
Defines functions check.eps.close.lower check.maxit check.LBcheck check.levelCl check.lower check.C check.cores check.checks check.eps.close check.size.tol check.in.tol check.as.tol check.tol check.restr.cov check.hcmethod check.r check.X.R check.y check.M check.N.M check.alpha LB.cv SC.check res.OLSRF wvec Bfactor.matrix2 Bfactor.matrix M0lin rkernel rrank As.check A.mat .wrap

#    Copyright (C) 2021 David Preinerstorfer
#    david.preinerstorfer@ulb.ac.be
#    This file is a part of hrt.
#    hrt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details. A copy may be obtained at
#    http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

# Wrapper function for test statistic of the form (in case y is vector):
# ``(R\hat{\beta}(y))' VCESTIMATOR^{-1} (R\hat{\beta}(y))''
# here \hat{\beta} denotes the OLS estimator
# and VCESTIMATOR is a covariance matrix estimator that might be based
# on restricted or unrestricted residuals (restriction: R\beta = r);
# (the choice of restricted or unrestricted residuals also has an effect
# on the weights in the construction of the HC0 - HC4 estimators)

  F.wrap <- function(
  y,          #matrix (n rows) of observations 
  R,          #restriction matrix (q times k, rank q)
  r,          #right-hand side in restriction (q-vector)
  X,          #design matrix (n times k, rank k)
  n,          #sample size
  k,          #number of columns of X
  q,          #number of rows of R
  qrX,        #qr decomposition of X
  hcmethod,   #-1:4; -1 = classical F-test without df adjustment; 0 = HC0, 1 = HC1, etc.
  cores,      #number of cores used in computation
  restr.cov,  #Covariance Matrix estimator computed with restricted residuals (TRUE or FALSE)  
  Bfac,       #R(X'X)^{-1}X' (cf. function Bfactor.matrix below)
  Bfac2,      #(R(X'X)^(-1)R')^(-1) (cf. function Bfactor.matrix2 below)
  qrM0lin,    #qr decomposition of M0lin (cf. function M0lin below)
  RF,         #RF = (X'X)^(-1)R'(R(X'X)^(-1)R')^(-1) used in res.OLSRF (cf. below)
  tol         #tolerance parameter used in checking invertibility of VCESTIMATOR in test statistic
              #nonpositive numbers are reset to tol = machine epsilon (.Machine$double.eps)
              #if VCESTIMATOR is not invertible, -1 is returned 
              #if VCESTIMATOR is invertible, the test statistic is always nonnegative

  #computation of residuals and weights used in the construction of the covariance matrix estimators

  if(restr.cov == TRUE){
   umat <- res.OLSRF(y, qrX, R, r, RF)$Res.res
   Wmat <- wvec(k-q, n, qrM0lin, hcmethod)

  if(restr.cov ==  FALSE){
   umat <- qr.resid(qrX, y)
   Wmat <- wvec(k, n, qrX, hcmethod)

  Rbmat <- R %*% qr.coef(qrX, y) - matrix(r, byrow = FALSE, nrow = q, ncol = dim(y)[2])

  if(hcmethod == -1){
   if(tol <= 0){
   tol <- .Machine$double.eps
   df <- n-(k - restr.cov*q)
   var.est <- apply(umat^2,2,sum)/df
   nonzero <- (var.est > tol)
   test.val <- nonzero*1
   CBFac <- chol(Bfac2)
   Wmat <- CBFac%*%Rbmat
   Wmat <- apply(Wmat^2, 2, sum)
   test.val[test.val == 1] <- (Wmat[test.val == 1]/var.est[test.val == 1])
   test.val[test.val == 0] <- 0
  } else {
  test.val <- .Call('_hrt_ctest', PACKAGE = 'hrt', umat, Rbmat, Wmat, Bfac, cores, tol)


# In case q = 1 the rejection event can be characterized by a quadratic
# form being non-negative (under Assumptions). The following function 
# returns the matrix defining this quadratic form.

