
Defines functions any_true_after_false complete_sequence_integers all_integers prep_data

Documented in prep_data

#' Prepare data to fit an HBAM or FBAM model
#' This function prepares data to fit a hierarchical Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey (HBAM) model. It can be run ahead of fitting the models, or it can be run implicitly as part of a single function call to fit the models using `hbam()` or `fbam()`. It applies a set of inclusion criteria, performs any necessary data transformation, and returns a list of data suited for sampling in `rstan`. The data provided to `prep_data()` can be centered, but they do not have to be: The function will detect un-centered data and attempt to center these automatically, assuming that the highest and lowest observed values in the data mark the extremes of the scale.
#' @export
#' @param self An optional numerical vector of N ideological self-placements. Any missing data must be coded as NA. If this argument is not supplied, respondent positions will not be estimated.
#' @param stimuli An N × J matrix of numerical stimulus placements, where J is the number of stimuli. Any missing data must be coded as NA.
#' @param prefs An N × J matrix of numerical stimulus ratings or preference scores. These data are only required by the `"HBAM_R_MINI"` model and will be ignored when fitting other models.
#' @param allow_miss Integer specifying how many missing stimulus positions to be accepted for an individual still to be included in the analysis. Defaults to 2.
#' @param req_valid Integer specifying how many valid observations to require for a respondent to be included in the analysis. The default is `req_valid = J - allow_miss`, but if specified, `req_valid` takes precedence.
#' @param req_unique Integer specifying how may unique positions on the ideological scale each respondent is required to have used when placing the stimuli in order to be included in the analysis. The default is `req_unique = 2`.
#' @param B Integer specifying the upper bound of the survey scale after centering. If not supplied, this information will be inferred from the data.
#' @param group_id Vector of length N identifying which group each respondent belongs to. The format can be factor, character, integer, or numeric. Respondents with NAs on `group_id` will be dropped when `group_id` is supplied. These data are only required by models with `"MULTI"` in their name and will be ignored when fitting other models.
#' @param quiet Logical: Should information about the data be printed to the console? Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return A list of data to be used by `hbam()` or `fbam()`. The returned list includes the logical vector `keep`, which identifies the rows in the original data that have been kept for further analysis. The stimuli data are stored in a vector as a long-form sparse matrix. If the stimuli data include column-names, these will be preserved for later use.
#' @examples
#' # Loading and re-coding ANES 1980 data:
#' data(LC1980)
#' LC1980[LC1980 == 0 | LC1980 == 8 | LC1980 == 9] <- NA
#' self <- LC1980[, 1]
#' stimuli <- LC1980[, -1]
#' # Prepare data for model fitting, using defaults:
#' dat <- prep_data(self, stimuli)
#' # Prepare data for model fitting, using using alternative settings:
#' dat2 <- prep_data(self, stimuli, allow_miss = 0, req_unique = 3)
#' # Obtain the data that are included in the analysis:
#' self2 <- self[dat2$keep]
#' stimuli2 <- stimuli[dat2$keep, ]

prep_data <- function(self = NULL, stimuli,
                      prefs = NULL,
                      allow_miss = 2,
                      req_valid = NA, req_unique = 2, B = NULL, group_id = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {

  #dimnames(stimuli) <- NULL
  #self <- as_numeric(self)

  N_orig <- nrow(stimuli)
  N_obs_orig <- sum(!is.na(as.numeric(as.matrix(stimuli))))

  if (is.null(self)) {
    V_supplied <- FALSE
    self <- round(rep(mean(range(unlist(stimuli), na.rm = TRUE)), nrow(stimuli)))
    message("Note: No self-placement data were supplied and respondent positions will therefore not be estimated.")
  } else {
    V_supplied <- TRUE
    if (length(self) != nrow(stimuli)) {
      stop("The length of the self-placement vector does not match the number of rows in the stimuli data.")

  stimulicols <- apply(stimuli, 2, function(x) sum(!is.na(x))) > 0
  stimuli <- stimuli[, stimulicols]

  if (any_true_after_false(stimulicols)) {
    warning("Some columns in the supplied stimuli data do not contain any non-NA values and will be ignored. This affects the indexing of the stimuli in the output because at least one column containing data appears after the empty column(s). You may want to drop empty columns to avoid confusion.")
    have_warned_on_missing_cols <- TRUE
  } else {
    have_warned_on_missing_cols <- FALSE

  # req_valid takes precedence over allow_miss they are not consistent:
  if (!is.na(req_valid)) { allow_miss <- ncol(stimuli) - req_valid }

  all_dat <- cbind(stimuli, self)
  range_orig <- range(all_dat, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Counting number of unique stimuli positions reported per respondent:
  n_unique <- apply(stimuli, 1, function(x) {length(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))} )

  # Center position-data if necessary:
  if (range_orig[1] >= 0) {
    stimuli <- (stimuli - range_orig[1]) - ((range_orig[2] - range_orig[1]) / 2)
    self <- (self - range_orig[1]) - ((range_orig[2] - range_orig[1]) / 2)

  range_new <- range(cbind(stimuli, self), na.rm = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(group_id)) {
    has_group_id <- !is.na(group_id) & is.finite(group_id)
    group_id_fac <- as.factor(group_id)
    group_id <- as.numeric(group_id_fac)
    if (!complete_sequence_integers(group_id[has_group_id])) {
      stop("Did not succeed in converting the supplied group_id to a suitable index format. You could try transforming it to integers covering all values from 1 to the total number of groups.")
  } else {
    group_id_fac <- NULL
    has_group_id <- rep(TRUE, N_orig)

  if (!is.null(prefs)) {
    prefs <- prefs / max(prefs, na.rm = T)

