Man pages for hoardeR
Collect and Retrieve Annotation Data for Various Genomic Data Using Different Webservices

blastSeqSending Genomic Sequences to NCBI Blast service
coverageDensityCalculation of the coverage density
findSpeciesSearch in the 'species” Object.
getAnnotationDownloading or Importing of Annotation Data
getEnsgInfoRetrieve Gene Information From the NCBI Database.
getFastaFromBedGet fasta information based on locations in bed-format
getGeneLocationExtracting Gene Locations
getGeneSeqExtracting a gene sequence from NCBI database.
getSequenceFromNCBIExtracts a sequence from the NCBI webpage
hoardeR-packageCollect and Retrieve Annotation Data for Various Genomic Data...
intersectXMLAnnotIntersect XML object with annotation object
plotCoveragePlots a coverage density object
plotHitVisualization of a cross-species hit
print.faPrint an fa Object
speciesAvailable species at NCBI
subDoseRewrite the Dose File from a Beagle Output
subGprobsRewrite the Gprobs File from a Beagle Output
subPhasedRewrite the Phased File from a Beagle Output
summary.faSummarize an fa Object
tableSpeciesTables the species in xml file
targetScanRetrieving miRNA target information from
hoardeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:49 a.m.