## Author: Daniel Sabanes Bove [daniel *.* sabanesbove *a*t* ifspm *.* uzh *.* ch]
## Project: Bayesian FPs for GLMs
## Time-stamp: <[glmBayesMfp.R] by DSB Mit 03/07/2013 22:57 (CEST)>
## Description:
## Main user interface for Bayesian inference for fractional polynomials in generalized linear
## models and Cox models.
## History:
## 26/10/2009 file creation: copy and modify the old BayesMfp.R
## 27/10/2009 first only allow the binomial family, and write the code in an
## extensible way, so that it later can be extended easily when binomial works
## (11/12/2009 note: actually we now have generality for all GLM families.)
## 06/11/2009 include group sizes
## 09/11/2009 add Gauss Hermite quantiles and weights
## 18/11/2009 progress towards first testable version of the marginal likelihood
## approximation,
## use roxygen after cleaning the package from old hyper-g stuff.
## 01/12/2009 do not coerce model response to type double automatically,
## because it could be a factor in the binomial case.
## 11/12/2009 rewrite passing of info to C++ and storage of attributes info,
## to make it clearer and facilitate reuse in other functions, e.g. sampleGlm.
## 06/01/2010 extend getFamily to return self-crafted "simulate" function in the
## return list. This is used e.g. by "sampleGlm".
## 12/02/2010 for clarity, split off helper functions into their separate files,
## so we need to include them in the preamble
## 17/02/2010 split off null model information computation, and include the returned
## list in the things passed to C++ (instead of only the log marginal
## likelihood for the null model)
## 15/03/2010 also pass weights to C++ via the family list,
## new g-prior class is expected in the prior list
## 12/04/2010 do not coerce totalNumber to integer but to double, as it is done in C++
## in the same manner and keeps the number space large enough.
## 14/04/2010 add "useBfgs" and "largeVariance" options.
## 17/05/2010 useBfgs=FALSE ("optimize") is now the default because it is more
## robust than Bfgs. Add "useOpenMP" option, which makes it easier
## to switch than setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS.
## 21/05/2010 be more careful when passing "fpnames" to C++
## 25/05/2010 add "nObs" to "data" attribute of return list.
## 08/07/2010 add an empirical Bayes option which ranks the models in terms of
## approximate *conditional* marginal likelihoods
## 29/07/2010 add the new option to get a better Laplace approximation in the
## case of binary logistic regression.
## 08/07/2011 add the new modelPrior option "dependent"
## 29/07/2011 now "higherOrderCorrection"
## 15/02/2012 check that not two terms contain the same covariate in
## the formula
## 21/11/2012 add "tbf" option
## 03/12/2012 add Cox regression
## 10/12/2012 fix bug: order according to survival times when Cox model is
## requested, otherwise the computed deviances are wrong!!
## 06/02/2013 remove default for "family"
## 03/07/2013 - add offsets
## - remove getNullModelInfo
## 26/05/2014 Added option (useFixedc) to calculate (or not) c factor using
## mean of observations as in null model instead of alpha=0.
##' @include helpers.R
##' @include formula.R
##' @include fpScale.R
##' @include GPrior-classes.R
##' @include getFamily.R
##' Bayesian model inference for fractional polynomial GLMs and Cox models
##' Bayesian model inference for fractional polynomial models from the generalized linear model
##' family or the Cox model is conducted by means of either exhaustive model space evaluation or posterior model
##' sampling. The approach is based on analytical marginal likelihood approximations, using
##' integrated Laplace approximation. Alternatively, test-based Bayes factors
##' (TBFs) are used.
##' The formula is of the form \code{y ~ bfp (x1, max = 4) + uc (x2 + x3)}, that
##' is, the auxiliary functions \code{\link{bfp}} and \code{\link{uc}} must be
##' used for defining the fractional polynomial and uncertain fixed form
##' covariates terms, respectively. There must be an intercept, and no other
##' fixed covariates are allowed. All \code{max} arguments of the
##' \code{\link{bfp}} terms must be identical. \code{y} is the response vector
##' for GLMs or the vector of survival times for Cox regression. Note that Cox
##' regression is only implemented with TBFs.
