.brewerpal <- function(){
# sequential
'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges',
'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds',
'YlGn', 'YlGnBu YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd',
'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral',
# Qualitative
'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3'
.ggscipal <- function(){
# Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for ggplot2
# ggsci package:
c("npg", "aaas", "nejm", "lancet", "jama", "jco", "ucscgb", "d3", "locuszoom",
"igv", "uchicago", "startrek", "tron", "futurama", "rickandmorty", "simpsons")
# Check if color palette or default hue
.is_col_palette <- function(pal){
if(is.null(pal)) return(FALSE)
else return(length(pal)==1 & pal[1] %in% c(.brewerpal(), .ggscipal(),
"default", "hue", "grey_pal", "gray_pal"))
.is_color_palette <- .is_col_palette # alias
# Change color manually
# possible value for palette: brewer palette, "grey" or a vector of colors
.ggcolor <- function(palette = NULL, ...) {
color_palette(palette = palette, ...)
# Change fill color manually
# possible value for palette: brewer palette, "grey" or a vector of colors
.ggfill <- function(palette = NULL, ...) {
fill_palette(palette = palette, ...)
# Helper function to use palette from ggsci package
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
.scale_color_ggsci <- function(palette = c("npg", "aaas", "nejm", "lancet", "jama",
"jco", "ucscgb", "d3", "locuszoom",
"igv", "uchicago", "startrek", "tron",
"futurama", "rickandmorty", "simpsons"))
pal <- match.arg(palette)
functs <- list(
npg = ggsci::scale_color_npg(),
aaas = ggsci::scale_color_aaas(),
nejm = ggsci::scale_color_nejm(),
lancet = ggsci::scale_color_lancet(),
jama = ggsci::scale_color_jama(),
jco = ggsci::scale_color_jco(),
ucscgb = ggsci::scale_color_ucscgb(),
d3 = ggsci::scale_color_d3(),
locuszoom = ggsci::scale_color_locuszoom(),
igv = ggsci::scale_color_igv(),
uchicago = ggsci::scale_color_uchicago(),
startrek = ggsci::scale_color_startrek(),
tron = ggsci::scale_color_tron(),
futurama = ggsci::scale_color_futurama(),
rickandmorty = ggsci::scale_color_rickandmorty(),
simpsons = ggsci::scale_color_simpsons()
.scale_fill_ggsci <- function(palette = c("npg", "aaas", "nejm", "lancet", "jama",
"jco", "ucscgb", "d3", "locuszoom",
"igv", "uchicago", "startrek", "tron",
"futurama", "rickandmorty", "simpsons"))
pal <- match.arg(palette)
functs <- list(
npg = ggsci::scale_fill_npg(),
aaas = ggsci::scale_fill_aaas(),
nejm = ggsci::scale_fill_nejm(),
lancet = ggsci::scale_fill_lancet(),
jama = ggsci::scale_fill_jama(),
jco = ggsci::scale_fill_jco(),
ucscgb = ggsci::scale_fill_ucscgb(),
d3 = ggsci::scale_fill_d3(),
locuszoom = ggsci::scale_fill_locuszoom(),
igv = ggsci::scale_fill_igv(),
uchicago = ggsci::scale_fill_uchicago(),
startrek = ggsci::scale_fill_startrek(),
tron = ggsci::scale_fill_tron(),
futurama = ggsci::scale_fill_futurama(),
rickandmorty = ggsci::scale_fill_rickandmorty(),
simpsons = ggsci::scale_fill_simpsons()
# Generate color palette from ggsci or Rcolorbrewer
# pal could be a brewer or ggsci palette
.get_pal <- function(pal = "default", k){
if(pal %in% .brewerpal()) .get_brewer_pal(pal, k)
else if(pal %in% .ggscipal()) .get_ggsci_pal(pal, k)
else if(pal %in% c("default", "hue")){
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = k + 1)
grDevices::hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100, alpha = 1)[1:k]
.get_palette <- .get_pal # alias
# Generate color palette from ggsci
# k the number of color
.get_ggsci_pal <- function(palette = c("npg", "aaas", "nejm", "lancet", "jama",
"jco", "ucscgb", "d3", "locuszoom",
"igv", "uchicago", "startrek", "tron",
"futurama", "rickandmorty", "simpsons"), k)
pal <- match.arg(palette)
if(pal %in% c("npg", "aaas", "jco", "d3")) max_k <- 10
else if (pal %in% c("nejm")) max_k <- 8
else if (pal %in% c("jama", "locuszoom", "startrek", "tron")) max_k <- 7
else if (pal %in% c("igv")) max_k <- 51
else if (pal %in% c("lancet", "uchicago")) max_k <- 9
else if (pal %in% c("ucscgb")) max_k <- 26
else if (pal %in% c("futurama", "rickandmorty")) max_k <- 12
else if (pal %in% c("simpsons")) max_k <- 16
else stop("Don't support palette name: ", pal)
functs <- list(
npg = ggsci::pal_npg(),
aaas = ggsci::pal_aaas(),
nejm = ggsci::pal_nejm(),
lancet = ggsci::pal_lancet(),
jama = ggsci::pal_jama(),
jco = ggsci::pal_jco(),
ucscgb = ggsci::pal_ucscgb(),
d3 = ggsci::pal_d3(),
locuszoom = ggsci::pal_locuszoom(),
igv = ggsci::pal_igv(),
uchicago = ggsci::pal_uchicago(),
startrek = ggsci::pal_startrek(),
tron = ggsci::pal_tron(),
futurama = ggsci::pal_futurama(),
rickandmorty = ggsci::pal_rickandmorty(),
simpsons = ggsci::pal_simpsons()
if(k <= max_k) functs[[pal]](k)
else grDevices::colorRampPalette(functs[[pal]](max_k))(k)
# Generate a color palette from brewer
.get_brewer_pal <- function(palette, k){
if (!requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("RColorBrewer package needed. Please install it using install.packages('RColorBrewer').")
initial.k <- k
k <- max(c(k, 3)) # Kshoud be at least 3
pal <- palette[1]
sequential <- c('Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges',
'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds','YlGn', 'YlGnBu YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd')
divergent <- c('BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral')
if(pal %in% sequential) max_k <- 9
else if(pal %in% divergent) max_k <- 11
else if(pal %in% c('Accent','Dark2','Pastel2', 'Set2')) max_k <- 8
else if(pal %in% c('Pastel1', 'Set1')) max_k <- 9
else if(pal %in% c('Paired', 'Set3')) max_k <- 12
else stop("Don't support palette name: ", pal)
if(k <= max_k) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(k, palette)
if(initial.k == 2) cols <- cols[c(1,3)]
else if(initial.k == 1) cols <- cols[1]
else grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(max_k, palette))(k)
# Set gradient colors
# cols a vector of colors
.gradient_col <- function (cols){
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