
# Tests for util
# Author: mjskay


test_that("all_names works", {
  expect_equal(all_names(1), NULL)
    'Don\'t know how to handle type "list"'

test_that(".Deprecated_argument_alias works properly", {

  expect_warning(point_interval(0:10, .prob = .50), paste0(
    "In point_interval\\.numeric\\(\\)\\: The `\\.prob` argument is a deprecated alias for `\\.width`\\.\n",
    "Use the `\\.width` argument instead\\.\n",
    "See help\\(\"tidybayes-deprecated\"\\) or help\\(\"ggdist-deprecated\"\\)\\."


test_that(".Deprecated_arguments works properly", {

  foo = function(new_arg, ...) {
      c("old_arg1", "old_arg2"), ...,
      message = "Use new_arg instead"

  expect_error(foo(old_arg1 = 1), "The `old_arg1` argument is deprecated.*Use new_arg instead")
  expect_error(geom_pointinterval(size_domain = 1), "The `size_domain` argument is deprecated.")


# fct_rev_ ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("fct_rev_ works properly", {
  expect_equal(fct_rev_(c("a","b","c")), factor(c("a","b","c"), levels = c("c","b","a")))
  expect_error(fct_rev_(1:3), "must be a factor")

# dlply_ ------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("dlply_ works properly", {
  df = tibble(
    x = 1:8,
    g = c(rep("a", 2), rep("(Missing)", 2), rep("(Missing)+", 2), rep(NA, 2))

  expect_equal(dlply_(df, "g", identity), list(df[3:4,], df[5:6,], df[1:2,], df[7:8,]))

  expect_equal(dlply_(df, NULL, identity), list(df))


# stop_if_not_installed ---------------------------------------------------

test_that("stop_if_not_installed works properly", {
  e = tryCatch(stop_if_not_installed("_fake_package"), error = function(e) e)
  expect_s3_class(e, "ggdist_missing_package")
  expect_s3_class(e, "error")
  expect_equal(e$ggdist_package, "_fake_package")

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ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.