##' The prior specifications are a list:
##' \describe{
##' \item{gPrior}{A g-prior class object. Defaults to a hyper-g prior. See
##' \code{\linkS4class{GPrior}} for more information.}
##' \item{modelPrior}{choose if a flat model prior (\code{"flat"}), a
##' model prior favoring sparse models explicitly (default, \code{"sparse"}),
##' or a dependent model prior (\code{"dependent"}) should be used.}
##' }
##' If \code{method = "ask"}, the user is prompted with the maximum
##' cardinality of the model space and can then decide whether to use
##' posterior sampling or the exhaustive model space evaluation.
##' Note that if you specify only one FP term, the exhaustive model search
##' must be done, due to the structure of the model sampling algorithm.
##' However, in reality this will not be a problem as the model space will
##' typically be very small.
##' @param formula model formula
##' @param censInd censoring indicator. Default is \code{NULL}, but if
##' a non-\code{NULL} vector is supplied, this is assumed to be logical
##' (\code{TRUE} = observed, \code{FALSE} = censored) and Cox regression is
##' performed.
##' @param data optional data.frame for model variables (defaults to the parent
##' frame)
##' @param weights optionally a vector of positive weights (if not provided, a
##' vector of one's)
##' @param offset this can be used to specify an _a priori_ known component to
##' be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This must be a numeric
##' vector of length equal to the number of cases (if not provided, a vector of
##' zeroes)
##' @param family distribution and link (as in the glm function). Needs to
##' be explicitly specified for all models except the Cox model.
##' @param phi value of the dispersion parameter (defaults to 1)
##' @param tbf Use TBF methodology to compute the marginal likelihood? (not
##' default) Must be \code{TRUE} if Cox regression is done.
##' @param empiricalBayes rank the models in terms of \emph{conditional}
##' marginal likelihood, using an empirical Bayes estimate of g? (not default)
##' Due to coding structure, the prior on g must be given in \code{priorSpecs}
##' although it does not have an effect when \code{empiricalBayes==TRUE}.
##' @param fixedg If this is a number, then it is taken as a fixed value of g,
##' and as with the \code{empiricalBayes} option, the models are ranked in terms
##' of conditional marginal likelihood. By default, this option is \code{NULL},
##' which means that g is estimated in a fully or empirical Bayesian way.
##' @param priorSpecs prior specifications, see details
##' @param method which method should be used to explore the posterior model
##' space? (default: ask the user)
##' @param subset optional subset expression
##' @param na.action default is to skip rows with missing data, and no other
##' option supported at the moment
##' @param verbose should information on computation progress be given?
##' (default)
##' @param debug print debugging information? (not default)
##' @param nModels how many best models should be saved? (default: 1\% of the
##' total number of (cached) models). Must not be larger than \code{nCache} if
##' \code{method == "sampling"}.
##' @param nCache maximum number of best models to be cached at the same time
##' during the model sampling, only has effect if method = sampling
##' @param chainlength length of the model sampling chain (only has an effect if
##' sampling has been chosen as method)
##' @param nGaussHermite number of quantiles used in Gauss Hermite quadrature
##' for marginal likelihood approximation (and later in the MCMC sampler for the
##' approximation of the marginal covariance factor density). If
##' \code{empiricalBayes} or a fixed g is used, this option has no effect.
##' @param useBfgs Shall the BFGS algorithm be used in the internal maximization
##' (not default)? Else, the default Brent optimize routine is used, which seems
##' to be more robust. If \code{empiricalBayes} or a fixed g is used, this
##' option has no effect and always the Brent optimize routine is used.
##' @param largeVariance When should the BFGS variance estimate be considered
##' \dQuote{large}, so that a reestimation of it is computed? (Only has an
##' effect if \code{useBfgs == TRUE}, default: 100)
##' @param useOpenMP shall OpenMP be used to accelerate the computations?
