
Defines functions geom_mask

Documented in geom_mask

#' Apply Manual Clipping Mask
#' This function creates a manual clipping mask, which in turn suppresses the standard clipping mask that would otherwise
#' be rendered in the foregound rendering procedure, giving the user control over the exact placement with respect to 
#' other layers. For example, the user may wish to have the clipping mask placed after 
#' the \code{geom_point(...)} layer, but before the \code{geom_label(...)} layer, this situation has been
#' demonstrated in the example below. In the event that the user wishes to suppress the mask altogether, then a convenience
#' function has been provided, \code{theme_nomask()}.
#' @examples 
#' data(Feldspar)
#' x = ggtern(Feldspar,aes(Ab,An,Or,label=Experiment)) + geom_point()
#' #Default Behaviour
#' x + geom_label()
#' #Insert manual mask before the labels, to prevent them being truncated
#' x + geom_point(size=6) + geom_mask() + geom_label()
#' @author Nicholas Hamilton
#' @rdname geom_mask
#' @export
geom_mask <- function() {
    data        = data.frame(x=1,y=1,z=1),
    mapping     = NULL,
    stat        = "identity",
    geom        = GeomMask,
    position    = "identity",
    show.legend = FALSE,
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    params      = list(
      na.rm     = TRUE

#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname geom_mask
#' @export
GeomMask <- ggproto("GeomMask", Geom,
  default_aes = aes("x","y","z"),
  draw_panel  = function(self, data, panel_params, coord){
    #Initially Empty Items
    items = list()
    #Only for coord tern
        theme = coord$theme %||% theme_get()
        e     = calc_element('tern.plot.background',theme,verbose=FALSE)
          #Debug Mode
          dbg   = getOption('tern.mask.debug',FALSE)
          #1st pass is master triangle.
          ex  = .get.tern.extremes(coord,panel_params,transform=FALSE)
          ex  = coord$transform(ex, panel_params = panel_params)
          ex  = rbind(ex,ex[1,,drop=F])
          #Build a specific viewport value
          vp <- viewport(x     = 0.5, 
                         y     = 0.5, 
                         width = 1, 
                         height= 1, 
                         just  = c("center","center"),
                         clip  = 'inherit' #OFF
          #Key Limits
          a = c(0.0,1.0)
          b = c(0.5,0.5)
          #1st pass traces the all borders includeing the inside triangle,
          #2nd pass renders the convex hull (outer border)
          for(ix in c(1:2)){
            #Build the xvalues and yvalues
            #When ix == 1, include the center triangular cut-out
            xvals = c(a[1],a[1],if(ix==1){c(b[1],ex$x,b[2])},a[2],a[2],a[1])
            yvals = c(a[1],a[2],if(ix==1){c(a[2],ex$y,a[2])},a[2],a[1],a[1])
            #Local Fill Variable
            fillLoc = if(ix == 2 | is.null(e$fill)) NA else e$fill
            #Draw the full set of mask lines if in debug mode, for debugging.
              sizeLoc = if(ix == 2) 0.5 else 1
              colLoc  = if(ix == 2) 'black' else 'red'
              sizeLoc = if(ix == 2) is.numericor(e$linewidth,0) else 0
              colLoc  = if(ix == 2) e$colour else fillLoc
            #Build the Grob with the custom viewport
            grob     <- polygonGrob(  x = xvals,
                                      y = yvals,
                                      default.units = "npc",
                                      id   = rep(1,length(xvals)),
                                      vp   = vp,
                                      name = sprintf("mask-%i",ix),
                                      gp   = gpar(  col  = colLoc %||% 'transparent',
                                                    fill = fillLoc %||% 'transparent',
                                                    lwd  = sizeLoc,
                                                    lty  = e$linetype)
            #Add the grob to the items
            items[[length(items) + 1]] = grob
        #Render Axis items on top of the mask, if grids are on top, this
        #will be rendered in the coord_tern render_fg routine instead.
          extrm = .get.tern.extremes(coord,panel_params,transform=TRUE)
          items = .render.fgset(coord,extrm,scale_details,theme,items)
  draw_key = FALSE

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ggtern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:01 a.m.