# gt internal functions vendored with attribution from:
### ----
.dt_boxhead_key <- "_boxhead"
dt_boxhead_get <- function(data) {
dt__get(data, .dt_boxhead_key)
dt_boxhead_set <- function(data, boxh) {
dt__set(data, .dt_boxhead_key, boxh)
dt_boxhead_init <- function(data) {
vars <- colnames(dt_data_get(data = data))
empty_list <- lapply(seq_along(vars), function(x) NULL)
boxh_df <-
# Matches to the name of the `data` column
var = vars,
# The mode of the column in the rendered table
# - `default` appears as a column with values below
# - `stub` appears as part of a table stub, set to the left
# and styled differently
# - `row_group` uses values as categoricals and groups rows
# under row group headings
# - `hidden` hides this column from the final table render
# but retains values to use in expressions
# - `hidden_at_px` similar to hidden but takes a list of
# screen widths (in px) whereby the column would be hidden
type = "default",
# # The shared spanner label between columns, where column names
# # act as the keys
# spanner_label = empty_list,
# # The label for row groups, which is maintained as a list of
# # labels by render context (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, etc.)
# row_group_label = lapply(seq_along(names(data)), function(x) NULL),
# The presentation label, which is a list of labels by
# render context (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, etc.)
column_label = as.list(vars),
# The alignment of the column ("left", "right", "center")
column_align = "center",
# The width of the column in `px`
column_width = empty_list,
# The widths at which the column disappears from view (this is
# HTML specific)
hidden_px = empty_list
boxh_df %>% dt_boxhead_set(boxh = ., data = data)
dt_boxhead_edit <- function(data, var, ...) {
dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
var_name <- var
val_list <- list(...)
if (length(val_list) != 1) {
cli::cli_abort("`dt_boxhead_edit()` expects a single value at `...`.")
check_names_dt_boxhead_expr(expr = val_list)
check_vars_dt_boxhead(var = var, dt_boxhead = dt_boxhead)
if (is.list(dt_boxhead[[names(val_list)]])) {
dt_boxhead[[which(dt_boxhead$var == var_name), names(val_list)]] <- unname(val_list)
} else {
dt_boxhead[[which(dt_boxhead$var == var_name), names(val_list)]] <- unlist(val_list)
dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = dt_boxhead)
dt_boxhead_add_var <- function(data,
column_label = list(var),
column_align = "left",
column_width = list(NULL),
hidden_px = list(NULL),
add_where = "top") {
dt_boxhead <- data %>% dt_boxhead_get()
dt_boxhead_row <-
var = var,
type = type,
column_label = column_label,
column_align = column_align,
column_width = column_width,
hidden_px = hidden_px
if (add_where == "top") {
dt_boxhead <- dplyr::bind_rows(dt_boxhead_row, dt_boxhead)
} else if (add_where == "bottom") {
dt_boxhead <- dplyr::bind_rows(dt_boxhead, dt_boxhead_row)
} else {
stop("The `add_where` value must be either `top` or `bottom`.")
dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
<- function(data, vars) {
dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var %in% vars), "type"] <- "hidden"
dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
<- function(data, vars) {
dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var %in% vars), "type"] <- "default"
dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
dt_boxhead_set_stub <- function(data, var) {
dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var == var), "type"] <- "stub"
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var == var), "column_align"] <- "left"
dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
dt_boxhead_set_row_group <- function(data, vars) {
dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var %in% vars), "type"] <- "row_group"
dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var %in% vars), "column_align"] <- "left"
dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
dt_boxhead_edit_column_label <- function(data, var, column_label) {
data = data,
var = var,
column_label = column_label
dt_boxhead_get_vars <- function(data) {
dplyr::pull(dt_boxhead_get(data = data), var)
dt_boxhead_get_vars_default <- function(data) {
dplyr::pull(subset(dt_boxhead_get(data = data), type == "default"), var)
dt_boxhead_get_var_stub <- function(data) {
res <- dt_boxhead_get_var_by_type(data = data, type = "stub")
