
Defines functions recommend_dependencies separate_into_package_and_reference extract_reference treat_github_pull select_repository format_choices remove_conflict_repos

Documented in recommend_dependencies remove_conflict_repos select_repository separate_into_package_and_reference

#' The default "dependencies" is NA that means c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo").
#' If "build_vignettes" is TRUE, the install needs "Suggests" dependency in many cases.
#' So we recommend in such case to set "dependencies" to TRUE that means c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests").
#' @inheritParams gh_install_packages
recommend_dependencies <- function(ask, build_vignettes, dependencies, quiet) {
  if (build_vignettes && is.na(dependencies)) {
    if (quiet) {
    } else {
      msg <- "We recommend to specify the 'dependencies' argument when 'build_vignettes' is TRUE."
      if (ask) {
        answer <- readline("Do you want to use our recommended dependencies (Y/n)?")
        if (answer %in% c("", "y", "Y"))
      } else {
        message("It will be set to our recommended dependencies.")

#' The "repo" argument allows to contain "ref" as 
#' "package_name@ref", "package_name#pull" or "package_name[branch]".
#' The function detects that "repo" contains "ref" and separates into pure repo and ref.
#' If "repo" contains "ref" and "ref" argument is specified, the values in "repo" take precedence.
#' @param packages "repo" argument.
#' @param original_ref "ref" argument.
#' @importFrom devtools github_pull
separate_into_package_and_reference <- function(packages, original_ref) {
  reference_pattern <- "@.+$"
  pull_request_pattern <- "#.+$"
  branch_pattern <- "\\[.+\\]$"
  reference <- vapply(packages, extract_reference, character(1), reference_pattern)
  pull_request <- vapply(packages, extract_reference, character(1), pull_request_pattern)
  branch <- vapply(packages, extract_reference, character(1), branch_pattern)
  # reference
  exists <- !is.na(reference)
  packages[exists] <- my_str_replace(packages[exists], reference[exists], "", fixed = TRUE)
  references <- my_str_sub(reference, 2)
  # pull request
  exists <- !is.na(pull_request)
  packages[exists] <- my_str_replace(packages[exists], pull_request[exists], "", fixed = TRUE)
  references[is.na(references)] <- pull_request[is.na(references)]
  # branch
  exists <- !is.na(branch)
  packages[exists] <- my_str_replace(packages[exists], branch[exists], "", fixed = TRUE)
  branch <- my_str_sub(branch, 2, -2)
  references[is.na(references)] <- branch[is.na(references)]
  # original_ref
  is_pull <- sapply(original_ref, function(x) class(x) == "github_pull")
  if (length(original_ref) == 1) {
    if (class(original_ref) == "github_pull") {
      is_pull <- rep(TRUE, length(packages))
    original_ref <- rep(original_ref, length(packages))
  references[is.na(references)] <- original_ref[is.na(references)]
  reference_list <- lapply(references, treat_github_pull)
  reference_list[is_pull] <- lapply(reference_list[is_pull], function(r) github_pull(r))
  list(packages = packages, reference_list = reference_list)

extract_reference <- function(x, pattern) {
  if (grepl(pattern, x)) {
    regmatches(x, regexpr(pattern, x))
  } else {

treat_github_pull <- function(ref) {
  if(my_str_sub(ref, 1, 1) == "#") {
    ref <- github_pull(my_str_sub(ref, 2)) 

#' Suggest candidates from "package_name" and make user selected one of them.
#' @param package_name a character string. A package name or full GitHub repository name.
#' @return candidate with title
#' @importFrom utils menu
select_repository <- function(package_name) {
  candidates <- gh_suggest(package_name, keep_title = TRUE)
  if (is.null(candidates)) {
    # Never occurs!
    error_message <- sprintf('Not found the GitHub repository "%s".', package_name)
    stop(error_message, call. = FALSE)
  } else if (length(candidates) == 1) {
  } else {
    choices <- format_choices(candidates)
    choice <- menu(choices = choices, title = "Select a number or, hit 0 to cancel.")
    if(choice == 0) {
      message("cancelled by user\n")
    } else {
      result <- candidates[choice]
      attr(result, "title") <- attr(candidates, "title")[choice]

format_choices <- function(candidates) {
  nchars <- nchar(candidates)
  max_nchars <- max(nchars)
  spaces <- sapply(max_nchars - nchars, function(n) paste(rep(" ", n + 1), collapse=""))
  paste0(candidates, spaces, " ", attr(candidates, "title"))

#' We want to detect the two conflict cases as fllows:
#'  1. The package is already installed from some repository like CRAN that is not GitHub.
#'  2. The package is already installed from GtiHub but the username differs.
#' In the above cases, we ask whether to overwrite it and remove from "repo" if the answer is no.
#' If "quiet" is TRUE, we overwrite all packages forcibly and silently.
#' Else if "quiet" is FALSE and "ask" is TRUE, we ask whether to overwrite it. (Default)
#' Else if "quiet" is FALSE and "ask" is FALSE, we message to overwrite it and do it.
#' @param repos charactor vector of full GitHub repository names.
#' @param lib character vector or NULL.
#' @param quiet logical.
#' @param ask logical.
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
remove_conflict_repos <- function(repos, lib, quiet, ask) {
  if (quiet) return(repos) # overwrite all packages silently
  splitted <- strsplit(repos, "/")
  usernames <- sapply(splitted, function(x) x[1])
  package_names <- sapply(splitted, function(x) x[2])
  descs <- vector("list", length(package_names))
  for (i in seq_along(package_names)) {
    pkg <- package_names[i]
    lib.loc <- lib[i]
    descs[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc))
  inds <- which(!is.na(descs)) # desc is NA if the pacakge is not installed
  ignored_inds <- c()
  # for only installed packages
  for (i in inds) {
    message <- NULL
    username <- usernames[i]
    package_name <- package_names[i]
    desc <- descs[[i]]
    if(exists("GithubRepo", where = desc)) {
      repo <- repos[i]
      if (username != desc$GithubUsername) {
        installed_repo <- paste0(desc$GithubUsername, "/", desc$GithubRepo)
        message <- sprintf('Installing "%s", but already installed "%s".', repo, installed_repo)
    } else  {
      package_repository <- ifelse(exists("Repository", where = desc), desc$Repository, "unknown repository")
      message <- sprintf('Installing "%s" package from GitHub, but already installed from %s.', package_name, package_repository)
    if (!is.null(message)) {
      if (ask) {
        prompt <- "This package is already installed. Are you sure you want to overwrite it (Y/n)?  "
        answer <- substr(readline(prompt), 1L, 1L)
        if (!(answer %in% c("", "y", "Y"))) {
          ignored_inds <- c(ignored_inds, i)
      } else {
        message("It will be overwritten.")
  if (is.null(ignored_inds)) {
  } else {

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githubinstall documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:20 a.m.