

pkgs = c('grid','gridExtra','htmltools','plotly','rms','shinyBS','shinydashboard','shinyjs','shinyWidgets','survival', 'ggplot2', 'scales')
pkgs = c("purrr", "tidyr","mvtnorm", "digest", "openssl")

print("Checking duplicate packages...")
dups = unique(pkgs[duplicated(pkgs)])
for (x in dups) print(sprintf("Package '%s' occurs %d times.", x, sum(pkgs==x)))
if (length(dups) == 0) print("No duplicates found")

print("Checking duplicate package attachments...")
redundant = lapply(pkgs, function(pkg) {
  desc = packageDescription(pkg)
  if ("Depends" %in% names(desc)) {sapply(pkgs, function(x) str_detect(desc$Depends, x)) %>% {names(.)[.]}} else NULL
}) %>% unlist %>% unique
print(ifelse(length(redundant) == 0, "No duplicate package attachments found", sprintf("Redundant packages: %s", frmt(redundant))))

suppressWarnings(invisible(sapply(pkgs, function(x) library(x, character.only = TRUE))))

intToUtf8(8942:8945) #three_dots
intToUtf8(9776:9783) #three_hor_lines
intToUtf8(9588:9599) #single lines, halve
intToUtf8(c(9609,9600,9604)) # blocks
  files = list.files("../../SOURCE/source_webinterface/source/",pattern = ".*\\.[Rr]$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  content = paste0(sapply(files, function(x) paste0(readLines(x), collapse = "\n")), collapse = "\n")
  used_pkgs = c()
  n_functions = sum(sapply(pkgs, function(pkg) length(ls(sprintf("package:%s",pkg)))))
  function_index = 1
  loading_bar = hgutils::progressbar(format="\u25ba[\u2589][\u2580\u2584][\u3000]\u25c4")
  function_usage = c()
  blue = make_style("dodgerblue4")
  for (pkg in pkgs)
    functions = ls(sprintf("package:%s",pkg))
    res = c()
    for(x in functions) {
      #loading_bar = update(loading_bar, )
      cat(blue(sprintf("\r%s Processing: %s%s", render(loading_bar, function_index/n_functions), paste0(pkg), paste0(rep(" ",20), collapse = ""))))
      if(str_detect(content,paste0("\n[^#]*?\\b",pkg,"::[:]?(\\Q",x,"\\E)|\n[^#]*?\\b(\\Q",x,"\\E)\\("))) res=c(res,x)
      function_index = function_index+1
    res %<>% rm_na %>% unlist %>% sort %>% list
    names(res) = pkg
    function_usage = c(function_usage, res)
    if(length(unlist(res)) > 0) used_pkgs = c(used_pkgs, pkg)
  #cat("\rDone.",rep(" ",80))
  unused_packages = setdiff(pkgs, used_pkgs)
to_remove = unique(c(dups, redundant, unused_packages))

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hgutils documentation built on March 31, 2022, 5:06 p.m.