
Defines functions orthnorm random.colspace norm2 angle projnorm Proj grassmannify createAboveList subpopMats2vec vec2subpopMatsIdVIC vec2subpopMatsId Unconstrvec2Constrvec vec2subpopMatsUnconstrConstr vec2subpopMatsUnconstr subpopMats2components vec2subpopMats subpop.struct createBelowList hasAllConds newton.constr newton

Documented in angle projnorm

newton <- function(par, fn, constr, maxit = 100L, tol = 1e-5, verbose = TRUE, ...)
    func.hist <- numeric(maxit)
    grad.hist <- numeric(maxit)

    beta <- par
    niter <- maxit
    for (i in 1:maxit)
        g     <- grad(fn, x = beta, ...)
        H     <- hessian(fn, x = beta, ...)
        delta <- -solve(H, g)

        beta <- beta + delta

        func.hist[i] <- fn(beta, ...)
        grad.hist[i] <- sqrt(sum((g^2)))
        if (verbose) cat("grad norm: ", grad.hist[i], "\n")
        if (sum(grad.hist[i] <= tol) ||
            all(abs(delta) <= tol))
    func.hist <- func.hist[1:i]
    grad.hist <- grad.hist[1:i]
    niter <- i
    list(par = beta, niter = niter, value = func.hist[i],
         func.hist = func.hist, grad.norm = grad.hist)

newton.constr <- function(par, fn, constr.mat, maxit = 100L, tol = 1e-5, ...)
    func.hist <- numeric(maxit)
    grad.hist <- numeric(maxit)

    beta <- par
    niter <- maxit
    for (i in 1:maxit)
        g      <- grad(fn, x = beta, ...)
        H      <- hessian(fn, x = beta, ...)

        constr <- constr.mat %*% beta

        nc <- nrow(constr)

        rhs <- -rbind(matrix(g, ncol = 1), constr)
        lhs <- cbind(rbind(H, constr.mat),
                           matrix(0, ncol = nrow(constr.mat), nrow = nrow(constr.mat))))
        soln <- solve(lhs, rhs)

        delta <- soln[1:length(beta)]

        beta <- beta + delta

        func.hist[i] <- fn(beta, ...)
        grad.hist[i] <- sqrt(sum((g^2)))
        if (sum(grad.hist[i] <= tol) ||
            all(abs(delta) <= tol))
    func.hist <- func.hist[1:i]
    grad.hist <- grad.hist[1:i]
    niter <- i
    list(beta = beta, niter = niter, value = func.hist[i],
         func.hist = func.hist, grad.norm = grad.hist)

hasAllConds <- function(checkvec, combvec)
    comb <- which(combvec != 0)
    all(checkvec[comb] != 0)

createBelowList <- function(combin.mat)

    M <- nrow(combin.mat)

    below.idx.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = M)

    for (c in 1:M)
        indi <- which(combin.mat[c,] == 1)

        # get all indices of g terms which are directly below the current var
        # in the hierarchy, ie. for three categories A, B, C, for the A group,
        # this will return the indices for AB and AC. For AB, it will return
        # the index for ABC. for none, it will return the indices for
        # A, B, and C, etc
        inner.loop <- (1:(M))[-c]
        for (j in inner.loop)
            diffs.tmp <- combin.mat[j,] - combin.mat[c,]
            if (all( diffs.tmp <= 0 ))
                below.idx.list[[c]] <- c(below.idx.list[[c]], j)
        below.idx.list[[c]] <- c(below.idx.list[[c]], c)
    rsc <- rowSums(combin.mat)
    if (any(rsc == 0))
        below.idx.list[[which(rsc == 0)]] <- which(rsc == 0)

subpop.struct <- function(n.conditions = 2, incl.none = FALSE)
    cond.mat <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0,1)), n.conditions))

    rsm <- rowSums(cond.mat)
    cond.mat <- cond.mat[order(rsm),]

    if (!incl.none)
        cond.mat <- cond.mat[-which(rowSums(cond.mat) == 0),]

vec2subpopMats <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)
    component.list  <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)

    BelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p))
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            component.list[[s]] <- matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s])

    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        mat.list[[s]] <- do.call(cbind, component.list[BelowList[[s]]])

subpopMats2components <- function(mat.list, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)
    component.list  <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)

    BelowList       <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p))
    # for (s in 1:n.subpops)
    # {
    #     if (d[s] > 0)
    #     {
    #         vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
    #         component.list[[s]] <- matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s])
    #     }
    # }

    BelowListCols <- lapply(BelowList, function(mt) {
        vl <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(mt))
            vl <- c(vl, rep(mt[i], d[mt[i]]))

