
Defines functions hybridEnsemble

Documented in hybridEnsemble

#' Binary classification with Hybrid Ensemble
#' \code{hybridEnsemble} can build an ensemble consisting of nine different sub-ensembles: Bagged Logistic Regressions, Random Forest, Stochastic AdaBoost, Kernel Factory, Bagged Neural Networks, Bagged Support Vector Machines, Rotation Forest, Bagged K-Nearest Neighbors, and Naive Bayes.
#' @param x A data frame of predictors. Categorical variables need to be transformed to binary (dummy) factors.
#' @param y A factor of observed class labels (responses) with the only allowed values \{0,1\}.,
#' @param algorithms Which algorihtms to use \{"LR","RF","AB","KF","NN","SV","RoF","KN","NB"\}. LR= Bagged Logistic Regression, RF=Random Forest, AB= AdaBoost, KF= Kernel Factory, NN= Bagged Neural Network, SV= Bagged Support Vector Machines, RoF= Rotation Forest, KN= Bagged K- Nearest Neighbors, NB= Bagged Naive Bayes.
#' @param combine Additional methods for combining the sub-ensembles. The simple mean, authority-based weighting and the single best are automatically provided since they are very efficient.  Possible additional methods: Genetic Algorithm: "rbga", Differential Evolutionary Algorithm: "DEopt", Generalized Simulated Annealing: "GenSA", Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains: "malschains", Particle Swarm Optimization: "psoptim", Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm: "soma", Tabu Search Algorithm: "tabu", Non-negative binomial likelihood: "NNloglik", Goldfarb-Idnani Non-negative least squares: "GINNLS", Lawson-Hanson Non-negative least squares: "LHNNLS".
#' @param eval.measure Evaluation measure for the following combination methods: authority-based method, single best, "rbga", "DEopt", "GenSA", "malschains", "psoptim", "soma", "tabu". Default is the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve 'auc'. The area under the sensitivity curve ('sens') and the area under the specificity curve ('spec') are also supported.
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE. Should information be printed to the screen while estimating the Hybrid Ensemble.
#' @param oversample TRUE or FALSE. Should oversampling be used? Setting oversample to TRUE helps avoid computational problems related to the subsetting process.
#' @param calibrate TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE percentile ranks of the prediction vectors will be used.
#' @param filter either NULL (deactivate) or a percentage denoting the minimum class size of dummy predictors. This parameter is used to remove near constants. For example if nrow(xTRAIN)=100, and filter=0.01 then all dummy predictors with any class size equal to 1 will be removed. Set this higher (e.g., 0.05 or 0.10) in case of errors.
#' @param LR.size Logistic Regression parameter. Ensemble size of the bagged logistic regression sub-ensemble.
#' @param RF.ntree Random Forest parameter. Number of trees to grow.
#' @param AB.iter Stochastic AdaBoost parameter. Number of boosting iterations to perform.
#' @param AB.maxdepth Stochastic AdaBoost parameter. The maximum depth of any node of the final tree, with the root node counted as depth 0.
#' @param KF.cp Kernel Factory parameter. The number of column partitions.
#' @param KF.rp Kernel Factory parameter. The number of row partitions.
#' @param KF.ntree Kernel Factory parameter. Number of trees to grow.
#' @param NN.rang Neural Network parameter. Initial random weights on [-rang, rang].
#' @param NN.maxit Neural Network parameter. Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param NN.size Neural Network parameter. Number of units in the single hidden layer. Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param NN.decay Neural Network parameter. Weight decay. Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param NN.skip Neural Network parameter. Switch to add skip-layer connections from input to output. Can be boolean vector (TRUE and FALSE) for optimization.
#' @param NN.ens.size Neural Network parameter. Ensemble size of the neural network sub-ensemble.
#' @param SV.gamma Support Vector Machines parameter. Width of the Guassian for radial basis and sigmoid kernel. Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param SV.cost Support Vector Machines parameter. Penalty (soft margin constant). Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param SV.degree Support Vector Machines parameter. Degree of the polynomial kernel. Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param SV.kernel Support Vector Machines parameter. Kernels to try. Can be one or more of: 'radial','sigmoid','linear','polynomial'. Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param SV.size Support Vector Machines parameter. Ensemble size of the SVM sub-ensemble.
#' @param RoF.L Rotation Forest parameter. Number of trees to grow.
#' @param KN.K K-Nearest Neigbhors parameter. Number of nearest neighbors to try. For example c(10,20,30). The optimal K will be selected. If larger than nrow(xTRAIN) the maximum K will be reset to 50\% of nrow(xTRAIN). Can be mutiple values that need to be optimized.
#' @param KN.size K-Nearest Neigbhors parameter. Ensemble size of the K-nearest neighbor sub-ensemble.
#' @param NB.size Naive Bayes parameter. Ensemble size of the bagged naive bayes sub-ensemble.
#' @param rbga.popSize Genetic Algorithm parameter. Population size. Default is 14 times the number of variables.
#' @param rbga.iters Genetic Algorithm parameter.  Number of iterations.
#' @param rbga.mutationChance Genetic Algorithm parameter. The chance that a gene in the chromosome mutates.
#' @param rbga.elitism Genetic Algorithm parameter. Number of chromosomes that are kept into the next generation.
#' @param DEopt.nP Differential Evolutionary Algorithm parameter. Population size.
#' @param DEopt.nG Differential Evolutionary Algorithm parameter. Number of generations.
#' @param DEopt.F Differential Evolutionary Algorithm parameter. Step size.
#' @param DEopt.CR Differential Evolutionary Algorithm parameter. Probability of crossover.
#' @param GenSA.maxit Generalized Simulated Annealing. Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param GenSA.temperature Generalized Simulated Annealing. Initial value for temperature.
#' @param GenSA.visiting.param Generalized Simulated Annealing. Parameter for visiting distribution.
#' @param GenSA.acceptance.param Generalized Simulated Annealing. Parameter for acceptance distribution.
#' @param GenSA.max.call Generalized Simulated Annealing. Maximum number of calls of the objective function.
#' @param malschains.popsize Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Population size.
#' @param malschains.ls Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Local search method.
#' @param malschains.istep Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Number of iterations of the local search.
