
Defines functions cat_wb mkdir_p stop_capturing save_response start_capturing capture_requests

Documented in capture_requests save_response start_capturing stop_capturing

#' Record API responses as mock files
#' `capture_requests` is a context that collects the responses from requests
#' you make and stores them as mock files. This enables you to perform a series
#' of requests against a live server once and then build your test suite using
#' those mocks, running your tests in [with_mock_api()].
#' `start_capturing` and `stop_capturing` allow you to turn on/off request
#' recording for more convenient use in an interactive session.
#' Recorded responses are written out as plain-text files. By storing fixtures
#' as plain-text files, you can
#' more easily confirm that your mocks look correct, and you can more easily
#' maintain them without having to re-record them. If the API changes subtly,
#' such as when adding an additional attribute to an object, you can just touch
#' up the mocks.
#' If the response has status `200 OK` and the `Content-Type`
#' maps to a supported file extension---currently `.json`,
#' `.html`, `.xml`, `.txt`, `.csv`, and `.tsv`---just the response body will be
#' written out, using the appropriate extension. `204 No Content` status
#' responses will be stored as an empty file with extension `.204`. Otherwise,
#' the response will be written as a `.R` file containing syntax that, when
#' executed, recreates the
#' `httr` "response" object.
#' If you have trouble when recording responses, or are unsure where the files
#' are being written, set `options(httptest.verbose=TRUE)` to print a message
#' for every file that is written containing the absolute path of the file.
#' @param expr Code to run inside the context
#' @param path Where to save the mock files. Default is the first directory in
#' [.mockPaths()], which if not otherwise specified is the current working
#' directory. It is generally better to call `.mockPaths()` directly if you
#' want to write to a different path, rather than using the `path` argument.
#' @param simplify logical: if `TRUE` (default), JSON responses with status 200
#' will be written as just the text of the response body. In all other cases,
#' and when `simplify` is `FALSE`, the "response" object will be written out to
#' a .R file using [base::dput()].
#' @param ... Arguments passed through `capture_requests` to `start_capturing`
#' @return `capture_requests` returns the result of `expr`. `start_capturing`
#' invisibly returns the `path` it is given. `stop_capturing` returns nothing;
#' it is called for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' capture_requests({
#'   GET("http://httpbin.org/get")
#'   GET("http://httpbin.org")
#'   GET("http://httpbin.org/response-headers",
#'     query = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json")
#'   )
#' })
#' # Or:
#' start_capturing()
#' GET("http://httpbin.org/get")
#' GET("http://httpbin.org")
#' GET("http://httpbin.org/response-headers",
#'   query = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json")
#' )
#' stop_capturing()
#' }
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @export
#' @seealso [build_mock_url()] for how requests are translated to file paths.
#' And see `vignette("redacting")` for details on how to prune sensitive
#' content from responses when recording.
capture_requests <- function(expr, path, ...) {
  where <- parent.frame()
  if (!missing(path)) {
    with_mock_path(path, eval(expr, where))
  } else {
    eval(expr, where)

#' @rdname capture_requests
#' @export
start_capturing <- function(path = NULL, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    # Note that this changes state and doesn't reset it

  # Use "substitute" so that args get inserted. Code remains quoted.
  req_tracer <- substitute(
      # Get the value returned from the function, and sanitize it
      redactor <- httptest::get_current_redactor()
      .resp <- returnValue()
      if (is.null(.resp)) {
        # returnValue() defaults to NULL if the traced function exits with
        # an error, so there's no response to record.
        warning("Request errored; no captured response file saved",
          call. = FALSE
      } else {
        httptest::save_response(redactor(.resp), simplify = simplify)
    list(simplify = simplify)
  for (verb in c("PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE", "VERB", "GET", "RETRY")) {
    trace_httr(verb, exit = req_tracer)

#' Write out a captured response
#' @param response An 'httr' `response` object
#' @param simplify logical: if `TRUE` (default), JSON responses with status 200
#' and a supported `Content-Type`
#' will be written as just the text of the response body. In all other cases,
#' and when `simplify` is `FALSE`, the "response" object will be written out to
#' a .R file using [base::dput()].
#' @return The character file name that was written out
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom jsonlite prettify
save_response <- function(response, simplify = TRUE) {
  # Construct the mock file path
  mock_file <- build_mock_url(get_current_requester()(response$request))
  # Track separately the actual full path we're going to write to
  dst_file <- file.path(.mockPaths()[1], mock_file)

  # Get the Content-Type
  ct <- get_content_type(response)
  status <- response$status_code
  if (simplify && status == 200 && ct %in% names(CONTENT_TYPE_TO_EXT)) {
    # Squelch the "No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8."
    cont <- suppressMessages(content(response, "text"))
    if (ct == "application/json") {
      # Prettify
      cont <- prettify(cont)
    dst_file <- paste(dst_file, CONTENT_TYPE_TO_EXT[[ct]], sep = ".")
    cat_wb(cont, file = dst_file)
  } else if (simplify && status == 204) {
    # "touch" a file with extension .204
    dst_file <- paste0(dst_file, ".204")
    cat_wb("", file = dst_file)
  } else {
    # Dump an object that can be sourced

    # Change the file extension to .R
    dst_file <- paste0(dst_file, ".R")
    mock_file <- paste0(mock_file, ".R")

    # If content is text, rawToChar it and dput it as charToRaw(that)
    # so that it loads correctly but is also readable
    text_types <- c(
      "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "application/xml",
      "text/csv", "text/html", "text/plain",
      "text/tab-separated-values", "text/xml"
    if (ct %in% text_types) {
      # Squelch the "No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8."
      cont <- suppressMessages(content(response, "text"))
      # if (ct == "application/json") {
      #     # TODO: "parse error: premature EOF"
      #     cont <- jsonlite::prettify(cont)
      # }
      response$content <- substitute(charToRaw(cont))
    } else if (inherits(response$request$output, "write_disk")) {
      # Copy real file and substitute the response$content "path".
      # Note that if content is a text type, the above attempts to
      # make the mock file readable call `content()`, which reads
      # in the file that has been written to disk, so it effectively
      # negates the "download" behavior for the recorded response.
      downloaded_file <- paste0(dst_file, "-FILE")
      file.copy(response$content, downloaded_file)
      mock_file <- paste0(mock_file, "-FILE")
      response$content <- substitute(structure(find_mock_file(mock_file),
        class = "path"

    # Omit curl handle C pointer, which doesn't serialize meaningfully
    response$handle <- NULL
    # Drop request since httr:::request_perform will fill it in when loading
    response$request <- NULL

    f <- file(dst_file, "wb", encoding = "UTF-8")
    dput(response, file = f)
  if (isTRUE(getOption("httptest.verbose", FALSE))) {
    message("Writing ", normalizePath(dst_file))

#' @rdname capture_requests
#' @export
stop_capturing <- function() {
  for (verb in c("GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE", "VERB", "RETRY")) {
    safe_untrace(verb, add_headers)

mkdir_p <- function(filename) {
  # Recursively create the directories so that we can write this file.
  # If they already exist, do nothing.
  # Like mkdir -p path

  dir.create(dirname(filename), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

cat_wb <- function(x, file, ...) {
  # For cleaning up CRLF issues on Windows, write to a file connection in binary mode
  f <- file(file, "wb", encoding = "UTF-8")
  cat(enc2utf8(x), file = f, ...)

Try the httptest package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

httptest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.