global_pvalue_fun: Global p-value generic

View source: R/global_pvalue_fun.R

global_pvalue_funR Documentation

Global p-value generic


An S3 generic that serves as the default for add_global_p(anova_fun).

The default function uses car::Anova() (via cardx::ard_car_anova()) to calculate the p-values.

The method for GEE models (created from geepack::geeglm()) returns Wald tests calculated using aod::wald.test() (via cardx::ard_aod_wald_test()). For this method, the type argument is not used.


global_pvalue_fun(x, type, ...)

## Default S3 method:
global_pvalue_fun(x, type, ...)

## S3 method for class 'geeglm'
global_pvalue_fun(x, type, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tidycrr'
global_pvalue_fun(x, type, ...)


data frame


lm(age ~ stage + grade, trial) |>
  global_pvalue_fun(type = "III")

gtsummary documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:50 p.m.