
Defines functions get_cloudmademap

Documented in get_cloudmademap

#' Get a CloudMade map.
#' [get_cloudmademap()] accesses a tile server for Stamen Maps and
#' downloads/stitches map tiles/formats a map image. This function requires an
#' api key which can be obtained for free from http://cloudmade.com/user/show,
#' now defunct. Thousands of maptypes ("styles"), including create-your-own
#' options, are available from http://maps.cloudmade.com/editor (defunct).
#' @param bbox a bounding box in the format c(lowerleftlon, lowerleftlat,
#'   upperrightlon, upperrightlat).
#' @param zoom a zoom level
#' @param api_key character string containing cloud made api key, see details
#' @param maptype an integer of what cloud made calls style, see details
#' @param highres double resolution
#' @param crop crop raw map tiles to specified bounding box
#' @param messaging turn messaging on/off
#' @param urlonly return url only
#' @param filename destination file for download (file extension added according
#'   to format). Default `NULL` means a random [tempfile()].
#' @param color color or black-and-white
#' @param ... ...
#' @return a ggmap object (a classed raster object with a bounding box
#'   attribute)
#' @author David Kahle \email{david@@kahle.io}
#' @seealso http://maps.cloudmade.com/ (defunct), [ggmap()]
#' @export

# \dontrun{ discontinued service
# api_key <- '<your api key here>'
# map <- get_cloudmademap(api_key = api_key)
# ggmap(map)
# map <- get_cloudmademap(maptype = 997, api_key = api_key)
# ggmap(map)
# }
get_cloudmademap <- function(
  bbox = c(left = -95.80204, bottom = 29.38048, right = -94.92313, top = 30.14344),
  zoom = 10, api_key, maptype = 1, highres = TRUE, crop = TRUE, messaging = FALSE,
  urlonly = FALSE, filename = NULL, color = c('color','bw'), ...

  .Defunct(msg = "CloudMade discontinued its static maps service; try `get_stadiamap()`.")

  # enumerate argument checking (added in lieu of checkargs function)
  args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
  argsgiven <- names(args)

  if('bbox' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(bbox) && length(bbox) == 4)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg bbox} improperly specified. See {.fn ggmap::get_openstreetmap}.")

  if('zoom' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(zoom) && length(zoom) == 1 &&
    zoom == round(zoom) && zoom >= 0 && zoom <= 18)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg scale} must be a positive integer 0-18. See {.fn ggmap::get_cloudmademap}.")

  if('maptype' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(maptype) && length(maptype) == 1 &&
        maptype == round(maptype) && maptype > 0)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg maptype} must be a positive integer. See {.fn ggmap::get_cloudmademap}.")

  if('api_key' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.character(api_key) && length(api_key) == 1)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg api_key} improperly specified. See {.fn ggmap::get_cloudmademap}.")
  } else {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg api_key} must be specified. See {.fn ggmap::get_cloudmademap}.")

  if('highres' %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(highres))

  if('messaging' %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(messaging))

  if('urlonly' %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(urlonly))

    destfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  } else{
    filename_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.character(filename) && length(filename) == 1) filename_stop <- FALSE
    if(filename_stop) cli::cli_abort("{.arg filename} improperly specified. See {.fn ggmap::get_googlemap}.")
    destfile <- paste(filename, 'png', sep = '.')

  # color arg checked by match.arg

  if('checkargs' %in% argsgiven){
    .Deprecated(msg = 'checkargs argument deprecated, args are always checked after v2.1.')

  # argument checking (no checks for language, region, markers, path, visible, style)
  #args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
  #if(checkargs) get_cloudmademap_checkargs(args)
  color <- match.arg(color)
  if(is.null(names(bbox))) names(bbox) <- c('left','bottom','right','top')
  if(highres) maptype <- paste(maptype, '@2x', sep = '')

