#' @title Plot covariate coefficients and confidence intervals
#' @description Plots covariate coefficients and their confidence intervals.
#' @param object an object of class 'gllvm'.
#' @param y.label logical, if \code{TRUE} (default) colnames of y with respect to coefficients are added to plot.
#' @param which.Xcoef vector indicating which covariate coefficients will be plotted. Can be vector of covariate names or numbers. Default is \code{NULL} when all covariate coefficients are plotted.
#' @param order logical, whether or not coefficients are ordered, defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param cex.ylab the magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex.
#' @param cex.xlab the magnification to be used for axis annotation.
#' @param mfrow same as \code{mfrow} in \code{par}. If \code{NULL} (default) it is determined automatically.
#' @param mar vector of length 4, which defines the margin sizes: \code{c(bottom, left, top, right)}. Defaults to \code{c(4,5,2,1)}.
#' @param xlim.list list of vectors with length of two to define the intervals for an x axis in each covariate plot. Defaults to NULL when the interval is defined by the range of point estimates and confidence intervals
#' @param ... additional graphical arguments.
#' @author Jenni Niku <>, Francis K.C. Hui, Sara Taskinen, Bert van der Veen
#' @examples
#'# Extract subset of the microbial data to be used as an example
#'X <- microbialdata$Xenv
#'y <- microbialdata$Y[, order(colMeans(microbialdata$Y > 0),
#' decreasing = TRUE)[21:40]]
#'fit <- gllvm(y, X, formula = ~ pH + Phosp, family = poisson())
#'## Load a dataset from the mvabund package
#'y <- as.matrix(antTraits$abund)
#'X <- as.matrix(antTraits$env)
#'# Fit model with environmental covariates
#'fit <- gllvm(y, X, formula = ~ Bare.ground + Shrub.cover,
#' family = poisson())
#'# Fit model with all environmental covariates
#'fitx <- gllvm(y, X, family = "negative.binomial")
#'coefplot(fitx, mfrow = c(3,2))
#'coefplot(fitx, which.Xcoef = 1:2)
#'# Fit gllvm model with environmental and trait covariates
#'TR <- antTraits$traits
#'fitT <- gllvm(y = y, X = X, TR = TR, family = "negative.binomial")
#'# Fit gllvm model with environmental covariances and reduced rank
#'fitRR <- gllvm(y = y, X = X, num.RR = 2, family = "negative.binomial")
#'@aliases coefplot coefplot.gllvm
#'@export coefplot.gllvm
coefplot.gllvm <- function(object, y.label = TRUE, which.Xcoef = NULL, order = TRUE, cex.ylab = 0.5, cex.xlab = 1.3, mfrow = NULL, mar = c(4,6,2,1), xlim.list = NULL, ...)
if (!any(class(object) == "gllvm"))
stop("Class of the object isn't 'gllvm'.")
if (is.null(object$X) & is.null(object$lv.X))
stop("No X covariates in the model.")
if(is.null(object$X) && !isFALSE(object$randomB))
stop("No predictor effects to plot in the model.")
#Calculate standard errors of species-effects for reduced rank terms
if(!is.null(object$lv.X) && isFALSE(object$randomB)){
beta <- object$params$theta[,1:(object$$num.RR), drop=FALSE]%*%t(object$params$LvXcoef)
betaSE <- RRse(object)
if (is.null(object$TR)) {
if (is.null(which.Xcoef))
which.Xcoef <- c(1:NCOL(object$params$Xcoef))
Xcoef <- (object$params$Xcoef[, which.Xcoef, drop=FALSE])
sdXcoef <- as.matrix(object$sd$Xcoef[, which.Xcoef, drop=FALSE])
# cnames <- colnames(object$params$Xcoef)[which.Xcoef]
# Xcoef <- as.matrix(object$params$Xcoef[, which.Xcoef,drop=FALSE])
cnames <- colnames(Xcoef)
k <- length(cnames)
labely <- rownames(Xcoef)
m <- length(labely)
Xc <- Xcoef
if (is.null(mfrow) && k > 1)
mfrow <- c(1, k)
if (!is.null(mfrow))
par(mfrow = mfrow, mar = mar)
if (is.null(mfrow))
par(mar = mar)
for (i in 1:k) {
Xc <- Xcoef[, i]
if(nrow(Xcoef)<2) names(Xc) <- rownames(Xcoef)
lower <- Xc - 1.96 * sdXcoef[, i]
upper <- Xc + 1.96 * sdXcoef[, i]
if(order) Xc <- sort(Xc)
lower <- lower[names(Xc)]
upper <- upper[names(Xc)]
col.seq <- rep("black", m)
col.seq[lower < 0 & upper > 0] <- "grey"
At.y <- seq(1, m)
if (!is.null(xlim.list[[i]])) {
plot( x = Xc, y = At.y, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", col = col.seq, xlab = cnames[i], xlim = xlim.list[[i]], pch = "x", cex.lab = cex.xlab, ... )
} else {
plot( x = Xc, y = At.y, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", col = col.seq, xlab = cnames[i], xlim = c(min(lower), max(upper)), pch = "x", cex.lab = cex.xlab, ... )
segments( x0 = lower, y0 = At.y, x1 = upper, y1 = At.y, col = col.seq )
abline(v = 0, lty = 1)
if (y.label)
axis( 2, at = At.y, labels = names(Xc), las = 1, cex.axis = cex.ylab)
} else{
Xcoef <- object$params$B
xnames <- names(object$params$B)
sdXcoef <- object$sd$B
Xcoef <- c(Xcoef,object$params$betaH)
xnames <- c(xnames,paste("beta",names(object$params$betaH),sep = ":"))
sdXcoef <- c(sdXcoef,object$sd$betaH)
} else {
Xcoef <- c(unlist(object$params[which.Xcoef]))
xnames <- names(Xcoef)
sdXcoef <- c(unlist(object$sd[which.Xcoef]))
m <- length(xnames)
k <- 1
if (is.null(mfrow))
mfrow <- c(1, k)
par(mfrow = mfrow, mar = mar)
Xc <- Xcoef
lower <- Xc - 1.96 * sdXcoef
upper <- Xc + 1.96 * sdXcoef
if(order) Xc <- sort(Xc)
lower <- lower[names(Xc)]
upper <- upper[names(Xc)]
col.seq <- rep("black", m)
col.seq[lower < 0 & upper > 0] <- "grey"
At.y <- seq(1, m)
if (!is.null(xlim.list)) {
if (is.list(xlim.list))
xlim.list <- xlim.list[[1]]
plot( x = Xc, y = At.y, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", col = col.seq, xlab = "Coefficients", xlim = xlim.list, pch = "x", cex.lab = cex.xlab, ... )
} else {
plot( x = Xc, y = At.y, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", col = col.seq, xlab = "Coefficients", xlim = c(min(lower), max(upper)), pch = "x", cex.lab = cex.xlab, ...)
segments( x0 = lower, y0 = At.y, x1 = upper, y1 = At.y, col = col.seq )
abline(v = 0, lty = 1)
if (y.label)
axis( 2, at = At.y, labels = names(Xc), las = 1, cex.axis = cex.ylab)
coefplot <- function(object, ...)
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