
Defines functions `family_name.list` `family_name.family` `family_name.gamm` `family_name.gam` `family_name.glm` `family_name` `stop_if_not_family` `shash_link` `multinom_link` `mvn_link` `ziplss_link` `gumbls_link` `gammals_link` `gevlss_link` `twlss_link` `gaulss_link` `cox_ph_link` `zip_link` `ocat_link` `scaled_t_link` `beta_link` `tw_link` `nb_link` `quasi_binomial_link` `quasi_poisson_link` `quasi_link` `inverse_gaussian_link` `gamma_link` `binomial_link` `poisson_link` `cnorm_link` `elf_link` `gaussian_link` `get_link_function` `extract_link.general.family` `extract_link.family` `extract_link` `family_type.default` family_type.family `family_type` `family.list` `family.bam` `family.gamm` `family.gam` `inv_link.glm` `inv_link.list` `inv_link.gamm` `inv_link.bam` `inv_link.gam` `inv_link.family` `inv_link` `link.list` `link.glm` `link.gamm` `link.bam` `link.gam` `link.family` `link`

Documented in family_type.family

#' Extract link and inverse link functions from models
#' Returns the link or its inverse from an estimated model, and provides a
#' simple way to extract these functions from complex models with multiple
#' links, such as location scale models.
#' @param object a family object or a fitted model from which to extract the
#'   family object.  Models fitted by [stats::glm()], [mgcv::gam()],
#'   [mgcv::bam()], [mgcv::gamm()], and [gamm4::gamm4()] are currently
#'   supported.
#' @param parameter character; which parameter of the distribution. Usually
#'   `"location"` but `"scale"` and `"shape"` may be provided for location
#'   scale models. Other options include `"mu"` as a synonym for `"location"`,
#'   `"sigma"` for the scale parameter in [mgcv::gaulss()], `"pi"` for the
#'   zero-inflation term in [mgcv::ziplss()], `"power"` for the
#'   [mgcv::twlss()] power parameter, `"xi"`, the shape parameter for
#'   [mgcv::gevlss()], `"epsilon"` or `"skewness"` for the skewness and
#'   `"delta"` or `"kurtosis"` for the kurtosis parameter for
#'   [mgcv::shash()], or `"phi"` for the scale parameter of [mgcv::gammals()] &
#'   [mgcv::twlss()].
#' @param which_eta numeric; the linear predictor to extract for families
#'   [mgcv::mvn()] and [mgcv::multinom()].
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' link(gaussian())
#' link(nb())
#' inv_link(nb())
#' dat <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 4234)
#' mod <- gam(list(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), ~1),
#'   data = dat,
#'   family = gaulss
#' )
#' link(mod, parameter = "scale")
#' inv_link(mod, parameter = "scale")
#' ## Works with `family` objects too
#' link(shash(), parameter = "skewness")
`link` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`link.family` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL, ...) {
  ## extract the link function
  lfun <- get_link_function(object,
    parameter = parameter, inverse = FALSE,
    which_eta = which_eta, ...
  ## return

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`link.gam` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL, ...) {
  link(family(object), parameter = parameter, which_eta = which_eta, ...)

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`link.bam` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL, ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`link.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`link.glm` <- function(object, ...) {
  link(family(object), ...)

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`link.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is_gamm4(object)) {
    stop("`object` does not appear to a `gamm4` model object",
      call. = FALSE
  link(family(object[["gam"]], ...))

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`inv_link` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`inv_link.family` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL, ...) {
  ## extract the link function
  lfun <- get_link_function(object,
    parameter = parameter, inverse = TRUE,
    which_eta = which_eta, ...

  ## return

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`inv_link.gam` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL, ...) {
  inv_link(family(object), parameter = parameter, which_eta = which_eta, ...)

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`inv_link.bam` <- function(object, parameter = NULL, which_eta = NULL,
                           ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
`inv_link.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`inv_link.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is_gamm4(object)) {
    stop("`object` does not appear to a `gamm4` model object",
      call. = FALSE
  inv_link(family(object[["gam"]], ...))

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`inv_link.glm` <- function(object, ...) {
  inv_link(family(object), ...)

