
"cvscores" <-
function(cvlist, nfeatures, ndisc=NULL, cl.other, x.other,
           keepcols=NULL, print.progress=TRUE
    foldids <- cvlist$foldids
    nfold <- c(length(unique(foldids)), dim(foldids)[2])

    ugenes <- unique(as.vector(cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, ,]))
    df <- cvlist$xUsed[, ugenes]
    cl <- cvlist$cl
      stop(paste("length(cl) =", length(cl),"does not equal",
                 "dim(cvlist$df)[1] =", dim(df)[1]))
    levnames <- levels(cl)
    if(is.null(ndisc))ndisc <- length(levnames)-1
    ngp <- length(levnames)
    nobs <- dim(df)[1]
    allscores <- array(0, dim=c(nrow=nobs, ncol=ndisc*nfold[1], nleaf=nfold[2]))
      cl.other <- factor(cl.other)
      if(is.null(dim(x.other)))stop("x.other must have dimension 2")
        stop(paste("length(cl.other) =", length(cl.other),"does not equal",
                   "dim(x.other)[2] =", dim(x.other)[2]))
      df.other <- data.frame(t(x.other[ugenes, ,drop=FALSE]))
      colnames(df.other) <- ugenes
    else other.scores <- NULL
    for(k in 1:nfold[2]){
      foldk <- foldids[,k]
      ufold <- sort(unique(foldk))
      j <- 0
      for(i in ufold){
        j <- j+1
        if(print.progress)cat(paste(if(j>1) ":" else "", i,sep=""))
        testi <- (1:nobs)[foldk==i]
        traini <- (1:nobs)[foldk!=i]
        ntest <- length(testi)
        ntrain <- nobs-ntest
        genes.i <- cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, i, k]
        dfi <- as.data.frame(df[-testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
        newdfi <- as.data.frame(df[testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
        cli <- cl[-testi]
        xy.xda <- lda(cli~., data=dfi)
        allscores[, ((i-1)*ndisc)+(1:ndisc), k] <-
          predict(xy.xda, newdata=df, dimen=ndisc)$x
    dim(allscores) <- c(nobs, ndisc*prod(nfold))
    if(is.null(keepcols))keepcols <- min(nfeatures, dim(allscores)[2])
    allscores.pcp <- data.frame(pcp(allscores, varscores=FALSE)$g[, 1:keepcols])
    globals <- predict(lda(cl ~ ., data=allscores.pcp))$x[,1:ndisc]
    fitscores <- array(0, dim=c(nrow=nobs, ncol=ndisc, nleaf=nfold[2]))
    for(k in 1:nfold[2]){
      foldk <- foldids[,k]
      ufold <- sort(unique(foldk))
##      ntimes.genes <- table(cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures,,k])
      av <- colMeans(df)
      j <- 0
      for(i in ufold){
        j <- j+1
        cat(paste(if (j>1) ":" else "", i,sep=""))
        testi <- (1:nobs)[foldk==i]
        traini <- (1:nobs)[foldk!=i]
        genes.i <- cvlist$genelist[1:nfeatures, i, k]
        dfi <- data.frame(df[-testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
        newdfi <- data.frame(df[testi, genes.i, drop=FALSE])
        cli <- cl[-testi]
        traini.xda <- lda(cli~., data=dfi)
        scorei <- predict(traini.xda)$x[,1:ndisc]
        newpred.xda <- predict(traini.xda, newdata=newdfi)
        scorei.out <- newpred.xda$x[, 1:ndisc, drop=FALSE]
        scorei.all <- globals[-testi, 1:ndisc]
        avcol <- colMeans(scorei.all)
        scorei.all <- sweep(scorei.all, 2, avcol,"-")
        avi <- colMeans(scorei)
        scorei <- sweep(scorei, 2, avi,"-")
        trans <- qr.solve(scorei, scorei.all)
        scorei.out <- sweep(scorei.out, 2, avi, "-")
        fitscores[testi, , k] <- sweep(scorei.out%*%trans, 2, avcol, "+")
    fitscores <- apply(fitscores, 1:2, mean)

      Fmatrix <- cvlist$Fmatrix
      ord <- order(Fmatrix)[1:nfeatures]
      rowcol <- cbind(as.vector(row(Fmatrix))[ord],as.vector(col(Fmatrix))[ord])
      ugenes <- unique(as.vector(cvlist$genelist[rowcol]))
      df <- cvlist$xUsed[, ugenes]
      xy.xda <- lda(cl~., data=df)
      train.scores <- predict(xy.xda, dimen=ndisc)$x
      other.scores <- predict(xy.xda, newdata=df.other,
      avcol <- colMeans(globals)
      all.scores <- sweep(globals, 2, avcol,"-")
      av.train <- colMeans(train.scores)
      train.scores <- sweep(train.scores, 2, av.train, "-")
      trans <- qr.solve(train.scores, all.scores)
      other.scores <- sweep(other.scores%*%trans, 2, avcol, "+")
    invisible(list(scores=fitscores, cl=cl, other=other.scores,
                   cl.other=cl.other, nfeatures=nfeatures))

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hddplot documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.