
Defines functions Rao_test LR_test Wald_test

Documented in LR_test Rao_test Wald_test

#' @title Perform Wald test for a GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model
#' @description \code{Wald_test} performs a Wald test for a GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model
#' @inheritParams quantile_residual_tests
#' @inheritParams calc_gradient
#' @param A a size \eqn{(k x n_params)} matrix with full row rank specifying part of the null hypothesis
#'   where \eqn{n_params} is the number of parameters in the (unconstrained) model.
#'   See details for more information.
#' @param c a length \eqn{k} vector specifying part of the null hypothesis. See details for more information.
#' @param custom_h a numeric vector with the same length as \code{x} specifying the difference \code{h}
#'  for each dimension separately. If \code{NULL} (default), then the difference \code{1e-6} used for
#'   all but overly large degrees of freedom parameters. For them, the difference is adjusted to avoid
#'   numerical problems.
#' @details Denoting the true parameter value by \eqn{\theta_{0}}, we test the null hypothesis \eqn{A\theta_{0}=c}.
#'   Under the null, the test statistic is asymptotically \eqn{\chi^2}-distributed with \eqn{k}
#'   (\code{=nrow(A)}) degrees of freedom. The parameter \eqn{\theta_{0}} is assumed to have the same form as in
#'   the model supplied in the argument \code{gsmvar} and it is presented in the documentation of the argument
#'   \code{params} in the function \code{GSMVAR} (see \code{?GSMVAR}).
#'   Finally, note that this function does \strong{not} check whether the specified constraints are feasible (e.g. whether
#'   the implied constrained model would be stationary or have positive definite error term covariance matrices).
#' @return A list with class "hypotest" containing the test results and arguments used to calculate the test.
#' @seealso \code{\link{LR_test}}, \code{\link{Rao_test}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}}, \code{\link{diagnostic_plot}},
#'  \code{\link{profile_logliks}}, \code{\link{quantile_residual_tests}}, \code{\link{cond_moment_plot}}
#' @inherit in_paramspace_int references
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'  # Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model with recursive identification
#'  W22 <- matrix(c(1, NA, 0, 1), nrow=2, byrow=FALSE)
#'  fit22s <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, structural_pars=list(W=W22),
#'                     ncalls=1, seeds=2)
#'  fit22s
#'  # Test whether the lambda parameters (of the second regime) are identical
#'  # (due to the zero constraint, the model is identified under the null):
#'  # fit22s has parameter vector of length 26 with the lambda parameters
#'  # in elements 24 and 25.
#'  A <- matrix(c(rep(0, times=23), 1, -1, 0), nrow=1, ncol=26)
#'  c <- 0
#'  Wald_test(fit22s, A=A, c=c)
#'  # Test whether the off-diagonal elements of the first regime's first
#'  # AR coefficient matrix (A_11) are both zero:
#'  # fit22s has parameter vector of length 26 and the off-diagonal elements
#'  # of the 1st regime's 1st AR coefficient matrix are in the elements 6 and 7.
#'  A <- rbind(c(rep(0, times=5), 1, rep(0, times=20)),
#'             c(rep(0, times=6), 1, rep(0, times=19)))
#'  c <- c(0, 0)
#'  Wald_test(fit22s, A=A, c=c)
#' }
#' @export

Wald_test <- function(gsmvar, A, c, custom_h=NULL) {
  gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar) # Backward compatibility
  params <- gsmvar$params
  stopifnot(is.matrix(A) && ncol(A) == length(params) && nrow(A) <= ncol(A))
  stopifnot(length(c) == nrow(A))
  if(qr(A)$rank != nrow(A)) stop("The constraint matrix 'A' should have full row rank")

  # Calculate Hessian matrix at the estimate
  Hess <- tryCatch(get_hessian(gsmvar, custom_h=custom_h),
                   error=function(e) {
                     print(paste("Failed to calculate Hessian matrix:", e))

  # Invert the Hessian matrix
  inv_Hess <- tryCatch(solve(Hess), error=function(e) {
    print(paste("Failed to invert Hessian matrix:", e))
  if(anyNA(inv_Hess)) stop("Couldn't invert Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood function.
                           This might happen when the mixing weights are very close to zero for some regime
                           (if so, reduce the redundant regime from the model).")

