
Defines functions gsi.matchDimnames gmApply.DataFrameStack gmApply.default gmApply plot.swarmPlot swarmPlot setStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame setStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame setStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame setStackElement.DataFrameStack setStackElement.list setStackElement.data.frame setStackElement.default setStackElement getStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame getStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame getStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame getStackElement.DataFrameStack getStackElement.list getStackElement.default getStackElement `[.DataFrameStack` `stackDim<-.default` `stackDim<-` noStackDim.default noStackDim stackDim.DataFrameStack stackDim.default stackDim dimnames.DataFrameStack as.list.DataFrameStack as.array.DataFrameStack DataFrameStack.list DataFrameStack.array DataFrameStack gsi.is.stackDim.defined gsi.dataframestack

Documented in as.array.DataFrameStack as.list.DataFrameStack DataFrameStack DataFrameStack.array DataFrameStack.list dimnames.DataFrameStack getStackElement getStackElement.DataFrameStack getStackElement.default getStackElement.list gmApply gmApply.DataFrameStack gmApply.default noStackDim noStackDim.default plot.swarmPlot setStackElement setStackElement.data.frame setStackElement.DataFrameStack setStackElement.default setStackElement.list stackDim stackDim.DataFrameStack swarmPlot

# Class DataFrameStack
gsi.dataframestack <- function(x, stackDim=2, dim=NULL, Dimnames=NULL,...){
  l = list(...)
  if(is.null(Dimnames) & "dimnames" %in% names(l)) Dimnames= l$dimnames
    stop("DataFrameStack: one of dim or Dimnames must be provided")
    warning("DataFrameStack: dim and dimnames were provided, dim is ignored")
    dim2 = sapply(Dimnames,length)
    dim[dim2!=0] = dim2[dim2!=0]
  dn = sapply(Dimnames, is.null)
    if(is.null(dim)) stop("DataFrameStack: if Dimnames are not complete, dim is necessary")
    dimnames2 = lapply(dim, function(i) 1:i)
    Dimnames[dn] = dimnames2[dn]
  }else if(length(dn)==0){
    if(is.null(dim)) stop("DataFrameStack: if Dimnames are not provided, dim is necessary")
    Dimnames = lapply(dim, function(i) 1:i)
    dim = sapply(Dimnames, length)
  if(!gsi.is.stackDim.defined(stackDim, names(Dimnames), length(dim)))
    stop("DataFrameStack: stacking dimension unidentified")
  attr(x, "Dimnames") = Dimnames
  attr(x, "stackDim") = stackDim  
  class(x) = unique(c("DataFrameStack", class(x)))

gsi.is.stackDim.defined = function(stackdim, n=NULL, l=NULL){
    return(stackdim %in% n)
    return(stackdim>0 & stackdim<(l+1))

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @export
DataFrameStack <- function(x,...) UseMethod("DataFrameStack",x)

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @export
as.DataFrameStack <- DataFrameStack

#' Create a data frame stack
#' Make a stacked data frame, that is, a stack of data.frames representing e.g. repeated measurements,
#' parallel time series, or a stack of multivariate realisation of some random process. If a data frame
#' is analogous to a matrix, a DataFrameStack is analogous to an array. It is highly recommendable to work
#' with named dimensions in stacked data frames.
#' @param x object containing the individual data sets, this can be an arra, a list or a data.frame
#' @param stackDim for "array" and "data.frame" input, which dimension 
#' (name or index) identifies the stacking dimension;
#' this is typically the replication, realisation or time slice index 
#' @param dim for "data.frame" input,  how is the data provided to be arranged in slices?
#' @param Dimnames for "list" and "data.frame input, which names do you want to give 
#' to the resulting array-like structure; note that for input "array" it is necessary 
#' that these names are already given to the input array beforehand!
#' @param ... further parameters, ignored but necessary for generic functionality
#' @return The data provided reorganised as a DataFrameStack, with several additional attributes.
#' @export
#' @method DataFrameStack data.frame
#' @seealso [stackDim()] to get or set the stacking dimension; 
#' [noStackDim()] to get (not set) the non-stacking dimension;
#' [as.array.DataFrameStack()] and [as.list.DataFrameStack()] to
#' convert the stack to an array or a list;
#' [dimnames.DataFrameStack()] to get the dimension names;
#' [`[.DataFrameStack`] to extract rows of a stack;
#' [getStackElement()] and `setStackElement` (same page as `getStackElement`) 
#' to extract/modify an 
#' element of the stack; [gmApply()] to
#' apply any function to the stack, typically element-wise;
#' and [swarmPlot()] to combine plot elements for each stack element
#' into a single plot. 
#' @examples
#' ll = lapply(1:3, function(i) as.data.frame(matrix(1:10+(i-1)*10, ncol=2)))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ll, stackDimName="rep")
#' dimnames(dfs)
#' df = as.data.frame(matrix(1:30, ncol=6))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(df, dimnames = list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3), stackDim = "rep")
#' dimnames(dfs)
#' ar = array(1:30, dim = c(5,2,3), dimnames=list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' dimnames(dfs)
DataFrameStack.data.frame <-  gsi.dataframestack

