
Defines functions `get_fit_fun` `fit_vals_ocat` `fit_vals_twlss` `fit_vals_ziplss` identity_fun lss_links lss_parameters post_link_funs `fit_vals_general_lss` `fit_vals_default` `fitted_values.scam` `fitted_values.gamm` `fitted_values.gam` `fitted_values`

Documented in lss_parameters post_link_funs

#' Generate fitted values from a estimated GAM
#' @param object a fitted model. Currently only models fitted by [mgcv::gam()]
#'   and [mgcv::bam()] are supported.
#' @param data optional data frame of covariate values for which fitted values
#'   are to be returned.
#' @param scale character; what scale should the fitted values be returned on?
#'   `"linear predictor"` is a synonym for `"link"` if you prefer that
#'   terminology.
#' @param ci_level numeric; a value between 0 and 1 indicating the coverage of
#'   the credible interval.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [mgcv::predict.gam()]. Note that `type`,
#'   `newdata`, and `se.fit` are already used and passed on to
#'   [mgcv::predict.gam()].
#' @note For most families, regardless of the scale on which the fitted values
#'   are returned, the `se` component of the returned object is on the *link*
#'   (*linear predictor*) scale, not the response scale. An exception is the
#'   `mgcv::ocat()` family, for which the `se` is on the response scale if
#'   `scale = "response"`.
#' @return A tibble (data frame) whose first *m* columns contain either the data
#'   used to fit the model (if `data` was `NULL`), or the variables supplied to
#'  `data`. Four further columns are added:
#' * `fitted`: the fitted values on the specified scale,
#' * `se`: the standard error of the fitted values (always on the *link* scale),
#' * `lower`, `upper`: the limits of the credible interval on the fitted values,
#'     on the specified scale.
#' Models fitted with certain families will include additional variables
#' * `mgcv::ocat()` models: when `scale = "repsonse"`, the returned object will
#'   contain a `row` column and a `category` column, which indicate to which row
#'   of the `data` each row of the returned object belongs. Additionally, there
#'   will be `nrow(data) * n_categories` rows in the returned object; each row
#'   is the predicted probability for a single category of the response.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(cli.unicode = FALSE, pillar.sigfig = 6)
#' }
#' sim_df <- data_sim("eg1", n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2, seed = 2)
#' m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = sim_df, method = "REML")
#' fv <- fitted_values(m)
#' fv
#' \dontshow{
#' options(op)
#' }
`fitted_values` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname fitted_values
`fitted_values.gam` <- function(object,
                                data = NULL,
                                scale = c(
                                  "linear predictor"
                                ci_level = 0.95, ...) {
  # Handle everything up to and including the extended families, but not more
  fn <- family_type(object)
  if (inherits(family(object), "general.family")) {
    allowed <- c(
      "gaulss", "gammals", "gumbls", "gevlss", "shash", "ziplss",
    if (!fn %in% allowed) {
      stop("General likelihood GAMs not yet supported.")
  scale <- match.arg(scale)

  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- delete_response(object, model_frame = FALSE) %>%
  } else if (!is_tibble(data)) {
    data <- as_tibble(data)

  # handle special distributions that return more than vector fit & std. err.
  # find the name of the function that produces fitted values for this family
  fit_vals_fun <- get_fit_fun(fn)
  extra_fns <- switch(fn,
    "gumbls" = post_link_funs(location = exp, scale = exp),
    "gammals" = post_link_funs(location = exp, scale = exp),
    "gevlss" = post_link_funs(scale = exp),
    "shash" = post_link_funs(scale = exp, kurtosis = exp),
    "ziplss" = post_link_funs(
      location = exp,
      pi = inv_link(binomial("cloglog"))
    "twlss" = post_link_funs(power = twlss_theta_2_power, scale = exp),
  # compute fitted values
  fit <- fit_vals_fun(object,
    data = data, ci_level = ci_level,
    scale = scale, extra_fns = extra_fns, ...

#' @export
#' @rdname fitted_values
`fitted_values.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {
  fitted_values(object$gam, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname fitted_values
`fitted_values.scam` <- function(object, ...) {
  fitted_values.gam(object, ...)

