
Defines functions mc_anova_III

Documented in mc_anova_III

#' @name mc_anova_III
#' @author Lineu Alberto Cavazani de Freitas,
#' \email{lineuacf@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @title ANOVA type III table for mcglm objects via Wald test.
#' @description Performs Wald tests to generate type-III analysis-of-
#' variance tables per response for model objects produced by mcglm.
#' @param object An object of \code{mcglm} class.
#' @param verbose a logical if TRUE print some information about the 
#' tests performed. Default verbose = TRUE.
#' @return Type III ANOVA table for mcglm objects.
#' @seealso \code{mc_anova_I}, \code{mc_anova_II} and
#' \code{mc_anova_disp}.
#' @examples
#' library(mcglm)
#' library(Matrix)
#' library(htmcglm)
#' data("soya", package = "mcglm")
#' form.grain <- grain ~ water * pot
#' form.seed <- seeds ~ water * pot
#' soya$viablepeasP <- soya$viablepeas / soya$totalpeas
#' form.peas <- viablepeasP ~ water * pot
#' Z0 <- mc_id(soya)
#' Z1 <- mc_mixed(~0 + factor(block), data = soya)
#' fit_joint <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(form.grain,
#'                                    form.seed,
#'                                    form.peas),
#'                    matrix_pred = list(c(Z0, Z1),
#'                                       c(Z0, Z1),
#'                                       c(Z0, Z1)),
#'                    link = c("identity",
#'                             "log",
#'                             "logit"),
#'                    variance = c("constant",
#'                                 "tweedie",
#'                                 "binomialP"),
#'                    Ntrial = list(NULL,
#'                                  NULL,
#'                                  soya$totalpeas),
#'                    power_fixed = c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE),
#'                    data = soya)
#' mc_anova_III(fit_joint)

mc_anova_III <- function(object, verbose = TRUE){

  # Vetor beta chapeu e indice de resposta
  beta <- coef(object, type = "beta")[,c(1, 4)]


  # Número de betas por resposta
  n_beta <- as.vector(table(beta$Response))


  # Número de respostas
  n_resp <- length(n_beta)


  # Lista vcov por resposta desconsiderando parametros de dispersao e
  # potencia

  vcov_betas <- list()

  if (n_resp == 1) {
    vcov_betas[[1]] <- vcov(object)[1:n_beta[1], 1:n_beta[1]]
  } else {
    vcov_betas[[1]] <- vcov(object)[1:n_beta[1], 1:n_beta[1]]
    for (i in 2:n_resp) {
      vcov_betas[[i]] <-



  # Índice que associa beta a variável por resposta

  p_var <- list()

  for (i in 1:n_resp) {
    p_var[[i]] <- attr(object$list_X[[i]], "assign")


  # Matriz L para todos os parâmetros (Hypothesis matrix), por resposta
  L_all <- list()

  for (i in 1:n_resp) {
    L_all[[i]] <- diag(length(p_var[[i]]))


  # Matriz L por variável (Hypothesis matrix), por resposta

  L_par <- list()

  for (i in 1:n_resp) {
    L_par[[i]] <- by(data = L_all[[i]],
                     INDICES = p_var[[i]],
                     FUN = as.matrix)


  ## Tabela

  tabela <- list()

  for (j in 1:n_resp) {

    W <- vector() # Vetor para a estatística de teste
    gl <- vector() # Vetor para graus de liberdade
    p_val <- vector() # Vetor para p-valor

    for (i in 1:dim(L_par[[j]])) {
      W[i] <- as.numeric((t(L_par[[j]][[i]] %*%
                                     beta$Response == j)$Estimates)) %*%
                                    t(L_par[[j]][[i]]))) %*%
                           (L_par[[j]][[i]] %*%
                                     beta$Response == j)$Estimates))
      gl[i] <- nrow(L_par[[j]][[i]])
      p_val[i] <- pchisq(W[i], df = gl[i], lower.tail = FALSE)

    tabela[[j]] <-
      data.frame(Covariate = c("Intercept",
                 Df = gl,
                 Chi = round(W, 4),
                 'Pr(>Chi)' = round(p_val, 4),
                 check.names = F)


  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("ANOVA type III using Wald statistic for fixed effects\n\n")
    for (i in 1:n_resp) {
      cat("Call: ")
  } else {

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htmcglm documentation built on July 21, 2022, 5:10 p.m.