#' Extract family objects from models
#' Provides a [stats::family()] method for a range of GAM objects.
#' @param object a fitted model. Models fitted by [mgcv::gam()], [mgcv::bam()],
#'   [mgcv::gamm()], and [gamm4::gamm4()] are currently supported.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @export
`family.gam` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname family.gam
`family.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname family.gam
`family.bam` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname family.gam
`family.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is_gamm4(object)) {
    stop("`object` does not appear to a `gamm4` model object",
      call. = FALSE

#' Extracts the type of family in a consistent way
#' @param object an R object. Currently [family()] objects and anything with a
#'   [family()] method.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @export
`family_type` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname family_type
family_type.family <- function(object, ...) {
  fn <- family_name(object)
  fn <- tolower(gsub("\\([[:alnum:]\\.,]+\\)", "", fn))
  fn <- gsub("\\s", "_", fn)

#' @export
#' @rdname family_type
`family_type.default` <- function(object, ...) {

## Extracts the link or inverse link function from a family object
#' @export
#' @rdname link
`extract_link` <- function(family, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname link
#' @param family a family object, the result of a call to [family()].
#' @param inverse logical; return the inverse of the link function?
`extract_link.family` <- function(family, inverse = FALSE, ...) {
  fun <- if (isTRUE(inverse)) {
  } else {

  fun # return

#' @export
#' @rdname link
`extract_link.general.family` <- function(family, parameter, inverse = FALSE,
                                          which_eta = NULL, ...) {
  ## check `family`
  ## Note: don't pass a `type` here as we only want a check for being a
  ##       family object

  linfo <- family[["linfo"]] # pull out linfo for easy access

  ## some general families don't have $linfo
  if (is.null(linfo)) {
    fun <- extract_link.family(family, inverse = inverse)
  } else if (family[["family"]] %in% c("Multivariate normal", "multinom")) {
    if (is.null(which_eta)) {
      stop("Which linear predictor not specified; see 'which_eta'",
        .call. = FALSE
    len_linfo <- length(linfo)
    if (which_eta > len_linfo || which_eta < 1) {
      stop("Invalid 'which_eta': must be between 1 and ", len_linfo, ".",
        call. = FALSE
    if (length(which_eta) > 1L) {
      which_eta <- rep(which_eta, length.out = 1L)
        "Multiple values passed to 'which_eta';",
        " using only the first."
    lobj <- linfo[[which_eta]]
    fun <- if (isTRUE(inverse)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    # linfo is ordered; 1: location; 2: scale or sigma, 3: shape, power, etc
    # (check pi is right greek letter for zero-inflation! - YES)
    # but for twlss, eta2 is actually for p (power)
    lobj <- switch(parameter,
      location = linfo[[1L]],
      mu = linfo[[1L]],
      scale = linfo[[2L]],
      sigma = linfo[[2L]],
      phi = if (family_name(family) == "twlss") {
      } else {
      }, # scale parameter for twlss() gammals()
      shape = linfo[[3L]],
      power = linfo[[2L]], # power for twlss()
      xi = linfo[[3L]], # xi for gevlss()
      pi = linfo[[2L]], # pi for zero-inflation
      epsilon = linfo[[3L]], # skewness for shash
      skewness = linfo[[3L]], # skewness for shash
      delta = linfo[[4L]], # kurtosis for shash
      kurtosis = linfo[[4L]] # kurtosis for shash

    fun <- if (isTRUE(inverse)) {
    } else {
  fun # return

## Other internal functions ---------------------------------------------------

## Workhorse link extractor
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
`get_link_function` <- function(object, parameter = "location",
                                inverse = FALSE, which_eta = NULL) {
  inverse <- as.logical(inverse)
  linfo <- object[["linfo"]]
  distr <- object[["family"]] # name of the the family

  ## process distr for some familiee
  distr <- case_when(
    grepl("^Negative Binomial", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "nb",
    grepl("^Tweedie", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "tweedie",
    grepl("^Beta regression", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "beta",
    grepl("^scaled t", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "scaled_t",
    grepl("^Ordered Categorical", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "ocat",
    grepl("^zero inflated Poisson", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "zip",
    grepl("^Cox PH", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "cox_ph",
    grepl("^censored normal", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "cnorm",
    grepl("^cnorm", distr, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ "cnorm",
    .default = as.character(distr)

  ## which link function
  lfun <-
      gaussian = gaussian_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      poisson = poisson_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      binomial = binomial_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      Gamma = gamma_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      inverse.gaussian = inverse_gaussian_link(object, parameter,
        inverse = inverse
      quasi = quasi_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      quasipoisson = quasi_poisson_link(object, parameter,
        inverse = inverse
      quasibinomial = quasi_binomial_link(object, parameter,
        inverse = inverse
      nb = nb_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      tweedie = tw_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      beta = beta_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      scaled_t = scaled_t_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      ocat = ocat_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      zip = zip_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      cox_ph = cox_ph_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      gaulss = gaulss_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      twlss = twlss_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      gevlss = gevlss_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      gammals = gammals_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      gumbls = gumbls_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      ziplss = ziplss_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      mvn = mvn_link(object, parameter,
        inverse = inverse,
        which_eta = which_eta
      multinom = multinom_link(object, parameter,
        inverse = inverse,
        which_eta = which_eta
      shash = shash_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      cnorm = cnorm_link(object, parameter, inverse = inverse),
      elf   = elf_link(object, inverse = inverse)

