
dbUploadedDf <- reactive({
  eval_btn <- input$dbExecuteBtn  # trigger
    driver_name <- input$dbDriverTypeCtrl
    if (is.null(driver_name) || !eval_btn) return()
    package_for_driver <- paste0('R', driver_name)
    if (!require(package_for_driver, character.only = T)) {
      library(package_for_driver, character.only = T)
    # con <- dbConnect(dbDriver('MySQL'), user='gray', host='',
    #                  password='12348888', dbname='ggtest', port=3307)
    con <- dbConnect(dbDriver(driver_name), 
                     host=input$dbHost, port=as.integer(input$dbPort),
                     user=input$dbUser, password=input$dbPass, 
    query <- input$dbSqlQuery
    df <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
    df <- df[, setdiff(names(df), 'row_names')]
    reactVals$is_db_upload <- T

# reactive variable for custom (uploaded) dataset
uploadedDf <- reactive({
  # input$file will be NULL initially. After the user selects
  # and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name',
  # 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath'
  # column will contain the local filenames where the data can
  # be found.
  input$file  # trigger
  db_df <- dbUploadedDf()
    # to add all dwnload input names at once
    # prevents premature closing of the modal window
    if (sum(c('dbExecuteBtn', 'file') %in% names(input)) == 1) {
      updateTabsetPanel(session, 'addDatasetTabset', 'addFileTab')
    close_modal_if_opened <- function() {
      if (input$modalUploadOptions) {
        toggleModal(session, "modalUploadOptions", toggle = "close")
    if (not_null_true(reactVals$is_db_upload)) {
    if (anyNull(input$file, input$header, input$sep, input$quote)) return()
    read.csv(input$file$datapath, header = as.logical(input$header),
             sep = input$sep, quote = input$quote)

# reactive variable for custom dataset name
uploadedDfName <- reactive({
  if (is.null(uploadedDf())) return()
    if (not_null_true(reactVals$is_db_upload)) {
      reactVals$is_db_upload <- NULL
      df_name <- input$dbSqlQuery %>% 
        gsub(' +', ' ',.) %>% 
        stringr::str_extract('(?i)(?<=from )\\S+')
      if ( 'db_uploaded' else df_name
    } else {

# reactive variable for raw dataset names
rawDatasetNames <- reactive({
  input$evalConsoleBtn  # to update on assignment operation
  unique(c(uploadedDfName(), getInitialArg('initialDfName'), getPreloadedEnvDfNames(), 
           "diamonds", "mtcars", "esoph"))

# reactive variable for raw dataset
rawDataset <- reactive({
  nCatUniqVals()  # to update on change of dataset options
  input$evalConsoleBtn  # to update on assignment operation
  cur_name <- datasetName()  # trigger
  if (is.null(cur_name)) return()  # for initial input$datasetName
    df <- if (!is.null(uploadedDfName()) && cur_name == uploadedDfName()) 
      uploadedDf() else eval(parse(text = cur_name))
    if (any(class(df) == 'reactive')) {
      stop('Please change the dataset name to prevent a collision with a ggraptR object')
    data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) if (is.character(x)) as.factor(x) else x))

# manually aggregated dataset
manAggDataset <- reactive({
  # if all fields for manual aggregation are filled in
  if (notNulls(input$aggBy, input$aggTarget, input$aggMeth)) {
    # return manually aggregated dataset
    aggregate(rawDataset(), input$aggBy, input$aggTarget, input$aggMeth)
  } else {  # return raw dataset  

# raw or aggregated dataset
dataset <- reactive({
  #if (is.null(input$rawVsManAgg)) return()
  if (is.null(input$rawVsManAgg)) {
  # raw dataset
  if (input$rawVsManAgg == 'raw') {
  } else if (input$rawVsManAgg == 'manAgg') {  # aggregated dataset

# reactive for base semi-automatic aggregate-by fields 
# (that are NOT in the "additional aggregate-by" fields)
plotSemiAutoAggByBase <- reactive({
  aggBy <- c(input$x, input$color, input$size, input$shape, input$fill, input$facetRow, 
             input$facetCol, input$facetWrap)
  cleanPlotAggBy(input$x, input$y, aggBy)

# reactive for semi-automatic aggregate by
# base + additional aggregate-by fields
plotSemiAutoAggBy <- reactive({
  if (is.null(dataset())) return()
  aggBy <- c(plotSemiAutoAggByBase(), plotAddAggBy())
  aggBy <- cleanPlotAggBy(input$x, input$y, aggBy)
  aggBy[aggBy %in% colnames(dataset())]

# reactive for semi-automatic aggregated dataset
semiAutoAggDF <- reactive({
  if (is.null(semiAutoAggOn()) || is.null(dataset())) return()
  # if plot aggregation is specified (e.g. sum, mean, max, min)  
  if (semiAutoAggOn()) {
    if (is.null(plotSemiAutoAggBy())) {
    aggBy <- plotSemiAutoAggBy()
    aggTarget <- input$y
    aggMeth <- input$plotAggMeth
    vars <- c(aggBy, aggTarget)
    if (all(vars %in% colnames(dataset()))) {
      aggregate(dataset(), aggBy=aggBy, aggTarget=input$y, aggMeth=input$plotAggMeth)

# reactive variable for final dataset
aggDf <- reactive({
  if (is.null(dataset())) return()
  if (is.null(semiAutoAggOn())) {
  # semi-automatic aggregation (if enabled)
  if (semiAutoAggOn()) {
  } else{  # natural dataset (raw or manually aggregated dataset)

# filtered version of aggDf() for plotting
# plotAggMeth() -> semiAutoAggOn() -> aggDf() -> .
aggLimDf <- reactive({
  df <- aggDf()
  search_columns <- input$displayTable_search_columns  # input$displayTable_rows_all
  if (is.null(df)) return()
    fill_idxs <- if (!is.null(search_columns))
      1:length(search_columns) %>% Filter(function(i) search_columns[i] != '',.) else c()
    if (!length(fill_idxs)) {
      reactVals$plotState$filter <- NULL
    if (tolower(plotAggMeth()) != 'none') {
      stop('Can not choose between aggregated and limited view')
    filter_keys <- names(isolate(manAggDataset()))[fill_idxs]
    # search_columns[fill_idxs] ex: "[\"25-34\",\"35-44\"]" "18.18 ... 60.00"
    filter_vals <- lapply(search_columns[fill_idxs], function(x) 
      (if (startsWith(x, '[')) strsplit(substring(x, 2, nchar(x) - 1), ',') else 
        strsplit(x, ' \\.{3} ')) %>% `[[`(1))
    reactVals$plotState$filter$keys <- filter_keys
    reactVals$plotState$filter$vals <- filter_vals
    df_expr <- applied_filters_expr(df, datasetName(), filter_keys, filter_vals)
    res <- eval(parse(text=df_expr))
    if (!setequal(colnames(df), colnames(res))) {
      stop('Looks like an aggregated and limited view collision')

Try the ggraptR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggraptR documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:30 a.m.