
Defines functions set.groundhog.folder get.groundhog.folder

Documented in get.groundhog.folder set.groundhog.folder

#' Get current local path to groundhog folder
#' @return the path to the groundhog folder, the meta-library where 
#'   [groundhog.library()] downloads and stores packages that can be loaded 
#' @note you can change the location of this folder with the command
#'   `set.groundhog.folder("path")`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get.groundhog.folder()
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso [set.groundhog.folder()]

# Function that gets the groundhog folder, or prompts user to create it.
get.groundhog.folder <- function() {
  #Verify folder with 'cookie files' and default for library exist. giving consent to save files
    consent <- check.consent() 
    if (consent==FALSE) {
      message(' -- not authorized to save to folder necessary for groundhog to work --')
  #Set main folder with 'cookie files' and default for library
    main_folder <-  paste0(path.expand("~"), "/R_groundhog")
  #Create main folder 
      dir.create(main_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  #Path to cookie file with location of folder
    path_file_storing_groundhog_library_location <- paste0(main_folder ,"/current_groundhog_folder.txt")
  #If cookie file exists, use it, otherwise, use that same location for library
      if (file.exists(path_file_storing_groundhog_library_location)) {
        #Read the 'cookie' file with the location of the library
          f <- path_file_storing_groundhog_library_location
          groundhog.folder <- readChar(f, file.info(f)$size)  #Reads full file into a string, fixes bug in groundhog 1.1.0
        } else {
        #This is the default
          groundhog.folder <-paste0(main_folder, "/groundhog_library/")
        #Set it using function below
        } #End if cookie file does not exist

#' Set groundhog folder location
#' @param path Character. The path to the groundhog folder containing the library
#'   where packages are downloaded and installed. For best performance and reliability, 
#'   it is recommended that the groundhog folder be in the same volume/drive as the
#'   folder used as the default R library, and
#'   that it not be in a Dropbox (or similar) folders. Groundhog will be slower 
#'   and occasionally produce errors when the groundhog folder is in Dropbox or 
#'   a different drive.

#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.groundhog.folder("c:/groundhog_folder")
#' }
#' @return (invisibly) `TRUE` upon success.
#' @export
#' @seealso [get.groundhog.folder()]
set.groundhog.folder <- function(path) {
#Ensure path was set
  if (missing(path)) gstop("You forgot to enter the <path> you wanted to set.")
#Early return if already set to path
  if (dir.exists(path) && normalizePath(path) == normalizePath(get.groundhog.folder())) {
    #Note: do dir.exists() first because we cannot normalizePath() if it does not exist
    #and if it does not exist, obviously it is not the current path
    message1("The groundhog folder already was '", path , "'")
  #1 Warnings for path
    #1.1 DROPBOX
        #If path contains dropbox and we have not warned them within 10 minutes

        if  (regexpr('dropbox', tolower(path))>0) {

          #Draft message
            msg=paste0("The path '",path,"' seems to be a Dropbox folder. Groundhog will be slower and ",
              "more likely to produce occasional errors if the library is on Dropbox; ",
              "consider using a different path. If you want to set it to  '",path,"' anyway, ",
              "type 'anyway', else type 'cancel'")

          #Show it

            if (tolower(answer.dropbox)=='cancel') {
              message1("OK. Request cancelled.")
            } #End if dropbox




  #Set main folder with 'cookie files' and default for library
    main_folder <-  paste0(path.expand("~"), "/R_groundhog/")
  #Create main folder 
    dir.create(main_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    #this si redundant with the test that we can rename from it done above
  #Path to file saving groundhog folder
    path_file_storing_groundhog_library_location <- paste0(main_folder ,"current_groundhog_folder.txt")
  #Save the cookie
    path <- trimws(path)
  #Create groundhog_folder
    dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  #Save cookie
    cat(path, file = path_file_storing_groundhog_library_location)
  #Assign it to the live environment
    Sys.setenv(GROUNDHOG_FOLDER = path)
   #Show confirmation message
    message2("\nGroundhog folder set to: '",path)
  #If path is the default, offer to change
    if (dirname(path)== fw(paste0(path.expand("~"), "/R_groundhog"))) {  #fw: function #50
      #Offer to change
       message2("\n--- You may change it with`set.groundhog.folder(<path>)`---\n")
    } else {
      #Otherwise just add a \n
        message("") #Otherwise just 

  #Load cran toc rds
  } #End of set.groundhog.folder

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

groundhog documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:55 a.m.