
Defines functions def_names_rd def_formats_rd filter_def_formats is_connection file_is_url file_is_zip file_label file_id file_name file_ext file_strip_zip def_parser def_types def_names def_formats file_parser read_ambigious read_context

Documented in def_formats def_names def_types read_context

#' Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
#' Convenience functions to read sequences, features or links from various
#' bioinformatics file formats, such as FASTA, GFF3, Genbank, BLAST tabular
#' output, etc. See [def_formats()] for full list. File formats and the
#' corresponding read-functions are automatically determined based on file
#' extensions. All these functions can read multiple files in the same format at
#' once, and combine them into a single table - useful, for example, to read a
#' folder of gff-files with each file containing genes of a different genome.
#' @name read_tracks
#' @inheritParams read_context
#' @return A gggenomes-compatible sequence, feature or link tibble

#' Read files in different contexts
#' Powers [read_seqs()], [read_feats()], [read_links()]
#' @param files files to reads. Should all be of same format. In many cases,
#'   compressed files (`.gz`, `.bz2`, `.xz`, or `.zip`) are supported.
#'   Similarly, automatic download of remote files starting with `http(s)://` or
#'   `ftp(s)://` works in most cases.
#' @param .id the column with the name of the file a record was read from.
#'   Defaults to "file_id". Set to "bin_id" if every file represents a different
#'   bin.
#' @param format specify a format known to gggenomes, such as `gff3`, `gbk`, ...
#'   to overwrite automatic determination based on the file extension (see
#'   [def_formats()] for full list).
#' @param parser specify the name of an R function to overwrite automatic
#'   determination based on format, e.g. `parser="read_tsv"`.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to the format-specific read
#'   function called down the line.
#' @param context the context ("seqs", "feats", "links") in which a given format
#'   should be read.
#' @return a tibble with the combined data from all files
#' @describeIn read_context bla keywords internal
#' @export
read_context <- function(files, context, .id = "file_id", format = NULL, parser = NULL, ...) {
  if (is_connection(files)) {
    files <- list(files)
  } # weird things happen to pipes in vectors

  # for unnamed files, infer name from filename (used as file_id/bin_id)
  files <- file_label(files)

  parser <- parser %||% file_parser(files, context = context, format = format, require_unique = T)
  # map_df .id = bin_id
  inform(str_glue("Reading '{names(parser)}' with `{parser}()`:"))
  x <- purrr::map2_df(files, names(files),
    .id = .id, parser = parser, ...,
    .f = function(file, name, parser, ...) {
      inform(str_glue("* {.id}: {name} [{file}]"))
      exec(parser, file, ...)


read_ambigious <- function(file, ...) {
  abort(c("Ambigious file extension, please specify format or parser explicitly"), file)

# file: vec of files
# context: vec of context
# single file/context is recycled to match multiple context/files if given
# format:  force this format regardless of file extension
file_parser <- function(file, context = NULL, format = NULL, require_unique = FALSE) {
  format <- format %||% def_formats(file, context = context)
  parser <- def_parser(format, context = context) %>% set_names(format)

  if (require_unique) {
    p <- unique(parser)
    if (length(p) > 1) {
      abort(c("All files need the same format/parser.", i = "Got mix of:", unname(p)))
    parser <- parser[1] # unique(parser) strips names

#' Defined file formats and extensions
#' For seamless reading of different file formats, gggenomes uses a mapping of
#' known formats to associated file extensions and contexts in which the
#' different formats can be read. The notion of context allows one to read
#' different information from the same format/extension. For example, a gbk file
#' holds both feature and sequence information. If read in "feats" context
#' `read_feats("*.gbk")` it will return a feature table, if read in "seqs"
#' context `read_seqs("*.gbk")`, a sequence index.
#' @param file a vector of file names
#' @param ext a vector of file extensions
#' @param context a vector of file contexts defined in
#'   `gggenomes_global$def_formats`
#' @param parser a vector of file parsers defined in
#'   `gggenomes_global$def_formats`
#' @param allow_na boolean
#' @return dictionarish vector of file formats with recognized extensions as
#'   names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # vector of defined zip formats and recognized extensions as names
#' # format of file
#' def_formats("foo.fa")
#' # formats associated with each extension
#' def_formats(ext = c("fa", "gff"))
#' # all formats/extensions that can be read in seqs context; includes formats
#' # that are defined for context=NA, i.e. that can be read in any context.
#' def_formats(context = "seqs")
#' @eval def_formats_rd()
def_formats <- function(file = NULL, ext = NULL, context = NULL, parser = NULL, allow_na = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(file)) {
    ext <- c(file_ext(file), ext)

  ff <- filter_def_formats(context = context, parser = parser) %>% tidyr::unchop(ext)

  format <- tibble::deframe(select(ff, ext, format))
  if (!is.null(ext)) {
    format <- format[ext]

  if (!allow_na && any(is.na(format))) {
    bad <- ext[is.na(format)]
    names(bad) <- rep("x", length(bad))
    good <- def_formats(context = context, parser = parser) %>%
      tibble::enframe(name = "ext", value = "format") %>%
      tidyr::chop(ext) %>%
      mutate(ext = purrr::map_chr(ext, comma)) %>%
    abort(c(str_glue("Unknown extention(s):"),
      i = str_glue("in context: {context}"),
      i = str_glue("with parser: {parser}"),
      i = "Recognized formats/extensions for given context/parser:",