#' @param malschains.effort Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Value between 0 and 1. The ratio between the number of evaluations for the local search and for the evolutionary algorithm. A higher effort means more evaluations for the evolutionary algorithm.
#' @param malschains.alpha Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Crossover BLX-alpha. Lower values (<0.3) reduce diversity and a higher value increases diversity.
#' @param malschains.threshold Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Threshold that defines how much improvement in the local search is considered to be no improvement.
#' @param malschains.maxEvals Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains parameter. Maximum number of evaluations.
#' @param psoptim.maxit Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param psoptim.maxf Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Maximum number of function evaluations.
#' @param psoptim.abstol Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Absolute convergence tolerance.
#' @param psoptim.reltol Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Tolerance for restarting.
#' @param psoptim.s Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Swarm size.
#' @param psoptim.k Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Exponent for calculating number of informants.
#' @param psoptim.p Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Average percentage of informants for each particle.
#' @param psoptim.w Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Exploitation constant.
#' @param psoptim.c.p Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Local exploration constant.
#' @param psoptim.c.g Particle Swarm Optimization parameter. Global exploration constant.
#' @param soma.pathLength Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Distance (towards the leader) that individuals may migrate.
#' @param soma.stepLength Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Granularity at which potential steps are evaluated.
#' @param soma.perturbationChance Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Probability that individual parameters are changed on any given step.
#' @param soma.minAbsoluteSep Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Smallest absolute difference between maximum and minimum cost function values. Below this minimum the algorithm will terminate.
#' @param soma.minRelativeSep Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Smallest relative difference between maximum and minimum cost function values. Below this minimum the algorithm will terminate.
#' @param soma.nMigrations Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Maximum number of migrations to complete.
#' @param soma.populationSize Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm parameter. Population size.
#' @param tabu.iters Number of iterations in the preliminary search of the algorithm.
#' @param tabu.listSize Tabu list size.
#' @examples
#' data(Credit)
#' \dontrun{
#' hE <-hybridEnsemble(x=Credit[1:100,names(Credit) != 'Response'],
#'                     y=Credit$Response[1:100],
#'                     RF.ntree=50,
#'                     AB.iter=50,
#'                     NN.size=5,
#'                     NN.decay=0,
#'                     SV.gamma = 2^-15,
#'                     SV.cost = 2^-5,
#'                     SV.degree=2,
#'                     SV.kernel='radial')
#' }
#' @references Ballings, M., Vercamer, D., Bogaert, M., Van den Poel, D.
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.hybridEnsemble}}, \code{\link{importance.hybridEnsemble}}, \code{\link{CVhybridEnsemble}}, \code{\link{plot.CVhybridEnsemble}}, \code{\link{summary.CVhybridEnsemble}}
#' @return A list of class \code{hybridEnsemble} containing the following elements:
#' \item{LR}{Bagged Logistic Regression model}
#' \item{LR.lambda}{Shrinkage parameter}
#' \item{RF}{Random Forest model}
#' \item{AB}{Stochastic AdaBoost model}
#' \item{KF}{Kernel Factory model}
#' \item{NN}{Bagged Neural Network model}
#' \item{SV}{Bagged Support Vector Machines model}
#' \item{RoF}{Rotation Forest}
#' \item{NB}{Bagged Naive Bayes}
#' \item{SB}{A label denoting which sub-ensemble was the single best}
#' \item{KN.K}{Optimal number of nearest neighbors}
#' \item{x_KN}{The full data set for finding the nearest neighbors in the deployment phase}
#' \item{y_KN}{The full response vector to compute the response of the nearest neigbhors}
#' \item{KN.size}{Size of the nearest neigbhor sub-ensemble}
#' \item{weightsAUTHORITY}{The weights for the authority-based weighting method}
#' \item{combine}{Combination methods used}
#' \item{constants}{A vector denoting which predictors are constants}
#' \item{minima}{Minimum values of the predictors required for preprocessing the data for the Neural Network}
#' \item{maxima}{Maximum values of the predictors required for preprocessing the data for the Neural Network}
#' \item{minimaKN}{Minimum values of the predictors required for preprocessing the data for the Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes}
#' \item{maximaKN}{Maximum values of the predictors required for preprocessing the data for the Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes}
#' \item{calibratorLR}{The calibrator for the Bagged Logistic Regression model}
#' \item{calibratorRF}{The calibrator for the Random Forest model}
#' \item{calibratorAB}{The calibrator for the Stochastic AdaBoost model}
#' \item{calibratorKF}{The calibrator for the Kernel Factory model}
#' \item{calibratorNN}{The calibrator for the Neural Network model}
#' \item{calibratorSV}{The calibrator for the Bagged Support Vector Machines model}
#' \item{calibratorRoF}{The calibrator for the Rotation Forest model} 
#' \item{calibratorKN}{The calibrator for the Bagged Nearest Neigbhors}
#' \item{calibratorNB}{The calibrator for the Bagged Naive Bayes model}
#' \item{xVALIDATE}{Predictors of the validation sample}
#' \item{predictions}{The seperate predictions by the sub-ensembles}
#' \item{yVALIDATE}{Response variable of the validation sample}
#' \item{eval.measure}{The evaluation measure that was used}
#' @author Michel Ballings, Dauwe Vercamer, Matthias Bogaert, and Dirk Van den Poel, Maintainer: \email{Michel.Ballings@@GMail.com}
hybridEnsemble <- function(  x=NULL,
                             filter= 0.01,
                             SV.gamma = 2^(-15:3),
                             SV.cost = 2^(-5:13),
                             rbga.popSize = length(algorithms)*14,
                             rbga.iters = 500,
                             rbga.mutationChance = 1/ rbga.popSize,
                             rbga.elitism= max(1, round(rbga.popSize*0.05)) ,
                             soma.minRelativeSep= 0.001,