    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            subpops.related <- rep(FALSE, n.subpops)
            for (si in 1:n.subpops)
                if (s %in% BelowList[[si]])
                    subpops.related[si] <- TRUE
            subpops.related <- which(subpops.related)
            if (length(subpops.related))
                component.list[[s]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(subpops.related))
                for (si in 1:length(subpops.related))
                    idx.cur <- subpops.related[si]
                    component.list[[s]][[si]] <- mat.list[[idx.cur]][,which(BelowListCols[[idx.cur]] == s),drop = FALSE]


vec2subpopMatsUnconstr <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    # d here needs to be the total ncols for each beta matrix
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)

    createBelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p))
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            mat.list[[s]] <- matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s])

vec2subpopMatsUnconstrConstr <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    # d here needs to be the total ncols for each beta matrix
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)

    BelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p))
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            mat.list[[s]] <- matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s])

    component.list <- subpopMats2components(mat.list, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none)

    for (i in 1:length(component.list))
        if (!is.null(component.list[[i]]))
            for (s in 1:length(component.list[[i]]))
                if (s == 1)
                    tmp <- component.list[[i]][[s]]
                } else
                    tmp <- tmp + component.list[[i]][[s]]
            tmp <- tmp / length(component.list[[i]])
            component.list[[i]] <- tmp

    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        mat.list[[s]] <- do.call(cbind, component.list[BelowList[[s]]])

Unconstrvec2Constrvec <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    # d here needs to be the total ncols for each beta matrix
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)

    BelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p))
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            mat.list[[s]] <- matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s])

    component.list <- subpopMats2components(mat.list, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none)

    for (i in 1:length(component.list))
        if (!is.null(component.list[[i]]))
            for (s in 1:length(component.list[[i]]))
                if (s == 1)
                    tmp <- component.list[[i]][[s]]
                } else
                    tmp <- tmp + component.list[[i]][[s]]
            tmp <- tmp / length(component.list[[i]])
            component.list[[i]] <- tmp[-c(1:ncol(tmp)),]


vec2subpopMatsId <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE)
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)
    component.list  <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)

    createBelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p - d ^ 2))
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            component.list[[s]] <- rbind(diag(d[s]),
                                         matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s]))

    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        mat.list[[s]] <- do.call(cbind, component.list[createBelowList[[s]]])

vec2subpopMatsIdVIC <- function(vec, p, d, cond.mat, incl.none = FALSE, v = 1)
    n.conditions    <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops       <- length(d)
    #cond.mat       <- subpop.struct(n.conditions, incl.none)
    mat.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)
    nnz             <- sum(d > 0)
    component.list  <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.subpops)

    createBelowList <- createBelowList(cond.mat)

    cumul.params    <- c(0, cumsum(d * p - d ^ 2))
    dim.added <- FALSE
    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        if (d[s] > 0)
            vec.idx   <- (cumul.params[s] + 1):cumul.params[s + 1]
            component.list[[s]] <- rbind(diag(d[s]),
                                         matrix(vec[vec.idx], ncol = d[s]))

    change.idx <- unname(which.min(rowSums(cond.mat)))

    beta.orig <- component.list[[change.idx]][-(1:ncol(component.list[[change.idx]])),,drop = FALSE]
    beta.U    <- beta.orig[1,,drop = FALSE]
    beta.L    <- beta.orig[-1,,drop = FALSE]
    V         <- matrix(v,  nrow = nrow(beta.L), ncol = 1)
    beta.new  <- cbind(beta.L - V %*% beta.U, V)
    component.list[[change.idx]] <- rbind(diag(ncol(beta.orig) + 1),

    for (s in 1:n.subpops)
        mat.list[[s]] <- do.call(cbind, component.list[createBelowList[[s]]])

    # change.idx <- unname(which.min(rowSums(cond.mat)))
    # beta.orig <- mat.list[[change.idx]][-(1:ncol(mat.list[[change.idx]])),,drop = FALSE]
    # beta.U    <- beta.orig[1,,drop = FALSE]
    # beta.L    <- beta.orig[-1,,drop = FALSE]
    # V         <- matrix(v,  nrow = nrow(beta.L), ncol = 1)
    # beta.new  <- cbind(beta.L - V %*% beta.U, V)
    # mat.list[[change.idx]] <- rbind(diag(ncol(beta.orig) + 1),
    #                              beta.new)


subpopMats2vec <- function(param.list, d, incl.none = FALSE)
    n.conditions <- as.integer(log2(length(d) + !incl.none))
    n.subpops    <- length(d)
    p            <- nrow(param.list[[1]])

    vec.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(param.list))

    for (s in 1:length(param.list))
        if (d[s] > 0)
            param.list[[s]] <- as.matrix(param.list[[s]])
            nc <- NCOL(param.list[[s]])
            print((nc - d[s] + 1):nc)
            vec.list[[s]] <- param.list[[s]][,(nc - d[s] + 1):nc,drop=FALSE]

createAboveList <- function(combin.mat)

    M <- nrow(combin.mat)

    direct.above.idx.list <- above.idx.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = M)

    for (c in 1:M)
        indi <- which(combin.mat[c,] == 1)