  # determine tiles to get
  fourCorners <- expand.grid(
    lon = c(bbox['left'], bbox['right']),
    lat = c(bbox['bottom'], bbox['top'])
  fourCorners$zoom <- zoom
  row.names(fourCorners) <- c('lowerleft','lowerright','upperleft','upperright')
  fourCornersTiles <- apply(fourCorners, 1, function(v) LonLat2XY(v[1],v[2],v[3]))

  xsNeeded <- Reduce(':', sort(unique(as.numeric(sapply(fourCornersTiles, function(df) df$X)))))
  numXTiles <- length(xsNeeded)
  ysNeeded <- Reduce(':', sort(unique(as.numeric(sapply(fourCornersTiles, function(df) df$Y)))))
  numYTiles <- length(ysNeeded)
  tilesNeeded <- expand.grid(x = xsNeeded, y = ysNeeded)
  if(nrow(tilesNeeded) > 40){
    cli::cli_alert_info("{nrow(tilesNeeded)} tiles needed, this may take a while (try a smaller zoom?)")
  xTileProgression <- rep(1:numXTiles, numYTiles)
  yTileProgression <- rep(1:numYTiles, each = numXTiles)

  # make urls
  base_url <- 'http://b.tile.cloudmade.com/'
  base_url <- paste(base_url, api_key, '/', maptype, '/', 256, '/', zoom, sep = '')
  urls <- paste(base_url, apply(tilesNeeded, 1, paste, collapse = '/'), sep = '/')
  urls <- paste(urls, '.png', sep = '')
  if(messaging) cli::cli_alert_info("{length(urls)} tiles required.")
  if(urlonly) return(urls)

  # download and stitch
  size <- 256 * c(length(xsNeeded), length(ysNeeded))
  map <- matrix('NA', nrow = size[2], ncol = size[1])

  for(k in seq_along(urls)){
    download.file(urls[[k]], destfile = destfile, quiet = !messaging, mode = 'wb')
    tile <- readPNG(destfile)
    if(color == 'color'){
      tile <- apply(tile, 2, rgb)
    } else if(color == 'bw'){
      tile_dim <- dim(tile)
  	  tile <- gray(.30 * tile[,,1] + .59 * tile[,,2] + .11 * tile[,,3])
      dim(tile) <- tile_dim[1:2]

    ] <- tile

  # determine bbox of map. note : not the same as the argument bounding box -
  # the map is only a covering of the bounding box extent the idea is to get
  # the lower left tile and the upper right tile and compute their bounding boxes
  # tiles are referenced by top left of tile, starting at 0,0
  # see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames
  bboxOfTile <- function(vXY){
    lonlat_upperleft <- XY2LonLat(vXY[1],vXY[2],zoom)
    lonlat_lowerright <- XY2LonLat(vXY[1]+1,vXY[2]+1,zoom)
      left = lonlat_upperleft$lon,
      bottom = lonlat_lowerright$lat,
      right = lonlat_lowerright$lon,
      top = lonlat_upperleft$lat
  tileBboxes <- ldply(split(tilesNeeded,1:nrow(tilesNeeded)),
    function(df) bboxOfTile(as.numeric(df)))
  mbbox <- c(
    left = min(tileBboxes$left),
    bottom = min(tileBboxes$bottom),
    right = max(tileBboxes$right),
    top = max(tileBboxes$top)

  # format map and return if not cropping
    map <- as.raster(map)
    class(map) <- c('ggmap','raster')
    attr(map, 'bb') <- data.frame(
      ll.lat = mbbox['bottom'], ll.lon = mbbox['left'],
      ur.lat = mbbox['top'], ur.lon = mbbox['right']

    # additional map meta-data
    attr(map, "source")  <- "google"
    attr(map, "maptype") <- maptype
    attr(map, "zoom")    <- zoom

    # return

  # crop map
    slon <- seq(mbbox['left'], mbbox['right'], length.out = size[1])
    slat <- seq(mbbox['top'], mbbox['bottom'], length.out = size[2])

    keep_x_ndcs <- which(bbox['left'] <= slon & slon <= bbox['right'])
    keep_y_ndcs <- which(bbox['bottom'] <= slat & slat <= bbox['top'])

    croppedmap <- map[keep_y_ndcs, keep_x_ndcs]

  # format map
  croppedmap <- as.raster(croppedmap)
  class(croppedmap) <- c('ggmap','raster')
  attr(croppedmap, 'bb') <- data.frame(
    ll.lat = bbox['bottom'], ll.lon = bbox['left'],
    ur.lat = bbox['top'], ur.lon = bbox['right']

  # additional map meta-data
  attr(croppedmap, "source")  <- "cloudmade"
  attr(croppedmap, "maptype") <- maptype
  attr(croppedmap, "zoom")    <- zoom

  # return

Try the ggmap package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggmap documentation built on Nov. 19, 2023, 9:06 a.m.