#' Open a SNP GDS file and extract information.
#' @param gds_data File name
#' @param caco An object of class caco. Output of \code{case_control} function.
#' @param gwas_generator logical; if \code{TRUE} an object of class result_snps
#' will be saved inside output list.
#' @return a list of seven objects; including,, snp.pos, smp.indx,
#' smp.snp (a matrix with samples in rows and snp in columns), caco,
#' snps(column sum of smp.snp for each case control)
#' @export
build_gwas <- function(gds_data = "name.gds", caco = "name.Rda", gwas_generator = TRUE) {
if (missing(caco)) {
stop(" provide case_control list object or case_control rda (contains list of case_control) file name ")
if (!is.list(caco)) {
caco <- case_control(caco)
genoRA <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(gds_data) <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genoRA, "")) <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genoRA, ""))
snp.pos <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genoRA, "snp.position"))
smp.indx <- which( %in% unique(unlist(caco)))
smp.snp <- list()
for (j in 1:length(caco)) {
smp.snp[[j]] <- (gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genoRA, "genotype"))[which([smp.indx] %in% caco[[j]]), ])
rownames(smp.snp[[j]]) <-[which([smp.indx] %in% caco[[j]])]
colnames(smp.snp[[j]]) <-
smp.snp[[j]][smp.snp[[j]] == 3] <- NA
names(smp.snp) <- names(caco)
output <- list( =, =, snp.pos = snp.pos, smp.indx = smp.indx, smp.snp = smp.snp, caco = caco)
class(output) <- "gwas"
if (gwas_generator) {
output$snps <- extract(output)
#' Read .vcf structured text format files and reduce the size of file.
#' @param phased_vcf A file name for a variant call format (vcf) file.
#' @param caco An object of class caco. Output of \code{case_control} function.
#' @return the output will be a a list of class phase contains two sparse matrix
#' for each haplotype.
#' @export
build_phase <- function(phased_vcf = "name.vcf", caco) {
if (missing(caco) || is.null(phased_vcf)) stop("case_control and 'phased vcf' are needed")
phased <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
tmp <- data.table::fread(phased_vcf, nrows = 0)
tmp2 <- data.table::fread(phased_vcf, select = which(colnames(tmp) %in% unique(unlist(caco))))
ind1 <- which(tmp2[, lapply(.SD, substr, 1, 1)] == "1", arr.ind = TRUE)
ind2 <- which(tmp2[, lapply(.SD, substr, 3, 3)] == "1", arr.ind = TRUE)
phased[[1]] <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = ind1[, 1], j = ind1[, 2], x = 1, dims = c(nrow(tmp2), ncol(tmp2)))
phased[[2]] <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = ind2[, 1], j = ind2[, 2], x = 1, dims = c(nrow(tmp2), ncol(tmp2)))
colnames(phased[[1]]) <- colnames(phased[[2]]) <- colnames(tmp2)
names(phased) <- c("Hap.1", "Hap.2")
class(phased) <- "phase"
#' Open a ibd file and extract information.
#' @param ibd_data a file name for output of \href{}{Refined IBD}
#' @param gwas object of class gwas
#' @param gwid_generator logical; if \code{TRUE} an object of class result_snps
#' will be saved inside output list.
#' @return the output will be a object(list) of class gwid contains
#' profile object, IBD object and result_snps object.
#' @export
build_gwid <- function(ibd_data = "name.ibd", gwas = "object of class gwas", gwid_generator = TRUE) {
ibd <- data.table::fread(ibd_data)
V1 <- V2 <- V3 <- V4 <- V5 <- V6 <- V7 <- V8 <- V9 <- NULL
ibd <- ibd[V1 %in% unlist(unique(gwas[["caco"]])) & V3 %in% unlist(unique(gwas[["caco"]]))]
class(ibd) <- append("IBD", class(ibd))
seq2 <- Vectorize(seq.default, vectorize.args = c("from", "to"))
profile <- ind <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(gwas[["caco"]])) # list length 6
for (j in seq_along(gwas[["caco"]])) {
ind[[j]] <- which(ibd$V1 %in% gwas[["caco"]][[j]] & ibd$V3 %in% gwas[["caco"]][[j]])
a1 <- ibd[V1 %in% gwas[["caco"]][[j]] & V3 %in% gwas[["caco"]][[j]]]
a2 <- seq2(match(a1$V6, gwas$snp.pos), match(a1$V7, gwas$snp.pos))
Un1 <- unlist(a2)
profile[[j]] <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i = rep(seq_along(a2), lengths(a2)),
j = Un1,
x = 1
# if (ncol(profile[[j]]) < length(gwas$snp.pos) & sum(diff(sort(unique(Un1))))!=0 ){
# ind_not1 <- which(diff(sort(unique(Un1)))!=1)
# for (k in seq_along(ind_not1)) {
# mytemp <- Matrix(0, nrow = nrow(profile[[j]]), ncol = ( sort(unique(Un1))[ind_not1[k]+1] - sort(unique(Un1))[ind_not1[k]] - 1))
# profile[[j]] <- cbind(profile[[j]][,1:(ind_not1[[k]])] , mytemp , profile[[j]][,(ind_not1[[k]]+1):ncol(profile[[j]])])
# }
# }
if (ncol(profile[[j]]) < length(gwas$snp.pos)) {
if (min(Un1) > 1) {
mytemp <- Matrix(0, nrow = nrow(profile[[j]]), ncol = (min(Un1) - 1))
profile[[j]] <- cbind(mytemp, profile[[j]][,min(Un1):max(Un1)])
if (max(Un1) < length(gwas$snp.pos)) {
mytemp <- Matrix(0, nrow = nrow(profile[[j]]), ncol = (length(gwas$snp.pos) - max(Un1)))
profile[[j]] <- cbind(profile[[j]], mytemp)
profile[[j]] <- methods::as(profile[[j]], "sparseMatrix")
names(profile) <- names(ind) <- names(gwas[["caco"]])
class(profile) <- "profile"
output <- list(profile = profile, IND = ind)
output$snp_pos <- gwas[["snp.pos"]]
output$ibd <- ibd
class(output) <- "gwid"
if (gwid_generator) {
output$res <- extract(output)
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