# FIXME: don't return NA_character_ here, just return res or NULL
if (length(res) == 0) {
} else {
dt_boxhead_get_vars_groups <- function(data) {
res <- dt_boxhead_get_var_by_type(data = data, type = "row_group")
# FIXME: don't return NA_character_ here, just return res or NULL
if (length(res) == 0) {
} else {
dt_boxhead_get_var_by_type <- function(data, type) {
dplyr::filter(dt_boxhead_get(data = data), type == !!type) %>%
dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default <- function(data) {
subset(dt_boxhead_get(data = data), type == "default") %>%
dt_boxhead_get_vars_align_default <- function(data) {
subset(dt_boxhead_get(data = data), type == "default") %>%
dt_boxhead_get_alignment_by_var <- function(data, var) {
data %>%
dt_boxhead_get() %>%
dplyr::filter(var == !!var) %>%
check_names_dt_boxhead_expr <- function(expr) {
if (!all(names(expr) %in% c(
"type", "column_label", "column_align", "column_width", "hidden_px"
))) {
stop("Expressions must use names available in `dt_boxhead`.",
call. = FALSE
check_vars_dt_boxhead <- function(var, dt_boxhead) {
if (!(var %in% dt_boxhead$var)) {
stop("The `var` value must be value in `dt_boxhead$var`.",
call. = FALSE
dt_boxhead_build <- function(data, context) {
boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
boxh$column_label <-
lapply(boxh$column_label, function(label) process_text(label, context))
data <- dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = boxh)
dt_boxhead_set_var_order <- function(data, vars) {
boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
if (length(vars) != nrow(boxh) ||
length(unique(vars)) != nrow(boxh) ||
!all(vars %in% boxh$var)
) {
stop("The length of `vars` must be the same the number of rows in `_boxh.")
order_vars <- vapply(vars, function(x) {
which(boxh$var == x)
}, numeric(1))
boxh <- boxh[order_vars, ]
data <- dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = boxh)
### ----
gt_save_html <- function(data,
path = NULL,
inline_css = FALSE) {
filename <- gtsave_filename(path = path, filename = filename)
if (inline_css) {
data %>%
as_raw_html(inline_css = inline_css) %>%
htmltools::HTML() %>%
htmltools::save_html(filename, ...)
} else {
data %>%
htmltools::as.tags() %>%
htmltools::save_html(filename, ...)
gtsave_filename <- function(path, filename) {
if (is.null(path)) path <- "."
# The use of `fs::path_abs()` works around
# the saving code in `htmltools::save_html()`
# See htmltools Issue #165 for more details
path = filename,
start = path
) %>%
fs::path_expand() %>%
## ----
is_html <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "html") && isTRUE(attr(x, "html"))
## ----
resolve_cols_c <- function(expr,
strict = TRUE,
excl_stub = TRUE,
null_means = c("everything", "nothing")) {
null_means <- match.arg(null_means)
expr = {{ expr }},
data = data,
strict = strict,
excl_stub = excl_stub,
null_means = null_means
## ----
utf8_aware_sub <- NULL
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname, ...) {
op <- options()
toset <- !(names(gt_default_options) %in% names(op))
if (any(toset)) options(gt_default_options[toset])
utf8_aware_sub <<- identical("UTF-8", Encoding(sub(".", "\u00B1", ".", fixed = TRUE)))
markdown_to_latex <- function(text) {
# Vectorize `commonmark::markdown_latex` and modify output
# behavior to passthrough NAs
lapply(text, function(x) {
if ( {
if (isTRUE(getOption("gt.html_tag_check", TRUE))) {
if (grepl("<[a-zA-Z\\/][^>]*>", x)) {
warning("HTML tags found, and they will be removed.\n",
" * set `options(gt.html_tag_check = FALSE)` to disable this check",
call. = FALSE
commonmark::markdown_latex(x) %>% tidy_gsub("\\n$", "")
}) %>%
unlist() %>%
markdown_to_rtf <- function(text) {
text <-
text %>%
as.character() %>%
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
FUN = commonmark::markdown_xml
) %>%
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
FUN = function(cmark) {
# cat(cmark)
x <- xml2::read_xml(cmark)
if (!identical(xml2::xml_name(x), "document")) {
stop("Unexpected result from markdown parsing: `document` element not found")
children <- xml2::xml_children(x)
if (length(children) == 1 &&
xml2::xml_type(children[[1]]) == "element" &&
xml2::xml_name(children[[1]]) == "paragraph") {
children <- xml2::xml_children(children[[1]])
apply_rules <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "xml_nodeset")) {
len <- length(x)
results <- character(len) # preallocate vector
for (i in seq_len(len)) {
results[[i]] <- apply_rules(x[[i]])