  # Calculate the test statistic
  # t(A%*%params - c)%*%solve(-A%*%inv_Hess%*%t(A))%*%(A%*%params - c)
  test_stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(A%*%params - c, solve(-tcrossprod(A%*%inv_Hess, A), A%*%params - c)))

  # Calculate the p-value
  df <- nrow(A)
  p_value <- pchisq(test_stat, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)

  # Return
  #dname <- paste0(deparse(substitute(gsmvar)),", ", deparse(substitute(A)), ", ", deparse(substitute(c)))
  #               parameter=c("df"=df),
  #               p.value=p_value,
  #               alternative="the true parameter theta does not satisfy A%*%theta = c",
  #               data.name=dname,
  #               method="Wald test",
  #               gsmvar=gsmvar,
  #               A=A,
  #               c=c,
  #               h=h),
  #          class="htest")
                 type="Wald test"),

#' @title Perform likelihood ratio test for a GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model
#' @description \code{LR_test} performs a likelihood ratio test for a GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model
#' @param gsmvar1 an object of class \code{'gsmvar'} generated by \code{fitGSMVAR} or \code{GSMVAR}, containing
#'   the \strong{freely estimated} model.
#' @param gsmvar2 an object of class \code{'gsmvar'} generated by \code{fitGSMVAR} or \code{GSMVAR}, containing
#'   the \strong{constrained} model.
#' @details Performs a likelihood ratio test, testing the null hypothesis that the true parameter value lies
#'   in the constrained parameter space. Under the null, the test statistic is asymptotically
#'   \eqn{\chi^2}-distributed with \eqn{k} degrees of freedom, \eqn{k} being the difference in the dimensions
#'   of the unconstrained and constrained parameter spaces.
#'   Note that this function does \strong{not} verify that the two models are actually nested.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Wald_test}}, \code{\link{Rao_test}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}}, \code{\link{diagnostic_plot}},
#'  \code{\link{profile_logliks}}, \code{\link{quantile_residual_tests}}, \code{\link{cond_moment_plot}}
#' @inherit in_paramspace_int references
#' @inherit Wald_test return
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'  ## These are long running examples that use parallel computing!
#'  ## The below examples take around 1 minute to run.
#'  # Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model with recursive identification
#'  W22 <- matrix(c(1, NA, 0, 1), nrow=2, byrow=FALSE)
#'  fit22s <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, structural_pars=list(W=W22),
#'                      ncalls=1, seeds=2)
#'  # The same model but the AR coefficients restricted to be the same
#'  # in both regimes:
#'  C_mat <- rbind(diag(2*2^2), diag(2*2^2))
#'  fit22sc <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, constraints=C_mat,
#'                       structural_pars=list(W=W22), ncalls=1, seeds=1)
#'  # Test the AR constraints with likelihood ratio test:
#'  LR_test(fit22s, fit22sc)
#'  }
#' @export

LR_test <- function(gsmvar1, gsmvar2) {
  gsmvar1 <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar1) # Backward compatibility
  gsmvar2 <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar2) # Backward compatibility

  check_gsmvar(gsmvar1, object_name="gsmvar1")
  check_gsmvar(gsmvar2, object_name="gsmvar2")
  stopifnot(length(gsmvar1$params) > length(gsmvar2$params))
  stopifnot(gsmvar1$loglik >= gsmvar2$loglik)

  test_stat <- as.numeric(2*(gsmvar1$loglik - gsmvar2$loglik))
  df <- length(gsmvar1$params) - length(gsmvar2$params)
  p_value <- pchisq(test_stat, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)

  # Return
  #dname <- paste(deparse(substitute(gsmvar1)), "and", deparse(substitute(gsmvar2)))
  #               parameter=c("df"=df),
  #               p.value=p_value,
  #               alternative=paste("the true parameter does not satisfy the constraints imposed in", deparse(substitute(gsmvar2))),
  #               data.name=dname,
  #               method="Likelihood ratio test",
  #               gsmvar1=gsmvar1,
  #               gsmvar2=gsmvar2),
  #          class="htest")
                 type="Likelihood ratio test"),