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @method as.DataFrameStack data.frame
#' @export
as.DataFrameStack.data.frame <- gsi.dataframestack

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @method DataFrameStack array
#' @export
DataFrameStack.array <- function(x, stackDim=2, ...){
  if(!gsi.is.stackDim.defined(stackDim, names(dimnames(x)), length(dim(x))))
    stop("DataFrameStack: stacking dimension unidentified")
  aux = x
  dim(x) = c(dim(x)[1], prod(dim(x)[-1]))
  x = data.frame(x)
  attr(x, "Dimnames") = dimnames(aux)
  attr(x, "stackDim") = stackDim 
  class(x) = unique(c("DataFrameStack", "data.frame"))

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @method as.DataFrameStack array
#' @export
as.DataFrameStack.array <- DataFrameStack.array

#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from a list
#' @param stackDimName for "list" input, which name or index do you want to 
#' give to the stacking dimension?  
#' @export
#' @method DataFrameStack list 
DataFrameStack.list <- function(x, stackDimName = NULL, Dimnames=NULL, ...){
  aux = x[[1]]
    dim(aux) = c(length(aux),1)
    nm = if(is.null(names(x))) 1:length(x) else names(x)
    rn = if(is.null(rownames(aux))) 1:nrow(aux) else rownames(aux)
    cn = if(is.null(colnames(aux))) 1:ncol(aux) else colnames(aux)
    Dimnames=list(rn, cn, nm)
        names(Dimnames) = c("loc","var", stackDimName)
        nmd = names(dimnames.data.frame(aux))
        tk = !is.null(nmd)
          names(Dimnames)[tk] <- nmd[tk]
  uncolname = function(x){
    colnames(x) = NULL
  for(i in 2:length(x)){
    aux = cbind(aux,uncolname(x[[i]]))
  aux = data.frame(aux)
  res = gsi.dataframestack(aux, stackDim=stackDimName, Dimnames=Dimnames,...)


#' @describeIn DataFrameStack.data.frame create a DataFrameStack from an array
#' @method as.DataFrameStack list
#' @export
as.DataFrameStack.list <- DataFrameStack.list

#' Convert a stacked data frame into an array
#' Recast a [DataFrameStack()] into a named array.
#' @param x input [DataFrameStack()]
#' @param ... generic consistency
#' @return the data recasted as an array with appropriate names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ll = lapply(1:3, function(i) as.data.frame(matrix(1:10+(i-1)*10, ncol=2)))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ll, stackDimName="rep")
#' as.array(dfs)
as.array.DataFrameStack = function(x, ...){
  aux = x
  x = as.matrix(x)
  dim(x) = sapply(attr(aux,"Dimnames"), length)
  dimnames(x) = dimnames(aux)
  class(x) = "array"

#' Convert a stacked data frame into a list of data.frames
#' Recast a [DataFrameStack()] into a list of data.frames
#' @param x input [DataFrameStack()]
#' @param ... generic consistency
#' @return the data recasted as list of data.frames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ar = array(1:30, dim = c(5,2,3), dimnames=list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' as.list(dfs)
as.list.DataFrameStack = function(x, ...){
  res = lapply(dimnames(x)[attr(x, "stackDim")][[1]], function(i)
  nm = dimnames(x)[stackDim(x)]
  if(is.null(nm)) return(res)
  names(res) = nm[[1]]