   LR <- LR.lambda <- RF <- AB <- KF <- NN <- k <- SV <- RoF <- NB <- x_KN <- y_KN <- constants <- minima <- maxima <- minimaKN <- maximaKN <-  NULL
   calibratorLR <- calibratorRF <- calibratorAB <- calibratorKF <- calibratorNN  <- calibratorSV <- calibratorRoF <- calibratorKN <- calibratorNB <- NULL
   if (!is.null(combine) && !tolower(combine) %in% tolower(c("rbga","DEopt","GenSA","malschains","psoptim","soma",
                                                           "NNloglik","GINNLS","LHNNLS",'tabu'))) {
    stop("Please check spelling of combine parameter")

  if (!is.data.frame(x)) stop("x must be a data frame")

  if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
		stop("x or y cannot be NULL.")
	}else if (any(is.na(x)) || any(is.na(y))){
		stop("NAs not permitted.")

	if (!is.factor(y)) stop("y must be a factor")

	if (any(table(y) == 0)) stop("Cannot have empty classes in y.")

	if (length(unique(y)) != 2) stop("Must have 2 classes.")
  if (!all(y %in% c(0,1))) stop("Only {0,1} are allowed in y.")

	if (length(y) != nrow(x)) stop("x and y have to be of equal length.")

  if (length(algorithms) < 2) stop("Use at least 2 algorithms (algorithms parameter)")
  tab <- table(y)
  if (!all(tab==tab[1])){
      if (oversample) {

        #oversample instances from the smallest class
        whichmin <- which(y==as.integer(names(which.min(tab))))
        indmin <- sample(whichmin,max(tab),replace=TRUE)
        indmin <- c(whichmin,indmin)[1:max(tab)]
        #take all the instances of the dominant class
        indmax <- which(y==as.integer(names(which.max(tab))))
        x <- x[c(indmin,indmax),]
        y <- y[c(indmin,indmax)]

    trainIND <- .partition(y,p=0.75)[[1]]$train

    xTRAIN <- x[trainIND,]
    yTRAIN <- y[trainIND]

    xVALIDATE <- x[-trainIND,]
    yVALIDATE <- y[-trainIND]

  constants <- sapply(xTRAIN,function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
  if (!is.null(filter)) constants <- sapply(xTRAIN,function(x) (length(unique(x))==2 && any(table(x) <= round(nrow(xTRAIN)*filter))) || all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))   )
  xTRAIN <- xTRAIN[,!constants]
  xVALIDATE <- xVALIDATE[,!constants]
  x <- x[,!constants]


  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('Create base classifiers \n')

  predictions <- data.frame(matrix(NA,ncol=length(algorithms),nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE)))
  colnames(predictions) <- algorithms
  evaluations <- numeric()
  if ("LR" %in% algorithms) {
  #BAGGED logistic regression
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Bagged Logistic Regression \n')

  LR <-  glmnet(x=data.matrix(xTRAIN), y=yTRAIN, family="binomial")

  #cross validate lambda
  aucstore <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:length(LR$lambda) ) {
    predglmnet <- predict(LR,newx=data.matrix(xVALIDATE),type="response",s=LR$lambda[i])
    aucstore[i] <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predglmnet),yVALIDATE))


  LR.lambda <- LR$lambda[which.max(aucstore)]

  LR <- list()
  predLR <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE),ncol=LR.size))

  for (i in 1:LR.size) {
        #make sure we don't make constants in bootstrapping
        noconst <- FALSE
            ind <- sample(nrow(xTRAIN),size=round(1*nrow(xTRAIN)), replace=TRUE)
            const <- sapply(xTRAIN[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
         	  if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(xTRAIN[ind,],function(x) (length(unique(x))==2 && any(table(x) <= round(nrow(xTRAIN[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))   )
      		  noconst <- sum(const) == 0

        LR[[i]] <-  glmnet(x=data.matrix(xTRAIN[ind,]), y=yTRAIN[ind], family="binomial")

        #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
        predLR[,i] <- as.numeric(predict(LR[[i]],newx=data.matrix(xVALIDATE),type="response",s=LR.lambda))

  predictions$LR <- as.numeric(rowMeans(predLR))
  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorLR <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$LR,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$LR <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorLR, newdata=predictions$LR)
  } else {
    predictions$LR <- rank(predictions$LR,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$LR)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

      evalLR <-  AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$LR),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

      evalLR <-  AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$LR),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

      evalLR <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$LR),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalLR)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "LR"
  #Create final model

  # for (i in 1:LR.size) {
  #   #make sure we don't make constants in bootstrapping
  #   noconst <- FALSE
  #   while(noconst==FALSE){
  #     ind <- sample(nrow(x),size=round(1*nrow(x)), replace=TRUE)
  #     const <- sapply(x[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
  #     if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(x[ind,],function(z) (length(unique(z))==2 && any(table(z) <= round(nrow(x[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(z[1])==as.numeric(z))   )
  #   	noconst <- sum(const) == 0
  #   }
  #   LR[[i]] <-  glmnet(x=data.matrix(x[ind,]), y=y[ind], family="binomial")
  # }


  if ("RF" %in% algorithms){
  #random forest
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Random Forest \n')
  RF <- randomForest(xTRAIN,as.factor(yTRAIN),  ntree=RF.ntree, importance=FALSE, na.action=na.omit )

  #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
  predictions$RF <- as.numeric(predict(RF,xVALIDATE,type="prob")[,2])

  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorRF <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$RF,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$RF <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorRF, newdata=predictions$RF)
  } else {
    predictions$RF <- rank(predictions$RF,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$RF)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalRF <- AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$RF),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalRF <- AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$RF),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalRF <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$RF),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalRF)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "RF"

  #Create final model
  # RF <- randomForest(x,as.factor(y),  ntree=RF.ntree, importance=FALSE, na.action=na.omit )
  if ("AB" %in% algorithms){
  #ada boost
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   AdaBoost \n')
  AB <- ada(xTRAIN,as.factor(yTRAIN),iter=AB.iter, control=rpart.control(maxdepth=AB.maxdepth))

  #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
  predictions$AB <- as.numeric(predict(AB,xVALIDATE,type="probs")[,2])

  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorAB <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$AB,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$AB <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorAB, newdata=predictions$AB)
  } else {
    predictions$AB <- rank(predictions$AB,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$AB)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalAB <-  AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$AB),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalAB <-  AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$AB),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalAB <-  AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$AB),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalAB)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "AB"

  #Create final model
  # AB <- ada(x,as.factor(y),iter=AB.iter, control=rpart.control(maxdepth=AB.maxdepth))
  if ("KF" %in% algorithms){
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Kernel Factory \n')
  KF <- kernelFactory(xTRAIN,as.factor(yTRAIN), rp=KF.rp, cp=KF.cp, ntree=KF.ntree)

  #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
  predictions$KF <- as.numeric(predict(KF,xVALIDATE))

  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorKF <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$KF,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$KF <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorKF, newdata=predictions$KF)
  } else {
    predictions$KF <- rank(predictions$KF,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$KF)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalKF <- AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$KF),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalKF <- AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$KF),yVALIDATE))

    } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalKF <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$KF),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalKF)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "KF"

  #Create final model
  # KF <- kernelFactory(x,as.factor(y), rp=KF.rp, cp=KF.cp, ntree=KF.ntree)

  if ("NN" %in% algorithms){
  #BAGGED neural network (version: only tune once)
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Bagged Neural Network \n')

  xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN, as.numeric))
  xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAINscaled, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

  minima <- sapply(xTRAINscaled,min)
  maxima <- sapply(xTRAINscaled,max)

  xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(t((t(xTRAINscaled) - ((minima + maxima)/2))/((maxima-minima)/2)))

  call <- call("nnet", formula = yTRAIN ~ ., data=xTRAINscaled,  rang=NN.rang, maxit=NN.maxit, trace=FALSE, MaxNWts= Inf)
  tuning <- list(size=NN.size, decay=NN.decay, skip=NN.skip)

    #tune nnet

  xVALIDATEscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATE, as.numeric))
  xVALIDATEscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATEscaled, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

  xVALIDATEscaled <- data.frame(t((t(xVALIDATEscaled) - ((minima + maxima)/2))/((maxima-minima)/2)))

  result <- .tuneMember(call=call,

  predNN <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE),ncol=NN.ens.size))

  minima <- list()
  maxima <- list()
  NN <- list()
  for (i in 1:NN.ens.size) {

     #make sure we don't divide by 0
        nozerorange <- FALSE
          ind <- sample(nrow(xTRAIN),size=round(1*nrow(xTRAIN)), replace=TRUE)

          xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN[ind,], as.numeric))
          xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAINscaled, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

          nozerorange <- all(sapply(xTRAINscaled[ind,],function(x) (max(x)-min(x))!=0))


        minima[[i]] <- sapply(xTRAINscaled,min)
        maxima[[i]] <- sapply(xTRAINscaled,max)

        xTRAINscaled <- data.frame(t((t(xTRAINscaled) - ((minima[[i]] + maxima[[i]])/2))/((maxima[[i]]-minima[[i]])/2)))

        #use the optimal parameters to train final model
        NN[[i]] <- nnet(yTRAIN[ind] ~ ., xTRAINscaled, size = result$size, skip=result$skip, rang = NN.rang, decay = result$decay, maxit = NN.maxit, trace=FALSE, MaxNWts= Inf)

        #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
        predNN[,i] <- as.numeric(predict(NN[[i]],xVALIDATEscaled,type="raw"))


  predictions$NN <- rowMeans(predNN)

  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorNN <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$NN,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$NN <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorNN, newdata=predictions$NN)
  } else {
    predictions$NN <- rank(predictions$NN,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$NN)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalNN <- AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$NN),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalNN <- AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$NN),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalNN <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$NN),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalNN)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "NN"

  #Create final model

  # minima <- list()
  # maxima <- list()
  # NN <- list()
  # for (i in 1:NN.ens.size) {
  #     #make sure we don't divide by 0
  #     nozerorange <- FALSE
  #     while(nozerorange==FALSE){
  #       ind <- sample(nrow(x),size=round(1*nrow(x)), replace=TRUE)
  #       xscaled <- data.frame(sapply(x[ind,], as.numeric))
  #       xscaled <- data.frame(sapply(xscaled, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))
  #       nozerorange <- all(sapply(xscaled[ind,],function(x) (max(x)-min(x))!=0))
  #     }
  #     minima[[i]] <- sapply(xscaled,min)
  #     maxima[[i]] <- sapply(xscaled,max)
  #     xscaled <- data.frame(t((t(xscaled) - ((minima[[i]] + maxima[[i]])/2))/((maxima[[i]]-minima[[i]])/2)))
  #     NN[[i]] <- nnet(y[ind] ~ ., xscaled, size = result$size, rang = NN.rang, skip=result$skip, decay = result$decay, maxit = NN.maxit, trace=FALSE, MaxNWts= Inf)
  # }


  if ("SV" %in% algorithms){
  #BAGGED support vector machines (version: only tune once and not on every fold)
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Bagged Support Vector Machine \n')

  result <- list()
  for (i in SV.kernel) {
          call <- call("svm", formula = as.factor(yTRAIN) ~ ., data=xTRAIN, type = "C-classification",probability=TRUE)

          if (i=='radial'  ) tuning <- list(gamma = SV.gamma, cost = SV.cost, kernel='radial')
          if (i=='sigmoid') tuning <- list(gamma = SV.gamma, cost = SV.cost, kernel='sigmoid')
          if (i=='linear') tuning <- list(cost = SV.cost, kernel='linear')
          if (i=='polynomial') tuning <- list(gamma = SV.gamma, cost = SV.cost, degree=SV.degree, kernel='polynomial')

          #tune svm
          result[[i]] <- .tuneMember(call=call,

  auc <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:length(result)) auc[i] <- result[[i]]$auc

  result <- result[[which.max(auc)]]

  predSV <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE),ncol=SV.size))

  SV <- list()
  for (ii in 1:SV.size) {
        #make sure we don't make constants in bootstrapping
        noconst <- FALSE
           ind <- sample(nrow(xTRAIN),size=round(1*nrow(xTRAIN)), replace=TRUE)
           const <- sapply(xTRAIN[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
           if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(xTRAIN[ind,],function(x) (length(unique(x))==2 && any(table(x) <= round(nrow(xTRAIN[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))   )
           noconst <- sum(const) == 0


        #use the optimal parameters to train final model
        SV[[ii]] <- svm(as.factor(yTRAIN[ind]) ~ ., data = xTRAIN[ind,],
                      type = "C-classification", kernel = as.character(result$kernel), degree= if (is.null(result$degree)) 3 else result$degree,
                      cost = result$cost, gamma = if (is.null(result$gamma)) 1 / ncol(xTRAIN) else result$gamma , probability=TRUE)

        #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
        predSV[,ii] <- as.numeric(attr(predict(SV[[ii]],xVALIDATE, probability=TRUE),"probabilities")[,2])
  predictions$SV <- rowMeans(predSV)
  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorSV <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$SV,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$SV <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorSV, newdata=predictions$SV)
  } else {
    predictions$SV <- rank(predictions$SV,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$SV)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalSV <-  AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$SV),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalSV <-  AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$SV),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalSV <-  AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$SV),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalSV)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "SV"