#' @importFrom rlang set_names .data
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols mutate across
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble is_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyselect any_of
`fit_vals_default` <- function(
    object, data, ci_level = 0.95,
    scale = "response", ...) {
  fit <- predict(object,
    newdata = data, ..., type = "link",
    se.fit = TRUE
  ) |>
    as.data.frame() |>
    rlang::set_names(c(".fitted", ".se")) |>
  # add .row *unless* it already exists
  if (!".row" %in% names(data)) {
    fit <- mutate(fit, .row = row_number())
  fit <- bind_cols(data, fit) |>
    relocate(".row", .before = 1L)

  # create the confidence interval
  crit <- coverage_normal(ci_level)
  fit <- mutate(fit,
    ".lower_ci" = .data[[".fitted"]] - (crit * .data[[".se"]]),
    ".upper_ci" = .data[[".fitted"]] + (crit * .data[[".se"]])

  # convert to the response scale if requested
  if (identical(scale, "response")) {
    fit <- fit |>
      mutate(across(all_of(c(".fitted", ".lower_ci", ".upper_ci")),
        .fns = inv_link(object)


#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across case_match
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble add_column
`fit_vals_general_lss` <- function(
    object, data, ci_level = 0.95,
    scale = "response", extra_fns = post_link_funs(), ...) {
  crit <- coverage_normal(ci_level)
  # get the fitted values for data
  fv <- predict(object,
    newdata = data, ..., type = "link",
    se.fit = TRUE
  std_err <- fv[[2L]]
  fv <- fv[[1]]
  colnames(std_err) <- colnames(fv) <- lss_parameters(object)
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  fv <- fv |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(.row = row_number()) |>
    relocate(".row", .before = 1L) |>
      values_to = ".fitted",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  std_err <- std_err |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(.row = row_number()) |>
    relocate(".row", .before = 1L) |>
      values_to = ".std_err",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # bind .std_err to fv...
  fit <- fv |>
    add_column(.se = pull(std_err, ".std_err")) |>
    # ...and compute interval
      .lower_ci = .data$.fitted + (crit * .data$.se),
      .upper_ci = .data$.fitted - (crit * .data$.se)

  # convert to the response scale if requested
  if (identical(scale, "response")) {
    il <- lss_links(object, inverse = TRUE)

    fit <- fit |>
      mutate(across(all_of(c(".fitted", ".lower_ci", ".upper_ci")),
        .fns = ~ case_match(
          "location" ~ extra_fns[["location"]](il[["location"]](.x)),
          "scale" ~ extra_fns[["scale"]](il[["scale"]](.x)),
          "shape" ~ extra_fns[["shape"]](il[["shape"]](.x)),
          "skewness" ~ extra_fns[["skewness"]](il[["skewness"]](.x)),
          "kurtosis" ~ extra_fns[["kurtosis"]](il[["kurtosis"]](.x)),
          "power" ~ extra_fns[["power"]](il[["power"]](.x)),
          "pi" ~ extra_fns[["pi"]](il[["pi"]](.x))


#' A list of transformation functions named for LSS parameters in a GAMLSS
#' @keywords internal
post_link_funs <- function(
    location = identity_fun,
    scale = identity_fun,
    shape = identity_fun,
    skewness = identity_fun,
    kurtosis = identity_fun,
    power = identity_fun,
    pi = identity_fun) {
    location = location, scale = scale, shape = shape, skewness = skewness,
    kurtosis = kurtosis, power = power, pi = pi

#' General names of LSS parameters for each GAM family
#' @keywords internal
lss_parameters <- function(object) {
  fn <- family_type(object)
  par_names <- switch(fn,
    "gaulss"  = c("location", "scale"),
    "gammals" = c("location", "scale"),
    "gumbls"  = c("location", "scale"),
    "gevlss"  = c("location", "scale", "shape"),
    "shash"   = c("location", "scale", "skewness", "kurtosis"),
    "ziplss"  = c("location", "pi"),
    "twlss"   = c("location", "power", "scale"),
  ) # <- default, for most GAM families that's all there is

#' @importFrom purrr map
lss_links <- function(object, inverse = FALSE, which_eta = NULL) {
  params <- lss_parameters(object)
  param_nms <- c(
    "location", "scale", "shape", "skewness", "kurtosis",
    "power", "pi"
  out <- rep(list(identity_fun), length(param_nms)) |>
  funs <- purrr::map(params, .f = function(p, model, inverse, which_eta) {
      parameter = p, inverse = inverse,
      which_eta = which_eta
  }, model = object, inverse = inverse, which_eta = which_eta) |>
  out[params] <- funs