#' Return the dimnames of a DataFrameStack
#' Return the dimnames of a [DataFrameStack()], i.e. the three dimensions
#' @param x a [DataFrameStack()] object
#' @return a list (possibly named) with the element names of each of the three dimensions 
#' @export
dimnames.DataFrameStack = function(x) attr(x, "Dimnames")

#' @describeIn dimnames.DataFrameStack dimnames method for all Spatial*DataFrame objects of 
#' package `sp` which data slot contains a [DataFrameStack()]
#' @method dimnames Spatial
setMethod("dimnames", signature="Spatial", definition = function(x) dimnames(x@data) )

#' Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' Return (or set) the name or index of either the stacking dimension, or else of the 
#' non-stacking dimension (typically, the dimension runing through the variables)
#' @param x a [DataFrameStack()] object, (only for `stackDim` it can also be a `Spatial` 
#' object which `data` slot is a `DataFrameStack`)
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return the index or the name of the asked dimension.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ar = array(1:30, dim = c(5,2,3), dimnames=list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' dfs
#' stackDim(dfs)
#' noStackDim(dfs)
#' getStackElement(dfs, 1)
#' stackDim(dfs) <- "vars"
#' getStackElement(dfs, 1)
stackDim <- function(x,...) UseMethod("stackDim",x)

# @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @method stackDim default
#' @export
stackDim.default = function(x, ...) attr(x, "stackDim")

#' @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @method stackDim DataFrameStack
#' @export
stackDim.DataFrameStack = function(x, ...) attr(x, "stackDim")

setGeneric("stackDim", def=function(x, ...) attr(x, "stackDim") )

#' Get name/index of the stacking dimension of a Spatial object
#' Get name/index of the stacking dimension of a Spatial object which 
#' data slot is of class [DataFrameStack()]
#' @seealso [stackDim()]
#' @method stackDim Spatial
#' @param x a `Spatial` object which `data` slot is a `DataFrameStack`
#' @export
#' @return see [stackDim()] for details
#' @importFrom sp coordinates CRS bbox
setMethod("stackDim", signature="Spatial", definition = function(x) stackDim(x@data) )

#' @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @export
noStackDim <- function(x,...) UseMethod("noStackDim",x)

#' @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @method noStackDim default
#' @export
noStackDim.default = function(x, ...){
  warning("noStackDim: stackDim not found or not understood!")

#' @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @param value the name or the index to be considered as stacking dimension
#' @export
`stackDim<-` <- function(x, value) UseMethod("stackDim<-", x)

#' @describeIn stackDim Get/set name/index of (non)stacking dimensions
#' @method stackDim<- default
#' @export
`stackDim<-.default` = function(x, value){
  attr(x, "stackDim") <- value

#' Extract rows of a DataFrameStack
#' Extract rows (and columns if you know what you are doing) from a stacked data frame 
#' @param x [DataFrameStack()] object
#' @param i row indices, names or logical vector of appropriate length (i.e. typically locations, observations, etc)
#' @param j column indices, names or logical vector of appropriate length. DO NOT USE if you are 
#' not sure what you are doing. The result will be a conventional data.frame, probably with the 
#' stacking structure destroyed.
#' @param ... generic parameters, ignored.
#' @param drop logical, if selection results in one single row or column selected, return a vector?
#' @return the DataFrameStack or data.frame of the selected rows and columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ar = array(1:30, dim = c(5,2,3), dimnames=list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' dfs[1:2,]
#' stackDim(dfs[1:2,])
`[.DataFrameStack` <- function(x,i=NULL,j=NULL,..., drop=FALSE){
  erg = x
  aux = attr(x,"Dimnames")
  rnms = aux[[1]]
  class(erg) = "data.frame"
    erg = erg[i,, drop=drop]
    if(is.numeric(i) | is.logical(i)){
      aux[[1]] = rnms[i]
    }else if(is.character(i)){
      aux[[1]] = i
    if(is.null(j)) return(gsi.dataframestack(erg, stackDim=stackDim(x), Dimnames=aux))
  return(erg[,j, drop=drop])