  #Create final model
  # SV <- list()
  # for (i in 1:SV.size) {
  #     noconst <- FALSE
  #     while(noconst==FALSE){
  #       ind <- sample(nrow(x),size=round(1*nrow(x)), replace=TRUE)
  #       const <- sapply(x[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
  #       if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(x[ind,],function(z) (length(unique(z))==2 && any(table(z) <= round(nrow(x[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(z[1])==as.numeric(z))   )
  #       noconst <- sum(const) == 0
  #     }
  #     SV[[i]] <- svm(as.factor(y[ind]) ~ ., data = x[ind,],
  #                   type = "C-classification", kernel = as.character(result$kernel), degree= if (is.null(result$degree)) 3 else result$degree,
  #                   cost = result$cost, gamma = if (is.null(result$gamma)) 1 / ncol(xTRAIN) else result$gamma, probability=TRUE)
  # }
  if ("RoF" %in% algorithms){
  #rotation forest

  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Rotation Forest \n')

  RoF <- rotationForest(x=xTRAIN[,sapply(xTRAIN,is.numeric)],y=as.factor(yTRAIN),L=RoF.L)
  #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
  predictions$RoF <- as.numeric(predict(RoF,xVALIDATE[,sapply(xVALIDATE,is.numeric)]))

  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorRoF <-  .calibrate(x=predRoF,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$RoF <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorRoF, newdata=predictions$RoF)
  } else {
    predRoF <- rank(predictions$RoF,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$RoF)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

    evalRoF <- AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$RoF),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

    evalRoF <- AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$RoF),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

    evalRoF <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$RoF),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalRoF)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "RoF"

  #Create final model
  # RoF <- rotationForest(x=x,y=as.factor(y),L=RoF.L)

  if ("KN" %in% algorithms){
  #Bagged K-Nearest Neigbhors
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Bagged K-Nearest Neighbors \n')
  #the knnx function requires all indicators to be numeric so we first convert our data.

  xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN, as.numeric))
  xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

  xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATE, as.numeric))
  xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATE_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

  x_KN <- data.frame(sapply(x, as.numeric))
  x_KN <- data.frame(sapply(x_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))

  # normalize the data
  minimaKN <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN,min)
  maximaKN <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN,max)
  xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(t((t(xTRAIN_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))
  xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(t((t(xVALIDATE_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))

  #for final model
  minimaKN <- sapply(x_KN,min)
  maximaKN <- sapply(x_KN,max)
  x_KN <- data.frame(t((t(x_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))
  KN.K <- KN.K[KN.K <= round(0.5*nrow(xTRAIN_KN))]

  auc <- numeric(length(KN.K))

  #determine optimal k
  kk <- 0
  for (k in KN.K) {
    kk <- kk + 1
    #retrieve the indicators of the k nearest neighbors of the query data
    indicatorsKN <- as.integer(knnx.index(data=xTRAIN_KN, query=xVALIDATE_KN, k=k))
    #retrieve the actual y from the tarining set
    predKN <- as.integer(as.character(yTRAIN[indicatorsKN]))
    #if k > 1 then we take the proportion of 1s
    predKN <- rowMeans(data.frame(matrix(data=predKN,ncol=k,nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE_KN))))

    auc[kk] <- AUC::auc(roc(predKN,yVALIDATE))


  k <- KN.K[which.max(auc)]

  #create ensemble predictions using optimal k (needed for weight estimation)
  predKN <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE_KN),ncol=KN.size))
  for (i in 1:KN.size){
    ind <- sample(1:nrow(xTRAIN_KN),size=round(nrow(xTRAIN_KN)), replace=TRUE)
    #retrieve the indicators of the k nearest neighbors of the query data
    indicatorsKN <- as.integer(knnx.index(data=xTRAIN_KN, query=xVALIDATE_KN, k=k))
    #retrieve the actual y from the tarining set
    predKNoptimal <- as.integer(as.character(yTRAIN[indicatorsKN]))
    #if k > 1 than we take the proportion of 1s
    predKN[,i] <- rowMeans(data.frame(matrix(data=predKNoptimal,ncol=k,nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE_KN))))

  predictions$KN <- rowMeans(predKN)
  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorKN <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$KN,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$KN <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorKN, newdata=predictions$KN)
  } else {
    predictions$KN <- rank(predictions$KN,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$KN)

    if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

      evalKN <-  AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$KN),yVALIDATE))

    } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

      evalKN <-  AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$KN),yVALIDATE))

    } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

      evalKN <-  AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$KN),yVALIDATE))
  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalKN)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "KN"
  if ("NB" %in% algorithms){
  # Bagged Naive Bayes
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Bagged Naive Bayes \n')

  #bagging and issue with factors. 
  # To avoid possible problems with factors that do not exist in new data
  # convert all indicators to numeric
  # SAME CODE AS FOR KN. Do not run if already exists in environment
  if (!exists("xTRAIN_KN")){
      xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN, as.numeric))
      xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xTRAIN_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))
      xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATE, as.numeric))
      xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(sapply(xVALIDATE_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))
      x_KN <- data.frame(sapply(x, as.numeric))
      x_KN <- data.frame(sapply(x_KN, function(x) if(length(unique(x))==2 && min(x)==1) x-1 else x))
      # normalize the data
      minimaKN <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN,min)
      maximaKN <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN,max)
      xTRAIN_KN <- data.frame(t((t(xTRAIN_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))
      xVALIDATE_KN <- data.frame(t((t(xVALIDATE_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))
      #for final model
      minimaKN <- sapply(x_KN,min)
      maximaKN <- sapply(x_KN,max)
      x_KN <- data.frame(t((t(x_KN)-minimaKN)/(maximaKN-minimaKN)))

  NB <- list()
  predNB <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(xVALIDATE_KN),ncol=NB.size))

  for (i in 1:NB.size) {
        #make sure we don't make constants in bootstrapping
        noconst <- FALSE
            ind <- sample(nrow(xTRAIN_KN),size=round(1*nrow(xTRAIN_KN)), replace=TRUE)
            const <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
         	  if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(xTRAIN_KN[ind,],function(x) (length(unique(x))==2 && any(table(x) <= round(nrow(xTRAIN_KN[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))   )
      		  noconst <- sum(const) == 0

        NB[[i]] <- naiveBayes(xTRAIN_KN[ind,], yTRAIN[ind])

