
Defines functions .apply_method_speclib

# if (!isGeneric("apply")) {
#   setGeneric("apply", function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
#   standardGeneric("apply"))
# }
.apply_method_speclib <- function(X, 
                             bySI = NULL,
  usage <- usagehistory(X)
  x <- X 
  if (is.character(FUN))
    FUN_str <- FUN
  } else {
    call_fu <- match.call(call = sys.call(-1))
    FUN_str <- as.character(call_fu[which(names(call_fu) == "FUN")])
  if (!is.function(try(match.fun(FUN), silent = TRUE)))
    stop("Unknown function")
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN_str)
    if (is.null(bySI))
      result <- speclib(spectra = matrix(data = 0,
                                         ncol = length(wavelength(x)),
                                         nrow = 1),  
                        wavelength = wavelength(x),                      
                        usagehistory = x@usagehistory
      idSpeclib(result) <- FUN_str  
      pp <- .process_parallel()
      spectra <- spectra(x)
      x <- wavelength(x)
      n <- ncol(spectra)
      if (!pp[[1]])
        spec <- apply(spectra, 2, FUN = FUN, ...)
      } else {
        `%op%` <- pp[[2]]
        spec <- foreach::foreach(i=1:ncol(spectra), .combine = 'rbind') %op%
          do.call(FUN, list(spectra[,i], ...))
      spec <- matrix(spec, nrow = 1)
      spectra(result) <- spec
      idSpeclib(result) <- FUN_str
      usagehistory(result) <- paste(X@ylabel, "=", FUN_str, "applied to matrix of",n , "spectra")
    } else {
      SI_X <- SI(X)
      SI_col <- which(names(SI_X) == bySI)
      if (length(SI_col) == 0)
        stop(paste("Could not find column '", bySI, "' in SI of X", sep = ""))
        SI_X <- SI_X[, SI_col]
        if (!is.factor(SI_X))
          SI_X <- as.factor(SI_X)
          lev <- levels(SI_X)
          tmp <- parse(text = bySI)
          tmp_lev <- lev[1]
          result <- apply(.subset.speclib(X, expression(eval(parse(text = tmp)) == tmp_lev)), FUN = FUN, ...)
          SI(result) <- data.frame(X = lev[1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          for (i in 2:length(lev))
            tmp_lev <- lev[i]
            res_lev <- apply(.subset.speclib(X, expression(eval(parse(text = tmp)) == tmp_lev)),
                             FUN = FUN, ...)
            SI(res_lev) <- data.frame(X = lev[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            result <- merge(result, res_lev)
          usagehistory(result) <- NULL
          usagehistory(result) <- usage
          usagehistory(result) <- paste(X@ylabel, " = ", FUN_str, " applied to matrix spectra by SI '", 
                                        bySI, "'", sep = "")
          names(SI(result)) <- bySI

# if("simplify" %in% names(formals(base::apply))) 
# {
  setMethod("apply", signature(X = "Speclib"), 
                     bySI = NULL,
                     simplify = TRUE)
            .apply_method_speclib(X, FUN, bySI, ...))
# } else {    
#   setMethod("apply", signature(X = "Speclib"), 
#             function(X, 
#                      FUN,
#                      bySI = NULL,
#                      ...)
#             .apply_method_speclib(X, FUN, bySI, ...))
# }

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hsdar documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.