#' Set or get the i-th data frame of a data.frame stack
#' Set or get one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @param x container data, typically a [DataFrameStack()], but it can also be certain [sp::Spatial()]
#' object derivates of it
#' @param i index (or name) of the element of the stack to extract or replace 
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return For the getters, the result is the data.frame of the stack asked for. For the setters
#' the result is the original DataFrameStack with the corresponding element replaced. Spatial methods
#' return the corresponding spatial object, ie. the spatial information of the stack is transferred to the
#' extracted element.
#' @export
#' @aliases setStackElement
#' @examples
#' ar = array(1:30, dim = c(5,2,3), dimnames=list(obs=1:5, vars=c("A","B"), rep=1:3))
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' dfs
#' stackDim(dfs)
#' getStackElement(dfs, 1)
getStackElement <- function(x,i,...) UseMethod("getStackElement",x)

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set or get one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @method getStackElement default
#' @export
getStackElement.default = function(x, i, ...){
  if(is(x, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"))return(getStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, ...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))return(getStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame(x=x, i=i, ...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))return(getStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, ...))
  x[i, drop=F]

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set or get one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @method getStackElement list
#' @export
getStackElement.list = function(x, i, ...) x[[i]]

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set or get one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @method getStackElement DataFrameStack
#' @param MARGIN which dimension is the stacking dimension? you seldom want to touch this!!
#' @export
getStackElement.DataFrameStack = function(x, i, MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  dm = sapply(attr(x,"Dimnames")[-1], length)
  l = prod(dm)
  idx = matrix(1:l, ncol=dm[1], nrow=dm[2], byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(idx) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[2]]
  rownames(idx) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[3]]
  if((stackDim(x)==2) | (stackDim(x)==names(dimnames(x))[2])){
    erg = data.frame(x[,idx[,i], drop=F])
    colnames(erg) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[3]]
    erg = data.frame(x[,idx[i,], drop=F])
    colnames(erg) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[2]]
  rownames(erg) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[1]]
  class(erg) = setdiff(class(x), "DataFrameStack")

## getStackElement S4 methods:
# @rdname stackElementsS4 get/setStackElement S4 methods
# These functions provide S4 methods for the [getStackElement()]/`SetStackElement()` 
# generic functionality
# @export
# setGeneric("getStackElement", def=function(x, ...) standardGeneric("getStackElement"))

getStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame = function(x,i,MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  sp::SpatialGridDataFrame(grid=sp::getGridTopology(x), data = getStackElement(x@data, i),
                       proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Get method for SpatialGridDataFrame object
# @method getStackElement SpatialGridDataFrame
# @export
#setMethod("getStackElement", signature="SpatialGridDataFrame", def=getStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame)

getStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame = function(x,i,MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
                             data = getStackElement(x@data, i),
                       proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)), 
                       bbox = sp::bbox(x))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Get method for SpatialPointsDataFrame object
# @method getStackElement SpatialPointsDataFrame
# @export
#setMethod("getStackElement", signature="SpatialPointsDataFrame", def=getStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame)

getStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame = function(x,i,MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
                             data = getStackElement(x@data, i),
             proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)), 
             grid = sp::getGridTopology(x))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Get method for SpatialPixelsDataFrame object
# @method getStackElement SpatialPixelsDataFrame
# @export
# setMethod("getStackElement", signature="SpatialPixelsDataFrame", def=getStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame)

# @describeIn getStackElement Set one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @export
setStackElement <- function(x,i,...) UseMethod("setStackElement",x)

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set or get one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @method setStackElement default
#' @param value for the setting operation, the new data.frame to replace the selected one; note
#' that the compatibility of the dimensions of `value` is only checked for setStackElement.DataFrameStack
#' and its Spatial derivates; for other methods `setStackElement` can break the consistency of the  
#' stack!
#' @export
setStackElement.default = function(x, i, value, ...){
  if(is(x, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value, ...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value, ...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value, ...))
  x[i] <- value

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set  one element of the [DataFrameStack()] in data.frame form 
#' @method setStackElement data.frame
#' @export
setStackElement.data.frame = function(x, i, value, ...){
  if(is(x, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value,...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value,...))
  if(is(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))return(setStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame(x=x, i=i, value=value,...))
  x[,i] <- value

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set get one element of a [DataFrameStack()] in list form
#' @method setStackElement list
#' @export
setStackElement.list = function(x, i, value, ...){
  x[[i]] <- value