    # Rescale preferences to range from 0 to 1 per for each individual:
    suppressWarnings(pref_min <- apply(prefs, 1, min, na.rm = T))
    suppressWarnings(pref_max <- apply(prefs, 1, max, na.rm = T))
    sel <- pref_min != pref_max
    prefs[sel,] <- (prefs[sel,] - pref_min[sel]) / (pref_max[sel] - pref_min[sel])

    # Indicators of non-constant preference data for each respondent:
    has_var <- apply(prefs, 1, var, na.rm = T) > 0

    # Which observations are missing either prefs or positions:
    is_any_na <- apply((is.na(prefs) | is.na(stimuli)), 2, as.numeric)

    keep <- !is.na(self) & apply(is_any_na, 1, sum) <= allow_miss & n_unique >= req_unique & has_var & has_group_id
    prefs <- prefs[keep,]
  } else {
    keep <- !is.na(self) & apply(is.na(stimuli), 1, sum) <= allow_miss & n_unique >= req_unique & has_group_id

  if (sum(keep) == 0) {
    stop('The current selection criteria will drop all respondents from the analysis. You may want to consider increasing the argument "allow_miss" or instead specify a reasonably low value of "req_valid".')

  stimuli <- stimuli[keep, ]
  self <- self[keep]
  if(!is.null(group_id)) {
    group_id <- group_id[keep]
    group_id_fac <- group_id_fac[keep]

  stimulicols2 <- apply(stimuli, 2, function(x) sum(!is.na(x))) > 0
  stimuli <- stimuli[, stimulicols2]

  if (any_true_after_false(stimulicols2) & !have_warned_on_missing_cols) {
    warning(paste0("Some columns in the supplied stimuli data do not contain any non-NA values after inclusion criteria have been applied. This affects the indexing of the stimuli in the output because at least one column containing data appears after the empty column(s). Using more liberal inclusion criteria (e.g. a higher allow_miss argument) may avoid this issue. Alternatively, you may want to remove the following stimuli from the data to avoid confusion: ", paste(which(!stimulicols2), collapse = ", "), "."))

  mean_spos <- apply(stimuli, 2, mean, na.rm = T)

  if (sum(stimuli < 0, na.rm = T) > 0) {
    L <- which.max(apply(stimuli < 0, 2, sum, na.rm = T))
  } else {
    L <- which.min(mean_spos)

  if (sum(stimuli > 0, na.rm = T) > 0) {
    R <- which.max(apply(stimuli > 0, 2, sum, na.rm = T))
  } else {
    R <- which.max(mean_spos)

  # Coding Y as a long-form sparse matrix:
  stimuli_vec <- as.numeric(as.matrix(stimuli))
  if (!is.null(prefs)) {
    prefs_vec <- as.numeric(as.matrix(prefs))
    drop <- is.na(stimuli_vec) | is.na(prefs_vec)
    prefs_vec <- prefs_vec[!drop]
  } else{
    drop <- is.na(stimuli_vec)
    prefs_vec <- 0
  ii <- rep(1:nrow(stimuli), ncol(stimuli))[!drop]
  jj <- rep(1:ncol(stimuli), each = nrow(stimuli))[!drop]
  stimuli_vec <- stimuli_vec[!drop]

  if(is.null(B)) { B <- max(abs(c(stimuli_vec, self)), na.rm = T) }

  if (max(abs(c(stimuli_vec, self))) != round(max(abs(c(stimuli_vec, self))))) {
    warning("The supplied data appear to have an even number of possible placements, which means there is no center-category. All models except HBAM_R_MINI will still work, but you may want to check your data for errors.")

  datlist <- list(J = ncol(stimuli), N = nrow(stimuli), B = B, N_obs = length(stimuli_vec),
       V = self, Y = stimuli_vec, U = prefs_vec, L = L, R = R,
       ii = ii, jj = jj, gg = group_id, G = length(unique(group_id)), ggfac = group_id_fac, mean_spos = mean_spos, keep = keep, names = colnames(stimuli),
       CV = 0, holdout = rep(0, length(stimuli_vec)), V_supplied = V_supplied, N_orig = N_orig)
  class(datlist) <- c("list", "hbam_data")

  if (!quiet) {
"Summary of prepared data (values for supplied data in paretheses)
- Number of respondents: ", nrow(stimuli), " (", N_orig, ")
- Number of stimuli: ", ncol(stimuli), " (", length(stimulicols), ")
- Number of stimuli obs.: ", length(stimuli_vec), " (", N_obs_orig, ")
- Range of observations: [", range_new[1], ", ", range_new[2], "] ([", range_orig[1], ", ", range_orig[2], "])"


all_integers <- function(vec) {
  all(is.numeric(vec) & !is.na(vec)) && all(vec == as.integer(vec))

complete_sequence_integers <- function(vec) {
  unique_vals <- unique(vec)

  if (!all_integers(vec)) {
    return(FALSE)  # If not all integers, return FALSE

  sorted_unique <- sort(unique_vals)
  expected_sequence <- seq(min(sorted_unique), max(sorted_unique))

  is_complete_sequence <- length(sorted_unique) == length(expected_sequence) &&
    all(sorted_unique == expected_sequence)


any_true_after_false <- function(x) {
  if (sum(!x) > 0) {
    first_false_index <- which(!x)[1]
    if (first_false_index < length(x)) {
      any(x[(first_false_index + 1):length(x)])
    } else {
  } else {

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