##' (default)
##' @param higherOrderCorrection should a higher-order correction of the
##' Laplace approximation be used, which works only for canonical GLMs? (not
##' default)
##' @param fixedcfactor If TRUE sets the c factor assuming alpha is set to 0. Otherwise take alpha=mean(y)
##' @param empiricalgPrior If TRUE uses the the observed isnformation matrix instead of X'X in the g prior. (Experimental)
##' @param centerX Center the data before fitting (FALSE)
##' @aliases glmBayesMfp GlmBayesMfp
##' @return An object of S3 class \code{GlmBayesMfp}.
##' @keywords models regression
##' @export
glmBayesMfp <-
function (formula = formula(data),
censInd = NULL,
data = parent.frame(),
priorSpecs =
method = c ("ask", "exhaustive", "sampling"),
na.action = na.omit,
verbose = TRUE,
chainlength = 1e4,
## checks
is(priorSpecs$gPrior, "GPrior"),
## see whether GLM or Cox is requested
doGlm <- is.null(censInd)
if(! doGlm)
## and check censoring indicator vector in the Cox case.
## Also: we only have Cox regression with TBFs!
## set family to Gaussian to have some pseudo values in there
family <- gaussian
## see whether a fixed g is requested
useFixedg <- ! is.null(fixedg)
## then check whether it is a valid g
## and that there is no conflict with the empirical Bayes option
identical(length(fixedg), 1L),
fixedg > 0,
! empiricalBayes)
} else {
fixedg <- 0
## save call for return object
call <-
method <- match.arg (method)
## check and evaluate Gauss Hermite stuff
nGaussHermite <- as.integer(nGaussHermite)
gaussHermite <- statmod::gauss.quad(n=nGaussHermite, kind="hermite")
## evaluate family, this list then also includes the dispersion
family <- getFamily(family, phi)
## get model prior choice
priorSpecs$modelPrior <- match.arg(priorSpecs$modelPrior,
choices=c("flat", "sparse", "dependent"))
## evaluate call for model frame building
m <- = FALSE)
## select normal parts of the call
temp <- c("", "formula", "data", "weights", "offset", "subset", "na.action") # "" is the function name
m <- m[match(temp, names(m), nomatch = 0)]
## sort formula, so that bfp comes before uc
## filter special parts in formula: uncertain covariates (uc) and (Bayesian) fractional polynomials (bfp)
special <- c("uc", "bfp")
Terms <- if (missing(data))
terms(formula, special)
terms(formula, special, data = data)
tempVarNames <- rownames(attr(Terms, 'factors'))
## check if intercept is present
if (! attr(Terms, "intercept"))
stop(simpleError("there must be an intercept term in the model formula"))
ucTempVarNames <- sort(tempVarNames[attr(Terms, "specials")$uc])
bfpTempVarNames <- sort(tempVarNames[attr(Terms, "specials")$bfp])
fixTempVarNames <- sort(tempVarNames[ - c(1,
attr(Terms, "specials")$uc,
attr(Terms, "specials")$bfp)])
## now sort the formula
sortedFormula <- paste(deparse (Terms[[2]]),
"~ 1 +",
paste(c(bfpTempVarNames, ucTempVarNames, fixTempVarNames),
collapse = "+"))
sortedFormula <- as.formula (sortedFormula)
## filter special parts in formula: uncertain covariates (uc) and (Bayesian) fractional polynomials (bfp)
Terms <- if (missing(data))
terms(sortedFormula, special)
terms(sortedFormula, special, data = data)
ucTermInd <- attr (Terms, "specials")$uc # special indices in original formula (beginning with 1 = response!)