#' @describeIn getStackElement Set one element of the [DataFrameStack()] 
#' @method setStackElement DataFrameStack
#' @export
setStackElement.DataFrameStack = function(x,i, value, MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  dm = sapply(attr(x,"Dimnames")[-1], length)
  l = prod(dm)
  idx = matrix(1:l, ncol=dm[1], nrow=dm[2], byrow=TRUE)
  aux = getStackElement(x,i, MARGIN=MARGIN)
  colnames(idx) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[2]]
  rownames(idx) = attr(x,"Dimnames")[[3]]
  # do some checks
  if(length(dim(value))==0)  dim(value) = c(length(value),1)
  if(any(dim(value)!=dim(aux))) stop("setStackElement.DataFrameStack: provided value does not have the appropriate dimensions")
  if(any(colnames(value)!=colnames(aux))) warnings("setStackElement.DataFrameStack: colnames of provided value do not fully correspond with stack varnames")
  # replace and return
  if((MARGIN==2) | (MARGIN==names(dimnames(x))[2])){
    x[,idx[,i]] <- value
    x[,idx[i,]] <- value

## getStackElement S4 methods:
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Set methods for S4 classes
# @export
#setGeneric("setStackElement", def=function(x, ...) standardGeneric("setStackElement"))

setStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame = function(x,i, value, MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  sp::SpatialGridDataFrame(grid=sp::getGridTopology(x), data = setStackElement(x@data, i, value),
                       proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Set method for SpatialGridDataFrame object
# @method setStackElement SpatialGridDataFrame
# @export
#setMethod("setStackElement", signature="SpatialGridDataFrame", def=setStackElement_SpatialGridDataFrame)

setStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame = function(x,i, value, MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=sp::coordinates(x), data = setStackElement(x@data, i, value),
                         proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)), bbox = bbox(x))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Set method for SpatialPointsDataFrame object
# @method setStackElement SpatialPointsDataFrame
# @export
#setMethod("setStackElement", signature ="SpatialPointsDataFrame", def=setStackElement_SpatialPointsDataFrame)

setStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame = function(x,i, value, MARGIN=stackDim(x), ...){
  sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points=sp::coordinates(x), data = setStackElement(x@data, i, value),
                       proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)), grid = sp::getGridTopology(x))
# @rdname stackElementsS4 Set method for SpatialPixelsDataFrame object
# @method setStackElement SpatialPixelsDataFrame
# @export
#setMethod("setStackElement", signature="SpatialPixelsDataFrame", def=setStackElement_SpatialPixelsDataFrame)

### tests -----------
# if(!exists("do.test")) do.test=FALSE
# if(do.test){
#   mm = array(rnorm(60), dim=c(3,5,4), dimnames=list(loc=letters[1:3], sim=1:5, var=LETTERS[1:4]))
#   mdt = data.frame(matrix(mm, nrow=3, ncol=20))
#   dfs = DataFrameStack(mdt, dimnames=list(loc=letters[1:3], sim=1:5, var=LETTERS[1:4])) 
#   dimnames(dfs)
#   as.array(dfs)
#   stackDim(dfs)
#   a = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=expand.grid(x=-1:1, y=0), data = dfs)
#   stackDim(a)
#   dimnames(a)
#   as.list(dfs)
#   plot(a)
#   spplot(a)
#   a@data
#   class(a@data)
# }