  A.mat <-   function(
  C,	 		  #critical value
  R, 				#restriction matrix (1 times k, rank q)
  X, 				#design matrix (n times k, rank k)
  hcmethod, #-1:4; -1 = classical F-test without df adjustment; 0 = HC0, 1 = HC1, etc.
  restr.cov #Covariance Matrix estimator computed with restricted residuals (TRUE or FALSE)

  #run input checks 

  check.X.R(X, R)

  if(dim(R)[1] != 1){
   stop("R needs to be 1xk dimensional for A.mat")


  # Elementary quantities

  n <- dim(X)[1]                        #sample size
  k <- dim(X)[2]                        #number of regressors
  q <- dim(R)[1]                        #number of restrictions
  rloc <- rep(0, length = q)            #set r = 0 (result independent of r)
  qrX <- qr(X)

   qrM0lin <- qr(M0lin(X, R))            #qr decomp of basis of M0lin = M0-mu0
   factor.tmp2.loc <- backsolve(qr.R(qrX), diag(k))
   factor.tmp2.loc <- tcrossprod(factor.tmp2.loc)
   RF.loc <- factor.tmp2.loc%*%t(R)%*%Bfactor.matrix2(qrX, R)
   } else {
   qrM0lin <- NULL
   RF.loc <- NULL

  Bfac <- Bfactor.matrix(qrX, n, R)     #R(X'X)^{-1}X'
  Bfac2 <- Bfactor.matrix2(qrX, R)      #(R(X'X)^{-1}R')^{-1}

  # quadratic form

   Projmat <- qr.Q(qrM0lin)
   l <- (k-q)
   qrXQ <- qrM0lin
  } else {
   Projmat <- qr.Q(qrX)
   l <- k
   qrXQ <- qrX

  Projmat <- diag(n) - tcrossprod(Projmat)

  v <- c(Bfac)

  if(hcmethod != -1){
   Wvecprod <- sqrt(wvec(l, n, qrXQ, hcmethod))*v    
   MQF <- tcrossprod(v) - C* tcrossprod(Projmat%*% diag(Wvecprod))
  } else {
   fact <- backsolve(qr.R(qrX), diag(k)) 
   fact <- sum((R%*%fact)^2)
   MQF <- tcrossprod(v) - (C*fact/(n-l))*Projmat

  return(list("A" = MQF))

# Check if a given design matrix X satisfies Assumption 1 or 2
# whether Assumption 1 or 2 is checked depends on the input qr decomposition
# if the qr decomposition of X is provided, Assumption 1 is checked
# if the qr decomposition of a basis of M0lin is provided, Assumption 2 is
# checked
# Bfac = R(X'X)^{-1} X' (cf. the function Bfactor.matrix below)

  As.check <- function(
  qrXM,   #qr decomposition X (n times k, rank k), or of a basis of 
          #M0lin (n times (k-q), rank (k-q), cf. function M0lin below)
          #in the function we abbreviate ``k-q'' by l
  Bfac,   #R(X'X)^{-1}X' (cf. function Bfactor.matrix below)
  q,      #number of rows of restriction matrix R
  as.tol  #tolerance parameter used in checking Assumptions 1 or 2, respectively
          #nonpositive numbers are reset to as.tol = machine epsilon (.Machine$double.eps)

  XM <- qr.X(qrXM)
  n <- dim(XM)[1]
  l <- dim(XM)[2]

  #if l == 0, the Assumption to be checked automatically satisfied

  if(l == 0){
  } else {

  #if l != 0, do the following:

    e0 <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)  
    ind <- rep(NA, length = n) 
    #check whether elements of the canonical basis are in the span of XM

    for(i in 1:n){
      ei <- e0
      ei[i,1] <- 1
      ind[i] <- ( rrank(cbind(XM, ei), as.tol) > l )
  #if all entries of ind are TRUE, the Assumption is automatically
  #satisfied, because of the rank assumptions on R and X
  #if there are entries of ind that are FALSE, the Assumption
  #has to be checked via a rank computation

    if(sum(ind) == n){
     return ( TRUE )
    } else {
     return( rrank(Bfac[, ind, drop=FALSE], as.tol) == q )

