set_value: Set user defined values

View source: R/ff_set_value.R

set_valueR Documentation

Set user defined values


Specify specific values between dates.


set_value(x, col_name, out_name = NULL, value, from, to)



data frame or tibble with class Date or POSIX* in the first column.


string with column(s) name(s) to set.


optional. String with new column(s) name(s). If you set it as NULL, the function will overwrite the original data frame.


numeric vector with the numeric values to set between dates (from and to). If you provide a number it will be recycled. When using a multiple dates (i.e.: "date" vector in from and to) use a list with a numeric vector inside each element.


string vector for 'Date' class or POSIX* class for date-time data with the starting date.


string vector for 'Date' class or POSIX* class for date-time data with the ending date.


The same table but with the set numeric values between the dates.


# create a data frame
dates   <- seq.Date(from = as.Date('1990-01-01'), to = as.Date('1990-12-01'), by = 'm')
met_var <- runif(n = 12, 0, 10)

met_table <- data.frame(dates, met_var)

# set single value recycling
set_value(x = met_table, col_name = 'met_var', value = 10,
 from = '1990-01-01', to = '1990-06-01' )

# set different periods
set_value(x = met_table, col_name = 'met_var', value = list(NA_real_, c(1, 2) ),
 from = c('1990-01-01', '1990-11-01'), to = c('1990-06-01', '1990-12-01') )

# now set as new columns
set_value(x = met_table, col_name = 'met_var', out_name = 'met_set',
 value = list(NA_real_, c(1, 2) ),
 from = c('1990-01-01', '1990-11-01'),
  to = c('1990-06-01', '1990-12-01') )

hydrotoolbox documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:34 a.m.