#' Plot a swarm of calculated output through a DataFrameStack
#' Take a [DataFrameStack()] and apply a certain plotting function to each elements of the stack.
#' The result (typically a curve per each stack element), may then be plotted all together
#' @param X a [DataFrameStack()] or anaologous object
#' @param MARGIN which dimension defines the stack? it has a good default! change only if you
#' know what you do 
#' @param PLOTFUN the elemental calculating function; this must take as input one element
#' of the stack and return as output the (x,y)-coordinates of the calculated curve for that
#' element, in a list of two elements
#' @param ... further parameters to `PLOTFUN`
#' @param .plotargs either a logical, or else a list of graphical arguments to pass
#' to [plot.swarmPlot()]; if `.plotargs=FALSE` no plot is produced; if `.plotargs=TRUE` 
#' a plot with default values is produced; 
#' @param .parallelBackend NA or a parallelization strategy; currently unstable for certain 
#' operations and platforms. 
#' @return Invisibly, this function returns a list of the evaluation of `PLOTFUN` on 
#' each element of the stack. If `.plotargs` other than `FALSE`, then the function calls 
#' [plot.swarmPlot()] to produce a plot.
#' @export
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom graphics lines.default points.default
#' @examples
#' dm = list(point=1:100, var=LETTERS[1:2], rep=paste("r",1:5, sep=""))
#' ar = array(rnorm(1000), dim=c(100,2,5), dimnames = dm)
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' swarmPlot(dfs, PLOTFUN=function(x) density(x[,1]))
swarmPlot = function(X, MARGIN=stackDim(X), PLOTFUN,..., 
  PLTFN = function(i,...) PLOTFUN(getStackElement(X,i=i),...)
    idx = 1:length(dimnames(X)[[MARGIN]])
    resL = lapply(idx, FUN=PLTFN, ...)
    requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)
    message("swarmPlot: it is your responsibility to open, provide and close the right .parallelBackend!")
    idx = 1:length(dimnames(X)[[MARGIN]])
    resL = foreach(idx=idx) %dopar% PLTFN(idx)
      class(resL) = "swarmPlot"
      .plotargs = list()
  class(resL) = "swarmPlot"
  .plotargs$x = resL
  do.call(plot.swarmPlot, .plotargs)

#' Plotting method for swarmPlot objects
#' Produces a plot for objects obtained by means of [swarmPlot()]. These are lists of two-element
#' list, respectively giving the (x,y) coordinates of a series of points defining a curve. They
#' are typically obtained out of a [DataFrameStack()], and each curve represents a a certain relevant
#' summary of one of the elements of the stack. All parameters of [graphics::plot.default()] 
#' are available, plus the following
#' @param x swarmPlot object
#' @param type see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param col color to be used for all curves and points
#' @param xlim limits of the X axis, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param ylim limits of the Y axis, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param xlab label for the X axis, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param ylab label for the Y axis, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param main main plot title, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param asp plot aspect ratio, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param sub plot subtitle, see  [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param log log scale for any axis? see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param ann plot annotation indications, see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param axes should axes be set? see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param frame.plot should the plot be framed? see [graphics::plot.default()]
#' @param bg fill color for the data points if certain `pch` symbols are used
#' @param pch symbol for the data points, see [graphics::points()]
#' @param cex symbol size for the data points
#' @param lty line style for the curves
#' @param lwd line thickness for the curves
#' @param add logical, add results to an existing plot?
#' @param ... further parameters to the plotting function
#' @return Nothing. The function is called to make a plot.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines points
#' @examples
#' dm = list(point=1:100, var=LETTERS[1:2], rep=paste("r",1:5, sep=""))
#' ar = array(rnorm(1000), dim=c(100,2,5), dimnames = dm)
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' rs = swarmPlot(dfs, PLOTFUN=function(x) density(x[,1]), .plotargs=FALSE)
#' plot(rs, col="yellow", lwd=3)
plot.swarmPlot = function(x, type="l", col="grey", xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab="x", ylab="y", 
                          main=NULL, asp=NA, sub=NULL, log="", ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, 
                          frame.plot = axes,
                          bg=NA, pch=1, cex=1, lty=1, lwd=1, add=FALSE, ...){
  resL = x
  idx = 1:length(x)
    xlim = range(sapply(resL, function(x) x[[1]]))
    ylim = range(sapply(resL, function(x) x[[2]]))
    x = resL[[1]][[1]]
    y = resL[[1]][[2]]
    plot(x=x, y=y, type=type, col=col, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, 
         asp=asp, sub=sub, log=log, axes=axes, frame.plot=frame.plot, bg=bg, pch=pch, cex=cex,
         lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ...)
    idx = idx[-1]
  for(i in idx){
    x = resL[[i]][[1]]
    y = resL[[i]][[2]]
    if(type %in% c("l", "b", "o"))
      lines.default(x=x, y=y,col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
    if(type %in% c("p", "b", "o"))
      points.default(x=x, y=y,col=col, pch=pch, cex=cex, bg=bg)