nUcGroups <- length (ucTermInd)
bfpTermInd <- attr (Terms, "specials")$bfp
nFps <- length (bfpTermInd)
fixTermInd <- seq_along(tempVarNames)[-c(1, ucTermInd, bfpTermInd)] # indices of fixed terms
nFixGroups <- length(fixTermInd)
## check if bfp's are present
if (nFps == 0)
warning(simpleWarning("no fractional polynomial terms in formula"))
## get vector with covariate entries
vars <- attr (Terms, "variables") # language object
varlist <- eval (vars, envir = data) # list
covariates <- paste(as.list (vars)[-c(1,2)]) # vector with covariate entries (no list or response or Intercept)
## remove bfp() from entries and save the inner arguments
bfpInner <- varlist[bfpTermInd] # saved for later use
covariates[bfpTermInd - 1] <- unlist(bfpInner) # remove bfp( ) from formula; -1 because of reponse column
## if ucs are present:
if (nUcGroups){
## remove uc() from entries and save the inner arguments
ucInner <- unlist(varlist[ucTermInd])
covariates[ucTermInd - 1] <- ucInner
## determine association of terms with uc groups
ucTermLengths <- sapply (ucInner, function (oneUc)
length (attr (terms (as.formula (paste ("~", oneUc))), "term.labels"))
ucTermLengthsCum <- c(0, cumsum (ucTermLengths - 1)) # how much longer than 1, accumulated
ucTermList <- lapply (seq (along = ucTermInd), function (i) # list for association uc group and assign index
ucTermInd[i] - 1 + # Starting assign index
ucTermLengthsCum[i]+ # add lengths from before
0:(ucTermLengths[i]-1) # range for this uc term
} else {
ucInner <- ucTermList <- NULL
## consistency check:
stopifnot(identical(length(ucTermList), nUcGroups))
# if fixed variables are present
if (nFixGroups) {
## remove uc() from entries and save the inner arguments
fixInner <- fixTempVarNames
covariates[fixTermInd - 1] <- fixInner
## determine association of terms with fixed groups
fixTermLengths <- sapply(fixInner, function(oneFix)
length(attr(terms(as.formula(paste("~", oneFix))), "term.labels"))
fixTermLengthsCum <- c(0, cumsum(fixTermLengths - 1)) # how much longer than 1, accumulated
fixTermList <- lapply(seq(along = fixTermInd), function(i) # list for association uc group and assign index
fixTermInd[i] - 1 + # Starting assign index
fixTermLengthsCum[i] + # add lengths from before
0:(fixTermLengths[i] - 1) # range for this uc term
} else {
fixInner <- fixTermList <- NULL
## check that not two entries are present for any covariate,
## i.e. the covariate names must be unique
if(! identical(covariates,
stop(simpleError(paste("Duplicate covariates in formula:",
sep=", "))))
## build new formula from the cleaned covariate entries
newFormula <- # is saved for predict method at the end
update (sortedFormula,
paste (".~ 1 +",
paste (covariates, collapse = "+")) # only update RHS
newTerms <- if (missing(data))
terms(newFormula, data = data)
## build model frame
m$formula <- newTerms
m$scale <- m$family <- m$verbose <- NULL
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
m <- eval(m, sys.parent())
## build design matrix
X <- model.matrix (newTerms, m)
Xcentered <- scale(X, center=centerX, scale=FALSE)
## get and check weights
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(m))
weights <- rep(1, nrow(X))
if (!is.null(weights) && !is.numeric(weights))
stop(simpleError("'weights' must be a numeric vector"))
if (!is.null(weights) && any(weights < 0))
stop(simpleError("negative weights not allowed"))
## get response
Y <- model.response(m)
## get offsets
offset <- as.vector(model.offset(m))
if (!is.null(offset))
if (length(offset) != NROW(Y))
stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d should equal %d (number of observations)",
length(offset), NROW(Y)), domain = NA)
} else {
offset <-, nrow(X))
## check length of censoring vector in the Cox case
if(! doGlm)
censInd <- censInd[-attr(m,"na.action")]
stopifnot(identical(length(censInd), length(Y)))
## initialize (here e.g. the binomial matrix Y case is handled as in 'glm')
init <- family$init(y=Y, weights=weights)
Y <- init$y
family$weights <- as.double(init$weights)
family$offsets <- as.double(offset)
family$dispersions <- as.double(family$phi / init$weights) # and zero weights ?!