        #Compute the predictions for weight optimization
        predNB[,i] <- predict(object=NB[[i]], xVALIDATE_KN, type = "raw", threshold = 0.001)[,2]

  predictions$NB <- as.numeric(rowMeans(predNB))
  if (calibrate) {
    calibratorNB <-  .calibrate(x=predictions$NB,y=yVALIDATE)
    predictions$NB <- .predict.calibrate(object=calibratorNB, newdata=predictions$NB)
  } else {
    predictions$NB <- rank(predictions$NB,ties.method="min")/length(predictions$NB)

  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {

      evalNB <-  AUC::auc(specificity(as.numeric(predictions$NB),yVALIDATE))

  } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {

      evalNB <-  AUC::auc(sensitivity(as.numeric(predictions$NB),yVALIDATE))

  } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {

      evalNB <- AUC::auc(roc(as.numeric(predictions$NB),yVALIDATE))

  evaluations <- c(evaluations,evalNB)
  names(evaluations)[length(evaluations)] <- "NB"

  #Create final model

  # for (i in 1:NB.size) {
  #   #make sure we don't make constants in bootstrapping
  #   noconst <- FALSE
  #   while(noconst==FALSE){
  #     ind <- sample(nrow(x_KN),size=round(1*nrow(x_KN)), replace=TRUE)
  #     const <- sapply(x_KN[ind,],function(x){all(as.numeric(x[1])==as.numeric(x))})
  #     if (!is.null(filter)) const <- sapply(x_KN[ind,],function(z) (length(unique(z))==2 && any(table(z) <= round(nrow(x_KN[ind,])*filter))) || all(as.numeric(z[1])==as.numeric(z))   )
  #   	noconst <- sum(const) == 0
  #   }
  #   NB[[i]] <- naiveBayes(x_KN[ind,], y[ind])
  # }
  #storing objects

  performance <- evaluations / sum(evaluations)

  #select single best
  SB <- names(evaluations)[which.max(performance)]

  result <- list(LR=LR,LR.lambda=LR.lambda, RF=RF,AB=AB,KF=KF,NN=NN,SV=SV,RoF=RoF,SB=SB,KN.K=k,x_KN=x_KN,y_KN=y,KN.size=KN.size, NB=NB,
                 calibratorLR=calibratorLR, calibratorRF=calibratorRF, calibratorAB=calibratorAB,calibratorKF=calibratorKF,
                 calibratorNN=calibratorNN, calibratorSV=calibratorSV, calibratorRoF=calibratorRoF,calibratorKN=calibratorKN, 
                 xVALIDATE=xVALIDATE, predictions=predictions, yVALIDATE=yVALIDATE,

  #compute weights for combine
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('Combine base classfiers \n')
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Simple mean \n')
  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Authority \n')
  #objective function

  predictions <- data.matrix(predictions)

  evaluate <- function(string = c()) {

            stringRepaired <- as.numeric(string)/sum(as.numeric(string))

            weightedprediction <- as.numeric(rowSums(t(as.numeric(stringRepaired) * t(predictions))))

            if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {
              returnVal <- -AUC::auc(specificity(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))
            } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {
              returnVal <- -AUC::auc(sensitivity(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))
            } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {
              returnVal <- -AUC::auc(roc(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))

  #genalg package: genetic algorithm
  if (tolower('rbga') %in% tolower(combine)) {

    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Genetic Algorithm \n')

    tuning <- list(popSize=rbga.popSize,
    grid <- expand.grid(tuning)

    perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=length(algorithms)+ncol(grid)))
    #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
    names(perf) <- c(paste0("weight",names(evaluations)),"auc")
    colnames(perf)[(length(algorithms)+2):ncol(perf)] <- colnames(grid)

    #create starting values for GA
    sugges <- matrix(0,nrow=ncol(predictions),
    for (i in 1:ncol(predictions))  {
      sugges[i,i] <- 1

    for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){

      rbga.results <- rbga(stringMin=rep(0, ncol(predictions)),
                           stringMax=rep(1, ncol(predictions)),
                           suggestions = rbind(
                           popSize = grid[i,]$popSize,
                           iters = grid[i,]$iters,
                           mutationChance = grid[i,]$mutationChance,
                           evalFunc = evaluate)

      weightsRBGA <- rbga.results$population[which.min(rbga.results$evaluations),]
      weightsRBGA <- as.numeric(weightsRBGA)/sum(as.numeric(weightsRBGA))

      perf[i,] <- c(weightsRBGA,-rbga.results$evaluations[which.min(rbga.results$evaluations)],grid[i,])

    result$weightsRBGA  <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),paste0("weight",names(evaluations))]


