
Defines functions makeContent.blended_grob blend_raster with_blend.guide with_blend.element with_blend.character with_blend.ggplot with_blend.list with_blend.Layer with_blend.grob resolve_blend_type with_blend

Documented in blend_raster with_blend

#' Blend a layer with a reference
#' This filter blends the layer with a reference according to one of many rules
#' as laid out in the *Details* section.
#' @details
#' Two images can be blended in a variety of ways as described below. In the
#' following *source* will refer to the top-most image, and *destination*  to
#' the bottom-most image. Note that which is which can be controlled with the
#' `flip_order` argument.
#' ### Duff-Porter alpha blend modes
#' This is a set of well-defined blend types for composing two images, taking
#' their opacity into account:
#' - `"source"`: Completely disregards the destination, leaving only the source
#' - `"destination"`: Completely disregards the source, leaving only the
#'   destination
#' - `"clear"`: Disregards both destination and source
#' - `"xor"`: Composes source on top of destination, setting shared areas to
#'   transparent
#' - `"over"`: Composes source on top of destination
#' - `"in"`: Shows source, but only where the destination is opaque
#' - `"out"`: Shows source but only where the destination is transparent
#' - `"atop"`: Composes source on top of destination, keeping the transparency
#'   of destination
#' - `"copy"`: Like source, but will only affect the area occupied by the source
#'   image
#' ### Mathmathical blend modes
#' These blend modes perform often complex channel operations based on the
#' different channel values in the source and destination:
#' - `"multiply"`: Multiplies the channel values of source and destination
#'   together (after scaling them to 0-1) to obtain new channel values
#' - `"screen"`: As multiply except that the channels are scaled to 1-0 before
#'   multiplication, and the result is reversed again before being used
#' - `"bumpmap"`: Like multiple, except source is converted to greyscale first
#' - `"divide"`: Divide the channel values in source by the channel values in
#'   destination
#' - `"plus"`: Add the channel values together *including the alpha channel*
#' - `"minus"`: Subtracts the destination channels from the source channels
#' - `"modulus_plus"`: As plus, but overflow will wrap around instead of being
#'   capped
#' - `"modulus_minus"`: As minus but overflow (underflow) will wrap around
#'   instead of being capped
#' - `"difference"`: Takes the absolute difference in channel values between
#'   source and destination
#' - `"exclusion"`: `source + destination - 2*source*destination`. A sort of
#'   averaged difference
#' - `"lighten"`: Will pick the lightest pixel at each pixel
#' - `"darken"`: Will pick the darkest pixel at each pixel
#' - `"lighten_intensity"`: Will pick the most intense colour at each pixel
#' - `"darken_intensity"`: Will pick the least intense colour at each pixel
#' ### Lighting blend modes
#' These blend modes are designed to provide different lighting effects:
#' - `"overlay"`: Simultaneously multiplies and screens at the same time based
#'   on the colour values of the destination. Will colorize midtones in the
#'   destination with the source
#' - `"hard_light"`: The inverse of overlay (i.e. the source acts as the
#'   destination and vice versa)
#' - `"soft_light"`: Like overlay but will extent the range of colorization past
#'   the midtones
#' - `"pegtop_light"`: Like soft-light, but without any discontinuity in the
#'   blend
#' - `"linear_light"`: Combines dodging and burning so that the destination will
#'   be dodged (lightened) when the source is light and burned (darkened) when
#'   the source is dark
#' - `"vivid_light"`: A refinement of linear-light that better avoids shading
#'   intense colours
#' - `"pin_light"`: Preserves midtones of the destination and only shades
#'   lighter and darker parts, resulting in harsh, contrasty lightning.
#' - `"linear_dodge"`: Lighten the destination if the source is light
#' - `"linear_burn"`: Darked the destination if the source is dark
#' - `"color_dodge"`: Like linear-dodge, but preserves blacks in the destination
#'   image
#' - `"color_burn"`: Like linear-burn but preserve whites in the destination
#'   image
#' ### Channel copying blends
#' These blend modes copies a single channel from the source to the destination
#' - `"copy_opacity"`: Will set the opacity of destination to the grayscale
#'   version of source. To copy the opacity of source into destination use
#'   `blend_type = "in"` with `flip_order = TRUE`.
#' - `"copy_red"`: Copies the red channel in source into the red channel in
#'   destination
#' - `"copy_green"`: Copies the green channel in source into the green channel in
#'   destination
#' - `"copy_blue"`: Copies the blue channel in source into the blue channel in
#'   destination
#' - `"hue"`: Replaces the hue of the destination with the hue of the source
#' - `"saturate"`: Replaces the saturation of the destination with the
#'   saturation of the source
#' - `"luminize"`: Replaces the luminance of the destination with the luminance
#'   of the source
#' - `"colorize"`: Combines hue and saturate
#' ### Special blends
#' - `"unique"`: Only keep pixels in the source that differ from the
#'   destination.
#' The above is obviously a very quick overview. More information can be found
#' in <https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/compose/>
#' @param bg_layer The background layer to use. Can either be a string
#' identifying a registered filter, or a raster object. The map will be resized
#' to match the dimensions of x.
#' @param blend_type The type of blending to perform. See *Details*
#' @param flip_order Should the order of the background and the overlay be
#' flipped so that `bg_layer` is treated as being on top and `x` being below.
#' @param alpha For non-Duff-Porter blends the alpha channel may become modified.
#' This argument can be used to set the resulting alpha channel to that of the
#' source (`"src"`) or destination (`"dst"`)
#' @inheritParams with_blur
#' @return Depending on the input, either a `grob`, `Layer`, list of `Layer`s,
#' `guide`, or `element` object. Assume the output can be used in the same
#' context as the input.
#' @family blend filters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot() +
#'   as_reference(
#'     geom_text(aes(0.5, 0.5, label = 'Blend Modes!'), size = 10, fontface = 'bold'),
#'     id = "text"
#'   ) +
#'   with_blend(
#'     geom_polygon(aes(c(0, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1)), colour = NA, fill = 'magenta'),
#'     bg_layer = "text",
#'     blend_type = 'xor'
#'   )
with_blend <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over', flip_order = FALSE, alpha = NA, ...) {
blend_types <- c(
resolve_blend_type <- function(type) {
  type <- match.arg(tolower(type), blend_types)
  type <- gsub('(_|^)(.)', '\\U\\2', type, perl = TRUE)
  if (type == 'Source') type <- 'Src'
  if (type == 'Destination') type <- 'Dst'
  if (type == 'Unique') type <- 'Change_Mask'
#' @importFrom grid gTree
#' @export
with_blend.grob <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over', flip_order = FALSE,
                            alpha = NA, ..., background = NULL, id = NULL,
                            include = is.null(id)) {
  blend_type <- resolve_blend_type(blend_type)
  gTree(grob = x, bg_layer = bg_layer, blend_type = blend_type,
        flip_order = flip_order, alpha = tolower(alpha), background = background,
        id = id, include = isTRUE(include), cl = c('blended_grob', 'filter_grob'))
#' @export
with_blend.Layer <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over', flip_order = FALSE,
                             alpha = NA, ..., id = NULL, include = is.null(id)) {
  filter_layer_constructor(x, with_blend, 'BlendedGeom', blend_type = blend_type,
                           flip_order = flip_order, alpha = alpha, ..., include = include,
                           ids = list(id = id, bg_layer = bg_layer))
#' @export
with_blend.list <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over', flip_order = FALSE,
                            alpha = NA, ..., id = NULL, include = is.null(id)) {
  filter_list_constructor(x, with_blend, 'BlendedGeom', blend_type = blend_type,
                          flip_order = flip_order, alpha = alpha, ..., include = include,
                          ids = list(id = id, bg_layer = bg_layer))
#' @export
with_blend.ggplot <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over',
                              flip_order = FALSE, alpha = NA,
                              ignore_background = TRUE, ...) {
  filter_ggplot_constructor(x, with_blend, bg_layer = bg_layer,
                            blend_type = blend_type, flip_order = flip_order,
                            alpha = alpha, ..., ignore_background = ignore_background)
#' @export
with_blend.character <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over',
                                 flip_order = FALSE, alpha = NA, ..., id = NULL,
                                 include = is.null(id)) {
  filter_character_constructor(x, with_blend, 'BlendedGeom', blend_type = blend_type,
                               flip_order = flip_order, alpha = alpha, ...,
                               include = include, ids = list(id = id, bg_layer = bg_layer))
#' @export
with_blend.function <- with_blend.character
#' @export
with_blend.formula <- with_blend.character
#' @export
with_blend.raster <- with_blend.character
#' @export
with_blend.nativeRaster <- with_blend.character
#' @export
with_blend.element <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over',
                               flip_order = FALSE, alpha = NA, ...) {
  filter_element_constructor(x, with_blend, bg_layer = bg_layer,
                            blend_type = blend_type, flip_order = flip_order,
                            alpha = NA, ...)
#' @export
with_blend.guide <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'over',
                             flip_order = FALSE, alpha = NA, ...) {
  filter_guide_constructor(x, with_blend, bg_layer = bg_layer,
                           blend_type = blend_type, flip_order = flip_order,
                           alpha = NA, ...)