family$linPredStart <- as.double(init$linPredStart)
## which terms gave rise to which columns?
## (0 = intercept, 1 = first term)
termNumbers <- attr (X, "assign")
## vector of length col (X) giving uc group indices or 0 (no uc)
## for associating uc groups with model matrix columns: ucIndices
fixIndices <- ucIndices <- fpMaxs <- integer (length (termNumbers))
## list for mapping group -> columns in model matrix: ucColList
for (i in seq (along=ucTermList)){
ucIndices[termNumbers %in% ucTermList[[i]]] <- i
ucColList <- lapply (seq (along=ucTermList), function (ucGroup) which (ucIndices == ucGroup))
} else {
ucColList <- NULL
## list for mapping group -> columns in model matrix: fixColList
if (nFixGroups) {
for (i in seq(along = fixTermList)) {
fixIndices[termNumbers %in% fixTermList[[i]]] <- i
fixColList <- lapply(seq(along = fixTermList), function(fixGroup) which(fixIndices == fixGroup))
} else {
fixColList <- NULL
## vectors of length col (X) giving maximum fp degrees or 0 (no bfp)
## and if scaling is wanted (1) or not (0)
## for associating bfps with model matrix columns
## In addition, scale Columns or exit if non-positive values occur
bfpInds <- bfpTermInd - 1 + attr (Terms, "intercept") # now indexing matrix column
for (i in seq (along=bfpInner)){
colInd <- bfpInds[i]
fpObj <- bfpInner[[i]]
fpMaxs[colInd] <- attr (fpObj, "max")
## get scaling info
scaleResult <- fpScale (c(attr(fpObj, "rangeVals"), # extra values not in the data
X[,colInd]), # covariate data
scaling = attr(fpObj, "scale")) # scaling wished?
attr (bfpInner[[i]], "prescalingValues") <- scaleResult
## do the scaling
X[,colInd] <- X[,colInd] + scaleResult$shift
X[,colInd] <- X[,colInd] / scaleResult$scale
## check positivity
if (min(X[,colInd]) <= 0)
stop (simpleError(paste("prescaling necessary for negative values in variable", fpObj)))
## check that all maximum FP degrees are equal, so that the SWITCH move
## in the model sampling algorithm will always be possible.
## This assumption could potentially be removed later on, or otherwise the "max" option in bfp()
## could be removed.
if (length(unique(fpMaxs[fpMaxs != 0])) > 1L)
stop(simpleError("all maximum FP degrees must be identical"))
## Check if factor variables are used in bfp
if(any(c('logical','factor')%in% lapply(m, class)[bfpInds]))
stop (simpleError("logical or factor variables cannot be fractional polynomials"))
## check that only the intercept (one column) is a fixed term
if (sum(! ((fpMaxs | ucIndices)| fixIndices)) > 1)
stop (simpleError("only the intercept can be a fixed term"))
## attach a loglik-function, which is then called from the C++ code.
## It gives then the loglikelihood of the mu vector of means.
family$loglik <- function(mu)
return(- 0.5 * sum(family$dev.resids(y=Y, mu=mu, wt=weights)) / phi)
