
Using non-position guides for position scales results in an informative error

`guide_legend()` cannot be used for x, xmin, xmax, or xend.
i Use any non position aesthetic instead.

guide specifications are properly checked

Unknown guide: test
Unknown guide: 1
`guide_colourbar()` cannot be used for shape.
i Use one of colour, color, or fill instead.
`legend.title.position` must be one of "top", "right", "bottom", or "left", not "leftish".
`guide_colourbar()` does not implement a `transform()` method.
i Did you mean to use `guide_axis()`?
When `direction` is "vertical", `legend.text.position` must be one of "right" or "left", not "top".
When `direction` is "horizontal", `legend.text.position` must be one of "bottom" or "top", not "left".
`legend.text.position` must be one of "top", "right", "bottom", or "left", not "test".
i Did you mean "left"?
`nrow` * `ncol` needs to be larger than the number of breaks (5).

colorsteps and bins checks the breaks format

Breaks are not formatted correctly for a bin legend.
i Use `(<lower>, <upper>]` format to indicate bins.
Breaks are not formatted correctly for a bin legend.
i Use `(<lower>, <upper>]` format to indicate bins.

guide_axis_logticks calculates appropriate ticks

The `prescale.base` argument will override the scale's log-10 transformation in log-tick positioning.

binning scales understand the different combinations of limits, breaks, labels, and show.limits

`show.limits` is ignored when `labels` are given as a character vector.
i Either add the limits to `breaks` or provide a function for `labels`.
`show.limits` is ignored when `labels` are given as a character vector.
i Either add the limits to `breaks` or provide a function for `labels`.

a warning is generated when guides( = FALSE) is specified

The `guide` argument in `scale_*()` cannot be `FALSE`. This was deprecated in ggplot2 3.3.4.
i Please use "none" instead.

old S3 guides can be implemented

The S3 guide system was deprecated in ggplot2 3.5.0.
i It has been replaced by a ggproto system that can be extended.

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ggplot2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.