 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #NMOF package: differential evolutionary algorithm
 #  if (tolower('DEopt') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Differential Evolutionary Algorithm \n')
 #    initial  <- cbind(t(rbind(c(performance),
 #                              rev(performance),
 #                              c(rep((1/ncol(predictions)),ncol(predictions))),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001))),
 #                        array(runif(8 * DEopt.nP), dim = c(8, DEopt.nP-11)))
 #    initial <- t(t(initial)/colSums(initial))
 #    tuning <- list(nP=DEopt.nP,nG=DEopt.nG,F=DEopt.F,CR=DEopt.CR)
 #    grid <- expand.grid(tuning)
 #    perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=9+ncol(grid)))
 #    #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
 #    names(perf) <- c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN","auc")
 #    colnames(perf)[(sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + 1) : (sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + length(colnames(grid)))] <- colnames(grid)
 #    for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
 #         algo <- list( nP = grid[i,]$nP, ## population size
 #                nG = grid[i,]$nG, ## number of generations
 #                F = grid[i,]$F, ## step size
 #                CR = grid[i,]$CR,
 #                min = rep(0, ncol(predictions)),
 #                max = rep(1, ncol(predictions)),
 #                initP=initial,
 #                minmaxConstr=TRUE,
 #                repair = NULL,
 #                pen = NULL,
 #                printBar = FALSE,
 #                printDetail = FALSE,
 #                loopOF = TRUE, ## do not vectorise
 #                loopPen = TRUE, ## do not vectorise
 #                loopRepair = TRUE, ## do not vectorise
 #                storeF=FALSE)
 #          DEopt.results <- DEopt(OF = evaluate,algo = algo)
 #          weightsDEOPT <- as.numeric(DEopt.results$xbest)/sum(as.numeric(DEopt.results$xbest))
 #          perf[i,] <- c(weightsDEOPT,-DEopt.results$OFvalue,grid[i,])
 #  }
 #  result$weightsDEOPT  <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN")]
 #  }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #GenSA package: generalized simulated annealing
 #  if (tolower('GenSA') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Generalized Simulated Annealing \n')
 #  tuning <- list(maxit=GenSA.maxit,temperature=GenSA.temperature,max.call=GenSA.max.call,visiting.param=GenSA.visiting.param, acceptance.param= GenSA.acceptance.param)
 #  grid <- expand.grid(tuning)
 #  perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=9+ncol(grid)))
 #  #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
 #  names(perf) <- c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN","auc")
 #  colnames(perf)[(sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + 1) : (sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + length(colnames(grid)))] <- colnames(grid)
 #  for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
 #    GenSA.results <- GenSA(par=rep((1/ncol(predictions)),ncol(predictions)),lower=rep(0, ncol(predictions)),upper=rep(1, ncol(predictions)),
 #                           fn=evaluate, control=list(maxit=grid[i,]$maxit,
 #                                                     temperature=grid[i,]$temperature,
 #                                                     max.call=grid[i,]$max.call,
 #                                                     visiting.param=grid[i,]$visiting.param,
 #                                                     acceptance.param=grid[i,]$acceptance.param))
 #    weightsGENSA <- as.numeric(GenSA.results$par)/sum(as.numeric(GenSA.results$par))
 #    perf[i,] <- c(weightsGENSA,-GenSA.results$value,grid[i,])
 #  }
 #  result$weightsGENSA  <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN")]
 #  }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #Rmalschains package: memetic algorithm with local search chains
 #  if (tolower('malschains') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Memetic Algorithm with Local Search Chains \n')
 #  quiet <-function(f){
 #    return(function(...) {capture.output(w<-f(...));return(w);});
 #  }
 #  initial  <- rbind(t(cbind(performance,
 #                            c(rep((1/ncol(predictions)),ncol(predictions))),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.001,0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),
 #                             c(0.993,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001))),
 #                    array(runif(8 * malschains.popsize), dim = c(malschains.popsize-10,8)))
 #  initial <- initial/rowSums(initial)
 #  tuning <- list(maxEvals=malschains.maxEvals,
 #                 popsize=malschains.popsize,
 #                 ls=as.character(malschains.ls),
 #                 istep= malschains.istep,
 #                 effort=malschains.effort,
 #                 alpha=malschains.alpha,
 #                 threshold= malschains.threshold,
 #                 optimum=-1.1)
 #  grid <- expand.grid(tuning)
 #  perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=9+ncol(grid)))
 #  #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
 #  names(perf) <- c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN","auc")
 #  colnames(perf)[(sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + 1) : (sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + length(colnames(grid)))] <- colnames(grid)
 #  for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
 #   malschains.results <-quiet(malschains)(fn=evaluate,
 #                                        lower=rep(0, ncol(predictions)),
 #                                        upper=rep(1, ncol(predictions)),
 #                                        initialpop=initial,
 #                                        control=malschains.control(popsize=grid[i,]$popsize,
 #                                                                   ls=as.character(grid[i,]$ls),
 #                                                                   istep= grid[i,]$istep,
 #                                                                   effort=grid[i,]$effort,
 #                                                                   alpha=grid[i,]$alpha,
 #                                                                   threshold= grid[i,]$threshold,
 #                                                                    optimum=-1),
 #                                        maxEvals=grid[i,]$maxEvals)
 #    weightsMALSCHAINS <- as.numeric(malschains.results$sol)/sum(as.numeric(malschains.results$sol))
 #    perf[i,] <- c(weightsMALSCHAINS,-malschains.results$fitness,grid[i,])
 #  }
 #    result$weightsMALSCHAINS <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN")]
 # }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #pso package: Particle Swarm Optimization
 #  if (tolower('psoptim') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Particle Swarm Optimization \n')
 #    tuning <- list(maxit= psoptim.maxit, maxf=psoptim.maxf, abstol= psoptim.abstol,reltol=psoptim.reltol,s=psoptim.s,k=psoptim.k,p=psoptim.p,w=psoptim.w,c.p=psoptim.c.p,c.g= psoptim.c.g)
 #    grid <- expand.grid(tuning)
 #    perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=9+ncol(grid)))
 #    #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
 #    names(perf) <- c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN","auc")
 #    colnames(perf)[(sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + 1) : (sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + length(colnames(grid)))] <- colnames(grid)
 #    for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
 #      psoptim.results <- psoptim(par=rep((1/ncol(predictions)),ncol(predictions)),
 #                                 fn=evaluate,
 #                                 lower=rep(0, ncol(predictions)),
 #                                 upper=rep(1, ncol(predictions)),
 #                                 control=list(maxit= grid[i,]$maxit,
 #                                          maxf=grid[i,]$maxf,
 #                                          abstol= grid[i,]$abstol,
 #                                          reltol=grid[i,]$reltol,
 #                                          s=grid[i,]$s,
 #                                          k=grid[i,]$k,
 #                                          p=grid[i,]$p,
 #                                          w=grid[i,]$w,
 #                                          c.p=grid[i,]$c.p,
 #                                          c.g= grid[i,]$c.g,
 #                                          type="SPSO2011")
 #                                 )
 #      weightsPSOPTIM <- as.numeric(psoptim.results$par)/sum(as.numeric(psoptim.results$par))
 #      perf[i,] <- c(weightsPSOPTIM,-psoptim.results$value,grid[i,])
 #    }
 #    result$weightsPSOPTIM  <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN")]
 #  }
  #soma: Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm

  if (tolower('soma') %in% tolower(combine)) {

  if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm \n')

  #suppress info

  tuning <- list(  pathLength=soma.pathLength,
  grid <- expand.grid(tuning)

  perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=length(algorithms)+ncol(grid)))
  #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
  names(perf) <- c(paste0("weight",names(evaluations)),"auc")
  colnames(perf)[(length(algorithms)+2):ncol(perf)] <- colnames(grid)
  for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
    soma.results <- soma(evaluate, list(min=rep(0, ncol(predictions)),max=rep(1, ncol(predictions))),
                         options = list(  pathLength=grid[i,]$pathLength,

    weightsSOMA <- soma.results$population[,which.min(soma.results$cost)]
    weightsSOMA <- as.numeric(weightsSOMA)/sum(as.numeric(weightsSOMA))
    perf[i,] <- c(weightsSOMA,- soma.results$cost[soma.results$leader],grid[i,])


  result$weightsSOMA  <-  perf[which.max(perf$auc),paste0("weight",names(evaluations))]


