
##    sourcefile of package 'ggsolvencyii'
##    Copyright (C) <2018>  < Marco van Zanden , git@vanzanden.nl >
##    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## functions in this file =============================================== =====
## main:
##    fn_computegroup (data,siiparams,...)
##    fn_geomsiidatatopoints (df, maxscrvalue, rotationdegrees, rotationdescription, plotdetails, purpose)
## small:
##    fn_transform_plotdetails (df)
## ====================================================================== =====

## fn_computegroup ====================================================== =====
# ' fn_computegroup
# '
# ' @inheritParams fn_maxscrvalue
# ' @param scales dummy text
# ' @param siiparams The (adjusted) geom parameterset, forwarded to lower level functions as siiparams
# '
# ' @return a dataframe which contains transformed or enriched data, usable for plotting

fn_computegroup <- function(data, scales, siiparams) {
      ## parameters in this function
        ## none
      ## CALL ##
        d_out <- fn_geomsiidatatopoints( df = data,
                                      siiparams = siiparams
      ## fn_geomsiidatatopoints returns a list with
      ##  $df (and possible other elements)
      ## return results

## fn_geomsiidatatopoints =============================================== =====
# ' fn_geomsiidatatopoints
# '
# ' @param df dummy text
# ' @param siiparams dummy text
# '
# ' @importFrom dplyr select
# ' @importFrom tidyr spread
# '
# ' @return a list with one item 'df' (data.frame)

fn_geomsiidatatopoints <- function(df, siiparams) {
  ## parameters in this function
    # squared <- siiparams$squared
    plotdetails <- siiparams$plotdetails
    purpose <- siiparams$purpose
  ## CALL ##
    ## results in a dataframe
    cornerpoints_intresult <- fn_cornerpoints(df = df,
                                             siiparams = siiparams)
    ## ri, ro, db, de are determined
  ## CALL ##
    rotation_intresult <- fn_rotation(df = cornerpoints_intresult,
                                     siiparams = siiparams)
    # if (squared == TRUE) {
      ## CALL ##
        circleorsquare_intresult <- fn_squareconversion(df = rotation_intresult, siiparams = siiparams)
    # } else {
      # circleorsquare_intresult <- rotation_intresult
    # }

    counter_polyorder <- 1
  ## CALL ##
    ## results in a list with $df and (updated) $counter_polyorder
    step5_intresult <- fn_polygonpoints(df = circleorsquare_intresult,
                                siiparams = siiparams,
                                counter_polyorder = counter_polyorder

    counter_polyorder  <- step5_intresult$counter_polyorder
        step5_result <- step5_intresult$df

    # if (purpose == "surface" ) {
    #   CALL ##
    # plotdetails_trans <- fn_transform_plotdetails(plotdetails,outline = FALSE,surface = TRUE)
    # }
    # if (purpose == "outline" ) {
    #    ## CALL ##
    #   plotdetails_trans <- fn_transform_plotdetails(plotdetails,
    #                                                 outline = TRUE,
    #                                                 surface = FALSE)
    # }

    plotdetails_trans <- fn_transform_plotdetails(plotdetails,siiparams) ## will need only params$purpose

  ## first: draw is TRUE or FALSE where
  ## explicitly set to T or F for a certain description.
      plotdetails_trans_description <- dplyr::rename(plotdetails_trans,
                                        description = levelordescription)

    if (purpose == "surface" ) {
      t1 <- merge(x = step5_result,
                  y = plotdetails_trans_description,
                  by = c("description"),
                  all.x = TRUE)
    if (purpose == "outline" ) {
      t1 <- merge(x = step5_result,
                  y = plotdetails_trans_description,
                  by = c("description", "outlinetype"),
                  all.x = TRUE)
    step5_defined1 <- t1[!is.na(t1$draw), ]
        step5_undefined <- t1[is.na(t1$draw), ]
    step5_undefined <- dplyr::select(step5_undefined, -draw)

    ## for the undefined fraction (contents of step5_undefined) a second step
    ## is to see if a T or F is set for a certain level
    plotdetails_trans_level <- dplyr::rename(plotdetails_trans,
                                      level = levelordescription )
    if (purpose == "surface" ) {
      t1 <- merge(x = step5_undefined,
                  y = plotdetails_trans_level,
                  by = c("level"), all.x = TRUE)
    if (purpose == "outline" ) {
      t1 <- merge(x = step5_undefined,
                  y = plotdetails_trans_level,
                  by = c("level", "outlinetype"),
                  all.x = TRUE)
    step5_result <- rbind(step5_defined1, t1)
    step5_result <- step5_result[step5_result$draw == TRUE, ]
    step5_result <- step5_result[!is.na(step5_result$draw), ]

    step5_result <- as.data.frame(step5_result[with(step5_result,
                                        polyorder)), ])
    solviipolygon <- list(df = step5_result)
## fn_transform_plotdetails ============================================= =====
# ' fn_transform_plotdetails
# '
# ' @param df a dataframe with column level and some other levels
# ' @param siiparams the (extended) parameterset
# '
# ' @return a tidyverse dataframe
# '
# ' @importFrom tidyr gather

          # transforms table from human format
          # levelordescription surface outline1 ...2 ... ...4 ...11 outline13
          # 1                   NA     NA       TRUE     NA       ...
          # 2                   TRUE
          # ..                  FALSE
          # into (outline == TRUE, other(s) is/are false
          # draw column is based on column 'outline'  of respective outlinetype
          # levelordescription outlinetype  draw
          # 1                   1             NA
          # 1                   2             TRUE
          # 1                   3             NA
          # or into (surface == TRUE, other(s) is/are false
          # draw column is based on column 'surface'
          # levelordescription   draw
          # 1                        NA
          # 2                       TRUE
          # ..                      FALSE

fn_transform_plotdetails <- function(df, siiparams) {
      purpose = siiparams$purpose

      if (purpose == "outline") {
        df <- dplyr::select(df, levelordescription,
                            outline1, outline2, outline3, outline4,
                            outline11, outline13)
        result <- tidyr::gather(data = df, key = outlinetype,
                                value = draw, -levelordescription)
        result$outlinetype <- gsub("[a-zA-Z]", "", result$outlinetype)
        result$outlinetype <- factor(result$outlinetype)
      ## 2do: if 11 = TRUE, THEN 1 MUST BE TRUE
      ## return results
      if (purpose == "surface") {
        df <- dplyr::select(df, levelordescription, surface)
        df <- dplyr::rename(df, draw = surface)
      ## return results

## ====================================================================== =====

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ggsolvencyii documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:54 p.m.