
Defines functions glinternet

Documented in glinternet

glinternet = function(X, Y, numLevels, lambda=NULL, nLambda=50, lambdaMinRatio=0.01, interactionCandidates=NULL, interactionPairs=NULL, screenLimit=NULL, numToFind=NULL, family=c("gaussian", "binomial"), tol=1e-5, maxIter=5000, verbose=FALSE, numCores=1) {

  # get call and family
  thisCall = match.call()
  family = match.arg(family)

  # make sure inputs are valid
  n = length(Y)
  pCat = sum(numLevels > 1)
  pCont = length(numLevels) - pCat
  stopifnot(n==nrow(X), pCat+pCont==ncol(X), family=="gaussian"||family=="binomial")
  if (family=="binomial" && !all(Y %in% 0:1)) {
    stop("Error:family=binomial but Y not in {0,1}")
  for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
    if (numLevels[i]>1 && max(X[, i])>=numLevels[i]) {
      stop(sprintf("Column %d of X is categorical, but not coded as {0, 1, ...}. Refer to glinternet help on what the X argument should be.", i))

  contIndices = which(numLevels == 1)
  catIndices = which(numLevels > 1)

  # specific interaction pairs
  if (!is.null(interactionPairs)) {
    # sanity check
    if (!is.matrix(interactionPairs)) {
      stop("interactionPairs must be either NULL or a n x 2 matrix of indices")
    if (!is.null(interactionCandidates)) {
      stop("If interactionPairs is set, interactionCandidates must be NULL.")
    pairs = list(contcont=NULL, catcat=NULL, catcont=NULL)
    for (i in 1:nrow(interactionPairs)) {
      left = interactionPairs[i, 1]
      right = interactionPairs[i, 2]
      if (numLevels[left] == 1 && numLevels[right] == 1) {
        pairs$contcont = c(pairs$contcont, which(contIndices %in% c(left, right)))
      } else if (numLevels[left] == 1) {
        pairs$catcont = c(pairs$catcont, which(catIndices == right), which(contIndices == left))
      } else if (numLevels[right] == 1) {
        pairs$catcont = c(pairs$catcont, which(catIndices == left), which(contIndices == right))
      } else {
        pairs$catcat = c(pairs$catcat, which(catIndices %in% c(left, right)))
    # convert to matrices
    pairs = lapply(pairs, function(x) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        return(matrix(x, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
      } else {
    interactionPairs = pairs

  # separate into categorical and continuous parts
  if (pCont > 0) {
    continuousCandidates = NULL
    Z = as.matrix(apply(as.matrix(X[, contIndices]), 2, standardize))
    if (!is.null(interactionCandidates)) {
      continuousCandidates = which(contIndices %in% interactionCandidates)
  } else {
    Z = NULL
    continuousCandidates = NULL
  if (pCat > 0){
    categoricalCandidates = NULL
    levels = numLevels[catIndices]
    Xcat = as.matrix(X[, catIndices])
    if (!is.null(interactionCandidates)) {
      categoricalCandidates = which(catIndices %in% interactionCandidates)
  } else {
    levels = NULL
    Xcat = NULL
    categoricalCandidates = NULL

  # compute variable norms
  res = Y - mean(Y)
  candidates = get_candidates(Xcat, Z, res, n, pCat, pCont, levels, interactionPairs, categoricalCandidates, continuousCandidates, screenLimit, numCores=numCores)

  # lambda grid if not user provided
  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    lambda = get_lambda_grid(candidates, nLambda, lambdaMinRatio)
  } else {
    stopifnot(min(lambda) > 0)
    if (any(diff(lambda) > 0)) {
      stop("Error: input lambda sequence is not monotone decreasing.")
    lambdaMax = max(get_lambda_grid(candidates, nLambda, lambdaMinRatio))
    nLambda = length(lambda)
    if (nLambda == 1) {
      lambda = sort(c(lambda, lambdaMax), decreasing=TRUE)
      nLambda = 2

  # initialize storage for results
  fitted = matrix(mean(Y), n, nLambda)
  activeSet = vector("list", nLambda)
  betahat = vector("list", nLambda)
  betahat[[1]] = ifelse(family=="gaussian", mean(Y), -log(1/mean(Y)-1))
  objValue = rep(0, nLambda)
  objValue[1] = ifelse(family=="gaussian", sum(res^2)/(2*n), -mean(Y)*betahat[[1]]+log(1/(1-mean(Y))))

  # ever-active set + sequential strong rules + group lasso
  for (i in 2:nLambda){
    if (verbose) {
      cat("lambda ", i, ": ", lambda[i], "\n")
    activeSet[[i]] = strong_rules(candidates, lambda[i], lambda[i-1])
    betahat[[i]] = initialize_betahat(activeSet[[i]], activeSet[[i-1]], betahat[[i-1]], levels)
    while (TRUE) {
      # group lasso on strong set
      solution = group_lasso(Xcat, Z, Y, activeSet[[i]], betahat[[i]], levels, lambda[i], family, tol, maxIter, verbose)
      activeSet[[i]] = solution$activeSet
      betahat[[i]] = solution$betahat
      res = solution$res
      objValue[i] = solution$objValue
      # check kkt conditions on the rest
      check = check_kkt(Xcat, Z, res, n, pCat, pCont, levels, candidates, activeSet[[i]], lambda[i], numCores)
      candidates$norms = check$norms
      if (check$flag) {
      betahat[[i]] = initialize_betahat(check$activeSet, activeSet[[i]], betahat[[i]], levels)
      activeSet[[i]] = check$activeSet
    # update the candidate set if necessary
    if (!is.null(screenLimit) && (screenLimit<pCat+pCont) && i<nLambda) {
      candidates = get_candidates(Xcat, Z, res, n, pCat, pCont, levels, interactionPairs, categoricalCandidates, continuousCandidates, screenLimit, activeSet[[i]], candidates$norms, numCores)
    # get fitted values
    fitted[, i] = Y - res
    # compute total number of interactions found
    if (!is.null(numToFind)) {
      numFound = sum(sapply(activeSet[[i]][3:5], function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), 0, nrow(x))))
      if (numFound >= numToFind) {

  # rescale betahat
  Z = as.matrix(X[, numLevels==1])
  betahatRescaled = lapply(1:i, function(j) rescale_betahat(activeSet[[j]], betahat[[j]], Xcat, Z, levels, n))

  output = list(call=thisCall, fitted=fitted[, 1:i], lambda=lambda[1:i], objValue=objValue, activeSet=activeSet[1:i], betahat=betahatRescaled[1:i], numLevels=numLevels, family=family)
  class(output) = "glinternet"

  return (output)

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glinternet documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:28 p.m.