
scoreplot <-
function (scorelist, plot.disc = 1:2, xlab = NULL,
            ylab = NULL, params = NULL, circle = NULL, cl.circle = NULL,
            circle.pos = c(1, 1), adj.circle = 1, adj.title = 0.5, join.legends = TRUE,
            prefix.title = "", cex.title = 1, ratio = 1, plot.folds = FALSE, ...)
  combine.params <- function(params = list(circle = list(col = c("cyan",
                                                           "gray")))) {
    default.params = list(points = list(cex = 1, lwd = 1.25,
                            pch = 1:8, col = 1:8),
      other = list(cex = 0.65, lwd = 1.25,
        pch = 13:9, col = c(6:8, 5:1)), circle = list(cex = 2,
        lwd = 1, pch = 1.75, col = "gray40"), legend = list(cex = 1,
        cex.other = 1))
    nam <- names(params)
    if (!is.null(nam))
      for (a in nam) {
        nam2 <- names(params[[a]])
        for (b in nam2) default.params[[a]][[b]] <- params[[a]][[b]]
  params <- combine.params(params = params)
  cl <- scorelist$cl
  cl.other <- scorelist$cl.other
  if (!is.null(cl.other))
    cl.other <- factor(cl.other)
  nfeatures <- scorelist$nfeatures
  if (length(plot.disc) == 2) {
    n1 <- plot.disc[1]
    n2 <- plot.disc[2]
    if (is.null(xlab))
      xlab <- paste("Discriminant function", n1)
    if (is.null(ylab))
      ylab <- paste("Discriminant function", n2)
  else stop("plot.disc must be a vector of length 2")
  if (!is.factor(cl))
    cl <- factor(cl)
  levnames <- levels(cl)
  fitscores <- scorelist$scores
  other.scores <- scorelist$other
  ngp <- length(levnames)
  n1lim <- range(fitscores[, n1])
  n2lim <- range(fitscores[, n2])
  if (!is.null(cl.other)) {
    n1lim <- range(c(n1lim, other.scores[, n1]))
    n2lim <- range(c(n2lim, other.scores[, n2]))
    levnum <- unclass(cl.other)
    levnames.other <- levels(cl.other)
    intlev.other <- unclass(cl.other)
    ngp.other <- length(levels(cl.other))
  n1 <- plot.disc[1]
  n2 <- plot.disc[2]
  intlev <- unclass(cl)
  oldpar <- par(lwd = 1)
  eqscplot(n1lim, n2lim, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           ratio = ratio, ...)
  with(params$points, points(fitscores[, n1], fitscores[, n2],
                             col = col[intlev], pch = pch[intlev], cex = cex, lwd = lwd))
  if (!is.null(cl.other))
    with(params$other, points(other.scores[, n1], other.scores[,
                                                               n2], pch = pch[intlev.other], col = col[intlev.other],
                              cex = cex, lwd = lwd))
  if (!is.null(cl.circle)) {
    cl.circle <- factor(cl.circle[circle])
    lev.circle <- levels(cl.circle)
    with(params$circle, points(fitscores[circle, n1], fitscores[circle,
                                                                n2], pch = pch, cex = cex, col = col[unclass(cl.circle)],
                               lwd = lwd))
  par(xpd = TRUE)
  chw <- par()$cxy[1]
  chh <- par()$cxy[2]
  par(lwd = 1.5)
  ypos <- par()$usr[4]
  xmid <- mean(par()$usr[1:2])
  top.pos <- 0
  mtext(side = 3, line = (top.pos + 1.15), paste(prefix.title, "Best",
          nfeatures, "features"), cex = cex.title, adj = adj.title)
  ypos.legend <- ypos + (top.pos - 0.45) * chh * 0.8
  if (join.legends & !is.null(cl.other)) {
    leg.info <- legend(xmid, ypos.legend, xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0,
                       plot = FALSE, x.intersp = 0.5, ncol = ngp, legend = levnames,
                       pt.lwd = params$points$lwd, pt.cex = params$points$cex,
                       cex = params$legend$cex, pch = params$points$pch)
    legother.info <- legend(xmid, ypos.legend, xjust = 0.5,
                            yjust = 0, plot = FALSE, x.intersp = 0.5, ncol = ngp.other,
                            legend = levnames.other, pt.lwd = params$other$lwd,
                            pt.cex = params$other$cex, cex = params$legend$cex.other,
                            pch = params$other$pch)
    leftoff <- 0.5 * legother.info$rect$w - 0.5 * chw
    rightoff <- 0.5 * leg.info$rect$w + 0.5 * chw
    ypos.other <- ypos.legend
  else {
    leftoff <- 0
    rightoff <- 0
    ypos.other <- ypos + (top.pos - 1.5) * chh * 0.8
  legend(xmid - leftoff, ypos.legend, xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0,
         bty = "n", pch = params$points$pch, x.intersp = 0.5,
         col = params$points$col, ncol = ngp, legend = levnames,
         pt.lwd = params$points$lwd, pt.cex = params$points$cex,
         cex = params$legend$cex)
  par(lwd = 1)
  if (!is.null(cl.other))
    lego.info <- legend(xmid + rightoff, ypos.other, xjust = 0.5,
                        yjust = 0, pch = params$other$pch, x.intersp = 0.5,
                        col = params$other$col, ncol = ngp.other, pt.lwd = params$other$lwd,
                        pt.cex = params$other$cex, legend = levnames.other,
                        cex = params$legend$cex.other, bty = "n")
  if (!is.null(cl.other) & join.legends)
    text(lego.info$rect$left + c(0.4 * chw, lego.info$rect$w -
                                 0.25 * chw), rep(ypos.other, 2) + 0.8 * chh, labels = c("(",
                                                                                ")"), cex = params$legend$cex, lwd = params$legend$lwd,
         bty = "n")
  par(lwd = params$circle$lwd)
  if (!is.null(cl.circle))
    if (lev.circle[1] != "") {
      pch.circle <- params$circle$pch
      xy <- par()$usr[circle.pos + c(1, 3)]
      legend(xy[1], xy[2], xjust = adj.circle[1], yjust = circle.pos[2],
             bty = "n", x.intersp = 0.5, pch = rep(pch.circle,
                                           length(lev.circle)), col = params$circle$col,
             ncol = 1, legend = lev.circle, cex = 0.85, pt.cex = 1.5)
  par(lwd = 1, xpd = FALSE)
  if (plot.folds) {
    mtext(side = 1, line = 1.25, "Discriminant function 1",
          outer = TRUE)
    mtext(side = 2, line = 1.25, "Discriminant function 2",
          outer = TRUE)

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hddplot documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.