# Compute the 
#   rank of a matrix based on the Eigen FullPivLU decomposition
# in case input is a matrix with one column or with one row, the 
# function checks if the maximal absolute entry of the input exceeds tol 

  rrank <- function(
  A,    #input matrix
  tol   #tolerance parameter passed to Eigen FullPivLU decomposition;
        #if tolerance parameter is nonpositive, tol is reset to machine epsilon
  if(min(dim(A)) == 1){
    if(tol <= 0){
    tol <- .Machine$double.eps
   (max(abs(A)) > tol)*1
  } else {
   .Call('_hrt_rrank', PACKAGE = 'hrt', A, tol)

# Compute the 
#     kernel of a matrix based on the Eigen FullPivLU decomposition

  rkernel <- function(
  A,  #input matrix
  tol #tolerance parameter passed to Eigen FullPivLU decomposition;
      #if tolerance parameter is nonpositive, tol is reset to machine epsilon
  .Call('_hrt_rkernel', PACKAGE = 'hrt', A, tol)

# Basis of $M_0^{lin} = \{y \in \mathbb{R}^n: y = Xb, Rb = 0\}$
#Computation is based on function rkernel with tol = -1 
# In case q = k, i.e., M_0^{lin} = (0), output vector of dimension n times 0

  M0lin <- function(
  X,  #input matrix (n times k, rank k)
  R   #restriction matrix (q times k, rank q)
  if(dim(R)[1] == dim(X)[2]){
  } else {
    X%*%rkernel(R, -1)

# Compute the matrix
#     R(X'X)^(-1)X' 

  Bfactor.matrix <- function(
  qrX,        #qr decomposition of X (n times k, rank k)
  n,          #number of rows of X
  R = FALSE   #restriction matrix R (q times k, rank q)
              #if R = FALSE, then (X'X)^(-1)X' is returned
  A <- qr.coef(qrX, diag(n))
  if(is.matrix(R) == TRUE){
  } else {

# Compute the matrix 
#     (R(X'X)^(-1)R')^(-1) 

  Bfactor.matrix2 <- function(
  qrX,      #qr decomposition of X (n times k, rank k)
  R         #restriction matrix R (q times k, rank q)
  factor.tmp <- qr.R(qrX)
  factor.tmp <- R%*% backsolve(qr.R(qrX), diag(dim(factor.tmp)[1]))
  Bfactor2 <- solve(tcrossprod(factor.tmp))

# Generate the 
#     weights d_i (unrestricted case) or \tilde{d}_i (restricted case)
# used in the construction of the covariance estimators H0 - H4 
# Whether d_i or \tilde{d}_i is generated is via qrXM, which determines the
# hat matrix used

  wvec <- function(
  l,        #see description of qrXM
  n,        #see description of qrXM
  qrXM,     #qr decomposition of matrix XM (n times l, rank l)
            #weights are based on the diag of hat matrix corresp. to XM
  hcmethod  #0-4 (HC0, HC1, HC2, HC3, HC4)
  if(hcmethod == 0 | l == 0){
   return(rep(1, length = n))

  if(hcmethod == 1){
   return(rep(n/(n-l), length = n))

  Q <- qr.Q(qrXM)
  H <- diag(tcrossprod(Q,Q))
  H[H == 1] <- 0
  h <- 1/(1-H)

  if(hcmethod == 2){

  if(hcmethod == 3){

  if(hcmethod == 4){
   delta <-  sapply(n*H/l, function(x) {min(4, x)})


# Function that computes 
#     restricted OLS estimators and restricted residuals 

  res.OLSRF <- function(
  y,     #matrix (n rows) of observations 
  qrX,   #qr decomposition of X (n times k, rank k)
  R,     #restriction matrix (q times k, rank q)
  r,     #right-hand side in the restriction (q-vector)
  RF     #RF = (X'X)^(-1)R'(R(X'X)^(-1)R')^(-1)

