
gpSample <-
function (kernType, numSamps=10, params=NULL, lims=c(-3,3), path=getwd(), png=FALSE) {
## GPSAMPLE Create a plot of samples from a GP.
## DESC creates a plot of samples from a kernel with the given parameters and variance.
## ARG kernType : the type of kernel to sample from.
## ARG numSamps : the number of samples to take.
## ARG params : parameter vector for the kernel.
## ARG lims : limits of the x axis.
## COPYRIGHT : Neil D. Lawrence, 2008; Alfredo Kalaitzis, 2010

  t_star = matrix(seq(lims[1], lims[2], length=200), ncol=1)

  kern = kernCreate(t_star, kernType)
  if (!is.null(params)) {
    feval = get(paste(kernType,'KernExpandParam',sep=''), mode="function")
    kern = feval(kern, params)
  feval = get(paste(kernType,'KernExtractParam',sep=''), mode="function")
  params = feval(kern, only.values=FALSE)
  paramStr = c()

  for (i in 1:length(params)) {
    Name = strsplit(names(params)[i], split='')[[1]]
    Name[1] = toupper(Name[1])
    Name = paste(Name, collapse='')
    ind = grep(' ', strsplit(Name, split='')[[1]])
    Name[ind+1] = toupper(Name[ind+1])
    Name[ind] = ''
    paramStr = paste(paramStr, Name, as.character(params[i]), sep='')
  infoStr = paste('Samples', as.character(numSamps), sep='')

  ## Covariance of the prior.
  K_starStar = kernCompute(kern, t_star, t_star)

  ## Sample from the prior.
  fsamp = gaussSamp(Sigma=K_starStar, numSamps=numSamps)

  ## Plot and save.
  graphics.off() ## kill all devices
  dev.new(width=5,height=4); plot.new()
  matplot(t_star, t(fsamp), ylim=range(fsamp),type='l', xlab='x',ylab='f')

  if (png) {
    KernType = strsplit(kernType, split='')[[1]]
    KernType[1] = toupper(KernType[1])
    KernType = paste(KernType, collapse='')
    fileName = paste('gpSample', KernType, infoStr, paramStr, sep='')
    dev.copy2eps(file = paste(path,'/',fileName, '.eps', sep='')) ## Save plot as eps.
    ## Convert to png. Needs the 'eps2png' facility. If not already installed: 'sudo apt-get install eps2png'
    system(paste('eps2png ',path,'/',fileName, '.eps',sep=''))

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gptk documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:27 p.m.