
ffun <- local({

f1 <- function(Y,Rho) {
# Note that Y is a data frame whose first column is the response
# (a factor) and whose other columns are the predictors (possibly
# only the "Intercept", or "constant" predictor).

if(ncol(Y)==1 | (ncol(Y)==2 & names(Y)[2]=="Intercept")) {
# No predictors (other than "Intercept").
# So we can do it the easy way.
# Need to check whether Rho is a data frame, since f1() might
# have been called by f2() in which case Rho is a matrix (already)
# and doesn't need conversion.
    caviar <- if(inherits(Rho,"data.frame")) cnvrtRho(Rho) else Rho
    rslt   <- lapply(1:ncol(caviar),function(k,yf,cvr){
                                        v <- cvr[cbind(yf,k)]
                                        v[is.na(v)] <- 1
    clyde <- do.call(cbind,rslt)
} else {
    y      <- Y$y
    Pred   <- as.matrix(Y[,-1,drop=FALSE])
    state  <- levels(Rho$state)
    rslt   <- vector("list",length(state))
    names(rslt) <- state
    indmat <- cbind(seq(along=y),y)

# Note that we are cbinding a *factor* to a numeric vector, which
# coerces the factor to numeric mode so that the resulting entries
# are integers, with i corresponding to the i-th level of the factor.
# That makes the indexing of "Tmp" by "indmat" in the following
# work correctly.
    for(k in state) {
        B   <- as.matrix(Rho[Rho$state==k,-(1:2)])
        Tmp <- t(B%*%t(Pred))
        Tmp <- Tmp - apply(Tmp,1,max)
        Tmp <- exp(Tmp)
        den <- apply(Tmp,1,sum)
        num <- Tmp[indmat]
        prb <- num/den
        prb[is.na(prb)] <- 1
        rslt[[k]] <- prb

f2 <- function(Y,Rho) {
# Here Y is a two-column data frame each column of which
# is a factor.
    f1(Y[,1,drop=FALSE],Rho[[1]]) * f1(Y[,2,drop=FALSE],Rho[[2]])

f3 <- function(Y,Rho) {
# Here Y is a two-column data frame each column of which is
# a factor.  We convert Y to a two-column matrix (of mode *character*).
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
lll <- apply(Y,1,is.na)
if(!any(lll)) {
    xxx <- lapply(1:nrow(Y),function(i,Rho,y){Rho[y[i,1],y[i,2],]},
} else {
    xxx <- lapply(1:nrow(Y),function(j,lll,Rho,y){
        u <- lll[,j]
        v <- y[j,]
        nat <- switch(1+sum(u),1,1+which(u),4)

f  <- list(f1,f2,f3)

function(Dat,Rho,type) {
# Function ffun to calculate
#        f(y) = Pr(Y=y | the model parameters and predictors)
# for each entry of each member of the list Dat, for each value
# of the state k, k = 1, ..., K.  The members of the list Dat are
# data frames whose columns are factors.  In the univariate setting
# the first column of each data frame constitutes the observations.
# Other columns constititue predictors. In the bivariate setting,
# the rows of the data frames constitute the observations.
# The returned result, fy, is a matrix whose ***rows*** correspond
# to the states and whose ***columns*** correspond to observations.
# The "type" argument:
# type = 1 <--> univariate             -- f1
# type = 2 <--> bivariate, independent -- f2
# type = 3 <--> bivariate, dependent   -- f3

fly <- lapply(Dat,f[[type]],Rho=Rho)
if(any(sapply(fly,is.null))) {
   if(interactive) browser() else stop("Null fy component(s).\n")
fy <- do.call(rbind,fly)

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hmm.discnp documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 5:05 p.m.