
Defines functions find_dep_filenames anyUnnamed anyNamed WSTextWriter

# @staticimports pkg:staticimports
#  system_file is_installed

# Implements a "whitespace eating" writer.
# WSTextWriter relies on the caller distinguishing between writes of important
# content, and writes of whitespace that may or may not be elided (`.$write()`
# vs `.$writeWS()`).
# At any point, `eatWS` may be called, which will cause any recent `writeWS`
# operations (i.e. those since either the beginning of time, or the most recent
# `write` operation) to be undone, AND for any future `writeWS` calls to be
# ignored. A call to `write` will be respected, and will restore normal
# behavior.
# Text is automatically converted to UTF-8 before being written.
#' @param bufferSize The initial size of the buffer in which writes are stored.
#'   The buffer will be periodically cleared, if possible, to cache the writes
#'   as a string. If the buffer cannot be cleared (because of the need to be
#'   able to backtrack to fulfill an `eatWS()` call), then the buffer size will
#'   be doubled.
#' @noRd
WSTextWriter <- function(bufferSize=1024) {
  if (bufferSize < 3) {
    stop("Buffer size must be at least 3")

  # The buffer into which we enter all the writes.
  buffer <- character(bufferSize)

  # The index storing the position in the buffer of the most recent write.
  marked <- 0

  # The index storing the position in the buffer of the most recent write or writeWS.
  position <- 0

  # TRUE if we're eating whitespace right now, in which case calls to writeWS are no-ops.
  suppressing <- FALSE

  # Collapses the text in the buffer to create space for more writes. The first
  # element in the buffer will be the concatenation of any writes up to the
  # current marker. The second element in the buffer will be the concatenation
  # of all writes after the marker.
  collapseBuffer <- function() {
    # Collapse the writes in the buffer up to the marked position into the first buffer entry
    nonWS <- ""
    if (marked > 0) {
      nonWS <- paste(buffer[seq_len(marked)], collapse="")

    # Collapse any remaining whitespace
    ws <- ""
    remaining <- position - marked
    if (remaining > 0) {
      # We have some whitespace to collapse. Collapse it into the second buffer entry.
      ws <- paste(buffer[seq(from=marked+1,to=marked+remaining)], collapse="")

    buffer[1] <<- nonWS
    buffer[2] <<- ws
    position <<- 2
    marked <<- 1

  # Logic to do the actual write
  writeImpl <- function(text) {
    # force `text` to evaluate and check that it's the right shape
    # TODO: We could support vectors with multiple elements here and perhaps
    #   find some way to combine with `paste8()`. See
    #   https://github.com/rstudio/htmltools/pull/132#discussion_r302280588
    if (length(text) != 1 || !is.character(text)) {
      stop("Text to be written must be a length-one character vector")

    # Are we at the end of our buffer?
    if (position == length(buffer)) {

    # The text that is written to this writer will be converted to
    # UTF-8 using enc2utf8. The rendered output will always be UTF-8
    # encoded.
    enc <- enc2utf8(text)

    # Move the position pointer and store the (encoded) write
    position <<- position + 1
    buffer[position] <<- enc

  # The actual object returned
    # Write content. Updates the marker and stops suppressing whitespace writes.
    # @param text Single element character vector
    write = function(text) {

      suppressing <<- FALSE
      marked <<- position
    # Write whitespace. If eatWS() was called and its effect has not been
    # canceled, then this method no-ops.
    # @param text Single element character vector containing only
    #   whitespace characters
    writeWS = function(text) {
      if (suppressing) {
    # Return the contents of the TextWriter, as a single element character
    # vector, from the beginning to the current writing position (normally this
    # is the end of the last write or writeWS, unless eatWS() was called).
    readAll = function() {
      # Collapse everything in the buffer up to `position`
      paste(buffer[seq_len(position)], collapse="")
    # Removes both recent and upcoming whitespace writes
    eatWS = function() {
      # Reset back to the most recent marker
      position <<- marked
      suppressing <<- TRUE

# Given a vector/list, return TRUE if any elements are named, FALSE otherwise.
anyNamed <- function(x) {
  # Zero-length vector
  if (length(x) == 0) return(FALSE)

  nms <- names(x)

  # List with no name attribute
  if (is.null(nms)) return(FALSE)

  # List with name attribute; check for any ""

# Given a vector/list, return TRUE if any elements are unnamed, FALSE otherwise.
anyUnnamed <- function(x) {
  # Zero-length vector
  if (length(x) == 0) return(FALSE)

  nms <- names(x)

  # List with no name attribute
  if (is.null(nms)) return(TRUE)

  # List with name attribute; check for any ""

# Get source filename(s) out of a script, stylesheet, or attachment entry of an
# htmlDependency object. The spec is here:
# https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/474f1400/srcts/src/shiny/render.ts#L79-L115
# This returns a character vector of filenames.
#  `attr` should be "src" for script, and "href" for stylesheet and attachment
find_dep_filenames <- function(x, attr = "src") {
  # In the case below, the structure is "abc" or c("abc", "xyz")
  if (is.character(x)) return(x)

  if (is.list(x)) {
    # In the case below, the structure is list(src="abc")
    if (!is.null(x[[attr]])) return(x[[attr]])

    # If we get here, the structure is list(list(src="abc"), list(src="xyz")).
    return(unlist(lapply(x, find_dep_filenames)))

  # If we get here, we didn't find anything.

Try the htmltools package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

htmltools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:19 a.m.