
Defines functions read_fai read_seq_len parse_desc read_seqs

Documented in read_fai read_seq_len read_seqs

#' @param parse_desc turn `key=some value` pairs from `seq_desc` into `key`-named
#'   columns and remove them from `seq_desc`.
#' @return tibble with sequence information
#' @export
#' @describeIn read_tracks read sequence ID, description and length.
#' @examples
#' # read sequences from a fasta file.
#' read_seqs(ex("emales/emales.fna"), parse_desc = FALSE)
#' # read sequence info from a fasta file with `parse_desc=TRUE` (default). `key=value`
#' # pairs are removed from `seq_desc` and parsed into columns with `key` as name
#' read_seqs(ex("emales/emales.fna"))
#' # read sequence info from samtools/seqkit style index
#' read_seqs(ex("emales/emales.fna.seqkit.fai"))
#' # read sequence info from multiple gff file
#' read_seqs(c(ex("emales/emales.gff"), ex("emales/emales-tirs.gff")))
read_seqs <- function(
    files, .id = "file_id", format = NULL, parser = NULL,
    parse_desc = TRUE, ...) {
  seqs <- read_context(files, "seqs", .id = .id, format = format, parser = parser, ...)

  if (parse_desc && has_name(seqs, "seq_desc")) {
    seqs <- mutate(seqs, parse_desc(.data$seq_desc))


#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @noRd
parse_desc <- function(x, pattern = "\\s*\\[?(\\S+)=\\{?([^=]+?)(\\s|\\}|\\]|$)") {
  m <- str_match_all(x, pattern) # create  list of match matrices
  y <- purrr::map_df(m, function(.x) {
    # if x was NA, all match values are NA - return empty tibble with one row
    if (nrow(.x) < 1 || any(is.na(.x[, 2]))) {
      return(tibble(.rows = 1))
    # else return tibble with keys as names
    .x[, 3] %>%
      as.list() %>%
      set_names(.x[, 2]) %>%
  }) %>% mutate(across(everything(), type.convert, as.is = TRUE))

  # if key has the name of a reserved column, rename it so we don't overwrite
  rename_i <- names(y) %in% c("file_id", "seq_id", "seq_desc", "length")
  names(y)[rename_i] <- paste0("seq_desc_", names(y)[rename_i])

  # remove key=value data from seq_desc and turn resulting emtpy "" into NA
  z <- stringr::str_remove_all(x, pattern)
  z[z == ""] <- NA

  mutate(y, seq_desc = z, .before = 1)

#' Read sequence index
#' @describeIn read_seq_len read seqs from a single file_name in fasta, gbk or gff3 format.
#' @param file with sequence length information
#' @return tibble with sequence information
#' @export
read_seq_len <- function(file) {
  # Read the first line to determine format
  first <- readr::read_lines(file, n_max = 1)

  # Initialize output
  output <- NULL

  # fasta
  if (stringr::str_starts(first, ">")) {
    output <- tibble::tibble(raw = readr::read_lines(file)) %>%
      # seq_number is only there to maintain order of the sequences (this might not be relevant)
        header = dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_starts(.data$raw, ">"), stringr::str_remove(.data$raw, ">"), NA_character_),
        seq_number = cumsum(!is.na(.data$header)),
        bp = str_length(.data$raw)
      ) %>%
      tidyr::fill(.data$header, .direction = "down") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_starts(.data$raw, ">")) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$seq_number, .data$header) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(length = sum(.data$bp)) %>%
      tidyr::separate(.data$header, into = c("seq_id", "seq_desc"), sep = " ", extra = "merge", fill = "right") %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%

  # gbk
  else if (stringr::str_starts(first, "LOCUS")) {
    output <- tibble::tibble(raw = readr::read_lines(file)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(stringr::str_starts(.data$raw, "LOCUS")) %>%
      tidyr::separate(.data$raw, into = c("tag", "seq_id", "length"), extra = "drop", convert = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::transmute(.data$seq_id, seq_desc = NA_character_, .data$length)

  # gff
  else if (stringr::str_starts(first, "##gff")) {
    output <- tibble::tibble(raw = readr::read_lines(file)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(stringr::str_starts(.data$raw, "##sequence-region")) %>%
      tidyr::separate(.data$raw, into = c("_", "seq_id", "start", "end"), sep = " ", convert = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::transmute(.data$seq_id, seq_desc = NA_character_, length = .data$end - .data$start + 1)

  # Unknown format
  else {
    stop("Unknown format, can read fasta, gbk and gff with proper ##gff-version and ##sequence-region directives\n")


#' @describeIn read_seq_len read seqs from a single file in seqkit/samtools fai format.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams readr::read_tsv
#' @param ... additional parameters, passed to `read_tsv`
#' @return tibble with sequence information
read_fai <- function(
    file, col_names = def_names("fai"),
    col_types = def_types("fai"), ...) {
  df <- readr::read_tsv(file, col_types, col_names = F, ...) %>%
    separate(1, into = c("seq_id", "seq_desc"), fill = "right", sep = " ", extra = "merge")
  if (length(col_names) > ncol(df)) {
    rlang::warn("Too many col_names, ignoring extra ones")
    col_names <- col_names[seq_along(df)]
  colnames(df)[seq_along(col_names)] <- col_names

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gggenomes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.