#' @include utilities.R ggpar.R stat_chull.R stat_conf_ellipse.R stat_stars.R stat_cor.R
#' Scatter plot
#' @description Create a scatter plot.
#' @inheritParams ggboxplot
#' @inheritParams facet
#' @inheritParams ggpar
#' @param x x variables for drawing.
#' @param y y variables for drawing.
#' @param color,fill point colors.
#' @param shape point shape. See \code{\link{show_point_shapes}}.
#' @param point logical value. If TRUE, show points.
#' @param rug logical value. If TRUE, add marginal rug.
#' @param add allowed values are one of "none", "reg.line" (for adding linear
#' regression line) or "loess" (for adding local regression fitting).
#' @param add.params parameters (color, size, linetype) for the argument 'add';
#' e.g.: add.params = list(color = "red").
#' @param logical value. If TRUE, adds confidence interval.
#' @param Level controlling confidence region. Default is 95\%.
#' Used only when add != "none" and = TRUE.
#' @param fullrange should the fit span the full range of the plot, or just the
#' data. Used only when add != "none".
#' @param ellipse logical value. If TRUE, draws ellipses around points.
#' @param ellipse.level the size of the concentration ellipse in normal
#' probability.
#' @param ellipse.type Character specifying frame type. Possible values are
#' \code{"convex"}, \code{"confidence"} or types supported by
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{stat_ellipse}()} including one of \code{c("t", "norm",
#' "euclid")} for plotting concentration ellipses.
#' \itemize{ \item \code{"convex"}: plot convex hull of a set o points. \item
#' \code{"confidence"}: plot confidence ellipses arround group mean points as
#' \code{FactoMineR::coord.ellipse()}. \item \code{"t"}:
#' assumes a multivariate t-distribution. \item \code{"norm"}: assumes a
#' multivariate normal distribution. \item \code{"euclid"}: draws a circle with
#' the radius equal to level, representing the euclidean distance from the
#' center. This ellipse probably won't appear circular unless
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{coord_fixed}()} is applied.}
#' @param ellipse.alpha Alpha for ellipse specifying the transparency level of
#' fill color. Use alpha = 0 for no fill color.
#' @param ellipse.border.remove logical value. If TRUE, remove ellipse border lines.
#' @param mean.point logical value. If TRUE, group mean points are added to the
#' plot.
#' @param mean.point.size numeric value specifying the size of mean points.
#' @param star.plot logical value. If TRUE, a star plot is generated.
#' @param star.plot.lty,star.plot.lwd line type and line width (size) for star
#' plot, respectively.
#' @param label the name of the column containing point labels. Can be also a
#' character vector with length = nrow(data).
#' @param font.label a vector of length 3 indicating respectively the size
#' (e.g.: 14), the style (e.g.: "plain", "bold", "italic", "bold.italic") and
#' the color (e.g.: "red") of point labels. For example \emph{font.label =
#' c(14, "bold", "red")}. To specify only the size and the style, use
#' font.label = c(14, "plain").
#' @param character vector specifying font family.
#' @param character vector specifying some labels to show.
#' @param repel a logical value, whether to use ggrepel to avoid overplotting
#' text labels or not.
#' @param label.rectangle logical value. If TRUE, add rectangle underneath the
#' text, making it easier to read.
#' @param parse If \code{TRUE}, the labels will be parsed into expressions and
#' displayed as described in \code{?plotmath}.
#' @param cor.coef logical value. If TRUE, correlation coefficient with the
#' p-value will be added to the plot.
#' @param cor.coeff.args a list of arguments to pass to the function
#' \code{\link{stat_cor}} for customizing the displayed correlation
#' coefficients. For example: \code{cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson",
#' label.x.npc = "right", label.y.npc = "top")}.
#' @param cor.method method for computing correlation coefficient. Allowed
#' values are one of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman".
#' @param cor.coef.coord numeric vector, of length 2, specifying the x and y
#' coordinates of the correlation coefficient. Default values are NULL.
#' @param cor.coef.size correlation coefficient text font size.
#' @param ggp a ggplot. If not NULL, points are added to an existing plot.
#' @param show.legend.text logical. Should text be included in the legends? NA,
#' the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. FALSE never includes,
#' and TRUE always includes.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}
#' and \code{\link{ggpar}}.
