d <- tempfile()
# Auth headers aren't recorded
capture_while_mocking(simplify = FALSE, path = d, {
a <- request("https://test.api/") %>%
req_headers(`Authorization` = "Bearer token") %>%
test_that("The mock file does not have the request headers", {
# In httr2, response objects do not include the request,
# so by construction there won't be request headers
expect_false(any(grepl("Bearer token", readLines(file.path(d, "test.api.R")))))
test_that("And the redacted .R mock can be loaded", {
with_mock_path(d, {
b <- request("https://test.api/") %>%
req_headers(`Authorization` = "Bearer token") %>%
expect_equal(resp_body_json(b), resp_body_json(a))
# redact_cookies from response
c2_req <- request("http://httpbin.not/cookies/set") %>%
req_url_query(token = 12345)
test_that("redact_cookies: the response has the set-cookie in the response", {
capture_while_mocking(simplify = FALSE, path = d, {
# Slight hack: httpbin does a 302 redirect, and the Set-Cookie appears
# in the 302, but the final 200 response doesn't have it, so I've
# modified the mock to have the Set-Cookie header, just so we can test
# redacting it.
# This could also be done by setting `req_options(followlocation = FALSE)`
c2 <- req_perform(c2_req)
resp_header(c2, "set-cookie"),
"token=12345;; Max-Age=31536000; Path=/"
test_that("redact_cookies removes set-cookies from response in the mock file", {
readLines(file.path(d, "httpbin.not", "cookies", "set-5b2631.R"))
test_that("And when loading that .R mock, the redacted value doesn't appear", {
with_mock_path(d, {
req_perform(c2_req) %>% resp_header("set-cookie"),
# HTTP auth credentials aren't recorded
auth_req <- request("http://httpbin.not/basic-auth/user/passwd") %>%
# Slight hack: the mock was recorded with user:passwd to get a 200 response
# but then the grepl would fail because the password is in the URL
# (a feature of httpbin)
req_auth_basic("user", "SeCrEtPaSsWoRd!") %>%
req_error(is_error = ~FALSE)
capture_while_mocking(simplify = FALSE, path = d, {
pwauth <- req_perform(auth_req)
test_that("there is no password in the mock", {
readLines(file.path(d, "httpbin.not", "basic-auth", "user", "passwd.R"))
test_that("And the redacted .R mock can be loaded", {
with_mock_path(d, {
pwauthb <- req_perform(auth_req)
expect_equal(resp_body_json(pwauthb), resp_body_json(pwauth))
# Custom redacting function
my_redactor <- function(response) {
# Proof that you can alter other parts of the response/mock when recording
# Slight finesse: because requests get preprocessed with the redactor too,
# it's tricky when we're mocking and recording, so in this test we're not
# to change the URL when determining the mock file to load
if (!grepl("get_current_redactor()(req)", unlist(tail(sys.calls(), 1)), fixed = TRUE)) {
response$url <- ""
# Proof that you can alter the response body
cleaner <- function(x) gsub("loaded", "changed", x)
response <- within_body_text(response, cleaner)
capture_while_mocking(simplify = FALSE, path = d, {
r <- request("") %>% req_perform()
test_that("The real request is not affected by the redactor", {
expect_identical(r$url, "")
expect_identical(resp_body_json(r), list(loaded = TRUE))
test_that("But the mock file gets written to the modified path with altered content", {
# Use replace=TRUE to make sure that "." isn't in the search path.
# We're checking that the original request doesn't have a mock,
# but of course we made it from a mock in the working directory
with_mock_path(d, replace = TRUE, {
request("") %>% req_perform(),
expect_error(alt <- request("") %>% req_perform(), NA)
expect_identical(resp_body_json(alt), list(changed = TRUE))
# New in httptest2: redactor is used as request preprocessor/URL shortener
test_that("Redactors are applied when making requests to alter the mock file path we're reading", {
function(resp) gsub_response(resp, "long/url.*$", "get"),
r <- request("") %>% req_perform()
# The URL of the mock response in this case is actually the full request URL
# because it is a JSON mock so the httr2_response object is generated
# based on the request
expect_identical(r$url, "")
# But this is the response body of the mock corresponding to
expect_identical(resp_body_json(r), list(loaded = TRUE))
a <- request("https://test.api/") %>%
req_headers(`Authorization` = "Bearer token") %>%
test_that("gsub_response", {
asub <- gsub_response(a, "api", "OTHER")
expect_identical(asub$url, "https://test.OTHER/")
expect_identical(resp_body_json(asub), list(value = "https://test.OTHER/object1/"))
test_that("as.redactor", {
a2 <- prepare_redactor(~ gsub_response(., "api", "OTHER"))(a)
expect_identical(resp_body_json(a2), list(value = "https://test.OTHER/object1/"))
loc <- request("http://httpbin.not/response-headers") %>%
req_url_query(Location = "http://httpbin.not/status/201") %>%
loc_sub <- gsub_response(
loc, "http://httpbin.not/status/201",
test_that("gsub_response touches Location header", {
resp_header(loc_sub, "location"),
test_that("gsub_response handles URL encoding", {
skip("TODO: handle URL escaping")
test_that("gsub_response handles empty response bodies (#20)", {
function(resp) gsub_response(resp, "status", "code"),
# Prior to the fix, the redactor errored here on retrieving an empty body
r <- request(httpbin$url("/status/204")) %>% req_perform()
# Nothing here
expect_length(r$body, 0)
test_that("chain_redactors", {
f1 <- function(x) x * 4
f2 <- ~ sum(c(., 3))
f12 <- chain_redactors(list(f1, f2))
f21 <- chain_redactors(list(f2, f1))
expect_equal(f12(5), 23)
expect_equal(f21(5), 32)
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