  OLS.coef <- qr.coef(qrX, y)
  OLS.coefs.restr <- OLS.coef - RF%*%R%*%OLS.coef
  OLS.coefs.restr <- OLS.coefs.restr + matrix(RF%*%r, nrow = dim(R)[2], ncol = dim(y)[2])
  OLS.res.restr <- y - qr.X(qrX)%*%OLS.coefs.restr

  return(list("Coef.restr" = OLS.coefs.restr, 
      "Res.res" = OLS.res.restr))

# Checks if a given design matrix X satisfies the sufficient conditions for
# the existence of a size-controlling critical value
# Bfac = R(X'X)^{-1} X' (cf. the function Bfactor.matrix below)
# Returns TRUE if a size-controlling CV exists, FALSE else.

  SC.check <- function(
  X,            #X
  R,            #R
  hcmethod,   	#-1:4; -1 = classical F-test without df adjustment; 0 = HC0, 1 = HC1, etc.
  restr.cov,  	#Covariance Matrix estimator computed with restricted residuals (TRUE or FALSE)
  as.tol,        #tolerance parameter used in checking rank conditions
  checks = TRUE #input checks are run if TRUE

  #input checks

  if(checks == TRUE){
  check.X.R(X, R)

  #check sufficient condition

  if( (hcmethod == -1) & (restr.cov == TRUE) ){
  } else {

   n <- dim(X)[1]
   k <- dim(X)[2]
   q <- dim(R)[1]
   e0 <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)  
   XM <- M0lin(X, R)
   l <- dim(XM)[2]
   qrX <- qr(X)
   Bfac <- Bfactor.matrix(qrX, n, R)
   #check condition for every index such that ei notin span(XM)

   v <- c()
   if( hcmethod > -1 ){
    if( restr.cov ) {
     qrXM <- qr(XM)  
    } else {
     qrXM <- qrX
    for(i in 1:n){
     ei <- e0
     ei[i,1] <- 1

     if( rrank(cbind(XM, ei), as.tol) > l ){
      A <- Bfac %*% diag(c(qr.resid(qrXM, ei)))
      v <- c(v, rrank(A, as.tol))
   return(!( length(v[v < q])>0 ))

   if( (hcmethod == -1) & (restr.cov == FALSE) ){
    for(i in 1:n){
     ei <- e0
     ei[i,1] <- 1

     if( rrank(cbind(XM, ei), as.tol) > l ){
      A <- cbind(X, ei)
      v <- c(v, rrank(A, as.tol))
    return(!( length(v[v < k])>0 ))

# Lower bound for size-controlling critical value 

  LB.cv <- function(
  X,            #X
  R,            #R
  hcmethod,   	#-1:4; -1 = classical F-test without df adjustment; 0 = HC0, 1 = HC1, etc.
  restr.cov,  	#Covariance Matrix estimator computed with restricted residuals (TRUE or FALSE)
  as.tol,        #tolerance parameter used in checking rank conditions
  checks = TRUE #input checks are run if TRUE

  #input checks
  if(checks == TRUE){
  check.X.R(X, R)

  #basic quantities

  n <- dim(X)[1]
  k <- dim(X)[2]
  q <- dim(R)[1]
  e0 <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)  
  XM <- M0lin(X, R)
  l <- dim(XM)[2]

  #compute lower bound (evaluate test statistic
  #at all points e_i in I_1, and take the maximum
  #of those values)

  y <- c()

  for(i in 1:n){
   ei <- e0
   ei[i,1] <- 1
   if( rrank(cbind(XM, ei), as.tol) > l ){
    y <- cbind(y, ei)

   stop("The set I1(M0lin) seems to be the whole space ... check your inputs!")
   } else {
   m <- test.stat(y, R, rep(0, length = q), 
   X, hcmethod, restr.cov)$test.val


