
Defines functions print.summary.glmbb summary.glmbb standardize.term.labels is.hierarchical glmbb

Documented in glmbb print.summary.glmbb summary.glmbb

glmbb <- function(big, little = ~ 1, family = poisson, data,
    criterion = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC"), cutoff = 10, trace = FALSE,
    graphical = FALSE, BIC.option = c("length", "sum"), ...) {

    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    BIC.option <- match.arg(BIC.option)

    stopifnot(inherits(big, "formula"))
    stopifnot(inherits(little, "formula"))

    # next bit cut-and-pasted from the R function glm
    if (is.character(family))
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    if (is.function(family))
        family <- family()
    if (is.null(family$family)) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")

    # make data frame containing all variables
    if (missing(data)) {
        mf <- lm(big, method = "model.frame")
    } else {
        mf <- lm(big, data = data, method = "model.frame")

    stopifnot(length(cutoff) == 1)
    stopifnot(! is.na(cutoff))
    stopifnot(cutoff >= 0)

    terms.big <- terms(big)
    terms.little <- terms(little)

    lab.little <- attr(terms.little, "term.labels")
    lab.big <- attr(terms.big, "term.labels")
    lab.little <- standardize.term.labels(lab.little)
    lab.big <- standardize.term.labels(lab.big)
    if (! all(lab.little %in% lab.big))
        stop("terms in little not in big")
    intercept.little <- attr(terms.little, "intercept")
    intercept.big <- attr(terms.big, "intercept")
    if (intercept.little != intercept.big)
        stop("big and little models must both have intercept or neither")
    if (! is.hierarchical(terms.big))
        stop("big not hierarchical")
    if (! is.hierarchical(terms.little))
        stop("little not hierarchical")

    stopifnot(length(trace) == 1)

    stopifnot(length(graphical) == 1)

    # make little have same response as big
    little.char <- as.character(little)
    big.char <- as.character(big)
    if (length(little.char) == 2) {
        little.char <- c(big.char[2], little.char)
    } else {
        little.char <- c(big.char[2], little.char[c(1, 3)])
    little.char <- paste(little.char, collapse = " ")
    little <- as.formula(little.char)

    e <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())

    n <- nrow(mf)

    resp <- model.response(mf)
    nsum <- sum(resp)

    e$min.crit <- Inf

    fitter <- function(f) {
        mt <- terms(f)
        tl <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
        stl <- standardize.term.labels(tl)
        if (length(stl) == 0) stl <- "1"
        xhash <- digest(sort(stl), algo = "sha1")
        xkey <- paste("sha1", xhash, sep = ".")
        if (exists(xkey, e)) {
            o <- get(xkey, e)
            if (trace)
                cat("        look up model", deparse(f), "\n", file = stderr())
        } else {
            if (trace)
                cat("        fitting model", deparse(f), "\n", file = stderr())
            o <- glm(f, family = family, data = mf, ...)
            p <- sum(! is.na(o$coefficients))
            aic <- AIC(o)
            if (is.null(aic))
                stop("glm doesn't allow AIC or other IC with this family")
            if (criterion == "AIC") {
                o$criterion <- aic
                o$criterion.deviance <- aic - 2 * p
                o$criterion.penalty <- 2 * p
            if (criterion == "BIC") {
                if (BIC.option == "length") {
                    o$criterion <- BIC(o)
                    o$criterion.deviance <- aic - 2 * p
                    o$criterion.penalty <- log(n) * p
                } else {
                    o$criterion.deviance <- aic - 2 * p
                    o$criterion.penalty <- log(nsum) * p
                    o$criterion <- o$criterion.deviance + o$criterion.penalty
            if (criterion == "AICc") {
                o$criterion.deviance <- aic - 2 * p
                o$criterion.penalty <- if (n > p + 1) 2 * p +
                    2 * p * (p + 1) / (n - p - 1) else Inf
                o$criterion <- o$criterion.deviance + o$criterion.penalty
            if (graphical)
                o$graphical <- isGraphical(o$formula)
            assign(xkey, o, e)
            if ((! graphical) || o$graphical)
                if (e$min.crit > o$criterion)
                    e$min.crit <- o$criterion
        if (trace) {
            cat("        model criterion =", o$criterion, "\n",
                file = stderr())
            cat("        minimum so far =", e$min.crit, "\n",
                file = stderr())

