_data)

      # always keep slices as a list of 2D matrices (one per layer/image)
      slice_df$slice_matrix <- slc
      slice_df$slice_labels <- com_stats

      slice_obj <- ggbrain_slices$new(slice_df)
      if (!is.null(contrasts)) { # compute contrasts, if requested


    #' @description get_slices_inplane is mostly an internal funciton for getting one or more slices from a given plane
    #' @param imgs The names of images to slice
    #' @param slice_numbers The numbers of slices in the specified plant to grab
    #' @param plane The image plane to slice. Must be "coronal", "sagittal", or "axial"
    #' @param drop if TRUE, a single slice is returned as a 2D matrix instead of a 3D matrix with a singleton first dimension
    #' @return A 3D matrix of slices x dim1 x dim2
    get_slices_inplane = function(imgs = NULL, slice_numbers, plane, drop=FALSE) {
      if (is.null(imgs)) {
        imgs <- private$pvt_img_names
      } else if (!checkmate::test_subset(imgs, private$pvt_img_names)) {
        stop(glue::glue("The img input to $get_slice() must be one of: {paste(private$pvt_img_names, collapse=', ')}"))

      checkmate::assert_integerish(slice_numbers, lower = 1)
      checkmate::assert_subset(plane, c("sagittal", "coronal", "axial"))
      #return named list of slices for the images requested
      sapply(imgs, function(iname) {
        dat <- private$pvt_imgs[[iname]]
        if (plane == "sagittal") {
          slc_mat <- aperm(dat[slice_numbers, , , drop = FALSE], c(1, 2, 3))
        } else if (plane == "coronal") {
          slc_mat <- aperm(dat[, slice_numbers, , drop = FALSE], c(2, 1, 3))
        } else if (plane == "axial") {
          slc_mat <- aperm(dat[, , slice_numbers, drop = FALSE], c(3, 1, 2))

        attr(slc_mat, "slice_numbers") <- slice_numbers
        attr(slc_mat, "plane") <- plane

        if (isTRUE(drop)) slc_mat <- drop(slc_mat)
      }, simplify = FALSE)

    #' @description return a list of data.frames containing labels for a given image
    #' @details the names of the list correspond directly with the names of the images
    get_labels = function() {

    #' @description internal function to lookup which slices to display along each axis based on their quantile,
    #'   xyz coordinate, or ijk coordinate
    #' @param slices A character vector of coordinates for slices to display
    #' @param ignore_null_space If TRUE, any coordinates specified as quantiles (e.g., x = 50%)
    #'   use the quantiles of only the non-zero slices (ignoring blank sliaces)
    lookup_slices = function(slices, ignore_null_space = TRUE) {
      img_dims <- self$dim()

      slc_range_full <- list(i = seq_len(img_dims[1]), j = seq_len(img_dims[2]), k = seq_len(img_dims[2]))

      if (isTRUE(ignore_null_space)) {
        slc_range <- self$get_nz_indices()
      } else {
        slc_range <- slc_range_full

      # get nifti header for first image for voxel -> world transformations
      nii_head <- self$get_headers(drop=FALSE)[[1L]]

      # translate ijk to xyz for each axis
      xcoords <- RNifti::voxelToWorld(cbind(slc_range_full$i, 1, 1), nii_head)[, 1]
      ycoords <- RNifti::voxelToWorld(cbind(1, slc_range_full$j, 1), nii_head)[, 2]
      zcoords <- RNifti::voxelToWorld(cbind(1, 1, slc_range_full$k), nii_head)[, 3]

      # helper subfunction to lookup slice number, plane, and label for any ijk, xyz, or % input
      get_slice_num <- function(coord_str) {
        res <- tolower(trimws(strsplit(coord_str, "\\s*=\\s*", perl = TRUE)[[1]]))
        axis <- res[1]
        number <- res[2]
        is_pct <- grepl("[\\d.]+%", number, perl = TRUE)
        if (isTRUE(is_pct)) {
          number <- as.numeric(sub("%", "", number, fixed=TRUE))
          checkmate::assert_number(number, lower = 0, upper = 100)
          number <- number/100 # convert to quantile
        } else {
          number <- as.numeric(number)

        # determine plane of slice to display
        plane <- switch(
          i = "sagittal",
          j = "coronal",
          k = "axial",
          x = "sagittal",
          y = "coronal",
          z = "axial",
          stop(glue::glue("Cannot interpret input: {coord_str}"))

        # determine world or voxel coordinate system
        coord <- switch(
          i = "voxel", j = "voxel", k = "voxel",
          x = "world", y = "world", z = "world",
          stop(glue::glue("Cannot interpret input: {coord_str}"))

        axis_label <- switch(plane, sagittal = "x", coronal = "y", axial = "z")

        # validate input and lookup slice
        if (isTRUE(is_pct)) {
          rr <- switch(plane, sagittal = slc_range$i, coronal = slc_range$j, axial = slc_range$k)
          slc_num <- round(quantile(rr, number))
        } else {
          if (coord == "world") { # xyz
            coords <- switch(plane, sagittal = xcoords, coronal = ycoords, axial = zcoords)
            checkmate::assert_number(number, lower=min(coords), upper=max(coords))
            slc_num <- which.min(abs(number - coords))
          } else if (coord == "voxel") { #ijk
            coords <- switch(plane, sagittal = slc_range_full$i, coronal = slc_range_full$j, axial = lc_range_full$k)
            checkmate::assert_integerish(number, lower=min(coords), upper=max(coords), len=1L)
            slc_num <- number

        # slc_num is the slice number in the plane of interest
        if (axis_label == "x") {
          slc_coords <- xcoords[slc_num]
        } else if (axis_label == "y") {
          slc_coords <- ycoords[slc_num]
        } else if (axis_label == "z") {
          slc_coords <- zcoords[slc_num]

        slc_coords <- round(slc_coords, 1) # for display
        df <- data.frame(coord_label = paste(axis_label, "=", slc_coords), plane = plane, slice_number = slc_num)


      slice_df <- lapply(slices, get_slice_num) %>%
        bind_rows() %>%
        distinct() %>% # remove any dupes
        tibble::remove_rownames() %>% # unneeded labels
        mutate(slice_index = seq_len(n()), coord_input = slices) %>%
        select(slice_index, coord_input, coord_label, everything())



summary.ggbrain_images <- function(gg, args) {

#'addition operator for combining ggbrain_images objects
#' @param o1 first ggbrain_images object
#' @param o2 second ggbrain_images object
#' @return combined ggbrain_images object
#' @details note that the addition does not modify either existing object. Rather,
#'   the first object is cloned and the second is added to it. If you want to add one
#'   ggbrain_images object to another in place (i.e., modifying the extant object), use
#'   the $add() method.
#' @export
`+.ggbrain_images` <- function(o1, o2) {
  if (!identical(o1$dim(), o2$dim())) {
    stop("ggbrain_images objects must have the same dimensions to be added together")

  # always work from copy
  oc <- o1$clone(deep = TRUE)

  # add objects using add method

# testing
# test <- data.frame(value=100, label="hello")
# i1 <- ggbrain_images$new(images=c(underlay = "template_brain.nii.gz"))
# i1$add_slices("x=10")
# i1$add_labels(underlay=test)
# i2 <- ggbrain_images$new(images=c(atlas = "template_brain.nii.gz"))
# i2$add_slices("y=10")
# i2$add_labels(atlas=test)
# ic <- i1+i2
# ic$slices
# ic$get_labels()
# ic$get_images()
# ic$get_nz_indices()

#i1$add(i2) # add by reference

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ggbrain documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:11 p.m.