plotbandsonly: Adds uncertainty bounds to an existing plot.

View source: R/plotbandsonly.R

plotbandsonlyR Documentation

Adds uncertainty bounds to an existing plot.


Adds a polygon representing uncertainty bounds to an existing plot.


plotbandsonly(lband, uband, dates, date.fmt="%Y-%m-%d",
          bands.col="lightblue", border= NA, ...)



zoo or xts object with the values of the lower band.


zoo or xts object with the values of the upper band.


OPTIONAL. Date, factor, or character object indicating the dates that will be assigned to lband and uband.
If dates is a factor or character vector, its values are converted to dates using the date format specified by date.fmt.
When lband and uband are already of zoo class, the values provided by dates over-write the original dates of the objects.


OPTIONAL. Character indicating the format of dates. See format in as.Date.


See polygon. Color to be used for filling the area between the lower and upper uncertainty bound.


See polygon. The color to draw the border. The default, 'NULL', means to use 'par("fg")'. Use 'border = NA' to omit borders.


further arguments passed to the polygon function for plotting the bands, or from other methods


It requires the hydroTSM package


Mauricio Zambrano Bigiarini <>

See Also

pfactor, rfactor


# Loading daily streamflows of the Ega River (Spain), from 1961 to 1970
obs <- EgaEnEstellaQts

# Selecting only the daily values belonging to the year 1961
obs <- window(obs, end=as.Date("1961-12-31"))

# Generating the lower and upper uncertainty bounds
lband <- obs - 5
uband <- obs + 5

## Not run: 
plot(obs, type="n")
plotbandsonly(lband, uband)
points(obs, col="blue", cex=0.6, type="o")

## End(Not run)

hydroGOF documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:19 a.m.