# Input checks 

  check.alpha <- function(alpha){
  if( !is.numeric(alpha) | alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1 ) {
   stop("Invalid 'alpha' value - 'alpha' must be in the interval (0,1)")

  check.N.M <- function(N0, N1, N2, Mp, M1, M2){

  if( N0%%1 != 0 | N0 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'N0' value - 'N0' must be a positive integer")

  if( N1%%1 != 0 | N1 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'N1' value - 'N1' must be a positive integer")

  if( N2%%1 != 0 | N2 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'N2' value - 'N2' must be a positive integer")

  if( Mp%%1 != 0 | Mp < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'Mp' value - 'Mp' must be a positive integer")
   if(Mp < 100){
   warning("The chosen value for 'Mp' seems very low, you may want to 
   increase 'Mp' for more accurate results")

  if( M1%%1 != 0 | M1 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'M1' value - 'M1' must be a positive integer")
   if(M1 < 10){
   warning("The chosen value for 'M1' seems very low, you may want to 
   increase 'M1' for more accurate results")

  if( M2%%1 != 0 | M2 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'M2' value - 'M2' must be a positive integer")

  if( N0 > N1 ) {
   warning("'N1' should be greater than 'N0'")

  if( N1 > N2 ) {
   warning("'N2' should be greater than 'N1'")

  if( M1 > Mp ) {
   stop("Invalid 'M1' value - 'M1' can not be greater than 'Mp'")

  if( M2 > M1 ) {
   stop("Invalid 'M2' value - 'M2' can not be greater than 'M1'")

  check.M <- function(Mp, M1, M2){

  if( Mp%%1 != 0 | Mp < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'Mp' value - 'Mp' must be a positive integer")
   if(Mp < 100){
   warning("The chosen value for 'Mp' seems very low, you may want to 
   increase 'Mp' for more accurate results")

  if( M1%%1 != 0 | M1 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'M1' value - 'M1' must be a positive integer")
   if(M1 < 10){
   warning("The chosen value for 'M1' seems very low, you may want to 
   increase 'M1' for more accurate results")
  if( M2%%1 != 0 | M2 < 0 ){
   stop("Invalid 'M2' value - 'M2' must be a positive integer")

  if( M1 > Mp ) {
   stop("Invalid 'M1' value - 'M1' can not be greater than 'Mp'")

  if( M2 > M1 ) {
   stop("Invalid 'M2' value - 'M2' can not be greater than 'M1'")

  check.y <- function(y, X){
  if( !is.numeric(y) | !is.matrix(y) | dim(y)[2] == 0 | dim(y)[1] != dim(X)[1]){
   stop("Invalid 'y' value - 'y' must either be a real vector of length 
   dim(X)[1], or a real matrix with dim(X)[1] rows with more than 0 columns")

  check.X.R <- function(X, R){

  if( !is.matrix(X) ){
   stop("Invalid 'X' value - must be a matrix")

  if( !is.matrix(R) ) {
   stop("Invalid 'R' value - must be a matrix")

  if( dim(X)[2] >= dim(X)[1] ){
   stop("Number of columns of 'X' is not smaller than its number of rows")

  if( dim(X)[2] == 0 ){
   stop("Number of rows of 'X' must be greater than 0")

  if( dim(X)[2] != dim(R)[2] ) {
   stop("Matrices 'X' and 'R' have different numbers of columns")

  if( rrank(X, -1) < dim(X)[2] ) {
   stop("The matrix 'X' is numerically of rank < k")

  if( rrank(R, -1) < dim(R)[1] ) {
   stop("The matrix 'R' is numerically of rank < q")


  check.r <- function(r, R){
  if( !is.vector(r) | !is.numeric(r) | (length(r) != dim(R)[1])){
   stop("Invalid 'r' value - 'r' must be a real vector
   the length of which coincides with the number of rows of R") 

  check.hcmethod <- function(hcmethod){
  if(length(hcmethod) != 1 | sum(c(-1:4) == hcmethod) != 1) {
   stop("Invalid 'hcmethod' value - 'hcmethod' must be -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4")