# TODO: is collapse = "" correct?
rtf_raw(paste0("", results, collapse = ""))
} else {
output <- if (xml2::xml_type(x) == "element") {
rule <- cmark_rules[[xml2::xml_name(x)]]
if (is.null(rule)) {
paste0("Unknown commonmark element encountered: ", xml2::xml_name(x)),
.frequency = "once",
.frequency_id = "gt_commonmark_unknown_element"
} else if (is.character(rule)) {
rtf_wrap(rule, x, apply_rules)
} else if (is.function(rule)) {
rule(x, apply_rules)
if (!is_rtf(output)) {
warning("Rule for ", xml2::xml_name(x), " did not return RTF")
# TODO: is collapse = "" correct?
rtf_raw(paste0("", output, collapse = ""))
markdown_to_text <- function(text) {
# Vectorize `commonmark::markdown_text` and modify output
# behavior to passthrough NAs
lapply(text, function(x) {
if ( {
if (isTRUE(getOption("gt.html_tag_check", TRUE))) {
if (grepl("<[a-zA-Z\\/][^>]*>", x)) {
warning("HTML tags found, and they will be removed.\n",
" * set `options(gt.html_tag_check = FALSE)` to disable this check",
call. = FALSE
commonmark::markdown_text(x) %>% tidy_gsub("\\n$", "")
}) %>%
unlist() %>%
gt_default_options <- list(
gt.row_group.sep = " - ",
gt.rtf_page_width = 9468L,
gt.html_tag_check = TRUE
tidy_gsub <- function(x, pattern, replacement, fixed = FALSE) {
if (!utf8_aware_sub) {
# See variable definition for utf8_aware_sub for more info
x <- enc2utf8(as.character(x))
replacement <- enc2utf8(as.character(replacement))
res <- gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = fixed)
Encoding(res) <- "UTF-8"
} else {
gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = fixed)
#' Process text based on rendering context any applied classes
#' If the incoming text has the class `from_markdown` (applied by the `md()`
#' helper function), then the text will be sanitized and transformed to HTML
#' from Markdown. If the incoming text has the class `html` (applied by `html()`
#' helper function), then the text will be seen as HTML and it won't undergo
#' sanitization.
#' @noRd
process_text <- function(text,
context = "html") {
# If text is marked `AsIs` (by using `I()`) then just
# return the text unchanged
if (inherits(text, "AsIs")) {
if (is.list(text)) {
if (context %in% names(text)) {
return(process_text(text = text[[context]], context = context))
if (context == "html") {
# Text processing for HTML output
if (inherits(text, "from_markdown")) {
text <-
as.character(text) %>%
vapply(commonmark::markdown_html, character(1)) %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(c("^<p>" = "", "</p>\n$" = ""))
} else if (is_html(text) || inherits(text, "shiny.tag") || inherits(text, "shiny.tag.list")) {
text <- as.character(text)
} else {
text <- htmltools::htmlEscape(as.character(text))
} else if (context == "latex") {
# Text processing for LaTeX output
if (inherits(text, "from_markdown")) {
text <- markdown_to_latex(text = text)
} else if (is_html(text)) {
text <- as.character(text)
} else {
text <- escape_latex(text = text)
} else if (context == "rtf") {
# Text processing for RTF output
if (inherits(text, "from_markdown")) {
} else if (inherits(text, "rtf_text")) {
text <- as.character(text)
} else {
text <- rtf_escape(text)
} else {
# Text processing in the default case
if (inherits(text, "from_markdown")) {
text <- markdown_to_text(text = text)
} else if (is_html(text)) {
text <- as.character(text)
} else {
text <- htmltools::htmlEscape(as.character(text))
### ----
# Mark the given text as being RTF, meaning, it should not be escaped if passed
# to rtf_text
rtf_raw <- function(...) {
text <- paste0(..., collapse = "")
class(text) <- "rtf_text"
rtf_escape <- function(x) {
if (length(x) < 1) {
x <- gsub("\\", "\\'5c", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("{", "\\'7b", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("}", "\\'7d", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- vapply(x, FUN.VALUE = character(1), FUN = rtf_escape_unicode, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
class(x) <- "rtf_text"
### ----
.dt_spanners_key <- "_spanners"
dt_spanners_get <- function(data) {
dt__get(data, .dt_spanners_key)
.dt_stub_df_key <- "_stub_df"
dt_stub_df_get <- function(data) {
dt__get(data, .dt_stub_df_key)
is_rtf <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "rtf_text")
# vendored from:
#' Are color values in rgba() format?