        # get all indices of g terms which are directly above the current var
        # in the hierarchy, ie. for three categories A, B, C, for the A group,
        # this will return the indices for AB and AC. For AB, it will return
        # the index for ABC. for none, it will return the indices for
        # A, B, and C, etc
        inner.loop <- (1:(M))[-c]
        for (j in inner.loop)
            diffs.tmp <- combin.mat[j,] - combin.mat[c,]
            if (all( diffs.tmp >= 0 ))
                if (sum( diffs.tmp == 1 ) == 1)
                    direct.above.idx.list[[c]] <- c(direct.above.idx.list[[c]], j)
                above.idx.list[[c]] <- c(above.idx.list[[c]], j)
        above.idx.list[[c]] <- c(above.idx.list[[c]], c)
    rsc <- rowSums(combin.mat)
    if (any(rsc == 0))
        above.idx.list[[which(rsc == 0)]] <- which(rsc == 0)

grassmannify <- function(mat)
    dims <- dim(mat)
    proj <- t(mat[1:dims[2],,drop=FALSE]) %*% solve(tcrossprod(mat[1:dims[2],,drop=FALSE]))
    list(beta = mat %*% proj, proj = proj)

Proj <- function(b) b %*% solve(crossprod(b), t(b))

#' Norm of difference of projections
#' @description Measures distance between two subspaces
#' @param B1 first matrix
#' @param B2 second matrix
#' @return scalar value of the projection difference norm between \code{B1} and \code{B2}
#' @export projnorm
#' @examples
#' b1 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' b2 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' projnorm(b1, b2)
#' ## angle here should be smalls
#' b1 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' b2 <- b1 + matrix(rnorm(10 * 2, sd = 0.2), ncol = 2)
#' projnorm(b1, b2)
projnorm <- function(B1, B2)
    norm(Proj(B1) - Proj(B2), type = "F")

#' Angle between two subspaces
#' @description Measures angle between two subspaces. Smallest value is 0, largest is 90
#'  from http://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/~li/software/GroupDR.R
#'  http://lexinli.biostat.berkeley.edu/softwares/dr/GroupDR.R
#' @param B1 first matrix
#' @param B2 second matrix
#' @return scalar value of the angle between \code{B1} and \code{B2}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## case where any relation between b1 and b2 is random
#' b1 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' b2 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' angle(b1, b2)
#' ## angle here should be small
#' b1 <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 2), ncol = 2)
#' b2 <- b1 + matrix(rnorm(10 * 2, sd = 0.2), ncol = 2)
#' angle(b1, b2)
angle <- function(B1, B2)
    if(!is.matrix(B1)) B1 <- as.matrix(B1)
    if(!is.matrix(B2)) B2 <- as.matrix(B2)

    if(ncol(B1) >= ncol(B2))
        B     <- B1
        B.hat <- B2
    } else
        B     <- B2
        B.hat <- B1

    P1 <- B %*% solve(crossprod(B), t(B))
    if(ncol(B.hat) == 1)
        nume  <- as.vector(t(B.hat) %*% P1 %*% B.hat)
        deno  <- as.vector(t(B.hat) %*% B.hat)
        ratio <- nume / deno
    } else
        BtB   <- crossprod(B.hat)
        ei    <- eigen(BtB)
        BtB2  <- ei$vectors %*% diag(1/sqrt(ei$values)) %*% t(ei$vectors)
        M     <- BtB2 %*% t(B.hat) %*% P1 %*% B.hat %*% BtB2
        ratio <- abs(eigen(M)$values[nrow(M)])
    ans <- acos(sqrt(ratio)) / pi * 180
    if(ans > 90) ans <- 180 - ans

# normalize a vector
norm2 <- function(v)
    sumv2 <- sum(v ^ 2)
    if(sumv2 == 0) sumv2 <- 1
    v / sqrt(sumv2)

random.colspace <- function(beta, orthog = FALSE, min = 0)
    beta <- as.matrix(beta)

    p <- nrow(beta)
    d <- ncol(beta)

    M <- matrix(runif(p ^ 2, min = min), ncol = p)
    M <- 2 * matrix(rbinom(p ^ 2, 1, 0.5), ncol = p) - 1

    if (orthog)
        sv <- svd(M)
        M  <- tcrossprod(sv$u, sv$v)

    # if (ncol(beta) < ncol(M))
    # {
    #     ncm <- ncol(M) - d
    #     beta <- cbind(beta, matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = ncm))
    #     newbeta <- M %*% beta %*% t(M)
    #     beta <- newbeta[,1:d,drop=FALSE]
    # }

    list(beta = M %*% beta, mat = M)

# Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
orthnorm <- function(X)
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

    W <- NULL
    if(p > 1)
        W <- cbind(W, X[,1])
        for(k in 2:p)
            gw <- rep(0, n)
            for(i in 1:(k-1))
                gki <- as.vector((t(W[,i]) %*% X[,k]) / (t(W[,i]) %*% W[,i]))
                gw  <- gw + gki * W[,i]
            W <- cbind(W, X[,k] - gw)
    } else
        W <- cbind(W, X[,1])

    W <- apply(W, 2, norm2)

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