#' @title Perform Rao's score test for a GSMVAR model
#' @description \code{Rao_test} performs Rao's score test for a GSMVAR model
#' @param gsmvar an object of class \code{'gsmvar'} generated by \code{fitGSMVAR} or \code{GSMVAR}, containing
#'   the model specified by the null hypothesis (i.e., \strong{the constrained model}).
#' @details Tests the constraints imposed in the model given in the argument \code{GSMVAR}.
#'  This implementation uses the outer product of gradients approximation in the test statistic.
#' @seealso \code{\link{LR_test}}, \code{\link{Wald_test}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}}, \code{\link{diagnostic_plot}},
#'  \code{\link{profile_logliks}}
#' @inherit Wald_test references return
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## These are long running examples that use parallel computing!
#' ## The below examples take around 30 seconds to run.
#' # Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model with recursive identification
#' # with the AR matrices  restricted to be the identical across the regimes:
#' W22 <- matrix(c(1, NA, 0, 1), nrow=2, byrow=FALSE)
#' C_mat <- rbind(diag(2*2^2), diag(2*2^2))
#' fit22sc <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, constraints=C_mat,
#'                      structural_pars=list(W=W22), ncalls=1, seeds=1)
#' # Test the null:
#' Rao_test(fit22sc)
#' }
#' @export

Rao_test <- function(gsmvar) {
  gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar) # Backward compatibility

  # Obtain the unconstrained model by expanding the contraints:
  p <- gsmvar$model$p
  M <- gsmvar$model$M
  d <- gsmvar$model$d
  params <- gsmvar$params
  model <- gsmvar$model$model
  constraints <- gsmvar$model$constraints
  same_means <- gsmvar$model$same_means
  parametrization <- gsmvar$model$parametrization
  structural_pars <- gsmvar$model$structural_pars
  conditional <- gsmvar$model$conditional
  weight_constraints <- gsmvar$model$weight_constraints
  params <- reform_constrained_pars(p=p, M=M, d=d, params=params, model=model, constraints=constraints,
                                    same_means=same_means, weight_constraints=weight_constraints,
  structural_pars <- get_unconstrained_structural_pars(structural_pars=structural_pars)
  new_gsmvar <- GSMVAR(data=gsmvar$data, p=p, M=M, d=d, params=params, model=model, conditional=conditional,
                       parametrization=parametrization, constraints=NULL, same_means=NULL, weight_constraints=NULL,
                       structural_pars=structural_pars, calc_std_errors=FALSE, stat_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$stat_tol,
                       posdef_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$posdef_tol, df_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$df_tol)

  # Calculate the gradient:
  Grad <- tryCatch(get_gradient(new_gsmvar),
                   error=function(e) {
                     print(paste("Failed to calculate the gradient matrix:", e))
  if(anyNA(Grad)) {
    stop("Couldn't calculate gradient. Check that the estimates are not very close to the boundary of the parameter space.")

  # Gradients of the terms l_t
  foo <- function(x, which_obs=1) {
    # Log-likelihood function as a function of the parameter
    loglikelihood_int(data=new_gsmvar$data, p=p, M=M, params=x, conditional=conditional,
                      parametrization=parametrization, constraints=NULL, same_means=NULL,
                      weight_constraints=NULL, structural_pars=structural_pars,
                      stat_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$stat_tol, posdef_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$posdef_tol,
                      df_tol=gsmvar$num_tols$df_tol, to_return="terms", minval=NA)[which_obs]
  T_obs <- nrow(new_gsmvar$data) - new_gsmvar$model$p
  outer_prods <- array(dim=c(length(Grad), length(Grad), T_obs))
  # Calculate the outer product of the gradient for each observation, i.e., gradient each term l_t, t=1,...,T:
  for(i1 in 1:T_obs) {
    grad0 <- calc_gradient(x=new_gsmvar$params, fn=foo, which_obs=i1)
    outer_prods[, , i1] <- tcrossprod(grad0)
  OPG <- apply(outer_prods, 1:2, sum)

  # Invert the OPG matrix
  inv_OPG <- tryCatch(solve(OPG), error=function(e) {
    print(paste("Failed to invert the outer product of gradients matrix:", e))

  if(anyNA(inv_OPG)) stop("Couldn't invert the outer product of gradients matrix of the log-likelihood function. Make sure the
                           estimates are ok, e.g., with the function 'profile_logliks'.")

  # Calculate the test statistic
  test_stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(Grad, inv_OPG%*%Grad))

  # Calculate the p-value
  df <- length(new_gsmvar$params) - length(gsmvar$params) # The number of constraints
  p_value <- pchisq(test_stat, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)

  # Return
                 type="Rao test"),

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