#' The input for this is a character vector that should contain color strings.
#' While users won't directly supply colors in rgba() format, the `html_color()`
#' function can produce these types of color values and this utility function is
#' used in `rgba_to_hex()` to help convert colors *back* to hexadecimal
#' (ultimately for the `ideal_fgnd_color()` function). The output of
#' `is_rgba_col()` is a vector of logical values (the same length as the input
#' `colors` vector).
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_rgba_col <- function(colors) {
grepl("^rgba\\(\\s*(?:[0-9]+?\\s*,\\s*){3}[0-9\\.]+?\\s*\\)$", colors)
#' Are color values in hexadecimal format?
#' This regex checks for valid hexadecimal colors in either the `#RRGGBB` and
#' `#RRGGBBAA` forms (not including shortened form `#RGB` here,
#' `is_short_hex()` handles this case).
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_hex_col <- function(colors) {
grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})?$", colors)
#' Are color values in the shorthand hexadecimal format?
#' This regex checks for valid hexadecimal colors in the `#RGB` or `#RGBA`
#' shorthand forms.
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_short_hex <- function(colors) {
grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F])?$", colors)
#' Expand shorthand hexadecimal colors to the normal form
#' This function takes a vector of colors in the `#RGB` or `#RGBA`
#' shorthand forms and transforms them to their respective normal forms
#' (`#RRGGBB` and `#RRGGBBAA`). This should only be used with a vector of
#' `#RGB`- and `#RGBA`-formatted color values; `is_short_hex()` should be used
#' beforehand to ensure that input `colors` vector conforms to this expectation.
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
expand_short_hex <- function(colors) {
gsub("^#(.)(.)(.)(.?)$", "#\\1\\1\\2\\2\\3\\3\\4\\4", toupper(colors))
#' For a background color, which foreground color provides better contrast?
#' The input for this function is a single color value in 'rgba()' format. The
#' output is a single color value in #RRGGBB hexadecimal format
#' @noRd
ideal_fgnd_color <- function(bgnd_color,
light = "#FFFFFF",
dark = "#000000") {
# Normalize color to hexadecimal color if it is in the 'rgba()' string format
bgnd_color <- rgba_to_hex(colors = bgnd_color)
# Normalize color to a #RRGGBB (stripping the alpha channel)
bgnd_color <- html_color(colors = bgnd_color, alpha = 1)
# Determine the ideal color for the chosen background color
yiq_contrasted_threshold <- 128
colors <- grDevices::col2rgb(bgnd_color)
score <- colSums(colors * c(299, 587, 144)) / 1000
ifelse(score >= yiq_contrasted_threshold, dark, light)
#' Convert colors in mixed formats (incl. rgba() strings) format to hexadecimal
#' This function will accept colors in mixed formats and convert any in the
#' 'rgba()' string format (e.g., "`rgba(255,170,0,0.5)`") to a hexadecimal
#' format that preserves the alpha information (#RRGGBBAA). This function is
#' required for the `ideal_fgnd_color()` function.
#' @noRd
rgba_to_hex <- function(colors) {
colors_vec <- rep(NA_character_, length(colors))
colors_rgba <- is_rgba_col(colors = colors)
colors_vec[!colors_rgba] <- colors[!colors_rgba]
color_matrix <-
colors[colors_rgba] %>%
gsub(pattern = "(rgba\\(|\\))", replacement = "", x = .) %>%
strsplit(",") %>%
unlist() %>%
as.numeric() %>%
ncol = 4,
dimnames = list(c(), c("r", "g", "b", "alpha")),
byrow = TRUE
alpha <- color_matrix[, "alpha"] %>% unname()
# Convert color matrix to hexadecimal colors in the #RRGGBBAA format
colors_to_hex <-
red = color_matrix[, "r"] / 255,
green = color_matrix[, "g"] / 255,
blue = color_matrix[, "b"] / 255,
alpha = alpha
colors_vec[colors_rgba] <- colors_to_hex
#' With a vector of input colors return normalized color strings
#' Input colors can be color names (e.g., `"green"`, `"steelblue"`, etc.) or
#' colors in hexadecimal format with or without an alpha component (either
#' #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA). Output is the same length vector as the
#' input but it will contain a mixture of either #RRGGBB colors (if the input
#' alpha value for a color is 1) or 'rgba()' string format colors (if the input
#' alpha value for a color is not 1).
