
axis labels can be set manually

`breaks` and `labels` along `x` direction have different lengths.
`breaks` and `labels` along `y` direction have different lengths.
Graticule labeling format not recognized.
Panel labeling format not recognized.

default crs works

Scale limits cannot be mapped onto spatial coordinates in `coord_sf()`.
i Consider setting `lims_method = "geometry_bbox"` or `default_crs = NULL`.

coord_sf() throws error when limits are badly specified

`xlim` must be a vector of length 2, not a <ScaleContinuousPosition/ScaleContinuous/Scale/ggproto/gg> object.
`ylim` must be a vector of length 2, not an integer vector of length 3.

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ggplot2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.