  ## return

## Internal link extractor functions

`gaussian_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                            inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "gaussian")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`elf_link` <- function(family, inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "elf")

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`cnorm_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  # stop_if_not_family(family, type = "censored normal")
  # mgcv is especially inconsistent in naming this family
  # the raw family is "censored normal", but when used on a fitted model it
  # is "cnorm(xxx)" with xxx being some number that is the log standard dev
  if (!any(
    grepl("^censored normal", family$family),
    grepl("^cnorm", family$family)
  )) {
    stop("'family' is not a censored normal family", call. = FALSE)

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`poisson_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                           inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "poisson")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`binomial_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                            inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "binomial")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`gamma_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Gamma")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`inverse_gaussian_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                                    inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "inverse.gaussian")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`quasi_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "quasi")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`quasi_poisson_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                                 inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "quasipoisson")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`quasi_binomial_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                                  inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "quasibinomial")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`nb_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                      inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Negative Binomial")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`tw_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                      inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Tweedie")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`beta_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                        inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Beta regression")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`scaled_t_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                            inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "scaled t")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`ocat_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                        inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Ordered Categorical")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`zip_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                       inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "zero inflated Poisson")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

`cox_ph_link` <- function(family, parameter = c("location", "mu"),
                          inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Cox PH")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  extract_link(family, inverse = inverse)

## Location scale shape families -----------------------------------------------

`gaulss_link` <- function(family,
                          parameter = c("location", "scale", "mu", "sigma"),
                          inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "gaulss")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`twlss_link` <- function(family,
                         parameter = c(
                           "location", "scale",
                           "mu", "sigma", "power"
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "twlss")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`gevlss_link` <- function(family,
                          parameter = c(
                            "location", "scale", "shape",
                            "mu", "sigma", "xi"
                          inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "gevlss")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`gammals_link` <- function(family,
                           parameter = c("location", "scale", "mu", "theta"),
                           inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "gammals")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`gumbls_link` <- function(family,
                          parameter = c("location", "scale", "mu"),
                          inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "gumbls")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`ziplss_link` <- function(family,
                          parameter = c("location", "scale", "mu", "pi"),
                          inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "ziplss")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

`mvn_link` <- function(family, parameter = "location", inverse = FALSE,
                       which_eta = NULL) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "Multivariate normal")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family,
    parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse,
    which_eta = which_eta
  fun # return

`multinom_link` <- function(family, parameter = "location", inverse = FALSE,
                            which_eta = NULL) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "multinom")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family,
    parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse,
    which_eta = which_eta
  fun # return

`shash_link` <- function(family,
                         parameter = c(
                           "location", "scale", "skewness",
                           "kurtosis", "mu", "sigma", "epsilon",
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  stop_if_not_family(family, type = "shash")

  parameter <- match.arg(parameter)

  fun <- extract_link(family, parameter = parameter, inverse = inverse)
  fun # return

## Utility function for consistent checks and errors
## - only checks type if `type` is not NULL
`stop_if_not_family` <- function(object, type = NULL) {
  ## check if object is a family; throw error if not
  if (!inherits(object, c("family", "extended.family", "general.family"))) {
    stop("'family' is not a family object", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(type)) {
    fam <- object[["family"]]
    ## check that family is of the correct type
    ##  - need to handle a couple of special types
    special <- c(
      "Tweedie", "Negative Binomial", "negative binomial",
      "Scaled t", "scaled t", "Ordered Categorical",
      "Beta regression"
    if (type %in% special) {
      if (!grepl(type, fam, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        stop("'family' is not of type '\"", type, "\"'", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (!identical(fam, type)) {
        stop("'family' is not of type '\"", type, "\"'", call. = FALSE)


#' Name of family used to fit model
#' Extracts the name of the family used to fit the supplied model.
#' @param object an R object.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return A character vector containing the family name.
#' @export
`family_name` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
`family_name.glm` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
`family_name.gam` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
`family_name.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
`family_name.family` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @importFrom stats family
`family_name.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is_gamm4(object)) {
    stop("`object` does not appear to a `gamm4` model object",
      call. = FALSE
  family_name(object[["gam"]], ...)

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