#' @details The plot can be easily customized using the function ggpar(). Read
#' ?ggpar for changing: \itemize{ \item main title and axis labels: main,
#' xlab, ylab \item axis limits: xlim, ylim (e.g.: ylim = c(0, 30)) \item axis
#' scales: xscale, yscale (e.g.: yscale = "log2") \item color palettes:
#' palette = "Dark2" or palette = c("gray", "blue", "red") \item legend title,
#' labels and position: legend = "right" \item plot orientation : orientation
#' = c("vertical", "horizontal", "reverse") }
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_cor}}, \code{\link{stat_stars}}, \code{\link{stat_conf_ellipse}} and \code{\link{ggpar}}.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' data("mtcars")
#' df <- mtcars
#' df$cyl <- as.factor(df$cyl)
#' head(df[, c("wt", "mpg", "cyl")], 3)
#' # Basic plot
#' # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
#' color = "black", shape = 21, size = 3, # Points color, shape and size
#' add = "reg.line", # Add regressin line
#' add.params = list(color = "blue", fill = "lightgray"), # Customize reg. line
#' = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
#' cor.coef = TRUE, # Add correlation coefficient. see ?stat_cor
#' cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.x = 3, label.sep = "\n")
#' )
#' # loess method: local regression fitting
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
#' add = "loess", = TRUE)
#' # Control point size by continuous variable values ("qsec")
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
#' color = "#00AFBB", size = "qsec")
#' # Change colors
#' # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#' # Use custom color palette
#' # Add marginal rug
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg", color = "cyl",
#' palette = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07") )
#' # Add group ellipses and mean points
#' # Add stars
#' # +++++++++++++++++++
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
#' color = "cyl", shape = "cyl",
#' palette = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
#' ellipse = TRUE, mean.point = TRUE,
#' star.plot = TRUE)
#' # Textual annotation
#' # +++++++++++++++++
#' df$name <- rownames(df)
#' ggscatter(df, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
#' color = "cyl", palette = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
#' label = "name", repel = TRUE)
#' @export
ggscatter <- function(data, x, y, combine = FALSE, merge = FALSE,
color = "black", fill = "lightgray", palette = NULL,
shape = 19, size = 2, point = TRUE, rug = FALSE,
title = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, = NULL, panel.labs = NULL, short.panel.labs = TRUE,
add = c("none", "reg.line", "loess"), add.params = list(), = FALSE, = 0.95, fullrange = FALSE,
ellipse = FALSE, ellipse.level = 0.95,
ellipse.type = "norm", ellipse.alpha = 0.1,
ellipse.border.remove = FALSE,
mean.point = FALSE, mean.point.size = ifelse(is.numeric(size), 2*size, size),
star.plot = FALSE, star.plot.lty = 1, star.plot.lwd = NULL,
label = NULL, font.label = c(12, "plain"), = "", = NULL, repel = FALSE, label.rectangle = FALSE,
parse = FALSE,
cor.coef = FALSE, cor.coeff.args = list(), cor.method = "pearson", cor.coef.coord = c(NULL, NULL), cor.coef.size = 4,
ggp = NULL, show.legend.text = NA,
ggtheme = theme_pubr(),
add <- match.arg(add)
# Default options
.opts <- list(
combine = combine, merge = merge,
color = color, fill = fill, palette = palette,
title = title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, =, panel.labs = panel.labs, short.panel.labs = short.panel.labs,
shape = shape, size = size, point = point, rug = rug,
add = add, add.params = add.params, =, =, fullrange = fullrange,
ellipse = ellipse, ellipse.level = ellipse.level,
ellipse.type = ellipse.type, ellipse.alpha = ellipse.alpha,
ellipse.border.remove = ellipse.border.remove,
mean.point = mean.point, mean.point.size = mean.point.size,
star.plot = star.plot, star.plot.lty = star.plot.lty, star.plot.lwd = star.plot.lwd,
label = label, font.label = font.label, =, =, repel = repel, label.rectangle = label.rectangle,
parse = parse,
cor.coef = cor.coef, cor.coeff.args = cor.coeff.args, cor.method = cor.method,
cor.coef.coord = cor.coef.coord, cor.coef.size = cor.coef.size,
ggp = ggp, show.legend.text = show.legend.text, ggtheme = ggtheme, ...)