#' Apply Functions Over Array or DataFrameStack Margins
#' Returns a vector or array or list of values obtained by 
#' applying a function to the margins of an array or matrix.
#' Method `gmApply.default()` is just a wrapper on [base::apply()].
#' Method `gmApply()` reimplements the functionality
#' with future access to parallel computing and appropriate default 
#' values for the MARGIN. ALWAYS use named arguments here!
#' @param X a [DataFrameStack()] object (see [base::apply()] for other options)
#' @param ... further arguments to `FUN`
#' @return In principle, if `MARGIN==stackDim(X)` (the default), the oputput is a list
#' with the result of using `FUN` on each element of the stack. If `FUN` returns a 
#' matrix or a data.frame assimilable to one element of the stack, a transformation of
#' this output to a DataFrameStack is attempted. 
#' For `X` non-DataFrameStack or `MARGIN!=stackDim(X)` see [base::apply()].
#' @export
gmApply <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("gmApply", X)

#' @describeIn gmApply wrapper around [base::apply()]
#' @param MARGIN a name or an index of the dimension along which should 
#' the calculations be done; defaults to the stacking dimension of the 
#' [DataFrameStack()], i.e. to the output of `stackDim(X)`
#' @param FUN function to apply; the default behaviour being that this function
#' is applied to each element of the stack `X`
#' @param ... further arguments to `FUN`
#' @export
#' @method gmApply default
gmApply.default <- function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) base::apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)

#' @describeIn gmApply Apply Functions Over DataFrameStack Margins
#' @param .parallel currently ignored
#' @method gmApply DataFrameStack
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dm = list(point=1:100, var=LETTERS[1:2], rep=paste("r",1:5, sep=""))
#' ar = array(rnorm(1000), dim=c(100,2,5), dimnames = dm)
#' dfs = DataFrameStack(ar, stackDim="rep")
#' gmApply(dfs, FUN=colMeans)
#' rs = gmApply(dfs, FUN=function(x) x+1)
#' class(rs)
#' getStackElement(rs,1)
#' getStackElement(dfs,1)
gmApply.DataFrameStack = function(X, MARGIN=stackDim(X), FUN, ..., .parallel=FALSE){
  # manage the general case of apply
    return(apply(as.array(X), MARGIN=MARGIN, FUN=FUN, ...)) 
  # manage the special case of fun across the stacking dimension, much cheaper:
  FN = function(i) FUN(getStackElement(X,i=i, MARGIN=MARGIN),...)
  # do the calculations
    stop(".parallel not yet implemented")
    idx = 1:length(dimnames(X)[[MARGIN]])
    res = lapply(idx, FUN=FN)
    MARGIN = names(attr(X, "Dimnames"))[MARGIN]
  # redimensionalise and cast to DataFrameStack
    out = DataFrameStack(res, stackDimName = MARGIN, ...)
    out = DataFrameStack(res, ...)
  # pass all attributes:
  #attr(out,"Dimnames") = list(dimnames(res[[1]], )
  out = gsi.matchDimnames(X,out)
  attrb = names(attributes(X))
  attrb = setdiff(attrb, c("names", "col.names", "row.names", "dimnames", "Dimnames", "dim", "class"))
    for(atr in attrb) attr(out,atr) = attr(X, atr)

gsi.matchDimnames = function(X, out){
  dimnO = dimnames(out)
  dmX = sapply(dimnames(X), length)
  dmO = sapply(dimnO, length)
  oo = outer(dmX, dmO, "==")
    ii = which(colSums(oo)==1)
    jj = unlist(apply(oo,2,which))
    for(i in ii){
      j = which(oo[,i])
    names(dimnO)[ii] <- names(dimnames(X))[jj]
      names(dimnO)[is.na(names(dimnO))] = paste("d",which(is.na(names(dimnO))), sep="")
    attr(out, "Dimnames") = dimnO

### tests -----------
# if(!exists("do.test")) do.test=FALSE
# if(do.test){
#   exampleFun = function(x){
#     print(x[,1])
#     density(x[,1], n=256)
#   } 
#   swarmPlot(dfs,PLOTFUN=exampleFun, .parallel = F)
#   exampleFun = function(x){
#     erg = as.matrix(x)+10*rep(1:4, each=3)
#     dimnames(erg) = dimnames(x)
#     return(erg)
#   } 
#   aux = gmApply(dfs, FUN=exampleFun)
#   library(gstat)
#   library(sp)
#   data("jura", package = "gstat")
#   coords = SpatialPoints(jura.pred[,1:2])
#   plot(coords)
# }

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gmGeostats documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.