# an identity function that simply returns input
identity_fun <- function(eta) {

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across case_match row_number
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble add_column
`fit_vals_ziplss` <- function(
    object, data, ci_level = 0.95,
    scale = "response", extra_fns = post_link_funs(), ...) {
  crit <- coverage_normal(ci_level)
  # get the fitted values for data
  fv <- predict(object,
    newdata = data, ..., type = "link",
    se.fit = TRUE
  std_err <- fv[[2L]]
  fv <- fv[[1]]
  colnames(std_err) <- colnames(fv) <- lss_parameters(object)
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  fv <- fv |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(.row = row_number()) |>
    relocate(".row", .before = 1L) |>
      values_to = ".fitted",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  std_err <- std_err |>
    as_tibble() |>
      values_to = ".std_err",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # bind .std_err to fv...
  fit <- fv |>
    add_column(.se = pull(std_err, ".std_err")) |>
    # ...and compute interval
      .lower_ci = .data$.fitted + (crit * .data$.se),
      .upper_ci = .data$.fitted - (crit * .data$.se)

  # convert to the response scale if requested
  if (identical(scale, "response")) {
    ilink_loc <- inv_link(object, parameter = "location")
    ilink_pi <- inv_link(object, parameter = "pi")

    fit <- fit |>
      mutate(across(all_of(c(".fitted", ".lower_ci", ".upper_ci")),
        .fns = ~ case_match(
          "location" ~ extra_fns[["location"]](ilink_loc(.x)),
          "pi" ~ extra_fns[["pi"]](ilink_pi(.x))


#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across case_match row_number
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble add_column
`fit_vals_twlss` <- function(
    object, data, ci_level = 0.95,
    scale = "response", extra_fns = post_link_funs(), ...) {
  crit <- coverage_normal(ci_level)
  # get the fitted values for data
  fv <- predict(object,
    newdata = data, ..., type = "link",
    se.fit = TRUE
  std_err <- fv[[2L]]
  fv <- fv[[1]]
  colnames(std_err) <- colnames(fv) <- lss_parameters(object)
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  fv <- fv |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(.row = row_number()) |>
    relocate(".row", .before = 1L) |>
      values_to = ".fitted",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # convert fv to tibble then long format
  std_err <- std_err |>
    as_tibble() |>
      values_to = ".std_err",
      names_to = ".parameter"
  # bind .std_err to fv...
  fit <- fv |>
    add_column(.se = pull(std_err, ".std_err")) |>
    # ...and compute interval
      .lower_ci = .data$.fitted + (crit * .data$.se),
      .upper_ci = .data$.fitted - (crit * .data$.se)

  # convert to the response scale if requested
  if (identical(scale, "response")) {
    il <- lss_links(object, inverse = TRUE)
    bounds <- get_tw_bounds(object)

    fit <- fit |>
      mutate(across(all_of(c(".fitted", ".lower_ci", ".upper_ci")),
        .fns = ~ case_match(
          "location" ~ extra_fns[["location"]](il[["location"]](.x)),
          "power" ~ extra_fns[["power"]](il[["power"]](.x),
            a = bounds[1], b = bounds[2]),
          "scale" ~ extra_fns[["scale"]](il[["scale"]](.x))


#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows relocate
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
`fit_vals_ocat` <- function(
    object, data, ci_level = 0.95, scale = "response",
    ...) {
  # if link (linear predictor) scale, we can just use `fit_vals_fun()`
  if (scale %in% c("link", "linear predictor")) {
    fit <- fit_vals_default(object,
      data = data, ci_level = ci_level,
      scale = "link", ...
  } else {
    # predict, needs to be response scale for ocat!
    fv <- predict(object,
      newdata = data, ..., type = "response",
      se.fit = TRUE
    crit <- coverage_normal(ci_level)

    # extract information on how many thresholds, categories in the model
    theta <- theta(object) # the estimated thresholds, first is always -1
    n_cut <- length(theta) # how many thresholds...
    n_cat <- n_cut + 1 # ...which implies this many categories
    n_data <- NROW(data) # how many data are we predicting for