if(!missing(data)) .opts$data <- data
if(!missing(x)) .opts$x <- x
if(!missing(y)) .opts$y <- y
# User options
.user.opts <- as.list( = TRUE))
.user.opts[[1]] <- NULL # Remove the function name
# keep only user arguments
for( in names(.opts)){
.opts[[]] <- NULL
font.label <- .parse_font(font.label) %>% .compact()
font.label$color <- ifelse(is.null(font.label$color), color, font.label$color)
.opts$font.label <- font.label
.opts$fun <- ggscatter_core
if(missing(ggtheme) & (!is.null( | combine))
.opts$ggtheme <- theme_pubr(border = TRUE)
p <-, .opts)
if(.is_list(p) & length(p) == 1) p <- p[[1]]
ggscatter_core <- function(data, x, y,
color = "black", fill = "lightgray", palette = NULL,
shape = 19, size = 2, point = TRUE, rug = FALSE,
title = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
add = c("none", "reg.line", "loess"), add.params = list(), = FALSE, = 0.95, fullrange = FALSE,
ellipse = FALSE, ellipse.level = 0.95,
ellipse.type = "norm", ellipse.alpha = 0.1,
ellipse.border.remove = FALSE,
mean.point = FALSE, mean.point.size = ifelse(is.numeric(size), 2*size, size),
star.plot = FALSE, star.plot.lty = 1, star.plot.lwd = NULL,
label = NULL, font.label = c(12, "plain"), = "", = NULL, repel = FALSE, label.rectangle = FALSE,
parse = FALSE,
cor.coef = FALSE, cor.coeff.args = list(), cor.method = "pearson", cor.coef.coord = c(NULL, NULL), cor.coef.size = 4,
ggp = NULL, show.legend.text = NA,
ggtheme = theme_classic(),
add <- match.arg(add)
add.params <- .check_add.params(add, add.params, error.plot = "", data, color, fill, ...)
if(length(label) >1){
if(length(label) != nrow(data))
stop("The argument label should be a column name or a vector of length = nrow(data). ",
"It seems that length(label) != nrow(data)")
else data$label.xx <- label
label <- "label.xx"
# label font
font.label <- .parse_font(font.label)
font.label$size <- ifelse(is.null(font.label$size), 12, font.label$size)
font.label$color <- ifelse(is.null(font.label$color), color, font.label$color)
font.label$face <- ifelse(is.null(font.label$face), "plain", font.label$face)
if(is.null(ggp)) p <- ggplot(data, create_aes(list(x = x, y = y)))
else p <- ggp
if(point) p <- p +
.geom_exec(geom_point, data = data, x = x, y = y,
color = color, fill = fill, size = size,
shape = shape, ...)
# Adjust shape when ngroups > 6, to avoid ggplot warnings
if(shape %in% colnames(data)){
ngroups <- length(levels(data[[shape]]))
if(ngroups > 6) p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values=1:ngroups, labels = levels(data[[shape]]))
# Add marginal rug
# +++++++++++
if(rug) p <- p + .geom_exec(geom_rug, data = data,
color = color, size = size/2)
# Add reg line or loess
# ++++++++++++
if(add %in% c("reg.line", "loess")){
add <- ifelse(add == "reg.line", stats::lm, stats::loess)
if(is.null(add.params$linetype)) add.params$linetype <- "solid"
if( == FALSE) add.params$fill <- "lightgray"
.args <- .geom_exec(NULL, data = data,
se =, level =,
color = add.params$color, fill = add.params$fill,
linetype = add.params$linetype, size = add.params$size,
fullrange = fullrange)
mapping <- .args$mapping
option <- .args$option
option[["method"]] <- add
option[["formula"]] <- y ~ x
option[["mapping"]] <- create_aes(mapping)
p <- p +, option)
# Add ellipses
# +++++++++++
grp <- intersect(unique(c(color, fill, shape)), colnames(data))[1]
# NO grouping variable
if( {
grp <- factor(rep(1, nrow(data)))
grp_name <- "group"
data$group <- grp
# Case of grouping variable
else {
grp_name <- grp
data[[grp_name]] <- as.factor(data[[grp_name]])
if (ellipse.type == 'convex')
p <- p + .convex_ellipse(data, x, y, grp_name, color, fill, ellipse.alpha,
ellipse.border.remove = ellipse.border.remove)
else if(ellipse.type == "confidence")
p <- p + .confidence_ellipse(data, x, y, grp_name, color, fill,
alpha = ellipse.alpha, level = ellipse.level,
ellipse.border.remove = ellipse.border.remove)
else if (ellipse.type %in% c('t', 'norm', 'euclid'))
p <- p + .stat_ellipse(data, x, y, grp_name, color = color, fill = fill,