## note that this does not include normalizing constants of
## the sampling density, e.g. - 0.5 * log(2 * pi * phi) is *not*
## included in the Gaussian case!
## fit the null model
nullModelFit <- glm(Y ~ 1,
nullModelLogMargLik <-
## if we use TBF, then the log marginal likelihood is the log
## test-based Bayes factor of the model versus the null model. Of
## course the Bayes factor of the null model versus itself is 1, so
## the log BF is 0.
} else {
## compute log marginal likelihood in the null model
## via the Laplace approximation:
- nullModelFit$deviance / 2 + 0.5 * log(2 * pi * vcov(nullModelFit))
nullModelDeviance <- nullModelFit$deviance
## compute and print cardinality of the model space to guide decision
fpSetCards <- ifelse (fpMaxs[fpMaxs != 0] <= 3, 8, 5 + fpMaxs[fpMaxs != 0])
getNumberPossibleFps <- function ( # computes number of possible univariate fps (including omission)
maxDegree # maximum fp degree
s <- ifelse (maxDegree <= 3, 8, 5 + maxDegree) # card. of power set
singleDegreeNumbers <- sapply (0:maxDegree, function (m)
choose (s - 1 + m, m))
return (sum (singleDegreeNumbers))
singleNumbers <- sapply (fpMaxs, getNumberPossibleFps)
totalNumber <- prod (singleNumbers) * 2^(nUcGroups) + 1 # maximum number of possible models (+1 for model with only fixed covariates)
## process the nModels argument
## then we would like to have the default number of models:
nModels <- max(1L, floor(totalNumber / 100))
## check nModels is at least 1
if(nModels < 1)
stop(simpleError("nModels must at least be 1"))
## decide if we are going to do model sampling or an exhaustive search
if (identical(method, "ask")){
cat ("The cardinality of the model space is at most ", totalNumber, ".\n", sep = "")
decision <- substr (readline(paste("Do you want to do a deterministic search for the best model (y)",
"or sample from the model space (n) or abort (else) ?\n")),
1, 1)
## ensure that correct decision string has been entered, otherwise abort
if(! decision %in% c("y", "n"))
} else {
decision <- switch(method, exhaustive = "y", sampling = "n")
## and the match.arg before ensures that no further problems can occur.
## translate the decision to logical variable
doSampling <- identical(decision, "n")
## ensure that we only do model sampling if there is more than 1 FP term in the model
if(doSampling && identical(nFps, 1L))
warning(simpleWarning(paste("We need to do an exhaustive computation of all models,",
"because there is only 1 FP term in the model!")))
doSampling <- FALSE
## if sampling, we possibly ask for the chainlength
if (doSampling)
## get chainlength?
if (identical(method, "ask"))
chainlength <- as.numeric (readline ("How long do you want the Markov chain to run?\n"))
## compute the default number of models to be saved
nModels <- as.integer(max(chainlength / 100, 1L))
stopifnot(nModels >= 1L)
## check the chosen cache size
nCache <- as.integer(nCache)
stopifnot(nCache >= nModels)
if (verbose)
cat("Starting sampler...\n")
if (verbose)
cat("Starting with computation of every model...\n")
## start the progress bar (is continued in the C++ code)
cat ("0%", rep ("_", 100 - 6), "100%\n", sep = "")
## if Cox model is requested,
## order the data according to the survival times!
if(! doGlm)
sorted <- order(Y)
Y <- Y[sorted]
censInd <- censInd[sorted]
X <- X[sorted, ]
Xcentered <- Xcentered[sorted, ]
if(! all(sorted == seq_along(Y)))
warning("Input data were reordered so that the survival times are sorted")
## pack the data together
data <- list(x=X, # design matrix
xCentered=Xcentered, # centered design matrix
y=as.double(Y), # response vector
nObs=nrow(X), # number of observations
censInd=as.integer(censInd)) # binary censoring indicator
## pack the FP info things together
fpInfos <- list(fpmaxs=as.integer(fpMaxs[fpMaxs != 0]), # vector of maximum fp degrees)
fppos=as.integer(bfpInds), # vector of fp columns
fpcards=as.integer(fpSetCards), # cardinality of corresponding power sets
fpnames=if (nFps == 0) character(0) else unlist(bfpInner)) # names of fp terms. Note that
# it is necessary to have this if-else
# construction (ifelse does not work,
# because it would take the first
# element of the length-0 vector
# character(0), which is NA!!)
## pack the UC info things together
ucInfos <- list(ucIndices=as.integer(ucIndices), # vector giving uncertainty custer indices
# (column -> which group)
ucColList=ucColList) # list for group -> which columns mapping
## pack the UC info things together
fixInfos <- list(fixIndices = as.integer(fixIndices), # vector giving fixed covaraite custer indices
# (column -> which group)
fixColList = fixColList) # list for group -> which columns mapping
## pack model search configuration:
searchConfig <- list(totalNumber=as.double(totalNumber), # cardinality of model space
nModels=as.integer(nModels), # number of best
# models returned
empiricalBayes=empiricalBayes, # use EB for g and
# conditional marginal likelihoods?
useFixedg=useFixedg, # use a fixed value of g?