    # \hat{pi} is the estimated probability of each class for each data
    # \hat{pi} is given by fv$fit
    # std. err. of \hat{pi} is given by fv$se.fit

    # compute standard error of logit(\hat{pi}) via delta method
    # this comes from Christensen RHB (2022), a vignette of ordinal
    # package:
    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ordinal/vignettes/clm_article.pdf
    # se(logit(pi)) = se(pi) / (pi * (1 - pi))
    se_lp <- fv$se.fit / (fv$fit * (1 - fv$fit))

    # grab slightly better versions of plogis() & qlogis() from the binomial
    # family
    bin_fam <- binomial()
    lfun <- link(bin_fam)
    ifun <- inv_link(bin_fam)

    # convert \hat{pi} to logit scale and form a Wald interval, then back
    # transform the interval only (we already have \hat{pi})
    fit_lp <- lfun(fv$fit) # logit(\hat{pi})
    fit_lwr <- ifun(fit_lp - (crit * se_lp))
    fit_upr <- ifun(fit_lp + (crit * se_lp))

    # create the return object
    fit <- tibble(
      .row = rep(seq_len(n_data), times = n_cat),
      .category = factor(rep(seq_len(n_cat), each = n_data)),
      .fitted = as.numeric(fv$fit),
      .se = as.numeric(fv$se.fit),
      .lower_ci = as.numeric(fit_lwr),
      .upper_ci = as.numeric(fit_upr)

    # expand data so it is replicated once per category & add to the fitted
    # values
    fit <- expand_grid(category = seq_len(n_cat), data) |>
      select(-c("category")) |>
      bind_cols(fit) |>
      relocate(".row", .before = 1)

#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
`get_fit_fun` <- function(fam) {
  # family <- family_type(object)
  fam <- case_when(
    grepl("^ordered_categorical", fam, ignore.case = TRUE) == TRUE ~ "ocat",
    fam == "gaulss" ~ "general_lss",
    fam == "gammals" ~ "general_lss",
    fam == "gumbls" ~ "general_lss",
    fam == "gevlss" ~ "general_lss",
    fam == "shash" ~ "general_lss",
    fam == "ziplss" ~ "ziplss",
    fam == "twlss" ~ "twlss",
    .default = "default"
  get(paste0("fit_vals_", fam), mode = "function")

## my original code trying to follow Simon's ocat

# lp <- as.numeric(fv$fit)
# se <- as.numeric(fv$se.fit)
# upr <- lp + (crit * se)
# lwr <- lp - (crit * se)

# theta <- theta(object)
# n_cut <- length(theta)
# n_cat <- n_cut + 1
# n_data <- NROW(data)
# p_fit <- p_lwr <- p_upr <- matrix(0, nrow = n_data,
#     ncol = n_cut + 2)
# # cumulative probability should sum to 1 over the latent
# # fill final column with 1 to reflect that
# p_fit[, n_cut + 2] <- p_lwr[, n_cut + 2] <- p_upr[, n_cut + 2] <- 1

# # function to give probability from latent
# `ocat_prob` <- function(lp, theta) {
#     p <- theta - lp
#     i <- p > 0
#     p[i] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-p[i]))
#     p[!i] <- exp(p[!i]) / (1 + exp(p[!i]))
#     p
# }

# # fill in the matrix of cumulative probability
# for (j in seq_along(theta)) {
#     p_fit[, j + 1] <- ocat_prob(lp, theta[j])
#     p_lwr[, j + 1] <- ocat_prob(lwr, theta[j])
#     p_upr[, j + 1] <- ocat_prob(upr, theta[j])
# }
# #browser()
# p_fit <- as.numeric(t(diff(t(p_fit))))
# p_lwr <- as.numeric(t(diff(t(p_lwr))))
# p_upr <- as.numeric(t(diff(t(p_upr))))

# fit <- tibble(row = rep(seq_len(n_data), times = n_cat),
#     category = factor(rep(seq_len(n_cat), each = n_data)),
#     fitted = p_fit,
#     lower = p_lwr,
#     upper = p_upr)
# # expand data so it is replicated once per category
# fit <- expand_grid(category = seq_len(n_cat), data) |>
#     select(-c("category")) |>
#     bind_cols(fit) |>
#     relocate(row, .before = 1)
# fit

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