 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #tabu: Tabu Search Algorithm
 #  if (tolower('tabu') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Tabu Search Algorithm \n')
 #            BinaryVectorToReal <- function(y) {
 #              ii=0
 #              y.paste <- as.character()
 #              for (i in seq(0,(length(y)-11),by=11) )  {ii <- ii + 1 ;  y.paste[ii] <- paste(y[(i+1):(i+11)],collapse='')}
 #              real <- .unbinary(y.paste)
 #              res <- real/sum(real)
 #              res
 #            }
 #            RealVectorToBinary <- function(x) {
 #              x <- x*100
 #              y <- .binary(x,mb=10)
 #              y <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(as.character(y), "")))
 #              y
 #            }
 #            #tabusearch maximizes, hence we need to change the objective function
 #            evaluateTabu <- function(string = c()) {
 #                        string <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(as.character(string), "")))
 #                        x <- BinaryVectorToReal(y=string)
 #                        returnVal <- NA
 #                        weightedprediction <- rowSums(t(as.numeric(x) * t(predictions)))
 #                        if (tolower(eval.measure)=='spec') {
 #                          returnVal <- AUC::auc(specificity(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))
 #                        } else if (tolower(eval.measure)=='sens') {
 #                          returnVal <- AUC::auc(sensitivity(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))
 #                        } else  if (tolower(eval.measure)=='auc') {
 #                          returnVal <- AUC::auc(roc(weightedprediction,yVALIDATE))
 #                        }
 #                        returnVal
 #             }
 #            config <- RealVectorToBinary(performance)
 #            tuning <- list(  iters=tabu.iters,
 #                             listSize=tabu.listSize
 #                          )
 #            grid <- expand.grid(tuning)
 #            perf <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(grid),ncol=9+ncol(grid)))
 #            #note: everywhere in perf, the auc is not only for auc but also for sens and spec
 #            names(perf) <- c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN","auc")
 #            colnames(perf)[(sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + 1) : (sum(!is.na(colnames(perf))) + length(colnames(grid)))] <- colnames(grid)
 #            for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){
 #                tabu.results <- tabuSearch(size = length(config),
 #                                         iters = grid[i,]$iters,
 #                                         listSize=grid[i,]$listSize,
 #                                         objFunc = evaluateTabu,
 #                                         config=config)
 #                weightsTABU <- tabu.results$configKeep[which.max(tabu.results$eUtilityKeep),]
 #                weightsTABU <-  BinaryVectorToReal(y=weightsTABU)
 #                perf[i,] <- c(weightsTABU, tabu.results$eUtilityKeep[which.max(tabu.results$eUtilityKeep)],grid[i,])
 #            }
 #            result$weightsTABU  <- perf[which.max(perf$auc),c("weightLR","weightRF","weightAB","weightKF","weightNN","weightSV","weightRoF","weightKN")]
 #  }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #LHNNLS (Code adapted from the SuperLearner package)
 #  if (tolower('LHNNLS') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #    #adapted from Superlearner package
 #    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Lawson-Hanson Non-negative least squares \n')
 #    # compute coef
 #    fit.nnls <- nnls(as.matrix(predictions), yVALIDATE)
 #    initCoef <- coef(fit.nnls)
 #    initCoef[is.na(initCoef)] <- 0.0
 #    # normalize so sum(coef) = 1 if possible
 #    result$weightsLHNNLS <- initCoef/sum(initCoef)
 #  }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #GINNLS (Code adapted from the SuperLearner package)
 #  if (tolower('GINNLS') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #    #adapted from Superlearner package
 #    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Goldfarb-Idnani Non-negative least squares \n')
 #    # compute coef
 #    .NNLS <- function(x, y) {
 #      D <- t(x) %*% x
 #      d <- t(t(y) %*% x)
 #      A <- diag(ncol(x))
 #      b <- rep(0, ncol(x))
 #      fit <- solve.QP(Dmat = D, dvec = d, Amat = t(A), bvec = b, meq=0)
 #      invisible(fit)
 #    }
 #    fit.nnls <- .NNLS(x = as.matrix(predictions), y = as.integer(as.character(yVALIDATE)))
 #    initCoef <- fit.nnls$solution
 #    initCoef[initCoef < 0] <- 0.0
 #    initCoef[is.na(initCoef)] <- 0.0
 #    result$weightsGINNLS <- initCoef/sum(initCoef)
 #  }
 #  ########################################################################################################################################
 #  #NNloglik (Code adapted from the SuperLearner package)
 #  if (tolower('NNloglik') %in% tolower(combine)) {
 #    #adapted from Superlearner package
 #    if (verbose==TRUE) cat('   Non-negative binomial likelihood  \n')
 #    trimLogit <- function(x, trim=0.00001) {
 #      x[x < trim] <- trim
 #      x[x > (1-trim)] <- (1-trim)
 #      foo <- log(x/(1-x))
 #      return(foo)
 #    }
 #    .NNloglik <- function(x, y,  start = rep(0, ncol(x))) {
 #      # adapted from MASS pg 445
 #      fmin <- function(beta, X, y) {
 #        p <- plogis(crossprod(t(X), beta))
 #        -sum(2 *  ifelse(y, log(p), log(1-p)))
 #      }
 #      gmin <- function(beta, X, y) {
 #        eta <- X %*% beta
 #        p <- plogis(eta)
 #        -2 * t( dlogis(eta) * ifelse(y, 1/p, -1/(1-p))) %*% X
 #      }
 #      fit <- optim(start, fmin, gmin, X = x, y = y,  method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0)
 #      invisible(fit)
 #    }
 #    tempZ <- trimLogit(predictions)
 #    fit.nnloglik <- .NNloglik(x = as.matrix(tempZ), y = as.integer(as.character(yVALIDATE)))
 #    initCoef <- fit.nnloglik$par
 #    initCoef[initCoef < 0] <- 0.0
 #    initCoef[is.na(initCoef)] <- 0.0
 #    result$weightsNNloglik  <- initCoef/sum(initCoef)
 #  }
  class(result) <- "hybridEnsemble"


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