#' @rdname raster_helpers
#' @importFrom magick image_read image_blur image_destroy image_composite geometry_size_pixels image_info image_resize image_convert
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
blend_raster <- function(x, bg_layer, blend_type = 'Over', flip_order = FALSE,
                         alpha = NA) {
  raster <- image_read(x)
  dim <- image_info(raster)
  bg_layer <- get_layer(bg_layer)
  bg_layer <- image_read(bg_layer)
  bg_layer <- image_resize(bg_layer, geometry_size_pixels(dim$width, dim$height, FALSE))
  layers <- list(bg_layer, raster)
  if (flip_order) layers <- rev(layers)
  if (blend_type == 'Copy_Opacity') {
    layers[[2]] <- image_convert(layers[[2]], colorspace = 'gray')
  result <- image_composite(layers[[1]], layers[[2]], blend_type)
  if (!is.na(alpha)) {
    alpha_mask <- if (alpha == 'src') layers[[2]] else layers[[1]]
    result <- image_composite(alpha_mask, result, operator = 'in')
  x <- as.integer(result)

#' @importFrom grid makeContent setChildren gList
#' @export
makeContent.blended_grob <- function(x) {
  ras <- rasterise_grob(x$grob)
  raster <- blend_raster(ras$raster, x$bg_layer, x$blend_type, x$flip_order, x$alpha)
  raster <- groberize_raster(raster, ras$location, ras$dimension, x$id, x$include)
  setChildren(x, gList(x$background, raster))

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ggfx documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.