  check.restr.cov <- function(restr.cov){
   if(!is.logical(restr.cov) | length(restr.cov) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'restr.cov' value - 'restr.cov' must be TRUE or FALSE")

  check.tol <- function(tol){
  if(!is.numeric(tol) | length(tol) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'tol' value - 'tol' must be a real number")
  if(tol > .1){
  warning("Tolerance parameter 'tol' should typically be chosen small, e.g., 1e-07; 
  your choice seems unusually large, and might yield wrong results.")
  if(tol <= 0){
  warning("Your non-positive 'tol' parameter was converted to tol = machine epsilon")

  check.as.tol <- function(as.tol){
  if(!is.numeric(as.tol) | length(as.tol) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'as.tol' value - 'as.tol' must be a real number")
  if(as.tol > .1){
  warning("Tolerance parameter 'as.tol' should typically be chosen small, e.g., 1e-07; 
  your choice seems unusually large, and might yield wrong results.")
  if(as.tol <= 0){
  warning("Your non-positive 'as.tol' parameter was converted to as.tol = machine epsilon")

  check.in.tol <- function(in.tol){
  if(!is.numeric(in.tol) | length(in.tol) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'in.tol' value - 'in.tol' must be a real number")
  if(in.tol > .1){
  warning("Tolerance parameter 'in.tol' should typically be chosen small, e.g., 1e-07; 
  your choice seems unusually large, and might yield wrong results.")
  if(in.tol <= 0){
  warning("Your non-positive 'in.tol' parameter was converted to in.tol = machine epsilon")
  check.size.tol <- function(size.tol){
  if(!is.numeric(size.tol) | length(size.tol) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'size.tol' value - 'size.tol' must be a real number")
  if(size.tol > .1){
  warning("Tolerance parameter 'size.tol' should typically be chosen small; 
  your choice seems large, and might yield wrong results.")
  if(size.tol <= 0){
  warning("Your non-positive 'size.tol' parameter was converted to size.tol = .0001")
  check.eps.close <- function(eps.close){
  if(!is.numeric(eps.close) | length(eps.close) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'eps.close' value - 'in.tol' must be a real number")
  if(eps.close > .2){
  warning("Parameter 'eps.close' should typically be chosen small, e.g., 0.001; 
  your choice seems unusually large, and might yield wrong results.")
  if(eps.close <= 0){
  warning("Your non-positive 'eps.close' parameter was converted to eps.close = 0.001")

  check.checks <- function(checks){
  if(!is.logical(checks) | length(checks) != 1){
   stop("Invalid 'checks' value - 'checks' must be TRUE or FALSE")

  check.cores <- function(cores){
  if( cores%%1 != 0 | cores <= 0) {
   stop("Invalid 'cores' value - 'cores' must be a positive integer")

  check.C <- function(C){
  if( !is.numeric(C) | length(C)!=1 | C <= 0) {
   stop("Invalid 'C' value - 'C' must be a positive real number")

  check.lower <- function(lower, n){
  if(lower < 0 | lower >= n^(-1) ){
   stop("Invalid 'lower' value - must be in (0, n^(-1))")

  check.levelCl <- function(levelCl){
  if( !is.numeric(levelCl) | length(levelCl)!=1 | levelCl < 0 | levelCl >= 1) {
   stop("Invalid 'levelCl' value - 'levelCl' must be a number in [0, 1)")
  check.LBcheck <- function(LBcheck){
  if( !is.logical(LBcheck) ){
   stop("Invalid 'LBcheck' value - 'LBcheck' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  check.maxit <- function(maxit){
  if( maxit%%1 != 0 | maxit <= 0) {
   stop("Invalid 'maxit' value - 'maxit' must be a positive integer")

  check.eps.close.lower <- function(eps.close, lower, n){
  if(lower != 0){
   if(lower + eps.close >= 1/(n-1)){
    stop("Invalid 'lower' and 'eps.close' combination. lower + eps.close
    must be smaller than 1/(n-1)")

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