alpha = ellipse.alpha, type = ellipse.type, level = ellipse.level,
ellipse.border.remove = ellipse.border.remove)
# /ellipse
# Add mean points
# +++++++++
if(mean.point) {
p <- p + .geom_exec(stat_mean, data = data,
color = color, shape = shape, fill = fill,
size = mean.point.size)
# Star plots
# ++++++++++++
p <- p + .geom_exec(stat_stars, data = data,
color = color, linetype = star.plot.lty, size = star.plot.lwd)
#/ star plots
# Add textual annotation
# ++++++
alpha <- 1
if(!is.null(list(...)$alpha)) alpha <- list(...)$alpha
if(!is.null(label)) {
lab_data <- data
# Select some labels to show
lab_data <- subset(lab_data, lab_data[[label]] %in%,
drop = FALSE)
max.overlaps = getOption("ggrepel.max.overlaps", default = Inf)
ggfunc <- ggrepel::geom_text_repel
if(label.rectangle) ggfunc <- ggrepel::geom_label_repel
p <- p + .geom_exec(ggfunc, data = lab_data, x = x, y = y,
label = label, fontface = font.label$face,
parse = parse,
size = font.label$size/3, color = font.label$color,
alpha = alpha, family =,
box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"),
point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines"),
force = 1, show.legend = show.legend.text, seed=123,
max.overlaps = max.overlaps)
ggfunc <- geom_text
vjust <- -0.7
if(label.rectangle) {
ggfunc <- geom_label
vjust <- -0.4
p <- p + .geom_exec(ggfunc, data = lab_data, x = x, y = y, color = color,
label = label, fontface = font.label$face, family =,
parse = parse,
size = font.label$size/3, color = font.label$color,
vjust = vjust, alpha = alpha, show.legend = show.legend.text)
# Add correlation coefficient
cor.coeff.args$method <- cor.method
cor.coeff.args$size <- cor.coef.size
cor.coeff.args$label.x <- cor.coef.coord[1]
cor.coeff.args$label.y <- cor.coef.coord[2]
p <- p +, cor.coeff.args)
p <- ggpar(p, palette = palette, ggtheme = ggtheme,
title = title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,...)
if( != "")
p <- p + theme(text = element_text(family =
# Add convex ellipse
# data a data frame
# x,y: x and y variables
# grp_name: grp variable
.convex_ellipse <- function(data, x, y, grp_name, color = "black", fill = "lightgray", alpha = 0.1,
ellipse.border.remove = FALSE ){
grp_levels <- levels(data[[grp_name]])
if(length(grp_levels) == 1) .geom_exec(geomfunc = stat_chull, data = data,
color = color, fill = fill, alpha = alpha,
geom = "polygon")
else {
if( ellipse.border.remove) color <- NULL
else color = grp_name
.geom_exec(geomfunc = stat_chull, data = data,
color = color, fill = grp_name, alpha = alpha,
geom = "polygon")
# Confidence ellipse
.confidence_ellipse <- function(data, x, y, grp_name, color = "black", fill = "lightgray",
alpha = 0.1, level = 0.95, ellipse.border.remove = FALSE){
grp_levels <- levels(data[[grp_name]])
if(length(grp_levels) == 1) {
mapping <- create_aes(list(x = x, y = y))
stat_conf_ellipse(mapping = mapping, data = data,
color = color, fill = fill, alpha = alpha,
level = level, geom = "polygon")
else {
mapping = create_aes(list(x = x, y = y, colour = grp_name, fill = grp_name))
if(ellipse.border.remove ) mapping = create_aes(list(x = x, y = y, colour = NULL, fill = grp_name))
stat_conf_ellipse(mapping = mapping, data = data,
level = level, alpha = alpha,
geom = 'polygon')
# Add ggplot2 stat ellipse
.stat_ellipse <- function(data, x, y, grp_name, color = "black", fill = "lightgray",
alpha = 0.1, type = "norm", level = 0.95, ellipse.border.remove = FALSE)
grp_levels <- levels(data[[grp_name]])
if(length(grp_levels) == 1){
mapping <- create_aes(list(x = x, y = y))
ggplot2::stat_ellipse(mapping = mapping, data = data,
level = level, type = type,
colour = color, fill = fill, alpha = alpha,
geom = 'polygon')
mapping = create_aes(list(x = x, y = y, colour = grp_name, group = grp_name, fill = grp_name))
if(ellipse.border.remove) mapping = create_aes(list(x = x, y = y, group = grp_name, fill = grp_name))
ggplot2::stat_ellipse(mapping = mapping, data = data,
level = level, type = type, alpha = alpha,
geom = 'polygon')
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