
Defines functions update_progress_bar make_progress_bar gh_last gh_first gh_prev gh_next gh_extract_pages gh_link gh_link_request gh_has_next gh_has extract_link

Documented in gh_first gh_last gh_next gh_prev

extract_link <- function(gh_response, link) {
  headers <- attr(gh_response, "response")
  links <- headers$link
  if (is.null(links)) {
  links <- trim_ws(strsplit(links, ",")[[1]])
  link_list <- lapply(links, function(x) {
    x <- trim_ws(strsplit(x, ";")[[1]])
    name <- sub("^.*\"(.*)\".*$", "\\1", x[2])
    value <- sub("^<(.*)>$", "\\1", x[1])
    c(name, value)
  link_list <- structure(
    vapply(link_list, "[", "", 2),
    names = vapply(link_list, "[", "", 1)

  if (link %in% names(link_list)) {
  } else {

gh_has <- function(gh_response, link) {
  url <- extract_link(gh_response, link)

gh_has_next <- function(gh_response) {
  gh_has(gh_response, "next")

gh_link_request <- function(gh_response, link) {
  stopifnot(inherits(gh_response, "gh_response"))

  url <- extract_link(gh_response, link)
  if (is.na(url)) cli::cli_abort("No {link} page")

  req <- attr(gh_response, "request")
  req$url <- url

gh_link <- function(gh_response, link) {
  req <- gh_link_request(gh_response, link)
  raw <- gh_make_request(req)
  gh_process_response(raw, req)

gh_extract_pages <- function(gh_response) {
  last <- extract_link(gh_response, "last")
  if (grepl("&page=[0-9]+$", last)) {
    as.integer(sub("^.*page=([0-9]+)$", "\\1", last))

#' Get the next, previous, first or last page of results
#' @details
#' Note that these are not always defined. E.g. if the first
#' page was queried (the default), then there are no first and previous
#' pages defined. If there is no next page, then there is no
#' next page defined, etc.
#' If the requested page does not exist, an error is thrown.
#' @param gh_response An object returned by a [gh()] call.
#' @return Answer from the API.
#' @seealso The `.limit` argument to [gh()] supports fetching more than
#'   one page.
#' @name gh_next
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' x <- gh("/users")
#' vapply(x, "[[", character(1), "login")
#' x2 <- gh_next(x)
#' vapply(x2, "[[", character(1), "login")
gh_next <- function(gh_response) gh_link(gh_response, "next")

#' @name gh_next
#' @export

gh_prev <- function(gh_response) gh_link(gh_response, "prev")

#' @name gh_next
#' @export

gh_first <- function(gh_response) gh_link(gh_response, "first")

#' @name gh_next
#' @export

gh_last <- function(gh_response) gh_link(gh_response, "last")

make_progress_bar <- function(gh_request) {
  state <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  state$pageno <- 0L
  state$got <- 0L
  state$status <- NULL

update_progress_bar <- function(state, gh_response) {
  state$pageno <- state$pageno + 1L
  state$got <- gh_response_length(gh_response)
  state$pages <- gh_extract_pages(gh_response) %||% state$pages

  if (is.null(state$status)) {
    state$status <- cli_status(
      "{.alert-info Running gh query}",
      .envir = parent.frame()

  total <- NULL
  if (!is.null(state$pages)) {
    est <- state$pages * (state$got / state$pageno)
    if (est >= state$got) total <- est

      "{.alert-info Running gh query, got {state$got} record{?s}}",
      if (!is.null(total)) " of about {total}"


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gh documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:33 p.m.