#' @noRd
html_color <- function(colors, alpha = NULL) {
# Stop function if there are any NA values in `colors`
if (any( {
stop("No values supplied in `colors` should be `NA`.", call. = FALSE)
is_rgba <- is_rgba_col(colors = colors)
is_short_hex <- is_short_hex(colors = colors)
# Expand any shorthand hexadecimal color values to the `RRGGBB` form
colors[is_short_hex] <- expand_short_hex(colors = colors[is_short_hex])
is_hex <- is_hex_col(colors = colors)
# If not classified as RGBA or hexadecimal, assume other values are named
# colors to be handled separately
is_named <- !is_rgba & !is_hex
colors[is_named] <- tolower(colors[is_named])
named_colors <- colors[is_named]
if (length(named_colors) > 0) {
# Ensure that all color names are in the set of X11/R color
# names or CSS color names
# Translate the `transparent` color to #FFFFFF00 (white, transparent)
named_colors[named_colors == "transparent"] <- "#FFFFFF00"
# Translate any CSS exclusive colors to hexadecimal values;
# there are nine CSS 3.0 named colors that don't belong to the
# set of X11/R color names (not included numbered variants and
# the numbered grays, those will be handled by `grDevices::col2rgb()`)
is_css_excl_named <- colors %in% names(css_exclusive_colors())
if (any(is_css_excl_named)) {
# The `css_exclusive_colors()` function returns a named vector
# of the CSS colors not in the X11/R set; the names are the hexadecimal
# color values
colors[is_css_excl_named] <-
# Normalize all non-'rgba()' color values and combine
# with any preexisting 'rgba()' color values
colors[!is_rgba] <-
colors = colors[!is_rgba],
alpha = alpha
# Utility function for creating 'rgba()' color values
# from an RGBA color matrix (already subsetted to those
# rows where alpha < 1)
col_matrix_to_rgba <- function(color_matrix) {
color_matrix[, "red"], ",",
color_matrix[, "green"], ",",
color_matrix[, "blue"], ",",
round(color_matrix[, "alpha"], 2),
# Utility function for generating hexadecimal or 'rgba()' colors (for IE11
# compatibility with colors having some transparency) from hexadecimal color
# values and X11/R color names
normalize_colors <- function(colors, alpha) {
# Create a color matrix with an `alpha` column
color_matrix <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(col = colors, alpha = TRUE))
color_matrix[, "alpha"] <- color_matrix[, "alpha"] / 255
# If `alpha` has a value, replace all pre-existing
# alpha values in the color matrix with `alpha`
if (!is.null(alpha)) {
color_matrix[, "alpha"] <- alpha
# Generate a vector for the finalized HTML color values
colors_html <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(color_matrix))
# Determine which of the input colors have an alpha of `1`
colors_alpha_1 <- color_matrix[, "alpha"] == 1
# Generate #RRGGBB color values for `colors_html`
colors_html[colors_alpha_1] <-
red = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "red", drop = FALSE] / 255,
green = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "green", drop = FALSE] / 255,
blue = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "blue", drop = FALSE] / 255
# Generate rgba() color values for `colors_html`
colors_html[!colors_alpha_1] <-
color_matrix[!colors_alpha_1, , drop = FALSE] %>%
css_exclusive_colors <- function() {
color_tbl_subset <- css_colors[!css_colors$is_x11_color, ]
color_values <- color_tbl_subset[["hexadecimal"]]
color_values <-
valid_color_names <- function() {
c(tolower(grDevices::colors()), names(css_exclusive_colors()), "transparent")
check_named_colors <- function(named_colors) {
named_colors <- tolower(named_colors)
if (!all(named_colors %in% valid_color_names())) {
invalid_colors <- setdiff(unique(named_colors), valid_color_names())
one_several_invalid <-
length(invalid_colors) > 1,
"Several invalid color names were ",
"An invalid color name was "
"Only R/X11 color names and CSS 3.0 color names can be used.",
call. = FALSE
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.