    # we now assume everything has been checked
    doit <- function(little, big) {
        if (trace) {
            cat("doit called with args\n", file = stderr())
            cat("   ", deparse(little), "\n", file = stderr())
            cat("   ", deparse(big), "\n", file = stderr())
        # evaluate all models between little and big
        # or prove that they are not worth evaluating (above the cutoff)
        ol <- fitter(little)
        ob <- fitter(big)
        lower.bound <- ob$criterion.deviance + ol$criterion.penalty
        if (trace)
            cat("    lower bound for subfamily =", lower.bound, "\n",
                file = stderr())
        if (lower.bound > e$min.crit + cutoff) {
            if (trace)
                cat("    lower bound greater than minimum + cutoff; prune\n",
                    file = stderr())
        # otherwise find a term in big but not in little and split on it
        ll <- attr(terms(little), "term.labels")
        lb <- attr(terms(big), "term.labels")
        ll <- standardize.term.labels(ll)
        lb <- standardize.term.labels(lb)
        if (! all(ll %in% lb))
            stop("can't happen: little bigger than big in subfamily")
        if (all(lb %in% ll)) {
            if (trace)
                cat("    little == big; hit bottom\n", file = stderr())
        the.term <- setdiff(lb, ll)[1]
        if (trace)
            cat("    splitting on term", the.term, "\n", file = stderr())
        little.plus <- update(little, paste("~ . +", the.term))

        the.term.split <- strsplit(the.term, split = ":")[[1]]
        lb.split <- strsplit(lb, split = ":")
        lb.outies <- vapply(lb.split, function(x) all(the.term.split %in% x),
        outies <- lb[lb.outies]
        outies <- paste(outies, collapse = " - ")
        big.minus <- update(big, paste("~ . -", outies))
        if (trace) {
        doit(little.plus, big)
        doit(little, big.minus)

    doit(little, big)

    return(structure(list(data = mf, little = little, big = big,
        criterion = criterion, cutoff = cutoff, envir = e,
        min.crit = e$min.crit, graphical = graphical), class = "glmbb"))

is.hierarchical <- function(mt) {
    stopifnot(inherits(mt, "terms"))
    f <- attr(mt, "factors")
    if (length(f) == 0) return(TRUE)
    for (j in 1:ncol(f)) {
       x <- f[ , j]
       ii <- which(x >= 1)
       if (length(ii) == 1) next
       for (i in ii) {
           xtry <- x
           xtry[i] <- 0
           foo <- any(apply(f, 2, function(x) all((x >= 1) == (xtry >= 1))))
           if (! foo) return(FALSE)

standardize.term.labels <- function(foo) {
    bar <- strsplit(foo, split = ":")
    baz <- lapply(bar, sort)
    vapply(baz, paste, collapse = ":", character(1))

summary.glmbb <- function(object, cutoff, ...) {

    stopifnot(inherits(object, "glmbb"))

    if (missing(cutoff)) {
        cutoff <- object$cutoff
    } else {
        stopifnot(length(cutoff) == 1)
        stopifnot(! is.na(cutoff))
        stopifnot(cutoff >= 0)

    e <- object$envir
    fits <- ls(envir = e, pattern = "^sha1")
    criteria <- Map(function(x) get(x, envir = e)$criterion, fits)
    formulae <- Map(function(x) get(x, envir = e)$formula, fits)
    names(criteria) <- NULL
    names(formulae) <- NULL
    criteria <- unlist(criteria)
    formulae <- vapply(formulae, tidy.formula.hierarchical, character(1))
    if (object$graphical) {
        inies <- vapply(formulae, function(x) isGraphical(as.formula(x)),
        criteria <- criteria[inies]
        formulae <- formulae[inies]
    fred <- data.frame(criteria, formulae, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    fred <- fred[order(criteria), , drop = FALSE]
    fred <- fred[fred$criteria <= min(fred$criteria) + cutoff, , drop = FALSE]
    w <- fred$criteria
    w <- w - w[1]
    w <- exp(- w / 2)
    w <- w / sum(w)
        results = data.frame(criterion = fred$criteria, weight = w,
            formula = fred$formulae, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            cutoff.search = object$cutoff, cutoff.summary = cutoff,
            criterion = object$criterion, graphical = object$graphical),
            class = "summary.glmbb")

print.summary.glmbb <- function(x,
    digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {

    stopifnot(inherits(x, "summary.glmbb"))

    cutoff <- format(signif(x$cutoff.search, digits))
    cutoff.too <- format(signif(x$cutoff.summary, digits))

    if (x$graphical)
        type <- "graphical"
        type <- "hierarchical"

    cat("Results of search for ", type, " models with lowest ",
        x$criterion, ".\n", sep = "")
    cat("Search was for all models with ", x$criterion,
        " no larger than min(", x$criterion, ") + ", cutoff, "\n", sep = "")
    if (x$cutoff.summary == x$cutoff.search) {
        cat("These are shown below.\n")
    } else {
        cat("Summary was requested for all models with ", x$criterion,
            " no larger than min(", x$criterion, ") + ", cutoff.too,
            "\n", sep = "")
        if (x$cutoff.summary > x$cutoff.search) {
            cat("Since the summary cutoff > search cutoff,",
                " some models\n     with ", x$criterion, " below the summary",
                " cutoff may have been missed\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            cat("Since summary cutoff < search cutoff,",
                " weights do not sum to one\n", sep = "")

    results <- x$results
    print(results, digits = digits, right = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
        print.gap = 2L)

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glmbb documentation built on Nov. 22, 2020, 1:07 a.m.