
Defines functions max_without_warning min_without_warning get_critical_ev_Sigma_Theta get_second_smallest_ev get_smallest_ev is_pos_def get_max_abs_rowsum check_pos_def is_cnd is_symmetric_matrix get_max_asymmetry is_square_matrix ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros truncate_zeros ensure_matrix_symmetry computeD is_valid_Sigma is_valid_Theta is_valid_Gamma checkMatrix checkSigma checkTheta checkSigmaTheta checkGamma check_partial_matrix_and_graph check_graph

Documented in checkGamma check_graph checkMatrix check_partial_matrix_and_graph checkSigma checkSigmaTheta checkTheta ensure_matrix_symmetry ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros is_valid_Gamma is_valid_Sigma is_valid_Theta truncate_zeros

#' Check input graph
#' Checks that the input graph is a valid graph for an extremal graphical model.
#' If necessary, converts the graph to an undirected graph.
#' Removes vertex labels if present.
#' @param graph An \[`igraph::graph`\] object.
#' @param graph_type `"general"`, `"decomposable"`, `"block"`, `"tree"`. The required type of graph.
#' @param check_connected Whether to check if the graph is connected.
#' @param nVertices The number of vertices required in the graph.
#' @return The given `graph`, if necessary converted to undirected.
#' If the graph is not valid an error is thrown.
#' @family inputChecks
#' @keywords internal
check_graph <- function(
  graph_type = c('general', 'decomposable', 'block', 'tree'),
  check_connected = TRUE,
  nVertices = NULL
  graph_type <- match.arg(graph_type)

  # check that graph is actually a graph object
    stop('The given object is not an igraph-graph.')

  # set up main variables
  d <- igraph::vcount(graph)
  e <- igraph::ecount(graph)

  # check graph size
  if(!is.null(nVertices) && d != nVertices){
    stop('The given graph does not have the correct number of vertices.')

  # check if it is directed
  if (igraph::is_directed(graph)) {
    graph <- igraph::as.undirected(graph)

    graph <- igraph::remove.vertex.attribute(graph, 'name')

  # check if it is connected
  if (check_connected && !igraph::is_connected(graph)) {
    stop("The given graph is not connected.")

  if(graph_type == 'tree'){
      stop("The given graph is not a tree.")
  } else if(graph_type == 'block'){
      stop("The given graph is not a block graph.")
  } else if(graph_type == 'decomposable'){
    if(!is_decomposable_graph(graph)) {
      stop("The given graph is not decomposable.")
  } else if(graph_type != 'general'){
    stop("Not a valid graph_type.")


#' Check input graph and partial matrix
#' Checks and converts the partial matrix and graph given for a
#' HR graphical model.
#' @param M A partial matrix or a vector of entries corresponding to the edges of `graph`
#' @param graph A graph object or `NULL` if the graph structure is implied by the `NA` structure of `M`
#' @param graph_type Passed to [check_graph()].
#' @return A list consisting of
#' \item{`matrix`}{The matrix given as input or implied by the input}
#' \item{`graph`}{The graph given as input or implied by the input}
#' Throws an error if the input is not valid.
#' @family inputChecks
#' @keywords internal
check_partial_matrix_and_graph <- function(M, graph = NULL, graph_type = 'general'){
  # make graph from Gamma if necessary
  if (is.null(graph) && is.matrix(M)) {
    graph <- partialMatrixToGraph(M)
  } else if (is.null(graph)) {
    stop("Supply a graph or a valid Gamma matrix")

  # check graph
  graph <- check_graph(graph, graph_type)
  d <- igraph::vcount(graph)
  e <- igraph::ecount(graph)

  GAMMA_ERROR_TEXT <- paste(
    "The argument Gamma must be a symmetric d x d matrix,",
    "(d = number of vertices) or a vector with as many entries",
    "as edges in the graph."

    # check Gamma matrix
    if(nrow(M) != d || !is_symmetric_matrix(M)) {
    M <- ensure_matrix_symmetry(M, alert=FALSE)
  } else if (is.vector(M)) {
    # transform Gamma vector to matrix
    if (length(M) != e) {
    M_from_vec <- matrix(NA, d, d)
    edgeList <- igraph::as_edgelist(graph)
    diag(M_from_vec) <- 0 # diagonal = 0
    M_from_vec[edgeList] <- M # upper tri
    M_from_vec[edgeList[,c(2,1),drop=FALSE]] <- M # lower tri
    M <- M_from_vec
  } else {
    # Only vector and matrix are valid inputs