useFixedc = fixedcfactor,
doSampling=doSampling, # shall model sampling be done? If
# false, then exhaustive search.
chainlength=as.double(chainlength), # how many times should a jump be
# proposed?
nCache=nCache, # how many models to cache at the same time
largeVariance=as.double(largeVariance), # what is a "large" variance output
# of BFGS?
useBfgs=useBfgs) # should we use the BFGS algorithm (or
# Brent's optimize)?
## pack prior and likelihood information:
distribution <- list(nullModelLogMargLik=nullModelLogMargLik, # log marg lik
# of the null model.
nullModelDeviance=nullModelDeviance, # corresponding deviance
doGlm=doGlm, # should we do a GLM or a Cox model search?
tbf=tbf, # should TBF methodology be used to
# compute Bayes factors?
fixedg=as.double(fixedg), # the fixed value of g
# (0 if not used)
gPrior=priorSpecs$gPrior, # prior on the covariance
# factor g (S4 class object)
modelPrior=priorSpecs$modelPrior, # model prior string
family=family, # GLM family and link,
yMean=mean(Y), # pass the mean, which we use when fixedc=TRUE
empiricalgPrior=empiricalgPrior) # should we use empirical g prior
## pack other options
options <- list(verbose=verbose, # should progress be displayed?
debug=debug, # echo debug-style messages?
gaussHermite=gaussHermite, # nodes and weights for Gauss
# Hermite quadratures
useOpenMP=useOpenMP, # should we use openMP for speed up?
higherOrderCorrection=higherOrderCorrection) # should
# the higher-order Laplace correction be used?
## then go C++
Ret <- cpp_glmBayesMfp(data,
## C++ attaches the following attributes:
## numVisited
## inclusionProbs
## logNormConst
## name the inclusion probabilities
names (attr (Ret, "inclusionProbs")) <- c(unlist (bfpInner), ucInner)
## name the models with the model index
names (Ret) <- 1:length(Ret)
## attach additional information:
## information passed to C++, which is important for e.g. the function "sampleGlm"
attr (Ret, "data") <- data
attr(Ret, "fpInfos") <- fpInfos
attr(Ret, "ucInfos") <- ucInfos
attr(Ret, "fixInfos") <- fixInfos
attr(Ret, "searchConfig") <- searchConfig
attr(Ret, "distribution") <- distribution
attr(Ret, "options") <- options
## original call and formula
attr (Ret, "call") <- call
attr (Ret, "formula") <- newFormula
## prior specs argument
attr (Ret, "priorSpecs") <- priorSpecs
## list with index info
#fixedInds <- setdiff (1:ncol (X), c (bfpInds, which (ucIndices > 0)))
attr (Ret, "indices") <- list (uc = ucIndices,
ucList = ucColList,
bfp = bfpInds,
fixed = fixIndices)
## names of the terms
fixedNamesInds <- c(setdiff(2:length (varlist), unlist (attr (Terms, "specials"))) , 1)
# interceptName <- ifelse (attr (Terms, "intercept"), "(Intercept)", NULL)
if (doGlm) { interceptName <- "(Intercept)"
} else if (!doGlm) interceptName <- NULL
attr (Ret, "termNames") <- list (fixed=c(interceptName, fixInner),
## matrix with shift/scale info, maximum degree and cardinality of powerset
shiftScaleMaxMat <- matrix (nrow = nFps, ncol = 4)
colnames (shiftScaleMaxMat) <- c ("shift", "scale", "maxDegree",
if(nFps > 0L)
shiftScaleMaxMat[, 1:2] <- matrix(unlist(lapply(bfpInner,
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)
shiftScaleMaxMat[, 3] <- fpMaxs[fpMaxs != 0]
shiftScaleMaxMat[, 4] <- fpSetCards
rownames (shiftScaleMaxMat) <- unlist (bfpInner)
attr (Ret, "shiftScaleMax") <- shiftScaleMaxMat
## set class and return
class (Ret) <- c("GlmBayesMfp", "list")
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