
if(!require('jsonlite')) install.packages('jsonlite', repos = '')
metadata <- jsonlite::fromJSON(pipe("cargo metadata --format-version 1"))
packages <- metadata$packages
packages <- subset(packages, sapply(packages$authors, length) > 0 & name != 'myrustlib')
authors <- vapply(packages$authors, function(x) paste(sub(" <.*>", "", x), collapse = ', '), character(1))
lines <- sprintf(" - %s %s: %s", packages$name, packages$version, authors)
dir.create('../../inst', showWarnings = FALSE)
footer <- sprintf("\n(This file was auto-generated from 'cargo metadata' on %s)", Sys.Date())
writeLines(c('Authors of vendored cargo crates', lines, footer), '../../inst/AUTHORS')

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gifski documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 5:09 p.m.