  # return Gamma and graph
    matrix = M,
    graph = graph

#' HR parameter matrix checks
#' Checks whether the matrix given is a valid Huesler-Reiss parameter matrix
#' in the role of \eGamma, \eTheta, or \eSigma, respectively.
#' @param tol Numeric scalar. Values below this are considered as zero,
#' when zeros are required (e.g. row-sums).
#' @param alert Passed to `get_alert_function`: `NULL` or `TRUE` to read the option value,
#' `FALSE` to return a dummy function, or a function that takes an arbitrary number of strings as arguments (e.g. `stop()`).
#' @param returnBoolean Logical scalar, set to `TRUE` to return a boolean instead of the (adjusted) input.
#' @inheritParams sharedParamsMatrixTransformations
#' @return For `check*`, the input matrix, passed through [`ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros`].
#' @family inputChecks
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
checkGamma <- function(
  alert <- get_alert_function(alert)
    alert('Gamma must be a square matrix!')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  maxAsymmetry <- get_max_asymmetry(Gamma)
  if(maxAsymmetry > tol){
    alert('Gamma must be a symmetric matrix (err=', maxAsymmetry, ')!')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  maxAbsDiag <- max_without_warning(abs(diag(Gamma)))
  if(maxAbsDiag > tol){
    alert('Gamma must have 0 diagonal (err=', maxAbsDiag, ')')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  diag(Gamma) <- 0
  smallestEntry <- min_without_warning(upper.tri.val(Gamma))
  if(smallestEntry < -tol){
    alert('Gamma must have only non-negative entries (err=', smallestEntry, ')')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
    alert('Gamma is not a valid variogram matrix!')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
  return(ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros(Gamma, tol))

#' @param matrixName Name of the matrix to be used in alerts/error messages.
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
checkSigmaTheta <- function(
  alert <- get_alert_function(alert)

    alert(matrixName, ' must be a square matrix!')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  maxAsymmetry <- get_max_asymmetry(M)
  if(maxAsymmetry > tol){
    alert(matrixName, ' must be a symmetric matrix (err=', maxAsymmetry, ')!')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)

  # Compute d, check 1<=k<=d, return early for empty matrix
  d <- computeD(M, k, full)
  if(!is.null(k) && (k < 0 || k > d)){
    alert('k (', k, ') must be in 1, ..., d (', d, ').')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  if(d == 0 || (d == 1 && !full)){
    # Empty matrix is ok
    if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
  # Handle positive semi-definite case with zero rowsums
    maxAbsRowsum <- get_max_abs_rowsum(M)
    if(maxAbsRowsum > tol){
      alert(matrixName, ' must have zero row sums (err=', maxAbsRowsum, ').')
      if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
    if(d == 1){
      # 1d Sigma/Theta is ok, if it is 0 (i.e. maxRowSum<=tol)
      M[1,1] <- 0
      if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
    ev2 <- get_critical_ev_Sigma_Theta(M)
    if(ev2 <= 0){
      alert(matrixName, ' must be pos. semi-def. (eigenvalue ', ev2, ' should be >0).')
      if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
    if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)

  # k not NULL, full==FALSE -> only check pos. def.
    ev1 <- get_smallest_ev(M)
    if(ev1 <= 0){
      alert(matrixName, ' without k-th row/column must be pos. def. (', ev1, ' should be >0).')
      if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
    if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
  # Remaining case: k not NULL, full==TRUE -> check that kth row/column are zero, and rest is pos. def.
  maxZeroEntry <- max_without_warning(abs(M[,k]))
  if(maxZeroEntry > tol){
    alert('The k-th row/column of ', matrixName, ' must be zero (err=', maxZeroEntry, ').')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  # Make sure k-th row/col are exactly zero
  M[k,] <- 0
  M[,k] <- 0
  # Zero matrix is ok
  if(d == 1){
    if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
  # Check that rest is pos. def.
  ev1 <- get_smallest_ev(M[-k,-k])
  if(ev1 <= 0){
    alert(matrixName, ' without k-th row/column must be pos. def. (', ev1, ' should be >0).')
    if(returnBoolean) return(FALSE)
  if(returnBoolean) return(TRUE)
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
checkTheta <- function(
  checkSigmaTheta(Theta, k, full, 'Theta', tol, alert, returnBoolean)
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
checkSigma <- function(
  checkSigmaTheta(Sigma, k, full, 'Sigma', tol, alert, returnBoolean)
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @param M Numeric matrix, \eGamma, \eSigma, or \eTheta.
#' @param name Name of the input matrix, indicating which other function to call.
#' @export
checkMatrix <- function(
  name=c('Gamma', 'Sigma', 'Theta')[1],
  if(name == 'Gamma'){
    checkGamma(M, alert=alert, returnBoolean=returnBoolean)
  } else if(name == 'Sigma'){
    checkSigma(M, k, full, alert=alert, returnBoolean=returnBoolean)
  } else if(name == 'Theta'){
    checkTheta(M, k, full, alert=alert, returnBoolean=returnBoolean)
  } else{
    stop('Invalid matrix name!')