#' Default column names and types for defined formats
#' Intended to be used in [readr::read_tsv()]-like functions that accept a
#' `col_names` and a `col_types` argument.
#' @export
#' @param format specify a format known to gggenomes, such as `gff3`, `gbk`, ...
#' @return a vector with default column names for the given format
#' @eval def_names_rd()
#' @describeIn def_names default column names for defined formats
#' @examples
#' # read a blast-tabular file with read_tsv
#' readr::read_tsv(ex("emales/emales-prot-ava.o6"), col_names = def_names("blast"))
def_names <- function(format) {
  ff <- gggenomes_global$def_names
  if (!format %in% names(ff)) {
      str_glue("No default col_names defined for format '{format}'.\nDefined formats are:"),

#' @describeIn def_names default column types for defined formats
#' @export
#' @return a vector with default column types for the given format
def_types <- function(format) {
  ff <- gggenomes_global$def_types
  if (!format %in% names(ff)) {
      str_glue("No default col_types defined for format '{format}'.\nDefined formats are:"),

def_parser <- function(format, context = NULL) {
  context <- context %||% NA

  # recycle format & context to same length
  x <- tibble(format = format, context = context)

  # for each format/context combo, get parser
  pp <- purrr::pmap_chr(x, function(format, context) {
    r <- filter_def_formats(format = format, context = context) %>% pull(.data$parser)
    if (!length(r) || is.na(r)) {
      abort(str_glue("No predefined parser for: `format={format}, context={context}`"))

file_strip_zip <- function(file, ext = c("bz2", "gz", "xz", "zip")) {
  ext <- paste0("\\.", ext, "$", collapse = "|")
  stringr::str_remove(file, ext)

file_ext <- function(file, pattern = "(?<=\\.)[^.]+$", ignore_zip = TRUE) {
  if (ignore_zip) {
    file <- file_strip_zip(file)
  stringr::str_extract(file, pattern)

file_name <- function(file, pattern = "\\.[^.]+$", ignore_zip = TRUE) {
  if (ignore_zip) {
    file <- file_strip_zip(file)
  stringr::str_remove(basename(file), pattern)

file_id <- function(file) {
  vctrs::vec_as_names(file_name(file), repair = "unique")

#' Add a unique name to files
#' Given a vector of file paths, add a unique labels based on the filename as
#' vector names
#' @param file vector of files
#' @noRd
file_label <- function(file) {
  i <- which(!have_name(file))
  names(file)[i] <- file_id(file[i])

file_is_zip <- function(file, ext = c("bz2", "gz", "xz", "zip")) {
  pattern <- paste0("\\.", ext, "$", collapse = "|")
  str_detect(file, pattern)

file_is_url <- function(file) {
  str_detect(file, "^((http|ftp)s?|sftp)://")

is_connection <- function(x) inherits(x, "connection")

# filter but keep fallback parser for context=NA
filter_def_formats <- function(ff, format = NULL, context = NULL, parser = NULL) {
  ff <- gggenomes_global$def_formats
  if (!is.null(format)) {
    ff <- filter(ff, format %in% !!format)

  if (!is.null(context) || !is.null(parser)) {
    ff <- tidyr::unchop(ff, c(context, parser))
    if (!is.null(context)) {
      # context=NA defines fallback parser which is always last in arrange
      ff <- ff %>%
        dplyr::group_by(format) %>%
        dplyr::filter(context %in% !!context | is.na(context)) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(context, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
        slice_head(n = 1)
    if (!is.null(parser)) {
      ff <- dplyr::filter(ff, parser %in% !!parser)

def_formats_rd <- function() {
  stringr::str_c(collapse = "\n", c(
    "@section Defined formats, extensions, contexts, and parsers:",
    testthat::capture_output(as.data.frame(gggenomes_global$def_formats), print = TRUE, width = 120),

def_names_rd <- function() {
  ns <- gggenomes_global$def_names
  ts <- gggenomes_global$def_types
    sep = "\n",
    "@section Defined formats, column types and names:",
      ~ sprintf("  %-10s %-15s %s", .x, ts[[.x]], comma(ns[[.x]]))
    ), collapse = "\n"),

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gggenomes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.