
Defines functions baseOf.inner baseOf

Documented in baseOf

#' Transform an integer to an array of base-n digits
#' Transform an integer to an array of base-n digits
#' This function converts the elements of an integer vector as an array of its
#' digits.  The base of the numbering scheme may be changed away from 10, which
#' defines our decimal system, to any other integer value. For base=2, the
#' number is returned in the binary system. The least significant digit has the
#' highest index in the array, i.e. it appears on the right.  The highest
#' exponent is at position 1, i.e. left.
#' To write decimal values in another base is very common in computer science.
#' In particular at the basis 2 the then possible values 0 and 1 are often
#' interpreted as logical false or true. And at the very interface to
#' electrical engineering, it is indicated as an absence or presence of
#' voltage. When several bit values are transported synchronously, then it is
#' common to give every lane of such a data bus a unique 2^x value and
#' interpret it as a number in the binary system. To distinguish 256 characters
#' one once needed 8 bit ("byte"). It is the common unit in which larger
#' non-printable data is presented.  Because of the many non-printable
#' characters and the difficulty for most humans to memorize an even longer
#' alphabet, it is presented as two half bytes ("nibble") of 4 bit in a
#' hexadecimal presentation. Example code is shown below.
#' For statisticians, it is more likely to use bit representations for hashing.
#' A bit set to 1 (TRUE) at e.g. position 2, 9 or 17 is interpreted as the
#' presence of a particular feature combination of a sample.  With baseOf, you
#' can refer to the bit combination as a number, which is more easily and more
#' efficiently dealt with than with an array of binary values. The example code
#' presents a counter of combinations of features which may be interpreted as a
#' Venn diagram.
#' @param v A single integer value to be transformed.
#' @param base The base to which to transform to.
#' @param len The minimal length of the returned array.
#' @author Steffen Moeller \email{moeller@@debian.org}
#' @keywords base
#' @examples
#' # decimal representation
#' baseOf(123)
#' # binary representation
#' baseOf(123, base = 2)
#' # octal representation
#' baseOf(123, base = 8)
#' # hexadecimal representation
#' baseOf(123, base = 16)
#' # hexadecimal with more typical letter-notation
#' c(0:9, LETTERS)[baseOf(123, 16)]
#' # hexadecimal again, now showing a single string
#' paste(c(0:9, LETTERS)[baseOf(123, 16)], collapse = "")
#' # decimal representation but filling leading zeroes
#' baseOf(123, len = 5)
#' # and converting that back
#' sum(2^(4:0) * baseOf(123, len = 5))
#' # hashing and a tabular venn diagram derived from it
#' m <- matrix(sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), replace = TRUE, size = 300), ncol = 4)
#' colnames(m) <- c("strong", "colorful", "nice", "humorous")
#' names(dimnames(m)) <- c("samples", "features")
#' head(m)
#' m.val <- apply(m, 1, function(X) {
#'   return(sum(2^((ncol(m) - 1):0) * X))
#' })
#' m.val.rle <- rle(sort(m.val))
#' m.counts <- cbind(
#'   baseOf(m.val.rle$value, base = 2, len = ncol(m)),
#'   m.val.rle$lengths
#' )
#' colnames(m.counts) <- c(colnames(m), "num")
#' rownames(m.counts) <- apply(m.counts[, 1:ncol(m)], 1, paste, collapse = "")
#' m.counts[1 == m.counts[, "nice"] & 1 == m.counts[, "humorous"], , drop = FALSE]
#' m.counts[, "num", drop = TRUE]
#' @export
baseOf <- function(v,
                   base = 10,
                   len = 1) {
  if (is.null(v)) {
    stop("v is null")
  if (length(v) == 0) {

  if (any(as.integer(v) != v)) {
    stop("non-integer value(s) provided for v.")

  if (length(v) > 1) {
    # this returns a list which may have vectors of varying lenths
    val.list <- lapply(X = v, FUN = baseOf.inner, base = base, len = len)
    longest <- max(sapply(val.list, length))

    # call again, forcing all elements to have the same lenth
    retval <- t(sapply(X = v, FUN = baseOf.inner, base = base, len = longest))

    # add informative row and column names
    rownames(retval) <- paste0("v.", v)
    colnames(retval) <- paste0("b.", rev(c(0, base^(1:(longest - 1)))))

  else {
    retval <- baseOf.inner(v = v, base = base, len = len)


# Transform integer to array of digits in specified
baseOf.inner <- function(v,
                         base = 10,
                         len = 1) {
  if (is.na(v)) {
    return(rep(NA, len))

  if (v == 0) {
    return(rep(0, len))

  remainder <- v
  i <- len
  ret <- NULL
  while (remainder > 0 || i > 0) {
    # print(paste("i=",i," remainder=",remainder))
    m <- remainder %% base
    if (is.null(ret)) {
      ret <- m
    else {
      ret <- c(m, ret)
    remainder <- remainder %/% base
    i <- i - 1

  if (length(ret) > 1) {
    names(ret) <- rev(c(0, base^(1:(length(ret) - 1))))


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gtools documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.