#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @return For `is_valid_*`, a boolean indicating whether the input is a valid parameter matrix.
#' @details The function `is_valid_*` are a wrapper around `check*`, with arguments
#' `alert=FALSE` and `returnBoolean=TRUE`.
#' @export
is_valid_Gamma <- function(M, tol=get_small_tol()){
  checkGamma(M, alert=FALSE, tol=tol, returnBoolean = TRUE)
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
is_valid_Theta <- function(Theta, k=NULL, full=FALSE, tol=get_small_tol()){
  checkTheta(Theta, k, full, tol, alert=FALSE, returnBoolean=TRUE)
#' @rdname checkGamma
#' @export
is_valid_Sigma <- function(Sigma, k=NULL, full=FALSE, tol=get_small_tol()){
  checkSigma(Sigma, k, full, tol, alert=FALSE, returnBoolean=TRUE)

computeD <- function(M, k=NULL, full=FALSE){
  # M is full matrix -> return number of rows/columns
  if(is.null(k) || full){
  # M is d-1 x d-1 -> return 1 + number of rows/columns
  return(nrow(M) + 1)

#' Ensure numerical matrix symmetry/zero values
#' Ensures the symmetry of a square matrix by averaging it with its transpose.
#' Optionally verifies that the matrix was close to symmetric before.
#' @param M Numeric square matrix.
#' @param checkTol Positive scalar. If the maximum absolute difference between `M`
#' and `t(M)` is larger, show a warning.
#' @param alert Passed to `get_alert_function`: `NULL` or `TRUE` to read the option value,
#' `FALSE` to return a dummy function, or a function that takes an arbitrary number of strings as arguments (e.g. `stop()`).
#' @return The adjusted value of `M`.
#' @family inputChecks
#' @rdname ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros
#' @export
ensure_matrix_symmetry <- function(M, checkTol=Inf, alert=NULL){
  alert <- get_alert_function(alert)
  if(checkTol < Inf){
    naPattern <- is.na(M)
    if(any(naPattern) && any(naPattern != t(naPattern))){
      alert('Matrix not symmetric (asymmetric NA pattern)!')
    } else if(max_without_warning(abs(M - t(M)), na.rm = TRUE) > checkTol){
      alert('Matrix not symmetric (up to tolerance: ', checkTol, ')!')
  (M + t(M))/2
#' @description Makes sure zeros are "numerically zero", by truncating all small values.
#' @param tol All entries with absolute value below this value are truncated to zero.
#' @rdname ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros
#' @export
truncate_zeros <- function(M, tol=get_small_tol()){
  M[abs(M) <= tol] <- 0
#' @rdname ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros
#' @export
ensure_matrix_symmetry_and_truncate_zeros <- function(M, tol=get_small_tol(), checkTol=Inf){
  M <- ensure_matrix_symmetry(M, checkTol)
  truncate_zeros(M, tol)

# Check if an object is a square matrix
is_square_matrix <- function(M){
    && ncol(M) == nrow(M)
    && all(is.na(M) == t(is.na(M)))

# Get the max deviation from symmetry
get_max_asymmetry <- function(M){
  if(length(M) == 0) return(0)
  max(M - t(M), na.rm = TRUE)

# Check if an object is a square, symmetric matrix
is_symmetric_matrix <- function(M, tol=get_small_tol()){
    && ncol(M) == nrow(M)
    && all(is.na(M) == t(is.na(M)))
    && (max_without_warning(M - t(M), na.rm = TRUE) <= tol)

# Check if a square, symmetric matrix is conditionally negative definite
is_cnd <- function(M){
  Sk <- Gamma2Sigma(M, k=1, full=FALSE, check=FALSE)
  eig <- eigen(Sk, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
  return(eig[length(eig)] > 0)

# Check if a square, symmetric matrix is positive definite
check_pos_def <- function(M, alert=get_alert_function()){
  eig <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
  smallestEV <- eig[length(eig)]
  if(smallestEV <= 0){
    alert('Matrix is not positive definite (', smallestEV, ' should be positive)')

# Compute the maximum absolute rowsum of a matrix
get_max_abs_rowsum <- function(M){

# Check if a symmetric matrix is positive definite
is_pos_def <- function(M){
  # Assumes that input is symmetric!
  # If M is symmetric, pos.def. is equivalent to all positive eigenvalues
  get_smallest_ev(M) > 0

# Returns the smallest eigenvalue of a matrix
get_smallest_ev <- function(M){
  eig <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values

# Returns the second smallest eigenvalue of a matrix
get_second_smallest_ev <- function(M){
  eig <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
  d <- length(eig)

# Assumest one 0-eigenvalue and returns the smallest other eigenvalue of a matrix
get_critical_ev_Sigma_Theta <- function(M){
  eig <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
  eig <- eig[-which.min(abs(eig))]

# Compute the minimum without warning about `min(c()) = Inf`
min_without_warning <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
  if(length(c(...)) == 0){
  min(..., na.rm = na.rm)

# Compute the maximum without warning about `max(c()) = -Inf`
max_without_warning <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
  if(length(c(...)) == 0){
  max(..., na.rm = na.rm)

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